The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 545

The emperor and Princess Ning'an rushed to the direction of Taiye pool. Unexpectedly, on the grass behind a rockery near Taiye pool, they saw Huangfu Xian covered with blood.

The scene was unforgettable to the emperor for all his life - huangfuxian's legs were not covered with a thick blanket as before, his legs were covered with blood, a pair of empty trouser legs were floating in the cold wind, his hands were covered with blood, and even his cheeks, corners of his eyes and neck were covered with spatters of blood.

And a drop came down the corner of his mouth.

His eyes were empty and gloomy, and his figure was lonely and incomplete.

The emperor's heart suddenly surged a feeling of speech, it seems to be cold, also seems to be thrilled.

How could there be such a terrible child in the world?

Huang Fuxian is only 13 years old, one year younger than Gu Xiaoshun. However, the coldness he shows is not what a normal person should have.

The emperor's eyes fell on his empty trouser legs and his throat choked.

"Xian'er! What are you doing! "

Princess Ning'an almost roared and ran over. Her hands tightly grasped Huang Fuxian's shoulder and shook his thin body with a breakdown. "What have you done?"

Huang Fu Xian let her shake herself in the cold wheelchair without expression.

Princess Ning'an said with red eyes: "you talk! What have you done! Why did you do that! "

The emperor came back to himself and pulled Princess Ning'an away. Princess Ning'an covered her face, leaned against the emperor's arms and broke down crying: "it's all my fault... It's my fault..."

The emperor looked, did not see the body of the dog, I do not know whether the child is the dog thrown into the Taiye pool.

The emperor couldn't help but close his eyes and gasp at the thought of a 13-year-old child being cruel.

Because he is Ning'an's son, he has to tolerate it.

Ning An has suffered too much. He can't let her be hurt any more.

"Go back first. I'll talk to him." The emperor said to Princess Ning'an.

Princess Ning'an looked at Huang Fuxian with tears. The emperor patted her on the shoulder placidly: "I won't do anything to him. I just want to say a few words to him."

The emperor said that it was not appropriate for Princess Ning'an not to go back.

Princess Ning'an choked and said to huangfuxian, "don't make your uncle angry."

Huang Fuxian leaned lazily on the back of his wheelchair, with a look of indifference.

Princess Ning'an turned back to Bixia palace.

The emperor looked at Huang Fuxian, hesitated for a moment, or walked in front of him for two steps, stopped by his wheelchair, and then the emperor sighed earnestly: "xian'er, I know you are suffering. You have lost your legs, and you have lost your father. I understand your sadness."

"Oh." Huang Fu Xian sneered scornfully, as if he sniffed at the emperor's words.

Since the emperor ascended the throne, no one dares to speak to him like this except empress dowager Zhuang. He doesn't care about a child for the time being. He said, "yes, I haven't lost my legs. I can't understand all your pain, but I've also lost my father. I understand the pain of losing my father."

Huang Fuxian said sarcastically, "your majesty and I are not in the same situation. Your father died of illness and my father was killed."

The emperor frowned and said, "your father betrayed the court."

Huang Fu Xian said, "his court is the Dali Dynasty."

The emperor clenched his fist and gasped again.

Nephew, don't be angry, don't be angry.

The emperor looked at him and said, "if you want to blame me, don't blame your mother. Don't do these things to make your mother angry."

Huangfuxian did not look at the emperor, but looked at the peaceful taiyechi lake not far away and said coldly, "she betrayed my father. I just want to blame her. I will never forgive him in my life. Of course, I will not forgive your majesty. Your majesty had better kill me as soon as possible. Otherwise, when I have strength, I may continue my father's great cause of national restoration! "


"I am the royal family of the great dynasties, and my father's blood is flowing in my body. I will not die in a day, and the great dynasties will not die in a day!"


"Your Majesty, your majesty, your majesty!"

Duke Wei's voice rang from far and near.

The emperor realized that he had already returned to the imperial study, and he had been in a daze for a long time.

He just nearly grabbed the child's neck, he almost killed him!

It was the child's too similar appearance to Ning'an that brought his reason back.

He was afraid that if he stayed longer, he would order to cut off his head, so he left him alone.

"Your Majesty, are you all right?" Duke Wei looked anxiously at his majesty.

The emperor wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, shook his head and said, "I'm ok. How's Xiao Qi?"

Wei Gonggong said: "the slave sent his seven highness to Kunning palace and gave it to the queen. The queen... Seems not very happy."

Who can be happy?

Being bullied twice at a time is still in the hands of the same person.

Empress Xiao is not a weak and deceiving master. I'm afraid that Kunning palace will be married with Bixia palace.

The emperor pinched sour brow: "you let people go to Kunning palace to say, I'll have dinner tonight."

This is to appease empress Xiao.

Wei Gonggong will say: "yes."

Duke Wei has gone.

The emperor's brow was still sad.

Empress Xiao is very placatory, so it's not so easy for him to cross over.

His mind was full of Huang Fu Xian's words - I will never die, I will never forget!

The remaining evils of the former dynasty were so capable of doing things that they left a terrible shadow in the emperor's heart.

In fact, Huang Fuxian is just a 13-year-old disabled boy. How can he restore his country?

However, another voice floated in the emperor's mind - the blood of the royal family of the former dynasty was flowing in his body, and he inherited his father's mind and means.

He is a child without the slightest sympathy and compassion. If he grows up, he will have endless troubles.

On the table was a fold asking for the canonization of Princess Ning'an as Princess protector.

The emperor had made up his mind that no matter how the court objected, he would give Ning'an a place as a princess.

But now he's not sure.

Is he really going to canonize Ning'an as a female vassal?

In that way, after a hundred years of Ning'an, her fiefdom and the power of princes will be inherited by Huangfu Xian. Won't Huangfu Xian really become the second Yi king or his son-in-law?

There are two options before him.

1、 Ning'an was granted the title of Princess protector of the state, who was the same as the princes, but he had to kill huangfuxian to avoid future trouble.

2、 Don't canonize Ning'an. Let Ning'an be an ordinary princess. Huang Fuxian will be an ordinary dandy. He will never have the capital to restore his country.


On the other side, Huang Fuxian pushed his wheelchair back to Bixia hall.

Princess Ning'an was waiting for him in his room. Seeing him coming, Princess Ning'an held back her servants.

Only mother and son were left in the room. Princess Ning'an looked down at his legs and said, "where's your blanket?"

"Dirty, throw it away." Huang Fu Xian said lightly.

Princess Ning'an took a deep breath: "huangfuxian..."

Huang Fu Xian interrupted her with his lips. "Don't you want to know what I said to your majesty?"

"What did you say to your majesty?" Asked Princess Ning'an.

Huang Fuxian said with a smile, "I hate you and him. You killed my father. I will take revenge for him one day. As long as I don't die, all the Dynasties will not die!"


Princess Ning'an gave him a cold slap with her backhand!

This slap was merciless. Huang Fuxian even fell to the ground with a wheelchair. He rolled out of the wheelchair, and the blood from the corner of his mouth also flowed down.

He looked at her with a sneer: "is mother so strong?"

Princess Ning'an's chest heaved violently, and she glared at him angrily, even her body trembled.

Huang Fuxian was smiling wildly. The dried up blood on his cheek mixed with the new blood on his mouth. It looked strange: "mother, guess, if you have a son who wants to rebel, will your majesty make you a princess?"

Ningan princess's fingernails deeply pinched into the meat: "from today on, you are not allowed to step out of the door!"

After that, Princess Ning'an left coldly.

No one came in to help him up.

Huang Fuxian then collapsed on the cold floor, staring at the carved beam on the top.

The sky and the earth seemed to be quiet, and the cold wind poured in from the crack of the window.

Huang Fu Xian was so cold that he lost consciousness all over his body and his legs. He didn't move or scream.

All of a sudden, there was a growl on the windowsill, as if a big bird had fallen.

Huang Fuxian didn't care.

He just lay there waiting to die.

Then a cute little figure came in on the windowsill and fell to the ground.

Huang Fu Xian raised his eyes. Unfortunately, he was frozen. The range of his eyes was limited. He didn't see anything.

Until the little figure came running, face to face with him upside down on his head.

"Little brother."

Little clearance said hello.

"What are you doing here?" Huang Fu Xian closed his eyes and asked, "is this the place you can come to?"

Ignoring his indifference, xiaojingkong walked around him and asked curiously, "what are you doing lying on the ground?"

Huang Fu Xian sneered: "Oh, fun?"

"Oh." Xiaojingkong also lay down beside him.

Huang Fuxian

Small clearance lay for a while, small hands folded in the stomach: "but I feel cold."

Huang Fuxian: This is not nonsense?

Xiaojingkong sat up and took out a small porcelain vase from his pocket: "here you are."

Huang Fu Xian said, "what?"

Xiaojingkong explained: "golden sore medicine, healing."

"The dog is dead," he said coldly

"It's for you, isn't your hand hurt?" he said

Huang Fu Xian's eyelashes trembled slightly.

He did hurt his hand, but no one noticed.

They all thought that the blood on his hand belonged to the dog.

Seeing that he didn't reach for it, xiaojingkong simply grabbed his hand and planned to put it into his hand.

But when Xiao Jingkong grasped it, he found that his hand was frightfully cold: "your hand is so cold! You can't lie on the ground any more! "

Huang Fu Xian said, "I want you to take care of it!"

Looking around, he saw that his wheelchair was also overturned on the ground. He thought about it and said, "did you wrestle?"

Huang Fu Xian said in a cold voice, "don't worry about it

Xiaojingkong got up and used his strength to straighten the wheelchair bigger than himself. Then he went to help huangfuxian.

Huang Fuxian was frozen and stiff. Naturally, he didn't get up so easily. Xiao Jingkong thought for a moment, grabbed one of his hands and began to rub it. As he rubbed, he breathed: "it won't be cold, and it will be warm soon."

Since he lost his legs, Huang Fu Xian hated being close to people. Even today's Princess Ning'an could not touch him, but the little guy grabbed his hand and rubbed it?

Huang Fuxian became angry: "you let go!"

Xiaojingkong learns from Gujiao and touches huangfuxian's forehead: "it's going to be fine soon. Don't worry."

Touch his head!

Huang Fu Xian is about to explode!

After kneading his left hand, Xiao Jingkong went to knead his right hand, and his right hand soon became warm.

The next step is to rub his legs.

It was a taboo that he could not touch. He was incomplete and ugly. Even his own father would instinctively avoid it because he felt chilly.

Don't touch that.

He's going to be crazy!

Huangfuxian stares at xiaojingkong.

Fortunately, xiaojingkong didn't touch his leg. After warming his hands, xiaojingkong tried to help him sit up again.

I don't know if the excitement of that moment made his blood surge, his body was really not so rigid.

He sat up.

Xiaojingkong pushes the wheelchair in front of him. He grabs the armrest of the wheelchair with both hands and sits on it with his teeth clenched.

"Do you feel any pain?"

Xiaojingkong asked him.

This time it's his leg.

Huang Fu Xian's throat glided for a while and said faintly, "it doesn't hurt much."

Little clearance bent down.

Huang Fuxian thought that he was going to open his trouser legs, and his face changed violently.

Unexpectedly, xiaojingkong just stopped at the top of his broken leg, and his mouth gently blew: "Huhu, it doesn't hurt."

That clean small eyes, no fear, no dislike.