The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 549

The whole night after this, whenever Gu Chengfeng holds Gu Xiaobao, Gu Xiaobao will get into his arms to eat milk.

Gu Chengfeng, who had just ridiculed his elder brother, finally realized what it means to be a man who can't go with the wind and get a knife when he goes with the wind!

The Gu brothers didn't come back until they had dinner in Bishui Hutong.

Before leaving, Gu Changqing taught xiaojingkong a set of boxing techniques. Xiaojingkong learned with relish. He practiced tirelessly in the backyard and asked him to take a bath.

"Forget it, let him play for a while. He won't go to school tomorrow anyway." Gu Jiao said to Yu ya'er.

Yu ya'er said, "I'll send the hot water to Xiao Shun's house and let Xiao Shun wash it first."

The order of bathing at home is from small to large. Gu Xiaobao has already washed it.

"Go ahead." Gu Jiao said.

Yu ya'er went with hot water.

Gu Jiao went to the kitchen to help mammy Fang clean up. Mammy Fang didn't let her do it: "I'm not too old to move! I do this and that all day long. I'm free to eat dry food! "

It's not exaggeration. Everyone in my family is not my uncle. Even Gu Yan, the laziest, knows that he has to peel corn and water vegetable fields. All the work in the family has been shared. Mother Fang is really not tired.

Seeing this, Gu Jiao didn't insist on going into the kitchen any more. She went back to the east room to clean up her things. She had to go to the hospital later. Before she left, she wanted to say hello to her family.

The rest of the people saw him, but Xiao Heng was neither in the study nor in Westinghouse.

Gu Jiao Wu said: "strange, where have you gone?"

Xiao Heng went to the next room.

In fact, Gu Changqing is also here.

After Gu Chengfeng got into the carriage, he lied to Gu Chengfeng that he wanted to go to the military camp. In fact, he came to the next door.

"Liu Quan, go outside and watch. Don't let people hear you." Lao Jijiu said to Liu Quan.

"Yes, sir."

Liu Quan was on guard at the door.

The three sat down in the study.

The old toaster said, "come on, what's the matter?"

Gu Changqing looked at Xiao Heng and said, "there's something wrong with xianleju. What's the news from your punishment department?"

"Yes." Xiao Heng is more frank with Gu Changqing than Xing Shangshu. Except for Mo Qianxue's mistake for another person, he almost tells the truth, including the young master of xianleju.

He didn't say that the little Lord was told by Mo Qianxue.

Gu Changqing thought that he found it by means of the Ministry of punishment.

Gu Changqing was silent. He didn't expect such a shocking thing: "I thought it was just a rumor... What's the purpose of xianleju?"

Xiao Heng seriously thought about it and said: "the ultimate goal is not clear, but Jiaojiao seems to be in the way of xianleju. Xianleju starts with Jiaojiao."

Gu Changqing's face suddenly became cold!

Xiao Heng said: "but xianleju has made a mistake this time. The people they sent out can't attack Jiaojiao. Don't worry about Jiaojiao for the moment."

Gu Changqing's eyes are still cold: "what can I do for you?"

Xiao Heng said: "the more detailed you are, the better you will be. And secretly investigate, never let anyone find it. "

Gu Changqing pondered for a moment and said, "I will tell your majesty that I will leave the capital to pay for the family members of Gu's soldiers who died."

The old man nodded approvingly, which was a good reason.

After Gu Changqing left, the old toaster said to Xiao Heng, "is there anything else you haven't said?"

Lao Jijiu knew Xiao Heng so well that others could not see through his emotions, but he would not be easily fooled.

After all, he taught Xiao Heng how to be a black belly.

"The gang may have come."

"The gang?" The old sacrificial wine twisted his white brow and tried to figure out who could be called that group of people by Xiao Heng.

After a while, he frowned, "do you mean... People from the state of Yan?"

Xiao Heng nodded slowly.

He didn't stand in the way of xianleju young master. If he was xianleju young master, he would take him as his main target, and it would not be too late to kill him.

Someone else must have killed him.

He sat in the present position, many people were envious of him, but few of them really had the courage to move him and the strength to enter xianleju.

It can be said that the whole state of Zhao has few.

Does Zhuang Taifu not want to move him? But Zhuang Taifu didn't have the courage to challenge the bottom line of Empress Dowager Zhuang.

At most, Zhuang Taifu used a little power to suppress him.

The strength is not as good as Zhuang Taifu's, xianleju looks down on, xianleju looks up to, and Xiao Heng has no injustice or hatred with him.

After thinking about it, there is only one possibility left.

The old wine man sighed: "Alas, now I finally understand why Princess Xinyang would rather let you live among the people and ignore you than bring you back to the capital."

The power of the upper kingdom is not something that ordinary people can contend with.

They hide so seamlessly, but they are still smelled by each other.

The old toaster said, "Princess Xinyang is not in the capital these days. You have to be more careful yourself."

Xiao Heng said: "they have no courage to fight me in the capital for the time being." Otherwise, we would not have done such a big game to lead him out of the city.

There's a problem that the old wine worshiper can't figure out: "the forces of the upper Kingdom want to kill you, but they don't dare to kill you too blatantly. What are they afraid of? Xuanping Marquis? The royal family of Zhao

Lao Jijiu carefully analyzed the course of the incident and found that the gang were more and more careful. At first, they dared to sneak into Xuanping Marquis's house when they assassinated Xiao Heng's mother. More than ten years later, they only dared to use King Ning's hand when they assassinated Xiao Heng.

As for today, they even dare not act rashly in the capital.

There must be some reasons.

"I always think that your mother is not a slave," he said thoughtfully

Xiao Heng no longer has this knot, whose blood is flowing in his body, for Jiaojiao and her family, he is just Xiao Heng.

He didn't care about his situation. He said, "it doesn't matter what it is. Now it's time to solve the big problem of xianleju."

He hesitated for a moment and asked, "have you told Zhuang Jinse about xianleju? What's her attitude? Is she partial to Jiao Jiao, or to that person? "

The next day was very bright, and Ning'an got up early.

She went to Huang Fu Xian's house first. Huang Fu Xian was still sleeping. She looked at the injuries on his cheek and the back of his hand, took out the golden sore medicine in the drawer and applied it to him,

Jinchuang medicine and the bottle she gave didn't seem to be the same, but she didn't care too much.

Then she went to Renshou palace to greet empress dowager Zhuang and have breakfast with her.

Empress Dowager Zhuang doesn't have to go to court early now, but she has a lot of leisure.

As empress dowager Zhuang washes, Princess Ning'an quietly waits in the bedroom of Empress Dowager Zhuang.

After a while, people from the house of internal affairs came and handed a tray covered with silk cloth to Duke Qin.

Duke Qin sent the tray to empress dowager Zhuang's bedroom.

"What is this?" Princess Ning'an asked softly.

"It's from the house." Qin Gonggong said.

"Let me see." Princess Ning'an took off the silk cover.

In the tray, there was a royal purple gold token, engraved with the word "protecting the country", and next to the token was a phoenix crown made of purple gold.

"Is this the token and Phoenix crown of Princess Huguo?" Princess Ning'an was so surprised by this exquisite object that she couldn't say it.

Not everyone has the title of protecting the country. It can be said that no princess in this dynasty can afford it.

Now, Princess Ning'an is going to be crowned the title of Princess protector.

How can this not make Ning'an happy?

At this moment, all her calmness tempered by the frontier fortress disappeared. She excitedly stretched out her hand, picked up the crown, put it on her head, grabbed the token in the tray, turned and looked into the bronze mirror.

However, without waiting for her to see her majesty, a figure in a Royal Blue Phoenix robe came majestically.

The owner of the figure Shua picked the Phoenix crown on her head!

Everything happened so fast that Princess Ning'an didn't react at all. She sat on the chair, her body and hair were violently pulled, and the original delicate bun was taken loose.

Empress Dowager Zhuang had no pity at all.

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked at her condescensively, and her powerful air burst out: "this is something prepared by AI Jia for Jiao Jiao. Who gave you the courage to move?"

Princess Ning'an looked at the Empress Dowager Zhuang who suddenly appeared. She didn't know whether she should be surprised by her appearance or her words.

It's clear that yesterday... Why today

This attitude really caught people off guard.

Ning'an looked at empress dowager Zhuang in astonishment and injury: "Empress Dowager?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang snatched the national protection token from her hand and said coldly, "don't call me empress mourner. You are not worthy of it!"