The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 550

Not to mention Ning'an was confused by this sudden change, even Duke Qin, who had just cut a plate of fresh fruits, was stunned.

What's the situation?

Why did mother and daughter suddenly turn over?

To be exact, the Empress Dowager turned her face to Princess Ning'an.

You know, Princess Ning'an grew up with the Empress Dowager's eyes, just like her own daughter.

Princess Ning'an looks at empress dowager Zhuang as if she is struck by lightning. Her eyes flash with doubts, surprise, fear and so on.

Just as her emotions gradually gathered and something seemed to be coming out of her mind, her tears fell down first: "mother, I don't know what I've done wrong, but it makes her so angry?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked at her coldly: "I don't know? Do you really know or don't you know? "

Princess Ning'an's eyes flickered slightly.

Empress Dowager Zhuang was furious and said, "I ask you, have you ever quietly worshipped your mother's concubine?"

Princess Ning'an opened her mouth, and her flashing eyes settled down slowly.

She relaxed slowly. In a moment, she stood up and stepped back. She knelt down in front of Empress Dowager Zhuang and said, "please forgive me."

Empress Dowager Zhuang squeezed her finger and looked at her in disappointment: "so you admit it?"

Princess Ning'an admitted in a low voice: "my son has indeed been to the nunnery, and indeed... I have remembered my mother and concubine there."

Duke Qin sighed. He also knew about it. It was the night when Princess Ning'an returned to the palace. Princess Ning'an quietly went to the nunnery where Princess Jing had lived before, and stayed in it for half an hour before she came out.

No matter what, Princess Jing is the biological mother of Princess Ning'an. It is reasonable for Princess Ning'an to remember her.

Didn't the Empress Dowager know that early in the morning?

Didn't you say anything?

What happened today?

Empress Dowager Zhuang's body seemed to begin to tremble slightly because of her anger: "if it wasn't for the AI family's accidental mention last night, I don't know that you were still thinking about Princess Jing while you were shouting at her mother! You really don't know how much I hate her! "

Ning An kowtowed his head, put his hands on the cold ground, and put his forehead piously on the back of his hand: "my son knows the crime, please calm down!"

Qin Gonggong was even more fascinated. Did the Empress Dowager know when Princess Ning'an went to the nunnery that night? How can I tell Princess Ning'an that I just heard about it?

Empress Dowager Zhuang said coldly, "if you want to recognize that poisonous woman as your mother's concubine, don't recognize the empress of AI family!"

Then she walked away!

Qin Gonggong did not dare to stop her, until she went away, Qin Gonggong stepped into the bedroom hall, put the fruit tray on the table, and helped Princess Ning'an up with the other hand.

Princess Ning'an looked at Duke Qin, her eyes full of hesitation and guilt: "Duke Qin..."

"Alas." Qin Gonggong sighed again, "so many things have happened. Can't the princess see how much damage she has done to the Empress Dowager? She made the Empress Dowager turn against her majesty and took away her only beloved Princess from her side. You are the flesh and blood of Princess Jing. You can't hate her. I can understand that. But you go to remember her and worship her... Aren't you throwing the Empress Dowager's heart into the millstone? "

Princess Ning'an said to herself, "Duke Qin, I know I'm wrong."

"Forget it, the reason why the Empress Dowager is angry is because she hurts you too much. If someone else goes to pay homage to Princess Jing, the Empress Dowager will not care. You know the Empress Dowager's temperament. People who don't care can never hurt her heart."

"What can I do to make my mother forgive me?"

"Now that the Empress Dowager is angry, the princess will avoid it first. When the Empress Dowager's anger is gone, the princess will try to find a way to get the Empress Dowager's understanding."

"Now it seems that this is the only way. I can't be filial in front of my mother, and I'm tired of father-in-law Qin to take care of my mother."

"Slave will, princess, please rest assured."

"Then I'll go first."

"I'll see you off."

"It's not necessary. Duke Qin should go and wait on his mother."

"... yes." Qin Gong accosted him.

Looking at the back of Princess Ning'an, Duke Qin suddenly said, "princess."

"What else can I do for Mr. Qin?"

"The Empress Dowager is deliberately taking care of the girl to make her angry with the princess. Don't worry about the princess."

"Is that so? I thought... The empress really prepared those things for Dr. Gu? "

Qin Gonggong laughed: "the slave is close to serve the Empress Dowager. Can the slave not know for whom those things are made?"

Princess Ning'an showed a knowing smile, just like spring returning to the earth: "Mr. Qin, thank you very much."

Duke Qin gave a salute with a smile: "princess, go slowly."

Princess Ning'an left Renshou palace.

Qin Gonggong grinned and said, "where do you know for whom those things are made?"

But don't give jiaojiaola hate value, he knows!

Duke Qin went to his study.

Empress Dowager Zhuang and the old God were sitting on the chair with the national protection token and the purple gold phoenix crown in front of them.

"Empress Dowager." Duke Qin honestly said his dialogue with Princess Ning'an word by word, "I don't know if it's right."

He has been waiting on the Empress Dowager for so many years, but the Empress Dowager will not inform him of everything in advance. As a powerful confidant, she can never delay the master under any circumstances.

He dealt with what to say, what not to say, and what to deal with.

In particular, Gu Jiao's hatred value to wipe out the things he did very well.

In fact, there is a tacit understanding between empress dowager Zhuang and Duke Qin. She knows that the sword she poked can be pulled back by Duke Qin.

Qin Gonggong did not understand: "but empress dowager, why do you do this?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang said faintly, "when it's time for you to know, Aijia will tell you."

Duke Qin replied: "yes."

As the saying goes, don't speculate on the holy meaning. However, if you can't speculate on the master's mind, you may not be able to live in the deep palace.

Mr. Qin thought it over.

Empress Dowager Zhuang didn't tell him because she didn't trust him enough, or did she not want to mention something?

He thinks it's the latter.

It's too painful. Every time it's mentioned, it's a thousand arrows through the heart.

Empress Dowager Zhuang can wrap herself tightly with cold armor, but the heart under the armor is no different from that of ordinary people. She can also get hurt and hurt.

It's just that the Empress Dowager has shouldered too much burden. She can't wallow in the pain, she can only bear the burden and move forward.

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "you stare at her and try to find out what she took from the nunnery that night."

Duke Qin was shocked.


Did Princess Ning'an take something from the nunnery?

Didn't she go to pay homage to Princess Jing? Does it mean that... It's false that she worships the dead, and it's true that she takes something!

This explains why, knowing that empress dowager Zhuang hated imperial concubine Jing, she still had to go to the nunnery where imperial concubine Jing lived at the risk of falling out of favor.

Of course, the information revealed by this sentence is not only that Princess Ning'an went to the temple to get something, but also why did Princess Ning'an take it and why did the Empress Dowager check it?

It's a common relic. There's no need for the Empress Dowager to check it.

It's not an ordinary relic. It's a bit big.

After all, Duke Qin followed empress dowager Zhuang to ride the wind and waves. When he experienced more wind and waves, his psychological endurance naturally became stronger.

What can surprise him? Right?

However, at this time, he could not help but want to scold - live long see!


On the other side, xiaojingkong enters the palace again.

This time he came by himself!

... in Liu Quan's carriage.

He's here for Huang Fuxian.

Because of the unhappiness he had with Huang Fu Xian, his aunt would not allow him to go to the Bixia hall again, so he had to go secretly!

Huang Fuxian sat by the window in a daze.

Lian'er is tidying up her clothes in his room. Lian'er gives him a strange look. She thinks that since the young master was injured that day, she likes to look at the window in a daze.

Are you not afraid to freeze yourself in such a cold day?

Clearly is such a cold person.

"Young master." Lian'er asked him, "would you like to turn down the window?"

"No Huang Fu Xian said without salt.

"Then I'll pour you a cup of hot tea." Lian'er put down her half folded clothes, poured a cup of hot brown sugar ginger tea, and turned to Huangfu Xian.

Just at this moment, a small round head suddenly came out of the window sill.

Huang Fu Xian's eyes trembled, and he held out his hand to press the round little head down.


"What's the matter, young master?"

Huang Fu Xian said quietly, "I'm hungry. Go and get me something to eat."

Lian'er looked at the cup in her hand: "the tea..."

Huang Fuxian said impatiently, "no! Throw it out

Huang Fuxian is always so moody. Lian'er doesn't doubt anything. She puts down Jiang Cha and goes out of the house.

To make sure that she had gone far away, Huangfu Xiancai took back his hand holding someone's head.

That little mushroom head really grew out like a mushroom.

"Little brother!"

Xiaojingkong tilts his head to kill, cute!

Huang Fu Xian turned his face and said, "it's so ugly."

Xiaojingkong looked up and down, picked up Xiaojiu who was playing with snow on the ground, and said regretfully, "little brother says you are ugly."

Inexplicable back pot of small nine:!!