The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 537

Gu Jiao originally had only one man in black, who would have thought that there were two hidden in the dark.

Mo Qianxue was seriously injured. This blow with all her strength almost emptied her whole body. When the three men in black fell down from high, she couldn't hold on any longer. She vomited a mouthful of blood and fainted with black eyes!

Gu Jiao bends over to carry Mo Qianxue back to the house, where there is a doctor's house to clean.

Mo Qianxue was covered with snowflakes. The wound on her leg was slightly torn. The blood seeped out and dyed her bedclothes red.

Gu Jiao first took off her clothes and put them in the quilt. Then she opened the cupboard door and found a clean bedclothes to change for her.

Mo Qianxue feels someone touching her body in a daze. Her face turns white and she grabs each other's hand.

"It's me." Gu Jiao said.

Mo Qian Xue put down her hand and leaned her head in Gu Jiao's arms and fell asleep.

As a matter of fact, the hospital has already come for several waves of killing, but I don't know if it's particularly serious tonight. Gu Jiao obviously feels that Mo Qianxue's mood has changed.

After midnight, Mo Qianxue even had a nightmare.

She's scared.

She was pale and trembling, as if in an endless nightmare.

"Mo Qianxue, Mo Qianxue." Gu Jiao tries to wake her up.

Mo Qianxue opens her eyes and looks at Gu Jiao in fear. She doesn't know if she is still in a dream. She just holds Gu Jiao's hand tightly, just like a drowning man holding the last piece of driftwood.

"Are you so scared?" Gu Jiao murmured that she didn't draw her hand back.


Gu Jiao took time to go back to Bishui Hutong.

Xiaojingkong didn't see Gu Jiao for several days. She was so wronged that she burst into tears: "Jiao Jiao!"

He rushed over and hugged Gu Jiao.

It is said that he is five years old, but he looks one year younger than his peers. Gu Jiao easily picked him up.

Xiaojingkong sat in Gu Jiao's arms and shook her head!

"Jiaojiao, is the hospital finished?" Asked little clearance.

"Not yet." Gu Jiao enters the room and greets Yao.

Yao has just bathed Gu Xiaobao.

"Come back, don't you have to go to the hospital?" Yao's warm voice.

"The evening has to pass." Gu Jiao said.

Xiaojingkong thought about it, came down from Gujiao's arms and moved a chair to Gujiao: "Jiaojiao is tired, Jiaojiao sits down."

Gu Xiaobao: "Wow!"

When Yao heard his son's voice, he was happy: "did Xiao Bao speak? Does Xiao Bao want his sister to sit down? "

Gu Xiaobao looks at Gu Jiao with big round eyes.

Gu Jiao goes to poke Gu Xiaobao in the face.

Gu Xiaobao giggled.

Three months of children can laugh, but Gu Xiaobao is a baby who doesn't cry, doesn't make noise, and doesn't like to laugh. Except for giggling on the day of three months, he doesn't say anything after that.

Gu Jiao felt funny and gently poked him in the face.

Gu Xiaobao laughed again.

Gu Jiao pokes and Gu Xiaobao laughs.

Xiaojingkong was so excited that he patted his hand and jumped: "my brother is laughing! My brother is laughing

Just at this moment, marquis Gu came from the newly built residence. It was snowing a few days ago, and the finishing work of the residence was delayed. Recently, the weather was better, so he led the craftsmen of the foreman's department to work day and night.

Today, he came to transport materials. He made a detour to see his wife and son.

As soon as he got to the door, he heard the cry of Xiao Jingkong. He held his breath and heard his son's laughter.

His son will laugh!

Marquis Gu went into the house with high spirits: "son! Dad has come to see you

Without looking at Gu Jiao, he went straight to his wife Yao and brought Gu Xiaobao's father's love to him.

Then Gu Xiaobao stopped laughing.

Marquis Gu teased him: "son? Give dad a smile

In his father's expectant eyes, Gu Xiaobao calmly took out his little finger, put it in his mouth, Baji, and coaxed himself to sleep in a second!

Marquis Gu

Mo Qianxue had been sleeping until the afternoon. Midway through, Tong Yiguan came to see her once, gave her a pulse and checked the condition of the wound.

Everything is fine.

When xianleju had an accident, the teahouse opened ahead of time, more people were wandering in the street, and more people were obsessed with it.

There is a wave of drunkards and patients in the hospital today. There are few doctors. They can't take care of them for a while.

But these have nothing to do with Mo Qianxue, she does not need additional treatment, just quietly in the room.

The servant girl brought the food.

Mo Qianxue simply ate some, her leg was injured, her ribs were broken, she could not walk down, she could only lie in bed bored.

She leaned on the head of the bed, grabbed the handkerchief and hummed, "where's the little liar?"

Suddenly, a shadow flashed by the door.

Mo Qianxue's eyeground quickly across a touch of vigilance: "who!"

The door of the room was pushed open from the outside. First, a delicate embroidered group fan stretched out from the crack of the door, and then the owner of the group fan also walked in.

It's a brand new pair of embroidered shoes with pink lotus and gold silk. It's very expensive with real gold silk. Only Huakui of xianleju can afford these shoes in the whole capital.

Mo Qianxue's vigilance is gone and replaced by a faint disgust.

"What are you doing here?" Mo Qianxue asked in a cold voice.

"I come to see my sister," she said with a smile

Hua Xiyao closed the door with her backhand and swayed towards Mo Qianxue's bed.

Mo Qianxue said with disdain: "who is your sister? Don't recognize relatives here. "

"Oh." Hua Xiyao covered half of her face with a round fan and laughed wildly, "they are all girls from brothels. Who is more noble than who? Don't talk like your sister is the daughter of a good family. "

Mo Qianxue was impatient and said, "if you have something to say, you can fart."

Hua Xiyao looked back and forth with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a few days. My elder sister is still so vulgar. Does that young master know that my elder sister is of such a character? Is it hard for my sister to pretend in front of him? Ah, I forgot, it's not a little childe, it's a little gold. Elder sister, you are infatuated and paid by mistake. "

Mo Qianxue coldly looked at her: "Hua Xiyao, you are idle and have nothing to do, come here to talk to me about this?"

Hua Xiyao takes away the fan in front of her face and shows an innocent look: "of course not. I'm here to remind my sister not to forget her identity and not to be a traitor of xianleju."

Mo Qianxue skimmed his face and said lightly, "I don't have one."

Hua Xiyao sneered and took out three silver needles from her arms: "so those three people were not killed by her sister? This kind of silver needle is made in imitation of Tangmen's Tanghua needle. It seems that no one else in the capital uses this kind of silver needle except my sister. "

Mo Qianxue squeezed the handkerchief's hand tightly and said without changing her face: "I don't need to explain to you."

Hua Xiyao threw three silver needles on Mo Qianxue's Quilt: "it was the little resident who asked me to come."

Mo Qianxue's eyes moved slightly, and said: "I killed those three people in order to gain her trust."

Hua Xiyao sits down on the edge of Mo Qianxue's bed and looks into Mo Qianxue's eyes with a smile: "does she not trust you enough?"

Mo Qianxue blinked faintly and raised her eyes to meet Hua Xiyao's sight: "not enough, I don't have a chance to start."

Hua Xiyao got up and went to the wardrobe. She opened the door and brushed Gu Jiao's clothes with her fingertips: "I've been sleeping in the same room, haven't I had a chance to start? Who is my sister fooling? "

"Then why don't you come?" Mo Qianxue asked.

Hua Xiyao closed the cupboard door: "I'm not as lucky as my sister. I can turn into a big fish if I hook up with a little boy."

Mo Qianxue glanced at her and said, "just know that you don't have this ability. Go back and tell shaojuzhu that I will kill her! But I need time! "

"Three days." Hua Xiyao held out three fingers.

Mo Qianxue looks coldly at Hua Xiyao.

Hua Xiyao said with a charming smile: "I just want to give you one day, but I've got two more days for my sister. My sister, don't let her down. "

"Hua Xi Yao." Mo Qianxue calls Hua Xiyao who has turned around and walked out.

Hua Xiyao stopped walking and looked back with a smile: "what's the matter with my sister?"

Mo Qianxue shot out a silk thread and entangled Hua Xiyao's feet. Then she pulled it coldly and twisted the embroidered shoes on Hua Xiyao's feet!

Mo Qianxue hasn't been polite to Hua Xiyao at all. If Hua Xiyao didn't have good martial arts, she would have fallen into shit.

Hua Xiyao's face sank and said, "Mo Qianxue!"

Mo Qianxue said coldly: "roll."