The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 540

"Brother, don't talk nonsense with him. What else do you know when you're dying?"

"Also, this guy doesn't deserve to know the name of the young Lord."

The man in black, who was the leader, laughed and said to the man in black beside him, "kill this boy and make it clean."

"Don't worry, big brother. We know it. This kid has the final say, "what is the law of death?"

A few people roar with laughter, disdain toward Xiao Heng force past.

Xiao Heng has two choices: one is to be killed by them, the other is to jump off the slope and die.


A man in black gave a provocative smile.

This kind of height is nothing to those who practice martial arts. It is a situation of death to a Hanlin official.

They didn't believe that Xiao Heng could jump. In fact, Xiao Heng didn't.

Several people sneer and approach Xiao Heng. Just about ten steps away, Xiao Heng suddenly takes something out of his purse and throws it at several people's feet.

A few people are still hidden weapons. Step back in a hurry!

It's a pity that it's useless to take a step back. The black thing exploded after landing!

How many people were blown up!

The first man in black was stunned. When he reflected that he wanted to attack Xiao Heng, Xiao Heng quickly took out the remaining black fire beads.



Before he could escape, he was stunned by a series of black fire.

Gu Jiao mixed a small amount of Mongolian medicine into Xiao Heng's black fire bead. In fact, the power of the explosion was not as big as that of the pure black fire bead, but it could quickly pour the other side's medicine.

After blowing out these people, Xiao Heng quickly left and went down the path in front to find Xing Shangshu.

Xing Shangshu just fell down the slope. He didn't fall so high. He won't die if he is lucky.

When Xiao Heng found him, his arm was dislocated and his leg could walk.

Xiao Heng helped him up, looked around and said, "go!"

Xing Shangshu covered his dislocated arm and cursed in pain: "who are these people?"

"I don't know." Xiao Heng said.

Xing Shangshu said angrily, "well, well, I've got my idea on my head. When I get back to the capital, I'm going to find out about him!"

Courage is commendable.

Xing Shangshu said: "LIULANG, you, don't be scared. You have to eat your salary and worry about your worries. How can we be the officials of the imperial court? You don't want to retreat because of this disturbance. "

Xiao Heng helped him to accurately identify the direction of the capital: "well, no."

What is this disturbance? What's more, it's aimed at him, which has nothing to do with whether he is the official of the imperial court.

They set up such an overall situation in order to deal with him. From the murder of xianleju, this situation started. All of them are pieces on the chessboard.

I just don't know who is the minority leader of that group of people, and what's the relationship with xianleju?

Xiao Heng said, "my Lord, after I return to Beijing, I want to go to xianleju again."

"Yes! It's all up to you! I think there's something wrong with xianleju! " Xing Shangshu was so angry that he was so rude.

People in the capital have long speculated about the background of xianleju, but unfortunately xianleju has never been given a handle, so it's not good to seal it up or take it away.

What's more, what about xianleju? Is the point xianleju? It's the man behind xianleju!

Xing Shangshu has a toothache!

After they left for a while, Xing Shangshu suddenly asked, "by the way, I just heard a strange voice. Are you ok?"

After Xing Shangshu fell down, he was dizzy for a long time, and the place was far away, so he didn't really hear it. He didn't know whether he had heard it wrong or what happened.

"I'm fine." Xiao Heng didn't mention black powder.

Only Yan state has black powder. God knows how Gu Jiao has it in her hand. It's better to do more than less. Since Xing Shangshu is not sure, he heard it wrong.

"By the way, what about the gang?" Xing Shangshu asked again.

Xiao Heng said: "I've shaken off for a while, but I may catch up later. We have to leave as soon as possible."

"Ah... But where is this?" Xing Shangshu is completely lost.

Xiao Heng pointed to the front and said, "if you go one mile to the East, you can get to Xiaohe village. There is a post station from the village, where we hire a carriage."

"Oh." Xing Shangshu nodded.

He felt vaguely that something was wrong. For a while, he didn't remember what was wrong.

The group still caught up, but Xiao Heng was so familiar with the terrain near the capital that he could get rid of them.

After the carriage entered the city gate, Xing Shangshu suddenly recalled: "you... Aren't you from Youzhou? How can I be more familiar with the capital than I am? "

I don't know when you grew up in Beijing!

It seems that they didn't intend to fight in the capital. After entering the capital, their journey became smoother and faster.

Xing Shangshu was injured. Fortunately, Xiao Heng sent him to miaozhou hall.

"Here comes LIULANG." The second owner said with a smile, "come to find Xiao Gu? She's healing the patient. She'll be fine in a minute

Xiao Heng gave a hum and introduced himself to the second master: "this is Mr. Xing. His arm has been injured. I'd like to trouble the second master to find a doctor to treat him."

Xing Shangshu was dressed in official clothes. Although the second owner didn't recognize which yamen it was, he was a senior official of three grades or above. The second owner quickly handed over: "my Lord, I'm sorry! This way, please. I'll call a doctor for you

The second owner invited Xing Shangshu to the wing room upstairs.

Xiao Heng went to Gu Jiao's yard.

Xiao Heng knows about a female patient living in the courtyard. He never interferes in Gu Jiao's medical practice, but he doesn't know that the patient moved into Gu Jiao's house.

He pushed the door in, caught off guard and ran into each other.

Mo Qianxue tries to walk secretly after Gu Jiao leaves. When she reaches the table, Xiao Heng comes in.

Xiao Heng saw her, she also saw Xiao Heng.

She was dressed in Gu Jiao's clothes. She was well dressed without any impoliteness or inconvenience, but she was still caught off guard.

Her walking posture is different from that of normal people. Xiao Heng soon realized that she was a patient. He quickly looked away, nodded lightly, and turned to go out.

At this time, Mo Qianxue stopped him: "you stop!"

Xiao Heng hesitated for a moment and looked at Mo Qianxue.

To be fair, Mo Qianxue's face is full of disgust and beauty. It's hard to find a more attractive woman in the whole capital.

Even when the doctors of the second owner and the hospital saw Mo Qianxue's clean face for the first time, they were too surprised to speak.

Xiao Heng is very calm.

There was no surprise in his eyes, and he didn't fall for it. It was just a look at strangers, which was no different from the common people on the road.

Mo Qianxue's Willow eyebrow frowned: "do you see my reaction?"

Hearing this, Xiao Heng was at a loss.

What happened to his reaction?

What does she think his reaction to seeing her should be?

Xiao Heng looks at Mo Qianxue puzzled.

Mo Qianxue holds back the pain of the wound and moves towards Xiao Heng step by step.

Xiao Heng unconsciously stepped back when she was close to her three step distance. The meaning of avoiding suspicion was very obvious.

Mo Qianxue's Willow eyebrow frowned more tightly: "what's the matter with you?"

If the first sentence makes Xiao Heng unable to touch the north, the second sentence can be regarded as a clue to Xiao Heng.

She didn't speak to him like a stranger.

"Do you know me?" Xiao Heng looks at her suspiciously.

Mo Qianxue pointed to his right eye: "do you think I don't know you without your mole? Although your appearance has changed a little from a few years ago, I can still recognize you! "

Xiao Heng frowned slightly.

He had a tear mole on his right hand. Did she really see him?

Mo Qianxue saw that he was silent. His face sank and said, "don't you remember me?"

Xiao Heng didn't speak.

Mo Qian Xue's Apricot eyes glared: "you really don't remember! I said, last time I met you near the Imperial Academy and asked my servant girl to look for you, but you didn't pay any attention! "

Near Hanlin courtyard... Servant girl

Xiao Heng remembered that there was such a thing. He was also seen by Cen's editor. He made a rumor in the Imperial Academy that he was entangled with the brothel woman.

Xiao Heng looked at her steadily: "was it you that day?"

Mo Qianxue nodded: "yes! That's me! I also deliberately dropped a token on the ground, but you didn't pick it up. Instead, you were picked up by a crooked melon and jujube! After that, the man ran boldly to xianleju to find me! "

Xiao Heng's eyes moved: "xianleju?"

It's true that editor Cen had an accident near xianleju. At that time, it was found that editor Cen was bold and coveted the girl of xianleju, but he had no token to go in, so he wanted to sneak over the wall and enter. As a result, he was killed by the bodyguard of xianleju.

So he was not killed as a thief, but by the woman in front of him?

Mo Qianxue didn't realize the impact of her words in the room. She said quietly, "didn't I tell you before that if I see you next time, I'll tell you who I am?"

Xiao Heng looked at her, with a cold exploration in his eyes: "is that right? And who are you? "

Mo Qianxue smiles: "I'm the Huakui of xianleju, Mo Qianxue!"