The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 552

Huang Fu Xian fell to the ground, in a way that he thought was very shameful, but when Xiao Jingkong slid down from the window sill to help him, he was mercilessly rejected.

He put his hands on the armrest and struggled back into the wheelchair.

I don't know whether he is angry or ashamed, his cheeks are red.

There was a strange feeling in his heart, like the tide surging, and he didn't know what was wrong with him.

Xiao Jingkong, with his hands behind him, looked at him with a crooked head: "little brother, are you shy?"

"I didn't!" Huang Fu Xian said with a red face.

Small clearance: "Oh."

Huang Fuxian: what's the tone of disbelief?

Huang Fu Xian said coldly, "what are you doing here? Didn't I let you go? "

No, the little guy's gone, isn't he?

Why did he come back after he said such hurtful words?

Xiaojingkong said honestly, "I'm leaving, but I remember something I forgot to tell you."

Xiaojingkong is a very planned child. What he planned must be done. Otherwise, when he was in the countryside, he would not be worried because Gu Yan didn't abide by his lunch plan.

"What's the matter?" Huang Fu Xian's tone was cold.

"Your legs." Little clearance pointed to the stump of his leg, which he had covered under the blanket again.

Huang Fu Xian's pupil shrinks.

His legs are his taboo, no one can touch, no one can see, no one can lift.

Huang Fu Xian's air cooled down.

Small clearance is not affected to finish his words: "Jiao Jiao has a way to let you stand up again!"

Huang Fu Xian's eyes moved slightly. There was such a short moment that his heart suddenly tightened, but it was only a moment.

Soon he was in a state of peace.

He heard too much about this. As early as in the frontier fortress, there were countless witch doctors, doctors and even famous doctors who could cure him.

It's ridiculous that he believed it when he was young.

The end result is to coax him.

In the end, he finally realized the fact that his legs are not branches. If they are broken in winter, they will grow again in spring.

He will never have legs in his life, let alone the chance to stand up.

Xiaojingkong said seriously: "Jiaojiao said that as long as you work hard, you will be able to stand up!"

Oh, work hard?

Huang Fu Xian gave a cold smile.

Even if he can really stand up, it must be in a dream.

The funny thing is that he has been disabled for so long that he has forgotten the feeling of standing up, and he can't dream of the real feeling.

Huang Fuxian didn't seriously consider whether xiaojingkong and Jiaojiao were charlatans. Maybe they were just cheating a child.

"Don't waste your time, kid," he said

I can't stand up.

Xiaojingkong said firmly: "Jiaojiao said you can, you can! Next time I'll bring Jiaojiao to see you! "

After that, he turned over the windowsill and left with a jump.

Xiaojingkong went back to Renshou palace.

Duke Qin went to work. The Empress Dowager Zhuang was alone in the bedroom hall. She came into the room and looked at the Empress Dowager. She said, "aunt! You steal again! I'll tell Jiao Jiao

Empress Dowager Zhuang almost choked on a mouthful of preserved fruit!

Xiaojingkong came to confiscate her preserves.

Empress Dowager Zhuang seized the box of preserves and said, "these are all saved by the AI family these days!"

Xiaojingkong said seriously, "Jiaojiao said that you can't save preserves!"

What you didn't eat before, you can't eat back later! Anyway, you can only eat five a day! My aunt has just eaten five!

Empress Dowager Zhuang is determined to defend her preserves. Is it easy for her to save so much?

"Give it to me!" Said empress dowager Zhuang with great momentum.

"No!" Little clearance said without any sign of weakness.

An old man and a small one hold the two ends of the box and stare at each other. It seems that there is an invisible contest in the bedroom.

"Empress dowager, your majesty has a snack delivered."

At the gate, a little maid in waiting reported.

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked at xiaojingkong fiercely: "let go."

Small clear space also milk fierce milk fierce ground looks to aunt: "do not want."

Empress Dowager Zhuang took a deep breath and slowly released her hand: "OK, all for you, all for you."

Small clearance picked pick eyebrows, showing a little smile of victory.

"Go and see what kind of snack." Empress Dowager Zhuang said to Xiao Jingkong.

"Oh." Xiaojingkong put the snack plate on the table and ran to the door to pick up the snack.

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked at Xiao Jiu, who was sweeping snow with his wings on the crabapple tree, and hid the box of preserves: "ah! Xiao Jiu has taken away the candied fruit

Again inexplicable back pot of small nine:!!


After the 15th day of the first month of Zhao state, the court meeting will begin. The emperor carefully prepared for the coming court meeting in the imperial library, reading the memorials presented by the cabinet and various voices collected from the people by his spies.

Among them, the voice of canonization of Princess Ning'an as the protector of the country is very high, and the people all praise Princess Ning'an, as if she had become an indispensable force in this battle.

When the emperor favored Ning'an, he would not resent the reputation of the people for her. He just hesitated when he thought of the ambitious Huang Fu Xian.

Outside the door came a little eunuch. Duke Wei went out quietly, listened to the other side whispered a few words, and waved his hand to let the other side back.

Then he turned and went into the imperial study: "Your Majesty, please see Gu Shizi."

"Xuan." Said the emperor.

Gu Changqing made great contributions, and the emperor now treats him highly.

Gu Changqing, dressed in plain brocade, bowed his hand and saluted: "I have seen your majesty."

The emperor said with a kind face: "don't be polite. You have something to start when you come to see me?"

"Exactly." Gu Changqing said solemnly, "I want to leave Beijing for a few days to visit the family of Deputy General Zhao and general Qi. They made great contributions in this battle. They could have survived, but in order to save their soldiers and lingguancheng people, they chose to die with the general of Chen. Weichen wants to take their military card back in person. "

The body of a horse is wrapped in a shroud. If you don't return it for thousands of miles, the only thing you can bring back to your hometown is an army card to prove your identity.

This was originally Gu Changqing's plan, but there was something wrong with xianleju. The trip was ahead of schedule. After condoling their families, he was going to find out the details of the young master of xianleju.

The emperor could not refuse such a request.

The emperor sighed, nodded and said, "go ahead. I will reward you when you return to Beijing."

Gu Changqing arched his hand and said, "what I want is not a reward. I just want the country to be peaceful and the people to be harmonious, the people to be well-off, the men to work and the women to weave, and I don't have to suffer from war and displacement any more."

How could this not be the emperor's expectation?

As a lower Kingdom, Zhao's economy and military strength are far inferior to those of the upper three kingdoms. Although the people in the capital live in peace and contentment, in fact, in such a bitter and cold place as the frontier fortress, it is not easy for the people to live frugally and even to feed themselves.

However, the state of Yan, which also has a cold ice field, can make people's livelihood rich and the people will not suffer from hunger and cold.

If he can, he really wants to go to the state of Yan to learn from it and see how the monarch of the state of Yan managed a country to become the first power of the six countries in just a few decades.

With the emperor's permission, Gu Changqing left the capital that day, accompanied by two generals of Gu's army, so no one doubted that he had other purposes.

Gu Changqing's visit this day caused a great stir in the emperor's heart. Suddenly, he felt that his reward was not enough?

After thinking about it, the emperor called Duke Wei over: "how is the injury of the old Marquis?"

Duke Wei said with a smile: "it's said that it's OK. If you can walk down the ground, it's not as sharp as before. Miss Gu said that you can recover from what you have to recover in the future!"

The Emperor gave a hum and said, "send someone to the Marquis's residence in Ding'an to bring the old Marquis to the palace. I have something to discuss with him. Remember, slow down, don't bump the old Marquis

"Why don't you go there yourself?" Asked Duke Wei.

"That's fine." The emperor said.

Duke Wei went to the Duke's residence in Ding'an and took him to the palace.

Although the Marquis is able to walk on the ground, he can't walk for long. His limbs have been broken. Although he has grown well now, he still has to keep them.

It was a great honor for the emperor to let him sit in a sedan chair all the way to the imperial study.

After he entered the imperial study, the emperor immediately gave him a seat.

"Your Majesty." The Marquis was flattered and planned to stand up and reply.

The emperor pressed his hand: "sit down, Gu Aiqing. You are my minister. You have made great contributions to the frontier fortress."

The emperor was very clear about the role played by the marquis in this battle. If it wasn't for him, Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng would not go to the frontier fortress. If they didn't go to the frontier fortress, Zhao would lose an excellent general, the frontier fortress would lose one more city, and the plague would kill countless people... The emperor might also lose Ning'an forever.

In short, thanks to Gu Chao.

What's more, Gu Changqing and Gu's army were so brave, why didn't Gu Chao be captured?

"I don't deserve it." The Marquis handed over his hand.

The emperor said with emotion: "Gu Chao, Gu Chao, you are a blessed man, and your grandchildren are excellent."

Gu Changqing needless to say that the child has never been disappointed since he was young.

Gu Chengfeng and Gu Jiao are happy by accident.

"Your Majesty, I'm flattered." The old Marquis said humbly.

"Well, you and I have been monarchs and ministers for many years, so there is no need to talk about these scenes. I'm calling you to the palace today to discuss with you how to reward your grandchildren. "

Although the Marquis is a military general, he is still sensitive to numbers, but it is clear that he has only two grandchildren to go to the frontier fortress——

"I'm going to promote your eldest grandson Gu Changqing as the general of zhengsanpin Dingbei, and your second grandson Gu Chengfeng as the commander of zhengliupin Yueqi."

Hearing this, although the Marquis felt that the reward was a little big, he also understood that the return of the war was not only a means to pacify the soldiers and boost their morale, but also a strategy to win the hearts of the people.

However, the emperor's next words made the Marquis puzzled.

"Your granddaughter is not bad either. I'm going to make her a princess, and the title will be decided by the Imperial Academy."

"Wait a minute, your majesty. You just said my granddaughter? Why did your majesty reward my granddaughter? "

Your majesty wants to reward even the grandson of Gu family who has no merit. Shouldn't you start with Gu Chengfeng and Gu Yan?

That girl is just a girl!

Reward her for what she does!

The emperor laughed and said, "the little miracle doctor has made great contributions to the frontier fortress. Of course, I will reward her."

The old Marquis was stunned: "she... Made contributions?"

Did the girl go to the frontier?

The Marquis said he didn't understand!

Yes, the medical staff went to the frontier fortress. She must have gone with the medical team.

What is Gu Chao's reaction?

The emperor frowned slightly and said, "she and marshal Tang guarded the ancient city of the moon, waiting for the Gu family army to come to the rescue, and she also saved you."

The old Marquis said excitedly: "it's my little brother's credit! It was my little brother who fought for several days and nights in yuegucheng. It was also my little brother who went to Taishou's house and rescued me. By the way, even my injury was treated by my little brother. It can't be because the people in her hospital changed the medicine for me several times, and the credit will be her! Your majesty, if you want a reward, please give it to my little brother! "

No one can take credit from his little brother!

No granddaughter!

Who let his little brother be wronged, he and who urgent!

Now the emperor will be confused.

What little brother?

speak of the devil.

Gu Jiaoyuan entered the palace to meet Xiao Jingkong. When she learned that he was going to enter the palace, she asked him to bring a memorial to the emperor.

She is here to deliver a memorial to the emperor.

Of course, Duke Wei won't stop her. After all, it's not about military affairs. Duke Wei leads people to the door of the imperial study: "Your Majesty."

As soon as the emperor turned his head and saw Gu Jiao at the door, he waved to her with a smile: "come on in! Just talking about you

Gu Jiao stepped in.

But as soon as she stepped into the threshold, she saw the old Marquis sitting on the chair.

She stopped on the spot!

The Marquis turned to see who it was.

At the critical moment, Gu jiaoshu took out her mask and put it on her face!

But Gu Jiao forgot, this is not in the frontier, she is wearing a woman's dress.