The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 548

It seems easy to say it from her mouth, but it is very difficult to carry it out.

If a person who has lost both legs wants to stand up, he must make a pair of prostheses suitable for him. The prosthesis is not the most difficult, but the receptive cavity. At present, there is no material suitable for the receptive cavity in the small medicine box.

But Xiao Heng went out of the palace after visiting empress dowager Zhuang. Instead of going back to Bishui Hutong, he went to the hospital first.

At this time, it was already night, and the medical school was full of delicious food. The female school next door had not yet started, and it was still cold and quiet. That is to say, the business of the medical school was good, and people came and went.

Xiao Heng enters the lobby and asks the erdongjia behind the counter, "is Mr. Xing still there?"

"Yes, yes." The second owner said that he had already known that this adult Xing was actually the Secretary of the second grade Department of criminal justice, and suddenly he realized that the medical school was very prosperous.

Xiao Heng is not a doctor. He doesn't know much about the treatment process, so he doesn't think it's strange that the Minister of punishment is still here.

He went up to the second floor and saw Xing Shangshu and doctor song in the innermost room.

Xing Shangshu's arm had been reset by doctor song long ago. The reason why he didn't leave now is that doctor song found other problems in him.

After carefully examining his pulse, doctor song wrote a prescription and asked him whether he wanted to take it back for himself or boil it into pills for him. The latter cost more money, but it was easier.

With Xing Shangshu's family's money, he let Yao Tong cook it.

"Is it serious?" Xiao Heng asked doctor song about the situation.

Doctor song zhengse way: "drink out of the problem, found early, not too big problem, in the future diet more attention, more walk, eat, the most important thing is."

Speaking of this, he looked at Xing Shangshu very seriously, "to avoid alcohol."

Xing Shangshu sheepishly cleared his throat: "can't I drink a drop?"

He has such a hobby.

"Not a drop!" Doctor Song said irrefutably.

"Alas." Xing Shang sighed, "I've been drinking for half my life, and suddenly I'm not allowed to drink a drop. Isn't it cruel?"

Xiao Heng advised: "doctor song is also for the sake of adults."

Xing Shangshu waved his hand dejectedly: "Oh, OK, if you don't drink it, you won't drink it."

Doctor song looked at him and said, "don't say you don't drink. If you go back, drink it secretly. If you drink it or not, I'll know next time I come to feel my pulse."

This is Gu Jiao's mantra. I'll know if you do it or not.

The doctors in the hospital have learned how to use it for patients.

Xing Shangshu choked and said that I won't come to your hospital next time?

Seeing that Xiao Heng had something to say to Xing Shangshu, doctor Song said, "I'm going to see how the pills are doing" after telling him all the precautions. Then he turned and went downstairs.

Xing Shangshu pointed to the opposite table: "LIULANG, help me pour some water."

Xiao Heng poured a cup of hot tea for Xing Shangshu. Xing Shangshu drank a large cup at one go: "another, another cup!"

After a total of three drinks, Xing Shangshu felt that his voice was not so smoky.

"Am I talking or is he?"

When Xing Shangshu thought of being nagged by doctor song all afternoon, his skull was painful.

Xiao Heng didn't take it.

Xing Shangshu shakes his head, forgets doctor song, and talks to Xiao Heng about business: "you just went out, but what did you find out?"

"The Huakui of xianleju is not dead." On the way here, Xiao Heng has already thought about what information can be said and what information can't be said.

Xing Shangshu was shocked: "what? The girl named Mo Qianxue didn't die? Then why do they all say... "

Xiao Heng speculated: "a few servant girls of xianleju should have admitted their mistake. As for huaxiyao, they are acting in a play."

Xing Shangshu frowned: "on purpose? So they're... Together? "

Xiao Heng: "well."

Xing Shangshu slapped his thigh: "I said xianleju has a problem! What's the purpose of their acting together? "

Deal with me, deal with Gu Jiao.

This bureau is set for him as well as Gu Jiao. The mastermind behind it may be xianleju, or there may be other forces.

Xiao Heng didn't tell Xing Shangshu about these words for the time being.

Xing Shangshu asked, "where is the Huakui man?"

Xiao Heng said: "in the hospital."

"Medical school!" Xing Shangshu Shua opened the quilt and got out of bed, "which room?"

Xiao Heng said: "in a wing room in the backyard, she was seriously injured and was picked up by the doctor of the hospital. She's an important witness. We don't want to scare the snake for the time being. "

Xing Shangshu was puzzled and said, "why was it picked up by the people in the hospital? Did she do it on purpose? Is there anything strange about this hospital? "

It's worthy of being a person from the Ministry of punishment. The logic is too strong, but Mo Qianxue is coming for Gu Jiao. Xiao Heng doesn't intend to tell him about this. It's not that he can't trust Xing Shangshu, but that the time has not come.

Now is by no means the best time to investigate Mo Qianxue.

Xiao Heng said without changing his face: "the hospital itself is not strange. However, the hospital is so famous that even Xing Shangshu is here. Other dignitaries will come when they have a headache. Maybe she is guarding someone here."

Xing Shangshu said thoughtfully, "it's reasonable for you to say so, or she just wants to pretend to die and hide her identity, so that she can act secretly. After all, who will suspect a dead person? I wonder if the owner of xianleju is dead? Where is he if he's not dead? Who are they working for when they die? "

There is also a little resident, Xiao Heng.

Xiao Heng said: "my wife is also from this hospital. I'll tell her to send someone to keep an eye on Mo Qianxue. We can always find clues as long as we keep an eye on her."

Xing Shangshu thought about it and said, "OK, just do as you say. Let your wife be careful. Mo Qianxue is good at it. "

Xiao Heng nodded: "I know."

Xing Shangshu asked again, "who knows these things besides you?"

"Empress Dowager."

In the bedroom of Renshou palace, Duke Qin called out to empress dowager Zhuang who was sitting by the window.

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked back and lightly pinched the two candied fruits on her plate: "what's the matter?"

Xiao Jingkong is an expert in complaining. Whenever empress dowager Zhuang steals food, he is always the first to go to Gu Jiao to complain.

However, the little guy also felt the depression of Empress Dowager Zhuang and secretly gave her two candies.

Duke Qin said: "nothing. Just before she left, Miss Gu told me to cook some ginseng soup for you. When the soup is cooked, I will present it to you."

"Bring it up." Said empress dowager Zhuang without salt.

Duke Qin turned around, picked up the ginseng soup from the tray held by the young eunuch, came over and put it on empress dowager Zhuang's table.

Empress Dowager Zhuang did not move.

Qin Gonggong laughed: "it's not hot. Drink it while it's hot. It's time to cool down for a while."

Empress Dowager Zhuang lazily took a sip of ginseng soup.

Qin Gonggong said: "Miss Gu told me less salt, would it be a bit hard to drink?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang snorted: "hum, I haven't eaten the food made by LIULANG. I'm not qualified to say it's hard to drink."

Duke Qin: "er..."

But the teacher said it was really hard to drink. If it hadn't been poisoned by Xiao Heng's cooking skills, Empress Dowager Zhuang would not have been able to drink it.

Seeing that the Empress Dowager was reluctant to drink it, Duke Qin gave a heartfelt smile.

Sure enough, the Empress Dowager will accept all the bad things as long as they are told by Miss Gu.

"When Ning'an was a child, were you there?" Empress Dowager Zhuang suddenly spoke.

Duke Qin didn't know how to turn the topic to Princess Ning'an. He was stunned and replied, "yes, I am. When the Empress Dowager entered the palace, I came to serve you. It took several years for Princess Ning'an to be born."

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked out of the window at the Begonia tree covered with snow and said, "do you remember Ning'an's temperament when he was a child?"

"Remember, remember!" The Duke of Qin said as if he knew everything. "He's sweet, lively and active. He always can't be quiet. If it wasn't for this, how could he run into your Phoenix in the imperial garden?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "it's just Princess Jing's plan. How could it be so coincidental that she ran into Feng Chua? It's a pity that when the family was young, they didn't understand the dangers of the deep palace and mistakenly took villains as their confidants. "

The Duke of Qin asked, "is the Empress Dowager regretful?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang nodded at the table. Duke Qin poured a cup of hot tea. Empress dowager Zhuang picked up the cup and said, "what do you regret? Regret making a friend with Jingfei, or regret being kind to her two children? "

Your majesty is not the flesh and blood of imperial concubine Jing, but since it is recorded in the name of imperial concubine Jing, it is indeed the child of imperial concubine Jing.

Empress Dowager Zhuang continued: "there is nothing to regret. When the emperor and Ning'an were children, they were really painful. Thanks to the two of them, the family came out of the shadow. It was not so much the plan of Princess Jing as the plan to get what they needed. "

What do you mean by this? Duke Qin is a little confused about what empress dowager Zhuang is not allowed to sing. He always feels strange.

First princess Ning'an is strange, now the Empress Dowager is also strange.

Empress Dowager Zhuang took a sip of tea and said, "Ning'an is a paper tiger. She usually relies on the support of her family. She is not afraid of heaven and earth. In fact, she is very timid. She is afraid of the dark, thunder, pain and death."

Referring to this, Duke Qin seemed to see little Ning'an crying in front of him. He said with a smile, "Princess Ning'an must light a lamp when she sleeps. This habit is the same as your majesty."

Both brother and sister are afraid of the dark.

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked at Xiao Jiu, who was sweeping snow with her wings on the crabapple tree. She said, "but one night, she suddenly became not afraid. I remember very clearly that when my family was put into the cold palace by the late emperor, you were sent to the dungeon to do hard labor, not at my side. I've been ill for a few days. That night there was a thunderstorm. Ning'an went to the cold palace to see me alone. "

"And this?" Duke Qin was surprised.

Empress Dowager Zhuang continued to drink the tea in her hand, and also continued to say in her heart: "on weekdays, they are all brothers and sisters together. If only one person comes, it must be hong'er. So the AI family was very surprised at that time, and asked her how did you come? She said, "mother, I've come to see you. You're sick." AI Jia didn't tell anyone that AI Jia was ill. AI Jia didn't know how the child knew, so he asked her, aren't you afraid of the dark? She said, "I'm not afraid."

Qin Gonggong said with a smile: "the princess is sincere to you, for you are even afraid to attend to."

Xiaojiu swept himself down in the snow by accident. He puffed twice in the snow. It seemed that he was a bit of a weiqubaba. He flew over and squatted at the hand of Empress Dowager Zhuang.

It seems to be waiting for Empress Dowager Zhuang to touch its feathers.

Empress Dowager Zhuang pushed Xiao Jiu away with a cup in disgust.

Rejected little nine

Empress Dowager Zhuang said lightly: "the AI family thinks so, so the AI family is really moved. The AI family swears in her heart that the AI family will love the child all her life."

The more Duke Qin listened, the more confused he became. There was nothing wrong with the Empress Dowager's words, but the Empress Dowager didn't look so right.

Is it Lord Xiao who came to talk to the Empress Dowager today?

Xiao Heng sent Xing Shangshu back to the mansion in a carriage before he left and walked back to Bishui Hutong.

The hutongs are full of small voices.

"So excited?" Xiao Heng shakes his head and strides over the threshold.

When he entered the room, he found that Gu Changqing and Gu Chengfeng had come.

Gu Chengfeng came to buy hair tonic. Gu Changqing came to see his younger brother and sister.

Gu Changqing and Gu Jiao go to the frontier fortress and leave Gu Yan alone. Yan Baobao says that he is very angry, but he is reluctant to be angry with Gu Jiao, so Gu Changqing bears all his little temper.

Gu Changqing took Gu Yan on horseback and arched with him, so he finally coaxed him.

Then there was Gu Xiaobao.

When Gu Xiaobao was born, Gu Changqing was not in the capital. After the war, he rushed to the border. Therefore, today is his first meeting with Gu Xiaobao.

However, Gu Xiaobao seems to be afraid of him. He holds him in his arms and shakes his body.

Gu Chengfeng seldom saw a big brother's play. He said with a sneer, "big brother, you can't do it. Xiaobao doesn't like you."

Gu Changqing said coldly, "you can do it, you can do it!"

"Come on, come on!" Gu Chengfeng took Gu Xiaobao over without any pressure. Sure enough, Gu Xiaobao didn't shake.

Gu Changqing's face turned black.

"Ha ha! I'll say it Gu Chengfeng laughed three times.

The next second, he couldn't laugh.

Because Gu Xiaobao suddenly went into his arms and opened his mouth——

Gu Chengfeng is very exciting!

I'm not a wet nurse!