The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 535

"No? Well

Xiao Heng picked his eyebrows and made a dull sound between his teeth.

However, the person who was arrested did not seem to know the guilty, cold fingertips continue to chirp down.

Xiao Heng made her laugh.

This girl is the most cheeky person in the world.

Xiao Heng is a shy person in essence. He always blushes and heartbeats for a long time when he holds a hand. However, he can't stand someone to take advantage of him again and again. He is still so righteous.

Does the girl really think that he dare not do anything to her?

He pinched her clean little chin, with a hint of threat, and said, "you don't want to sleep, do you?"

Gu Jiao's confused little hand paused, still closed her eyes and said, "I think."

"No, you don't want to."

Xiao Heng said, a turn over, elbows on her both sides, will she virtual ground pressure in the body.

She was the first to tease him, so don't blame him for not letting her sleep well.

He lowered his head and covered her soft lips.

He wanted to do this from the moment she came back in the snow and said, "happy birthday, Mr. Xiao.".

He tried to restrain himself. The girl didn't know how hard he restrained herself. She easily broke all his restraint.

After a few days' rest at home, the lips cracked by wind, sand, ice and snow are moist and soft again.

His breathing was disordered and his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

He let her go briefly, before the last crumble.

"Your face is red." Gu Jiao said.

"No talking!" He was buried in her neck.

"Red ears, too." Gu Jiao added.

"Gu Jiaojiao!" He has a hoarse voice.

Gu Jiao tilted her head slightly, pointed her little mouth at his red ear, and whispered, "the sound is not your own."

Xiao Heng's breath stagnated: "Gu Jiaojiao!"

"Yes." Gu Jiao responded obediently.

This sound in, let Xiao Heng's heart all melt, the flame of shame and indignation is instantly extinguished by a basin of ice water, he can't laugh or cry, looking at someone under him.

Someone is still on the ground with his eyes closed.

Xiao Heng's elbow moved to move to move toward inside, make her ring more tightly, immediately the lips Cape hook up, smile a way: "isn't not wake up?"? How can you still see it? "

Give it another try.

Xiao Heng saw her eyes move under her closed eyelids.

Xiao Heng lost his smile and put his forehead against hers. He said in a bewitching voice: "I can't speak, eh?"

His voice is so good that Gu Jiao's ears are crisp.

Gu Jiao pause: "you are so delicious."

Xiao Heng

How did the topic change so fast?

OK, let's talk about a few Wen today.

Xiao Heng laughingly looked at someone's eyes: "really? How can it be delicious without eating it? "

"Here we are." Gu Jiao blindly raised her hand, touched his cheek and touched his lips.

All like this, but also can close the eye, a pair of I am not awake appearance, Xiao Heng is also convinced.

In ancient times, there were thieves who hid their ears and stole clocks. Today, there are Gu Jiao who plays with her eyes closed.

Xiao Heng wanted to laugh and whispered in her ear, "Gu Jiaojiao, it's not food."

When he said it quickly, he regretted it.

This is a little too much.

As if afraid that she would be embarrassed by each other, he quickly changed the topic: "how old is the woman over there?"

Now that she knows that she is not Gu jiaoniang, and she admits that she is not Gu jiaoniang, there is no need to pretend that she is not clear about anything.

Although there are too many things he doesn't know.

For example, her origin, and why she became Gu jiaoniang.

Gu Jiao didn't know that so many things flashed in his heart in a short moment. She honestly replied, "a woman is 18 years old and married in her twenties."

Growing up is hairpin, and getting married is getting married. Xiao Heng understood that.

Xiao Heng touched the top of her hair and asked softly, "do you want me to wait for you to grow up, 20 or 18?"

Gu Jiao closed her eyes and was about to open her mouth.

Xiao Heng said in a hoarse voice, "eighteen."

Gu Jiao: "I didn't say that."

Xiao Heng: "you said it, I heard it."

Gu Jiao: "you cheat."

Xiao Heng gave a low smile and gently touched her cheek: "well, I'm kidding, but doctor Gu, are you sure you can wait until eighteen?"

Gu Jiao said seriously: "of course I can!"

Xiao Heng looked at her: "do you want to take out your hand first and say that again?"

Gu Jiaotou askew: "I fell asleep."

Xiao Heng

Xiao Heng said with a low smile, "OK, I see."

He bowed his head and covered her lips again, lingering and restrained, overbearing but gentle.

Gu Jiao sleeps in great pleasure and wakes up with a clear mind.

Xiao Heng is no longer here. He left a note on the bedside table stating that he went to the Ministry of punishment to help handle the case.

There was a sense of business between the lines, and there was no ambiguous tone. However, Gu Jiao's favorite snacks and meat were put on the table.

Gu Jiao tasted a snack.

Well, it's sweet.

Gu Jiao cleaned up and went to Mo Qianxue's ward next door.

In fact, the reason why this wing room was transformed into a ward was thanks to Gu Chenglin. During Gu Chenglin's stay here, Gu Jiao simply transformed the room, added an operation bed and kept the original shelf bed.

Tong Yiguan stayed all night, and doctor song came to change his class.

Now in the room is doctor song.

While taking care of Mo Qianxue, doctor song is not idle. He is looking through the cases sorted out during this period, hoping to improve his medical skills as soon as possible.

Gu Jiao enters the room.

Hearing the news, doctor song got up and said hello to Gu Jiao: "doctor Gu."

"How is she?" Gu Jiao asked.

Doctor Song said: "it's OK for the time being. There is no postoperative infection. The drainage of pleural effusion and gas is also good."

During the war in yuegucheng, doctor song followed Gu Jiao for several cases of pneumothorax surgery, and knew what to pay attention to.

Gu Jiao nodded: "you go to have a rest, I'll watch."

Doctor song didn't refuse.

Gu Jiao doesn't like superficial Kung Fu, such as pretending to be diligent. A person's diligence is reflected in his medical skills and ethics, not in these trivial things.

"I'll come over after dinner." Song said.

Gu Jiao: "well."


Mo Qianxue's case spread all over the capital overnight. After all, he was the Huakui of xianleju, and he died so miserable.

Hua Xiyao is the biggest suspect, but all kinds of evidences show that Hua Xiyao is not the murderer of Mo Qianxue.

For the sake of Mo Qianxue, the teahouse, which should have opened after the 15th anniversary, started its business ahead of time, and there are many people sitting in the teahouse listening to the grapevine.

There are many different opinions about the murderer of Mo Qianxue. Some say it's revenge, some say it's love killing, and some say it's competition among peers. Ruanxiangge and qingfenglou, the two famous places of Fenghuaxueyue, which are second only to xianleju, have suddenly become the target of public criticism.

"It's been three days. I heard the killer hasn't been found."

In Gu Jiao's courtyard, the second owner and Gu Jiao sit in the corridor enjoying the scenery and drinking tea.

It's the second owner.

The hospital is not busy these days, so he comes to Gu Jiao to gossip.

The second owner tut tut said: "that murderer is too cruel. He not only killed people, but also cut people's faces with 17 or 18 knives. How much hatred and resentment is that

"Not seventeen or eight, five."

A proud woman's voice came from the ward. The second owner was stunned and looked back: "who's talking?"

"Your aunt."

The second owner

"Is that girl awake?" The second owner asked Gu Jiao in a low voice.

"It should be." Gu Jiao put down her tea cup, got up, went over and pushed open the door of the ward.

The drainage tube on Mo Qianxue's body has already been taken off. She is dressed neatly. Of course, it's all Gu Jiao's clothes.

Gu Jiao's stature is taller than her, but the width is loose, when the patient number clothes wear is just right.

"How do you feel?" Gu Jiao came to the bed and picked up a stethoscope to listen to her heart and lungs.

Mo Qianxue blocked her hand, looked at her up and down, and said angrily, "it's you, isn't it?"

This question is endless.

Gu Jiao seems to understand, she did not deny: "well, it's me."

Mo Qianxue said coldly, "are you a woman?"

Gu Jiao honest answer: "yes."

Mo Qianxue's tone is colder: "you are not dumb?"

Gu Jiao continued to answer honestly: "well, it's not."

Mo Qianxue gritted her teeth: "liar!"

Gu Jiao

Gu Jiao takes away Mo Qianxue to block her hand. Mo Qianxue struggles, but she is seriously injured. She is not Gu Jiao's opponent at all.

Gu Jiao caught her wrist: "be obedient, don't move, or the wound will crack again."

Mo Qianxue's lips moved a few times and turned away his face with a cold hum.

Gu Jiao's stethoscope went in from Mo Qianxue's lapel, only separated by a thin belly pocket.

Gu Jiao listened carefully, without any thoughts in her heart.

Mo Qianxue turned red.

Her eyelashes trembled and she said, "don't you ask me how I found out?"

Gu Jiao finished listening to the front, and put the stethoscope on her back: "Oh, how did you find it?"

Mo Qianxue only felt an itch on his back, and his whole body became tense.

She bit her lip: "Oh, I don't want to say it!"

Gu Jiao: are women so fickle?

Gu Jiao did not plan to continue to ask, but Mo Qianxue said: "I recognized you that night!"

She refers to the night when Gu Jiao picked her up. Gu Jiao was wearing a mask, which was a little different from wearing a mask. However, she was too familiar with Mo Qianxue in her green clothes.

Mo Qianxue is not always in a coma these days, occasionally wake up, wake up to hear the movement of the yard, 7788 listen to more naturally guess Gu Jiao's identity.

"Good recovery." Gu Jiao took back the stethoscope, "there is no big problem for the time being, but pneumothorax is very easy to recur, so we should pay more attention in the future."

"Notice what?" Mo Qianxue asked angrily.

Gu Jiao thought: "don't be angry?"

Mo Qianxue

The second owner didn't come into the house. He had been waiting outside.

Gu Jiao came out after checking for Mo Qianxue.

"What's the matter with your headache?"

Just after the second owner asked, a vase smashed on the door and broke with a bang.

Then, Mo Qianxue gritted her teeth: "you little liar, wait for me, and see how I can deal with you!"

Gu Jiao sighed helplessly: "here, that's what happened."

Second owner: Er... The fire is just like my wife.

"But who is that girl?" Asked the second owner in a low voice.

"I'm your aunt!" Mo Qianxue's sweet voice came.

The second owner shakes, no! Can you hear that, too!

Gu Jiao: can you understand martial arts?

Mo Qianxue's anger is like the water of the Yellow River: "also, don't you want to ask who is the murderer of xianleju? Why can't the government catch it all the time? Oh, it's me! The man wanted to kill me, but I killed her, and then I ruined her face, and the cicada left! "

The second owner was struck by thunder: "you've ruined her face, she's gone... And so on, you're... You're..."

Mo Qianxue sneered in the room: "yes, I am the" dead "xianleju Huakui, Mo Qianxue!"

Two the family was once again stunned by the pinch of the people.

Mo Qianxue's situation is special. Gu Jiao greets her family and lives in the hospital these days.

Xiao Heng first two nights have come, the third night the capital out of a homicide, the suspect is actually the Ministry of justice Li Shilang.

Li Shilang is one of the officials in charge of Mo Qianxue's case. His character is trustworthy. In order to get the first-hand evidence, the Minister of punishment took Xiao Heng out of the city to investigate the case.

On the side of the hospital, Mo Qianxue's anger has not gone away. She just wants to quarrel with Gu Jiao. However, Gu Jiao is not a person who can quarrel with others. She doesn't even have an expression and never gets angry. It's too unpleasant to quarrel with others!

Mo Qianxue then caught the two owners and cut them off. They were bald!

When women quarrel, it's worth a thousand troops!

This night, Mo Qianxue as usual cut a meal after the second owner, closed his eyes cold humming lying down.

In the middle of the night.

Several shadows sneaked into the courtyard of the hospital.