The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 539

On the other hand, Xing Shangshu took Xiao Heng out of the city to investigate the case overnight. Xiao Heng was appointed as a writ in the Ministry of punishment, and he was not supposed to participate in the investigation. However, Xing Shangshu wanted people to come here at the beginning because he was interested in his ability to handle the case.

The position of Shuling is just a cover.

The surname of the Minister of punishment is Xing, and his name is Shuwen.

This name doesn't sound like a great secretary, but Xing Shuwen did it.

Xing Shuwen is one of the six Shangshu's rare poor family background. At the beginning, he suffered a lot and finally entered the Ministry of punishment.

Without the support of his family, it was much harder for him to rise than those noble officials. He had been released twice. One was to offend others, and the other was to move unchangeable forces.

But maybe his life is really hard, so he survived.

He had a good character and a good family style, which was in line with the emperor's employment standards. Of course, the premise was that he could be noticed by the emperor.

"In fact, it's a coincidence. The second time I put it out was in a small County near Fengdu mountain. I did a case and the victim was from Princess mansion." On the carriage, Xing Shangshu said to Xiao Heng.

Xiao Heng didn't know about it.

Before he left Beijing, he didn't think that he would enter the six departments, so he didn't pay special attention to the movement of the six departments. Princess Xinyang monitored the movement of the court, so he occasionally heard the tricks of some officials, such as Zheng Siye's account book of accepting bribes.

However, it is obvious that the criminal records are not in the ranks of those who have something to do with it.

He is a good official with integrity.

The carriage bumped along the rugged path, and their bodies were shaking.

While shaking, Xing Shangshu continued: "to be honest, he is just a petty servant. He was bullied and humiliated by a local squire, who has such a close relationship with the capital. Do you know what other people would do? "

Xiao Heng understood that he was not asking himself.

Sure enough, Xing Shangshu said to himself, "big things become small things. Sometimes the lives of the common people are not worth money, and the lives of the servants are not worth money. Princess Xinyang asked me at that time," county magistrate, do you dare to investigate this case? "

Xiao Heng could almost imagine the expression of Princess Xinyang at that time.

"I asked the princess," I found out. Can the princess keep my family when something goes wrong? " The princess said, I can't, your case is not for me, that's your duty, you can choose to be a good official, you can choose to be a dirty official, the results are borne by yourself. Oh, how inhuman! I thought. Well... In fact, I still think the princess's heart is too hard. She is a princess. Isn't it easy for her to protect several people? She's putting me on the fire, and she's not giving my family a way back... "

"But LIULANG, the world is like this. From the day I chose to be an official, I have taken the fate of my family on an unpredictable road. No one forced me. I chose them all by myself. "

"When the case came to the capital, do you know that the squire was related to the government of the state of Luo? I almost died, but heaven does not kill me. When your majesty heard about the case, he transferred me back to the capital, and I was saved."

"She helped you." Xiao Heng suddenly opens his mouth.

"What?" Xing Shangshu looks at Xiao Heng without knowing why.

Xiao Heng said, "Princess Xinyang, she helped you."

Xing Shangshu was stunned.

Xiao Heng brushed his sleeves: "otherwise, why did your majesty hear about your case and suddenly transfer you back to the capital? There are so many murders in the world. "

"Ah... This..."

Xing Shangshu couldn't accept such a big shock for a moment. To be honest, he didn't think about this possibility, but he met Princess Xinyang several times afterwards, and Princess Xinyang didn't make him appreciate her at all.

She didn't even talk to him.

Is it so anonymous to do good deeds?

What is the picture of Princess Xinyang?

Is he a good official?

Picture his face?

It is said that Princess Xinyang has many faces.

Xing Shangshu touched his rough face and said that once upon a time, he was really a beautiful man in their county

"My Lord! Here we are The coachman stopped the carriage.

The reason why Xing Shangshu said that to Xiao Heng in the carriage was that he realized that this time it was not simple, and the forces behind it might be beyond their imagination. He was worried that Xiao Heng would not dare to go down to investigate, so he wanted to use his deeds to influence Xiao Heng and make him determined to be a good official who was not afraid of power. Even if there was no one to protect him, he would be able to soar up to 90000 Li.

But it looks like it's overturned.

"Cough." Xing Shangshu cleared his throat, "go down."

This is the residence of the third witness they found.

It's a pity that I have no idea.

The witness hasn't been home these days.

Li Shilang's case is simple as well as complex. Li Shilang went out to visit his concubines and concubines in Chuang Tzu. On the way, he met a group of robbers. His escort drove the robbers away in time. Two of them resisted seriously and hurt li Shilang. The guard also had to kill them.

But who expected that when he was sent to the local yamen, one of the dead became a good citizen.

Liangmin's family came to the door and said that Li Shilang had killed their son.

The other robbers were also identified, and their witnesses were not at home.

According to Xing Shangshu's experience in handling the case for many years, this is a premeditated frame up, and the purpose is not Li Shilang, but Li Shilang's case.

Xiao Heng is a trustworthy person. Xing Shangshu didn't make a detour in front of him: "the xianleju case is very important. Both Jingzhao house and the Ministry of punishment are investigating and handling this case."

Xiao Heng nodded and said, "Why are the people in Jingzhao mansion OK?"

Xing Shangshu said thoughtfully, "there is only one possibility."

Jingzhao house has been bought.

Xiao Heng also guessed this possibility, he said: "Li Shilang continue to look down, there will be danger, is your danger."

Li Shilang just obeyed the orders, and the decision was in the hands of Xing Shangshu, so in fact, the other party came to Xing Shangshu.

The above is based on the current clues to guess, whether it is so remains to be further verified.

Without finding the witness, Xing Shangshu and Xiao Heng get on the carriage back to Beijing.

The carriage just walked a little, an arrow shot into their carriage, straight nailed on the wall between Xiao Heng and Xing Shangshu!

Because of the great strength, the arrow went in, and the tail of the arrow was still shaking violently. It can be seen that if this arrow was shot at any one of them, it would kill them instantly!

Xing Shangshu's eyes were cold: "assassinate the official of the imperial court? It's a good thing I'm ready! "

After that, he took out a bone whistle and made a sound.

One, two, three went by.

The master who should appear did not appear.

Xing Shangshu was confused: "what's the matter? I spent a lot of money on the experts in the Jianghu! "

"No more." Xiao Heng said lightly.

"No?" Xing Shangshu eyes a stare, and an arrow shot in, this time shot in Xing Shangshu's crotch, Xing Shangshu only feel his little Shangshu is a little cold!

"Get out of the car!" Xiao Heng said.

Xing Shangshu opened the curtain, grabbed Xiao Heng's hand and jumped out of the carriage with him.

Just as they fell to the ground, a whole row of arrows came out of the sky and shot the carriage into a sieve!

Xing Shangshu breathed.

If they hadn't just jumped off the bus in time with Xiao LIULANG, they would have become a sieve now!

"That's disgusting! Who did it! Don't let me find out! Otherwise, I will find out that he has lost his property! "


Another arrow shot, almost hit Xing Shangshu's ass!


Xing Shangshu jumps, grabs Xiao Heng's hand and runs away!

At first, Xiao Heng thought that the gang was coming for Xing Shangshu. Until they entered a forest, Xing Shangshu fell down the hillside. Instead of chasing Xing Shangshu, the gang attacked Xiao Heng.

Xiao hengcai finally understood that it was a mistake to shoot Xing Shangshu, and their purpose was themselves from the beginning.

They don't want to warn Xing Shangshu to stop through Li Shilang's case. They want to use Xing Shangshu to take him out of the capital to investigate the case and kill him on the way!

That's a good idea.

It seems that the case of Mo Qianxue was a bureau from the beginning.

Xiao Heng looked at the five men in black approaching him and asked coldly, "who is your master?"

The man in black, the leader, said in a cold voice, "we are dying. Do you know our master is useful?"

Xiao Heng asked calmly, "I have to die to understand."

The man in black sneered: "well, I'll tell you that the man who wants to kill you is our little Lord."

Xiao Heng looked at him coldly: "who is your little Lord?"