The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 538

Bishui Hutong.

Being ignored by his son, marquis Gu couldn't hang on. He cleared his throat and put his sleeping son back into Yao's arms.

He came here today to see Yao and his son. In fact, there was another thing -- Gu Jinyu's marriage.

Gu Jinyu and an Jun Wang were originally scheduled to get married years ago, but apart from the war, the marriage of the people may not be limited. But an Jun Wang is the official of the imperial court, and Gu Jinyu is the daughter of the marquis. They can't get married at the time of national calamity.

So it was pushed to the end of the year.

"Next month." Marquis Gu said to Yao, "Jinyu is your daughter. Where can a daughter get married without her mother? Why don't you come back with me for a few days and wait until Jinyu is married. "

The contradiction between Yao's family and Hou's family is mainly due to the unpopularity of Hou's family. Old lady Gu is the leader, followed by Gu Changqing. As for the lower class, they don't have to care too much. Anyway, they don't dare to make Yao's family come with them.

Now, with the solution of all kinds of misunderstandings, the resentment of the three brothers of the Gu family towards Yao has gone. Marquis Gu feels that it's time to take Yao back to live.

Yao hesitated.

She knew that Mrs. Gu still didn't want to see her son, who had been killed half the way, and that there was no way for them to get back to the same situation.

Moreover, even if she goes back, Gu Yan and Gu Jiao will not go back with her.

She is reluctant to give up a pair of children, and also reluctant to give up the big family of Bishui Hutong.

But the Marquis is right. Jinyu is also her daughter.

At that time, Gu Sanlang and his wife treated Jinyu like treasure and pearl. What reason did she have to treat Jinyu harshly?

"My mother is not very well recently. I can't manage it any more." Marquis Gu looked at her and said.

Yao took a look at Gu Jiao, who was repairing the elegant eyes of Cuju in the backyard, and said to Marquis Gu, "you haven't talked to Jiao Jiao since you've been here so long?"

Marquis Gu snorted: "she doesn't talk to me! Did you hear her call me dad when I came in so long? "

Yao said: "Jiaojiao is just not used to it. Besides, are you like a father to Jiaojiao?"

"I..." Marquis Gu stopped.

Yao added, "you beat her with a whip."

"That's..." Marquis Gu said with a faint cough, "how long have you remembered? I didn't know she was our daughter. I thought she was going to hurt you

Mention this matter, Gu Hou Ye comes to angry, he just whipped that wench a whip, that wench remembers revenge to remember to become that appearance! Against him everywhere! And abducted his wife and son!

Two sons!

Is he not like a father?

It's clear that she doesn't look like a daughter!

She can't learn from Jinyu, gentle and generous, charming and lovely, that's what the Hou family should look like!

Marquis Gu rolled his eyes and said, "I don't want to hurt her so much if she is half sensible."

Yao stood up with Gu Xiaobao in his arms and frowned at him: "do you admit that you don't hurt Jiao Jiao?"

"It's not... I..." Marquis Gu is silly. Why is his mouth so fast? And the angle of Madam how to grasp so tricky!

Yao was so angry that he trembled all over: "it turns out that you lied to me when you used to say you hurt Jiaojiao!"

Marquis Gu was flustered and said, "I didn't cheat you! I mean it! I love you! I love her the most

Yao didn't want to wake up her sleeping son. He pressed his anger and asked, "what's Jiaojiao's favorite food?"

Marquis Gu opened his mouth.

He doesn't know what that girl likes most!

"You can't even answer that, and you're in pain!" Yao said, holding Gu Xiaobao's head, he left without turning back!

Marquis Gu


Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun went to Nanxiang and Master Lu, but they were not at home. Yao ignored him. Marquis Gu angrily touched his nose, and every hair on his body told of his embarrassment.

He hesitated whether to go back first. At this time, xiaojingkong came.

Small clearance is Gu Jiao's small tail, where Gu Jiao goes, where he goes, but now he didn't stick to Gu Jiao.

Marquis Gu was very surprised.

He looked at the little Douding, who seemed to be so long, and rarely looked so pleasant: "how did you come here?"

Xiaojingkong didn't speak. He walked to the front gate of the front yard, stood on the threshold, put his little hand behind him, and blinked at him.

Marquis Gu said: "are you giving me a driving order?"

Xiaojingkong shook his head: "Jiaojiao said that if you want to be a polite child, visitors are guests. You can't give orders to others just because you don't welcome them. That's an adult's business. Let's just be responsible for children. "

Marquis Gu

Marquis Gu, who ran into a wall everywhere, finally left in disgrace.

Gu Jiao will be small clearance of the romantic eye repair, small clearance and happy to play Cuju.

"Thank you, Jiao Jiao!" Xiaojingkong stands in front of Fengliu and says with a cute face.

Gu Jiao bent his lips and handed him the Cuju on the stone table

"Will Jiaojiao play with me?" Asked little clearance.

"Good." Gu Jiao nodded.

Gu Jiao played with Xiao Jingkong for a while. Until the old man came back to check Xiao Jingkong's homework, he left reluctantly.

Gu Jiao went to the hospital.

He brought some candied fruit and hawthorn cake made by his grandfather.

When she came into the room, Mo Qianxue was sulking at the head of the bed. When she saw her coming, she gave a cold hum, rolled her eyes, turned her side and threw the back of her head to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao is always right to people and wrong things. The people she accepts can connive each other to do anything. Mo Qianxue's nature is a drizzle in her eyes, and her clothes are not wet.

"How are you feeling today? Is there anything wrong? " Doctor Gu made a routine inquiry.

Mo Qianxue grabbed the handkerchief and said: "not so good. It's uncomfortable everywhere!"

Gu Jiao put the dim sum on the bedside table and stretched out her hand to give her a pulse: "is that right? Let me see. "

Mo Qianxue drew back her hand: "I won't show you this little liar!"

So lively, it seems that the afternoon is OK.

Gu Jiao is a doctor. Naturally, she has to care about the patient's diet. She asked her servant girl. Mo Qianxue didn't eat much. She only took one or two mouthfuls of two dishes and one soup.

Gu Jiao opened the food box, took out a pile of crystal clear hawthorn cake, said: "this is my grandfather hawthorn cake, you try."

When one person cares about another, the focus becomes strange.

Only hear Mo Qianxue sneer: "your grandfather has no sister, where do you come from the grandfather?"

Gu Jiao Mou Guang looks at her: "you investigated me."

Mo Qianxue's eyes flashed.

Oh, no, it's a slip of the tongue!

Mo Qianxue was rescued by Gu Jiao to xianleju before she recognized that Gu Jiao was the dumb boy who had molested her. Gu Jiao never said who she was and who her grandfather was.

In other words, before recognizing Gu Jiao this time, she, Mo Qianxue, investigated the Qian Jin of Marquis's residence in Ding'an.

This is very intriguing.

Why did Mo Qianxue investigate her?

Mo Qianxue calmed down and said in the same tone: "is this still for investigation? It's well known that the daughter of Marquis's family in Ding'an has been working as a medical woman in the medical school for a long time. "

Gu Jiao looked at her for a moment: "so you are so sure that I am the medical woman?"

Mo Qianxue could hardly stand her seemingly casual but sharp eyes: "aren't you Gu?"

Gu Jiao lightly put hawthorn cake in Mo Qianxue's hand: "it's the same."

Mo Qianxue breathes a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she is smart!

Gu Jiao handed the snack to Mo Qianxue, and then went out to take medicine for Mo Qianxue. To consolidate the foundation and cultivate yuan, it is necessary to use Chinese medicine properly.

After she left, Mo Qianxue took out a package of medicine powder from her arms and sprinkled it on a piece of hawthorn cake. She wiped away the excess medicine powder and mixed it with the sugar on the Hawthorn cake. She couldn't see it at all.

Gu Jiao with a bowl of steaming juice back to the room, Mo Qianxue is a Leng Gao Leng sitting at the head of the bed.

There was a dish of hawthorn cake on the bedside table beside her. She hummed coldly and said, "what's the messy taste? Did your grandfather make it? If you don't want to deal with me, you don't have to buy something from the stall to fool me! "

"Doesn't it taste good?" Gu Jiao asked strangely.

Mo Qianxue said angrily: "it's terrible! If you don't believe it, try one yourself

Gu Jiao picked up the top piece of hawthorn cake.

Mo Qianxue grabbed her hand and asked, "are you not afraid that I will poison you?"

Gu Jiao asked: "can you?"

Mo Qianxue slowly released her hand and said in a cold voice: "yes! Of course! I want to poison you, little liar

Gu Jiao tasted the Hawthorn cake in her hand and frowned: "well, it seems a little too sour. I took it wrong. It's for my aunt."

"Doctor gu! Here's a patient who faints! "

The voice of Xiao Sanzi was heard outside the yard.

"Here it is Gu Jiao put down the Hawthorn cake and turned out of the room.

Mo Qianxue looked at the Hawthorn cake that Gu Jiao had chewed, and then looked at a bird and half a hawthorn cake on the snow outside the window, kicking angrily in the quilt!

Next time... Next time must not be soft hearted!

No matter how soft hearted I am, Mo Qianxue will write the name upside down!