The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 536

There are no patients in the hospital except Mo Qianxue.

All the doctors and men on duty fell into a deep sleep, and Mo Qianxue was no exception. The whole hospital was quiet, only the wind whistling past.

And this news appropriately covers the movements of the people in black. Of course, their original movements are also very light, which shows their profound skills.

A group of people from the high wall across, landing silent, only when the clothes friction will send out a little bit of movement, but that's all, a gust of wind can cover it up.

When they came to the steps, the leader stopped, raised his hand and made a stop sign, while the others stopped in unison.

The leader went to the corridor first, listened to the news outside each room vigilantly, and finally decided the East Wing room.

He took out the dagger, put it in the crack of the door, and tried to pry the latch, but found that there was no latch behind the door.

Mo Qianxue is a patient. The doctor needs to make rounds at any time. Naturally, she won't lock the door.

The man in black took the dagger back, gently pushed the door open, and winked at the people in black behind him. They all knew each other and rushed to the room.

Mo Qianxue is sleeping, I do not know what the dream, a belly of anger, directly wake her up to gas!

As soon as she opened her eyes, she felt a cold light flash through her eyes. Her eyebrows jumped and her body rolled to the side.

A cold blade stabbed her where she had been lying.

The man in black saw that she had dodged and her eyes were getting cold. He raised his sword to kill her again!

Mo Qianxue takes out the silver needle under the pillow and flies away. However, she is seriously injured, and her internal power and speed are greatly reduced.

The man in black clearly saw the silver needles she shot out, and waved his sword to block all the silver needles.

Mo Qianxue has a pain in her chest. She grabs the dagger on the bedside table, but she is kicked away by the man in black!

Mo Qianxue was shocked by his internal power, and his throat gushed with a smell of fishy sweetness. He unconsciously vomited blood.

The man in black aimed at her head and cut it off with a sword!

At a critical moment, a dagger came in the air and stabbed the man in black in the back and his heart without any deviation.

The man in black suddenly widened his eyes and froze in disbelief. The next second, the sword in his hand fell, and he also fell straight to the bed.

Mo Qianxue looked at the man in black beside him in disgust. He just wanted to kick him out of bed!

At the same time, the other three men in black in the room also reacted quickly, and they quickly went to pull out their swords.

It's a pity that the sword was pressed back by a cold hand before it came out of the body!

He heard a clang, and the sharp blade came back to his body. Without waiting for them to respond, he was knocked down one by one!

Gu Jiao left a sober, she stepped on each other's chest, looked down at him, light way: "who sent you?"

When the man bit his silver teeth, he spat out a mouthful of black blood.

"They have poison sacs in their mouths. They can't ask anything." Mo Qianxue gasped.

Gu Jiao lightly took away the foot.

She stepped over a man in black, came to the bed, grabbed the body of the man in black and dragged him out like a sack.

Then she wiped her hand and went back to the bed again, looking at Mo Qianxue calmly.

Mo Qianxue vomited blood, and the quilt was covered with blood.

Gu Jiao took a pad and handed it to her.

Mo Qianxue is stunned: "what?"

Gu Jiao handed it to her, but Mo Qianxue still didn't understand it. Gu Jiao squeezed the handkerchief in her hand and bent over to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth.

Gu Jiao came in a hurry. She was only wearing a thin bedclothes. The breath on her body immediately covered Mo Qianxue.

Mo Qianxue looks at her calm eyebrows, which are different from the gentleness of ordinary women. Her eyebrows are full of heroism, and of course they are also very delicate. If it is not for the birthmark on her face, it will be a face that men and women will be fascinated by.

Gu Jiao pays attention to wipe Mo Qianxue's blood, but doesn't pay attention to her straight eyes.

The bedclothes are different from the formal inner clothes. They are spacious, and she just bent down.

Mo Qianxue doesn't mean it, but he looks into it carelessly.

This figure is too


How many corsets did you put on to make yourself a man!

"Little liar!"

Mo Qianxue grits her teeth.

Gu Jiao: why is she a little liar again?

Mo Qianxue snorted: "I don't want to sleep here. That smelly man touched my bed!"

Mo Qianxue is the Huakui of xianleju, but she hasn't been touched by other men. Gu Jiao is the first... No, exactly the second.

It's not right!

She's not a man!

Mo thousand snow and once again angry!

She stares at Gu Jiao angrily, Gu Jiao's face is inexplicable.

This room really can't live, Gu Jiao decided to take Mo Qianxue to the next door, in view of Mo Qianxue can't go, Gu Jiao can only hold in the past.

There is Gu Jiao's breath and afterglow in the quilt. Mo Qianxue doesn't feel cold and even warm after lying in it.

Gu Jiao went to call the guys to come over and let them throw out the people in black in the yard. The newspaper official didn't have to, but he couldn't find anything.

Gu Jiao went back to the house, closed the door and lay down beside Mo Qianxue.

Mo Qianxue couldn't sleep. She looked at the top of the tent with wide eyes. After a long time, she suddenly turned to see Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao's eyes closed slightly and her breath was calm.

Mo Qianxue opens her mouth, and wants to say nothing.

But Gu Jiao said, "who are they?"

Mo Qianxue knew that at the moment when he told them the poisonous bag in his mouth, he exposed the fact that he recognized them.

Mo Qianxue drooped her eyes, pinched the horn, and said in a low voice: "the people of xianleju."

Gu Jiao was not surprised by the answer, but still asked: "why do people in xianleju want to kill you?"

Mo Qianxue said: "I don't know, I went out and came back to be killed inexplicably."

Gu Jiao asked, "where have you been?"

Mo Qianxue is silent.

Gu Jiao said: "well, let me change the question. Is the owner of xianleju really dead?"

Gu Jiao didn't wait to respond. She opened her eyes and turned to see that Mo Qianxue had fallen asleep on her side. Under the quilt, Mo Qianxue's fingers were carefully holding a part of her sleeve.

Gu Jiao didn't speak any more. She turned her face and soon closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The next few nights, Mo Qianxue encountered several waves of pursuit. Gu Jiao was there, but they were all in danger. The group seemed to be obedient. Instead of fighting with Gu Jiao, they only restrained Gu Jiao to kill Mo Qianxue.

Gu Jiao, the first two killers, is quite handy. In the third wave, Gu Jiao obviously feels that the strength of the other side is not the same level as the previous killers.

Three men in black, all dead men!

"Are these people from xianleju, too?" Gu Jiao holds Mo Qianxue to dodge the ambush and asks.

Mo Qianxue shook his head: "I don't know, I don't know them."

I don't know. I haven't seen it.

Mo Qianxue opened her eyes and looked at Gu Jiao's fight with the four dead men.

The strength of these three dead men is worse than that of long Yingwei. Gu Jiao's current strength can cope with it, provided that they play well with Gu Jiao.

Their target is mo Qianxue, which makes it more difficult.

Gu Jiao's arm hurt a little when she finally solved the three dead men.

Mo Qianxue sits in the messy snow, his ankle is swollen and painful.

Gu Jiao squatted down on one knee to check her ankles.

Mo Qianxue's eyes fell on the blood on her sleeve, and her face changed: "your hand is bleeding!"

"Well." Gu Jiao didn't care. She held up Mo Qianxue's swollen ankle. "There was no dislocation, just sprain. She could recover after a few days."

As soon as she spoke, a cold arrow came rushing in the dark!

In fact, Gu Jiao can get out of the way by herself, which will be a lot of insurance, but Gu Jiao did not do so.

She suddenly turned around and blocked Mo Qianxue behind her with her backhand. With the other hand, she grabbed the dagger on the ground and shot at the arrow!

The speed of the arrow is so fast that it almost matches the arrow as soon as the dagger shoots out.

If it is slower, it will be too late to block the arrow.

Mo Qianxue looks at Gu Jiao who is standing in front of her body. Her eyes flash slightly, and her eyes pass a strong complex.

And the archer did not give up, and shot an arrow at Gu Jiao.

This time Gu Jiao caught it directly.

Gu Jiao to deal with the killer in the dark, the back completely exposed to Mo Qianxue.

Mo Qianxue looks at Gu Jiao's undefended back and silently takes out the silver needle hidden in her sleeve.

The needle is so poisonous that its tip is black.

One shot can kill people instantly.

Mo Qianxue clenched her fist and hesitated, tangled and struggled in the eyes!

Then, she clenched her teeth, eyes a cool, as if finally made some kind of decision, the hands of the silver needle all toward the direction of Gu Jiao suddenly shot out!

Silver needle with all her internal power, close to Gu Jiao's neck and a row!

In the dark, three people in black fell from different directions!