The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 551

The windowsill is a little high, but xiaojingkong is a smart child. He brought a flowerpot and stepped on it. He supported the windowsill with both hands. A little short leg stepped on the windowsill and slipped up.

Huang Fu Xian looked at a small mushroom with disgust on his face.

I don't know that my little mushroom turned a direction on the windowsill, pointed his little butt at Huang Fuxian, and slipped down.

It's too high here. If you jump down, you'll get hurt. It's the only way to get down.

Huangfuxian looked at the little butt pier that almost touched his face. It took the boss's strength to press the impulse to poke him out of the windowsill.

After landing, xiaojingkong turned around and said hello to huangfuxian politely again: "little brother!"

Huang Fu Xian snorted.

Ordinary people should feel that huangfuxian is very annoying and perverse here, but xiaojingkong has no such feeling at all.

On the contrary, small clearance feels very friendly.

After all, that's what Gu Yan did at home.

But Gu Yan is not as fierce as Huang Fu Xian. Gu Yan is used to being small tempered, but Huang Fu Xian really lives in the dark all the time. His heart is very obscure. He doesn't move all afternoon. Sometimes he looks like a dead body.

No one likes him, or, to be exact, no one is not afraid of him.

As for his father and mother, as long as he shows his leg, he can always see unexpected expressions on their faces.

That's the expression that made him laugh.

"Little brother, are you waiting for me?" Small clearance refers to the position where he is sitting now, very close to the window, you can see the movement in the yard at a glance.

"What do you have to wait for? Can you eat or drink? " Huang Fuxian asked in a bad mood.

"I have food! Here you are Xiaojingkong took out a small oil paper package from his pocket and opened it to reveal a few bright candied fruits. "This is my grandfather's candied fruit. It's very delicious!"

Huang Fuxian

Can't the child understand people!

Huang Fuxian hated eating such sweet and greasy things, and also hated beautiful children.

Of course, the ugly one is more annoying.

In a word, he doesn't like anyone!

"Little brother, here you are." Xiaojingkong put a packet of preserves into his hand.

Children have just played with snow. Their fingertips are cold, but their palms are sweating. It's soft and soft. It's a wonderful touch.

After giving the candied fruit, xiaojingkong took his little hand back and looked at him on the armrest of his wheelchair: "little brother, have you recovered?"

"Well." Huang Fu Xian answered lightly.

"Let me see." Small clearance is a rigorous child, must see for real can.

"Why are you in such trouble?" Huang Fu Xian muttered impatiently.

He won't show his wound to others, but he didn't resist when Xiao Jingkong stretched out his soft hand to grab his hand.

The soft touch of a cat's paw came again.

Xiaojingkong looked very carefully. After a while, he nodded solemnly: "well, it's a good recovery. The scab will fall off in a few days. Don't scratch it."

Huang Fu Xian snorted coldly: "use you to say."

"Little brother, take a good look at your hands." Xiaojingkong grabs his clean and slender hand and does not hide the appreciation in his eyes.

There is a saying that Huang Fu Xian's hands are really beautiful, with distinct bones, slender and white, as delicate as jade carvings.

This is the first time someone has praised him for being good-looking, though only for his hands.

He is a crippled man. Everyone will look like a lump in the throat when they see his crippled legs. When he was very young, he knew that his legs were ugly. Gradually, he felt that his whole body was ugly.

He is an ugly man.

It's not the right person to show up.

"Really look at it."

Xiaojingkong's two little meat hands hold Huang Fuxian's hands and look back and forth.

It's said that children can't lie, but it's not. Children even believe themselves when they tell lies.

But no child would tell such unnecessary lies to his handicapped.

I can't cheat you to eat and play.

Little clearance plays with his hand. He looks at little clearance playing with his hand.

Lianer came back at this time.

Lian'er was so surprised to see the little guy out of thin air in the room!

It's too late for huangfuxian to stop her. Princess Ning'an is nearby. She is shocked by lian'er's voice.

"What's the matter?" Asked Princess Ning'an standing at the door.

Lian'er pointed to the room: "one, one child!"

Princess Ning'an steps in and takes a close look and recognizes xiaojingkong.

Huangfu Xian subconsciously pulled back the hand that was played by xiaojingkong, and his usual indifference was restored.

However, know son Mo ruo mother, Ning An princess into the house that moment clearly saw a different Huangfu Xian.

Princess Ning'an walked over with a smile: "is it clearance? Do you know me? "

"Well... You are..." Xiao Jingkong has been to Renshou palace. Of course, he has met Princess Ning'an. He also knows that she is the mother of Huangfu Xian. He looks around and says hello politely, "Princess Ning'an."

Princess Ning'an gave a gentle smile and raised her hand to touch his cheek.

Huangfu virtuous way: "mother."

Princess Ning'an is about to meet xiaojingkong's hand. She turns to look at her and says with a smile, "what's the matter?"

Huang Fu Xian said coldly, "I'm tired. I want to have a rest."

Princess Ning'an had a helpless smile on her face and said to him, "this is your fault. Why don't you tell your mother when you have a new friend? Your friend just came here. You can play with your new friend for a while and have a rest. "

"I'm sleepy." Huang Fu Xian finished, his eyelashes trembled and quickly added, "he's not my friend! His bird flew to my yard. He came in to look for his bird

Is Huang Fu Xian's pillow on the demolition of the family's small nine:??

Princess Ning'an said with a faint smile: "it's all right to come here and make friends. Jingkong is Dr. Gu's younger brother. The Empress Dowager loves him very much. It's right to come to you to be friends."

She said, slightly bent down, gently looking at the small clearance: "clearance, would you like to make friends with brother xian'er?"

Little clearance nodded.

Princess Ning'an reached out and rubbed his little head.

Xiaojingkong hid behind, holding his head with two small hands, patted his palm gently and said, "my head can't be touched by other women, it can only be touched delicately."

Princess Ning'an chuckled: "OK, I won't touch it." She turned her head and looked out the door. "Lotus, go and get the chestnut cake in my room."


Lian'er turned and went.

Not long after, she brought a plate of exquisite chestnut cake.

Princess Ning'an took one and handed it to xiaojingkong: "this is a chestnut cake made by me. It's different from the taste of the imperial palace. Jingkong has a taste."

Xiaojingkong hesitated: "but, but Jiaojiao said, I can't eat other people's food."

Princess Ning'an said with a smile, "I'm no one else. I'm your aunt's daughter. We are a family."

Xiaojingkong thought seriously: "well... My little brother and I are also a family?"

Princess Ning'an nodded: "of course, you are a family."

Family food should be edible, right?

Xiaojingkong took a sip of saliva and took the snack from Princess Ning'an.

But before he put it into his mouth, he was slapped on the back of his hand by Huang Fu Xian.

The back of his little hand was aching. As soon as his hand was loose, the snack fell off.

Huang Fu Xian said coldly, "who allowed you to eat our food? I won't give it to you! "

Princess Ning'an: "xian'er."

Huangfuxian seems very angry, angrily knocked over the plate in Princess Ning'an's hand, and all the snacks fell to the ground.

Princess Ning'an's face sank: "xian'er!"

Huangfuxian growled to Princess Ning'an: "my food, don't give it to others! I hate you being nice to people! "

Xiaojingkong looked at huangfuxian with an injured look and said: "I won't rob my mother with you. I'm charming."

Huang Fu Xian didn't seem to listen to his explanation at all. He said with disgust: "you go! I don't want to see you! In the future, your birds dare to fly into my yard again! I'll kill it and make a pot of hawk soup! "

Is demolishing the family's small nine instantaneous feeling not fragrant!

Xiaojingkong droops his head, drags one of Xiaojiu's wings and leaves.

The little nine who was dragged all the way on the ground as a mop

Princess Ning'an looked at Huang Fuxian for a moment, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became strange.

Lian'er felt the atmosphere of a mountain rain coming and the wind filling the building.

However, Princess Ning'an finally just took a few deep breaths, slowly spit out and turned to go out.

"You go out, too."

Huangfu is virtuous.

Lian'er, who had just crossed the threshold with one foot, took it back bitterly.

Only Huang Fuxian was left in such a big room.

He looked at the silent courtyard, as if no one had ever been there, as if he was the only one in the world from beginning to end.

That's fine.

This is the best way.

He doesn't need friends.

There is no need for pity.

You don't need to be happy.

He just waits to die quietly.

"Little brother!"

The little mushroom came out of the windowsill once again.

Huang Fuxian staggered and rolled down from his wheelchai