The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 554

In the hospital, Xiao Heng is chatting with his second boss in his study. Recently Gu Jiao lives in the hospital, and the number of times Xiao Heng comes here has changed.

"Brother Xiao, brother Xiao."

Outside the door, Xiao Jiangli waves to Xiao Heng in a low voice.

Xiao Heng looked out the door and said to erdongjia who was making tea: "excuse me, I'll see if Jiaojiao has come back."

"Go," the second owner said

The young couple really love each other. I think he and his wife were so close to each other in those years. Even with the lapse of time, he couldn't afford to pay the public grain, so he didn't dare to go to his wife.

Xiao Heng out of the study, and Xiaojiang pear went downstairs to a warehouse.

Xiaojiangli looks out and makes sure no one is near before she closes the door. She whispers to Xiao Heng, "brother Xiao, sister Mo, there has been someone in the room."

Xiaojiangli is the medicine boy of xianleju. On the surface, she is going to relieve Mo Qianxue's boredom, but actually she is a spy sent by Xiao Heng.

Xiao Heng, after all, is not the person Mo Qianxue really knows. He is a little bit on guard against Mo Qianxue.

"Who?" He asked.

Xiaojiangli shook her head: "I didn't see her clearly. I heard that her voice was a woman about the same age as sister mo. maybe it was a little bigger. Her voice was not as beautiful as sister Mo's young voice."

Xiao Heng has seen the case file of xianleju and knows that Mo Qianxue is 17 this year. Xiao Heng, a little older than her, is the first to think of Hua Xiyao.

Huaxi Yao 19, Fucheng people.

Of course, the native place can be forged, and so can the age. But Xing Shangshu met Hua Xiyao, and he decided that Hua Xiyao's age was less than 20.

Xiaojiangli said, "she gave me medicine as soon as she came."

Xiao Heng frowned: "are you drugged? Are you all right? "

Xiaojiangli shakes her head again. It's good to be cared about. Xiaojiangli pats her chest happily and says, "those drugs are useless to me."

What do you mean, useless Xiao Heng didn't understand.

Xiaojiangli grabbed her pigtail: "that's... I'm in good health, especially resistant to drugs! That's what my brother said! I'll drink as much as I can! "

Xiao Heng: you are only nine years old. Can you drink?

Xiao Heng said, "you are still young. Don't drink in the future."

"Well... OK." Xiaojiangli thinks this suggestion is not unacceptable. Anyway, she doesn't like drinking.

Xiao Heng said: "tell me what happened after you were drugged."

"After I was drugged, I was a little sleepy, so I pretended to be asleep. What she gave me was sweat medicine, and that's what she said," she recalled

This is strange.

The normal way to say it is that I heard her say that what she gave me was sweat medicine.

But xiaojiangli's words were clearly that she knew it was a kind of Mongolian medicine, which was later confirmed from the other party's mouth.

Xiao Heng asked, "do you still recognize Mongolian medicine?"

Xiaojiangli said with pride: "I've been a drug boy for so long. Of course I know each other. I also know arsenic and hedinghong."

Xiao Heng couldn't laugh or cry: "OK, go on."

"I heard the man say that the time limit of three days is up. When is my sister going to attack him? Elder sister should not be too soft hearted to start? Brother Xiao, who is that "he" she said? Is that you? "

It's Gu Jiao.

Xiao Heng's eyes were cool: "it's not me, is there anything else?"

"She said," young Lord, let me tell you that the plan has changed. In three days, I will lead him out of the capital! "

Within three days, leading to the capital?

The simpler it is, the more information it contains.

Why did the young master of xianleju suddenly give up killing Gu Jiao? Is it the young master of xianleju who thinks Mo Qianxue can't succeed, or does the other party think Gu Jiao has reuse value?

Killing Gu Jiao is different from bringing Gu Jiao out of the capital in terms of difficulty, but if we put it in the whole incident, we will find that the essence of the two is the same, that is, we must obtain Gu Jiao's absolute trust.

And if Mo Qianxue does this, whether she kills Gu Jiao or leads her out of the city, it can be done.

Therefore, it should be the utilization value of Gu Jiao, the latter.

What do they want to do with Gu Jiao?

Xiao Heng closed his eyes and connected all the events related to xianleju in his mind. Suddenly, a bold speculation came out - they wanted to catch Gu Jiao outside the city and use her to lead him out.

It's the gang!

He could almost conclude that once he fell into the hands of the gang, xianleju young master would immediately order to kill Gu Jiao.


Gu Jiao went to Renshou palace after she came out of the imperial study.

Xiaojingkong swings in the front yard, and Xiaojiu demolishes the bird cage made by the palace people on the nearby snow.

It's been a bit of a home wrecker lately, somehow.

"Jiao Jiao!"

Xiaojingkong sees Gu Jiao, stops the swing, jumps down from the sitting board and pours at her.

On a snowy day, he was sweating.

Gu Jiao took the handkerchief to wipe the sweat for him, and then touched his neck, also a piece of wet sweat.

"Go in and change your clothes." Gu Jiao said.

"Yes, Jiaojiao!" Small clearance special obediently should, holding Gu Jiao's hand a jump into the inner hall.

Empress Dowager Zhuang is eating candied fruit in her bedroom. She hears little Jingkong's little voice and hides the candied fruit quickly.

"Auntie." Gu Jiao went into the room and said hello to empress dowager Zhuang.

"Well." Empress Dowager Zhuang solemnly opened the fold on her desk and pretended to look at it.

Although she did not listen to the government behind the curtain, some of the discounts would still be sent to her. However, the number of gifts has been less recently. It seems that Zhuang Taifu has gradually become estranged from her.

Xiao Jingkong has lived in Renshou palace. Here he keeps his clothes.

Gu Jiao found a suit inside and outside to replace him.

When changing clothes, xiaojingkong said to Gujiao, "Jiaojiao, little brother agreed. When are you going to meet him?"

Gu Jiao said: "any time is OK. Is he in Bixia hall now?"

"Yes, yes!" Xiaojingkong said, suddenly a little stunned, "eh? How does Jiaojiao know it's the little brother of Bixia temple? "

Gu Jiao bent the corner of his lips, pointed his forehead and said: "because I have magic, I can see through the thoughts in your head."

Small clearance Shua hugged his small head: "I didn't want to play truant! No, no, no

Gu Jiao couldn't help laughing!

Gu Jiao laughs less and laughs more.

Her smile is always strange.

Empress Dowager Zhuang didn't smile when she heard Xiao Jingkong's words, but she couldn't help laughing at Gu Jiao's smile.

Gu Jiao laughed enough, and Xiao Jingkong's face turned red.

"I really didn't want to play truant." He said with a guilty heart.

Knowing that Gu Jiao was going to cure Huang Fu Xian's leg, Empress Dowager Zhuang didn't object. She asked Duke Qin to go to Bixia hall.

Not long after, Qin Gonggong came back, a face to report: "Xianer childe does not come, he said... He will not cure."

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "he said it himself?"

This words ask of, can still be rather an princess to say for him of don't become?

Qin Gonggong said: "yes, he said it himself, and his attitude is very firm."

Empress Dowager Zhuang sighed: "let him alone."

If he doesn't like it, he can't tie him up. It's not a minor disease. Just squeeze his mouth and pour a bowl of medicine.

If he doesn't cooperate, the doctor can't cure him.

Don't say to take empress dowager Yizhi pressure him what, that child is a will resist Zhi.

"Pass on the meal." Empress Dowager Zhuang said to Duke Qin.

Small clearance disappointed.

Back in the carriage, little clearance said nothing.

He was in a low mood.

Gu Jiao didn't know how to comfort him. She touched his little mushroom head and said in a soft voice, "do you want a hug?"

Xiaojingkong turns around and pours into Gu Jiao's arms.

Gu Jiao holds his soft little body and caresses his little back.

"Why doesn't little brother want to cure his leg?"


You're desperate about life, right?

I can't find the motivation to live. I don't care whether I have legs, whether I'm standing or sitting, or even crawling on my knees.

Xiaojingkong was sad and fell asleep in Gu Jiao's arms.

Gu Jiao took him back to Bishui Hutong.

When she was about to walk out of the carriage with a small clearance, Xiao Heng came out of the yard first and held out his hand: "I'll come."

"Good." Gu Jiao hands Xiao Heng the sleeping little clearance.

When leaving Gu Jiao, Xiao Jingkong struggled for a while, but after falling into Xiao Heng's arms, he rested on his arm and continued to sleep.

Xiao Heng put the little guy back to Westinghouse, took off his coat and shoes, and pulled over the quilt.

Gu Jiao plans to go to the hospital. Xiao Heng comes out and stops her: "Jiao Jiao, I have something to say to you."

They went to the east room.

Gu Jiao LIT an oil lamp.

After Xiao Heng adjusted the wick to the brightest, he ordered another oil lamp.

Gu Jiao actually likes a brighter room, but she didn't tell anyone.

Gu Jiao sat on the chair, holding her cheek with one hand, looking at Xiao Heng who was carefully adjusting the wick, her heart suddenly warmed.