The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 547

Fortunately, Duke Qin came here.

"Deng Zi, why are you still here? Didn't I ask you to smash the walnuts? " The Duke of Qin reproached the eunuch, and then gave a salute to Princess Ning'an, "princess, is this useless slave bumping into you?"

Princess Ning'an said in a warm voice: "no, it's Xiao DengZi, isn't it? I love it

Deng Zi is flattered!

Qin Gonggong said to Deng Zi: "thank you for your praise!"

"Yes! Yes Xiao DengZi knelt down and kowtowed to Princess Ning'an, "thank you for your praise!"

"Go down." Said Princess Ning'an.


Deng Zi stepped down.

Duke Qin said to Princess Ning'an with a smile: "princess is late today, but there are too many common affairs in Bixia hall? If you don't have enough people to serve, I'll send you some more powerful palace people. "

Ningan Princess guest way: "no, our mother and son can't use so many palace people."

Qin Gonggong said: "the princess was raised by the old slave. If the princess needs anything, she doesn't have to be polite with the old slave."

Ning An Princess lightly pulled to lead the lip Cape.

Princess Ning'an used to be a lively and smiling girl, but when she came back from the frontier fortress, all her happiness seemed to disappear, and father-in-law Qin seldom saw her smile.

Even if you really laugh, it also shows a sense of helplessness and bitterness.

Duke Qin sighed.


If it wasn't for Princess Jing's son-in-law, how could Princess Ning'an have fallen here?

"Duke Qin." Princess Ning'an suddenly opened her mouth.

"Yes, princess." Duke Qin said respectfully.

Princess Ning'an said frankly, "have you found that Dr. Gu is very similar to me?"

"Found out! The back is very similar! His temperament has two or three imaginations, and then... "Duke Qin stopped with a smile.

Princess Ning'an said something for him that she didn't dare to say: "then I have a scar on my face, always painted with crabapple makeup. She has a birthmark on her face, which is very like my crabapple makeup."

Qin Gonggong dry smile: "ah... Is such a thing."

In fact, Duke Qin didn't think it was very similar, but at first glance, there was something on his left face.

Princess Ning'an went on: "how did the empress mother know doctor Gu?"

Duke Qin stepped up: "when the Empress Dowager and Miss Gu met, the old slave was in the palace, not beside the Empress Dowager. I'm afraid you have to ask the Empress Dowager in person about the situation."

Duke Qin was not with the empress dowager, but he had learned the whole story from the Empress Dowager.

He didn't tell Princess Ning'an because he didn't think it should be told by his mouth.

Princess Ning'an said, "if Dr. Gu asked Mr. Qin, how did my mother see me for the first time, would Mr. Qin also let Dr. Gu ask Mr. Qin himself?"

Duke Qin choked.

Princess Ning'an lightly smile: "I'm joking."

"Ah." Qin Gonggong secretly pinched a cold sweat, heart way you this joke is a little big.

Princess Ning'an said, "will Miss Gu pretend to be me to make my mother happy?"

Duke Qin choked again.

He laughed and said, "Princess Jinzhiyuye, where can miss Gu really look like you? You can't be, you can't be! "

Princess Ning'an said in a low voice: "it seems that there is no such thing. I thought that mother doted on her because she saw my former shadow in her

Qin Gonggong: Princess, you don't want to tell the slave everything from your heart. It makes the slave under great pressure.

Fortunately, Princess Ning'an didn't say anything that Duke Qin couldn't catch on the way.

Duke Qin sent Princess Ning'an to empress dowager Zhuang's bedroom.

Small clearance can not stay, he did not sit in my aunt's bedroom hall for a while, then swish to run no shadow.

At this time, the bedroom is quiet.

The Duke of Qin pushed open the door of the room. A little maid of honor came out and saluted them. She said in a low voice, "princess, Duke of Qin, the Empress Dowager is resting."

Princess Ning'an asked anxiously, "so early? What's wrong with the mother? "

The little maid shook her head: "just now Doctor Gu gave the pulse to the Empress Dowager. It's OK. The Empress Dowager is just tired."

Princess Ning'an looked a little bit Ji, nodded and said: "let the mother have a good rest, I won't go in to disturb, I'll come back tomorrow."

The little maid of honor bowed her knees and said, "congratulations to the princess."

Princess Ning'an turns to leave Renshou palace. On the other side, Gu Jiao finishes her swing and goes to the bedroom hall to say goodbye to empress dowager Zhuang.

As soon as Princess Ning'an looked back, she saw Gu jiaoru enter the palace of Empress Dowager Zhuang.

There's no need to report or stop.

Qin Gonggong looked at Princess Ning'an and Gu Jiao, who had just entered the bedroom. He was embarrassed for a moment.

He didn't know how to explain that he absolutely didn't treat the two masters differently. It was because the Empress Dowager didn't take the palace rules to restrain Miss Gu. Miss Gu is the same here as she is in Bishui Hutong.

With Miss Gu, Empress Dowager Zhuang is not a powerful empress dowager, but an aunt of Bishui Hutong.

Unlike when I met Ning'an, Ning'an was the princess, she was the queen, and the rules were set from the beginning.

Princess Ning'an murmured: "it seems that the mother really loves doctor Gu."

Qin Gonggong said quickly: "what the Empress Dowager loves most is the princess. You obey the rules. Dr. Gu grew up in the countryside. She doesn't understand some palace rules. When the Empress Dowager is old, she doesn't care about little girls."

Ningan Princess light smile: "Qin Gonggong don't worry to explain, I won't embarrass her."

Qin Gonggong said with a smile: "that is, that is. You are a princess. You are too big to care with a little girl."

Princess Ning'an nodded: "Mr. Qin, please stay."

Duke Qin saluted: "princess, take your time!"

After Princess Ning'an disappeared into the night, Duke Qin went back to the little pool where he raised his son-in-law.

If you want to say that empress dowager Zhuang has done her utmost for him, she has dug a pool for him to raise a son of a bitch.

In the palace, everyone's mouth can't believe it. He only talks to this pool of little bastards when he has something on his mind.

He touched the little bastard on the edge and sighed, "how can I feel that the princess is a little jealous of Gu?"

He left a son of a bitch: "Gu girl."

A right-handed son of a bitch: "Princess Ning'an."

It's all the little masters he wants to be loyal to. He needs a bowl of water. He can't be partial to any one.

He looked at the son of a bitch in his right hand: "I grew up watching you. I changed your clothes when you peed your pants."

He looked at the left-hand son of a bitch: "you save the Queen Mother's life. You don't have to live so tired when she is with you. You carry everything for her."

He looked at the right-hand son of a bitch: "from small to large, the Empress Dowager loves you the most and won't let you suffer any injustice."

He looked at the left-hand son of a bitch: "thank you for protecting the Empress Dowager so well, so that she can rely on the elderly."

Alas, as a loyal slave, he should be more loyal to his own princess Ning'an.

But why, he is more like the left hand of this bastard?


"Jiao Jiao!" Back to the carriage, xiaojingkong obediently sat beside Gujiao, pulled Gujiao's hand.

"Aren't you sleepy?" Gu Jiao took his little hand back.

Little clearance shook his head.

Gu Jiao murmured: "it's strange that you didn't take a nap today, and you weren't sleepy. Were you scared by the dog?"

"No The dog is very pitiful, right, but xiaojingkong is not a child who is easily scared. He opens his eyes wide and his long eyelashes flicker, pointing to the big tree by the road, "Jiaojiao, the branches of those trees are broken, do they hurt?"

Gu Jiao thought: "it may hurt, but in spring their branches will grow again."

"What about flowers?" Small clear space asks again, "flower picked also can grow afresh?"

"Well." Gu Jiao nodded.

Xiaojingkong put out his little head and shook it: "what about my little head? Can it grow out, too? "

Gu Jiaojiao's body shook: "this can't be done!"

"Oh." The little headroom sat upright again. He shook his short legs. "What about legs? Jiaojiao? No legs. Can it grow like a branch? "

Gu Jiao touched his small head, very sorry, but had to cruelly tell him: "grow out."

Small clearance lowered his head: "Oh."

When he met Huang Fu Xian, he asked this question. Naturally, it was not aimless.

Her clearness is the warmest and warmest child in the world.

Gu Jiao rubbed his little head: "although it doesn't grow out, you can stand up again with the help of external force."

The dim and dim fundus of the eyes suddenly regained its luster: "really? Can you really stand up? "

Gu Jiao bent his lips: "yes, as long as he works hard enough."