The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 546

"Young master!"

Lian'er pushed the door and said, "Why are you sitting here by yourself? The wind is so strong that it will catch cold! "

Huang Fu Xian looked at the scenery outside the window, but didn't answer Lian er's words.

The little clearance is no longer in the room. There is no sign of him coming here.

Lian'er quickly steps over and closes the porch window across the table.

"Don't turn it off." Huang said.

Lian'er stopped when she closed the window. She turned her head and looked at her son doubtfully: "but it's cold."

"I'm not cold." Huang Fu Xian said lightly.

"Well, I'll turn it down a little bit." Lian'er half closed the window.

Huang Fu Xian looked out through the crack of the window, with an indifferent and gloomy expression.

It's not the first day that lian'er came to serve Princess Ning'an. She is not surprised by Huang Fu Xian's appearance, but she still has some heartache.

She looked at huangfuxian whose blood had dried up and didn't ask him how he did it, because she had heard that her son had killed the seventh Prince's dog.

She said in a low voice: "I'm going to fetch water to wash my face."

Lian'er quickly gets hot water and changes two pots of water just to wash her face. When she washes Huang Fu Xian's hand, she unexpectedly finds that the back of Huang Fu Xian's hand is scratched, leaving a long gap.

She looks pale: "young master, you are hurt! Why don't you say it? Is the blood on this, this, this hand your own

Of course, it's not all Huang Fu Xian's. that hole can't shed so much blood.

Huang Fu Xian frowned impatiently and said, "I'm so bored. You go out. I don't want to see you."

Lian'er said, "I'll tell the princess to ask for the royal doctor."

"I don't want to see a doctor," he said

Lian'er worried: "but..."

Huang Fu Xian said in a cold voice, "no more nonsense, you'll go out for me!"

Lian'er had to shut up bitterly.

It was this wound that attracted lian'er's attention. Then she looked at Huang Fuxian again. This time, she found that there were several faint finger marks on Huang Fuxian's cheek.

"Did the princess hit you?" Lian'er asked weakly.

Huang Fuxian ignored her.

Lian'er bowed her head sadly and continued to wipe her hands for Huang Fuxian: "young master, can't you not make the princess angry in the future? Princess, it's hard for her to be alone. She... "

Huang Fuxian sneered: "what is difficult for her? Is it difficult to raise such a son as me? "

Lianer was choked dumb.

After that, lian'er didn't dare to say a word more. She wiped the blood on Huang Fuxian's cheek, hands and neck, and then waited on Huang Fuxian to change clothes.

But she just changed her coat for Huang Fuxian. Huang Fuxian changed her trousers.

Since his broken leg scared a servant, he would never let anyone change his pants.

When Princess Ning'an came, Huang Fuxian had dressed up and sat quietly in the wheelchair by the window.

"I heard you hurt your hand." Princess Ning'an went and closed the window.

She is not lian'er. She wants to listen to Huang Fuxian.

On the contrary, Huang Fu Xian is her son, and it is Huang Fu Xian who listens to her.

"Let me see." She said to Huang Fuxian.

Huang Fuxian did not move.

Princess Ning'an picked up his left hand: "such a long gap, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Huang Fu Xian turned away from her.

Princess Ning'an opened the wound healing medicine she had brought, dipped a little bit of it in her fingertips and daubed it on his affected area. After that, she daubed his swollen cheek.

Huang Fu Xian's head slightly deviated from her hand.

"You still don't like being touched." Princess Ning'an's fingertips still fell on his cheek.

After applying the medicine to Huangfu Xian, Princess Ning'an said, "I'll come and apply it to you again before I go to bed. I'm going to greet the Empress Dowager. Would you like to come with me? "

Huang Fu Xian said with a sneer, "are you sure you want the Empress Dowager to see my swollen face?"

Princess Ning'an pinched her fingers, took a deep breath, put the medicine on the table, turned and went out.


In Renshou palace, Xiao Heng has official business. After visiting his aunt, he leaves the palace.

Only he and Xiao Jingkong came, and Gu Jiao came back.

Where can I remember my bad brother-in-law? Wave a little hand to send the bad brother-in-law away!

Then he began to uncover tiles in Renshou palace.

With growing up, his energy is more vigorous and destructive, but Gu Jiao will repair it for him.

When Princess Ning'an walked into Renshou palace, she happened to see Gu Jiao mending the swing frame of small clearance.

Princess Ning'an has seen this swing for many times, but she didn't ask about its origin.

There are two little princesses under King Ning's knee. Naturally, people who don't know will think that the swing frame is prepared for the two little princesses.

"Jiaojiao, is my swing ready?" Standing behind the swing, xiaojingkong asks Gu Jiao lovingly.

Gu Jiao said: "not so fast, the seat plate is worn, and the rope needs to be reinforced."

Xiaojingkong thought, "I'll go to my aunt first."

Gu Jiao nodded: "good."

"Auntie! I'm coming Xiaojingkong waved his little arm and went away.

Gu Jiao squats down and mends her swing carefully, but she doesn't notice the princess Ning'an at the door.

Princess Ning'an's steps stopped and looked at Gu Jiao for a moment.

After entering the palace, Princess Ning'an put on the gorgeous clothes of the Royal Princess, occasionally with eyebrows and makeup, no longer like the simple clothes and plain face in the frontier fortress.

Especially today, she also left a scar on her left cheek where she used to put on the crabapple makeup.

At first glance, the red birthmark on Gu Jiao's cheek is similar to her crabapple makeup.

Only Begonia makeup is described, small and exquisite, the birthmark is dwarfed.

Princess Ning'an was a lively little princess before she came out of the pavilion, but when she calms down, she will have a quiet and gentle side.

Gu Jiao's temperament is just like that of Princess Ning'an, but it is even colder.

"Princess." The maid in waiting saw Princess Ning'an and saluted her respectfully.

Gu Jiao turned her head. Princess Ning'an gave her a smile. Gu Jiao nodded.

For Gu Jiao in the palace did not bow to Princess Ning'an, all the palace people were not surprised.

In fact, just in front of the emperor, Gu Jiao did not make a servile attitude, and the emperor and Duke Wei are still used to it.

Although Princess Ning'an walked with Gu Jiao all the way, they didn't have much contact with each other. After Gu Jiao fell asleep in the snow mountain of the remaining evils of the previous dynasty, she was protected on her back by Gu Changqing. When she returned to the barracks, she immediately isolated herself.

On the way back to Beijing, Princess Ning'an was always in her carriage, while Gu Jiao was at the front of the procession, keeping pace with Gu brothers.

They are... Not very familiar.

Princess Ning'an went around the cloister, through the Chuihua gate and went to the bedroom of Empress Dowager Zhuang.

She couldn't help looking back at Gu Jiao.

Just at this moment, a little eunuch covered her finger and ran over in a hurry: "Miss Gu! Miss Gu! My finger is broken

It was a little eunuch of no rank.

"Let me see." Gu Jiao put down the tools in her hand, took out a clean handkerchief to hold his hand, examined it carefully, and said, "it's not broken. How can it be done?"

Hearing this, the eunuch was relieved and said in a low voice, "just... Smashed the walnut."

The palace maids, who were doing sweeping, covered their mouths and snickered.

The little eunuch scratched his head in shame.

Gu Jiao said: "wrap it in a handkerchief and apply it with ice. If the swelling doesn't disappear tomorrow, apply it again. After two days, apply it with hot compress."

The eunuch quickly said, "thank you, Miss Gu. I wrote it down!"

Princess Ning'an took back her eyes and continued to walk towards empress dowager Zhuang's bedroom. She never thought that she met the little eunuch on the way.

The little eunuch should be a new comer. He didn't know the rules very well. He ran out from the back of the cloister and nearly ran into Princess Ning'an.

Princess Ning'an didn't say anything, but he himself was scared and fell on his knees: "princess, please forgive me! Princess, spare your life

Princess Ning'an said calmly, "get up, I don't blame you."

"Yes! Thank you, Princess Ning'an The little eunuch stood up tremblingly and did not dare to look up at his master.

Princess Ning'an said slowly, "I remember you were not so afraid in front of Dr. Gu. I don't eat people."

The little eunuch said respectfully, "you are a princess. You are the most beloved Princess of the Empress Dowager. The slave dare not offend you."

Princess Ning'an said, "isn't doctor Gu my mother's favorite?"

The little eunuch said, "of course, Miss Gu is, but..."

"Just what?" Princess Ning'an looked at him and asked.

"Miss Gu, she... She..." the eunuch hesitated, not knowing whether to say it or not.

Ningan Princess light smile: "she is more approachable than me, more than I attract you like."

The eunuch shook his head like a rattle: "I don't mean that!"