The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 534

Tong Yiguan was scared. He knew you were pricking this thing, but he didn't prick it raw!

No medicine!

However, the next second, a stream of gas leaked out from the other end of the needle, and the child doctor saw the patient's swollen chest slowly collapse.

It's not appropriate to say that the collapse should be back to normal.

Subsequently, the patient was very difficult breathing also complacently smooth up.

Tong Yiguan can't believe it. He encountered this kind of disease when he was practicing medicine in the frontier fortress. It was caused by injuries and spontaneous causes. All the doctors in the frontier fortress were helpless and had to watch the patients wait for death.

It turns out... Is a needle enough?

"Not a needle, is to use puncture will pleural cavity gas out..." Gu Jiao voice just fell, Mo Qianxue's body suddenly coughed.

Her whole body is injured, a little cough is fatal, sure enough, Gu Jiao heard a small sound.

Her rib is broken.

Or rather, it was broken, but the cough affected the broken ribs, making the situation worse.

Her chest swelled again, and her blood pressure continued to plummet.

Tong Yiguan saw Gu Jiao using a sphygmomanometer in the wounded camp. He knew it was a very dangerous sign. He was stunned: "what's the matter? All of a sudden -- "

"Acute hemopneumothorax!" Gu Jiao took out a disposable negative pressure water sealed bottle from her small medicine box and inserted a drainage tube after injecting salt water.

"Take the bottle two feet down." She said to Tong Yiguan.

"Ah The child medical officer put the water sealed bottle two feet below the bed and found a suitable stool.

Gu Jiao pulls out the puncture needle on Mo Qianxue's chest.

After local infiltration anesthesia, Gu Jiao cut a tiny window with a scalpel and inserted the other end of the drainage tube into Mo Qianxue's chest.

If the drainage process is not smooth, Mo Qianxue will have to undergo thoracotomy. She has lost too much blood. Another case of large wound surgery is likely to die.

The water sealed bottle didn't move for 30 seconds. When Gu Jiao took out the anesthetic to prepare for thoracotomy, the water sealed bottle finally began to bubble.

Gu Jiao's look is always calm, but Tong Yiguan still feels the change in her aura.

"Is that all right?" Tong Yiguan asked in a low voice.

"It's a good sign." Can drainage clean still have to see follow-up, Gu Jiao looked at Mo Qianxue thigh wound, "now ready to suture operation."

The child medical officer put on his gloves and began to load the blade skillfully.

In addition to rib fracture and hemopneumothorax, Mo Qianxue's body has two fatal injuries, one is a broken thigh artery, the other is a abdominal knife wound.

She lost so much blood that Gu Jiao didn't know how she was still breathing.

She needed a blood transfusion, but after testing everyone's blood type in the hospital, only Gu Jiao matched her.

"The final stitching is for you." Gu Jiao said to Tong Yiguan.

Tong Yiguan nodded solemnly.

Gu Jiao sits on the chair beside Mo Qianxue, installs a white filter on the infusion tube, and injects her own blood into Mo Qianxue's body.

Tong Yiguan doesn't know how much blood Gu Jiao has given to the patient. He just looks at her ruddy face and turns pale bit by bit. But he can't be impatient. If he is impatient, he will make a mistake. If he makes a mistake, he will have to give more blood.

Doctor Tong forced himself to calm down.

If it was Dr. Gu, how would she sew it?

With this thought, his shaking hand gradually calmed down.

When the last wound was sewn up, Gu Jiao had been sleeping on the back of her chair.

The outside of the house is reflecting a large white snow light, which makes people wonder whether the sky is bright or not.

Tong Yiguan was all wet and exhausted, but he didn't take a rest immediately. He strictly followed Gu Jiao's steps after each operation to dispose of all medical supplies.

In fact, Gu Jiao never taught him, he was through their own observation.

He is very attentive, Gu Jiao also rest assured to him, otherwise Gu Jiao won't sleep in the past.

When Tong Yiguan can finally breathe a sigh of relief, Mo Qianxue on the operating bed wakes up.

Mo Qianxue only awoke for a very short time.

She saw a young man in a mask and strange clothes sitting on the chair beside her. Something was attached to their arms. The blood of the young man entered her body.


Tong Yiguan didn't find that Mo Qianxue was awake. When he closed the small medicine box and turned to see Mo Qianxue, Mo Qianxue had fallen asleep again.

Tong Yiguan measured Mo Qianxue's blood pressure, and the situation was not bad.

He stopped the blood transfusion.

He called Gu Jiao twice: "doctor Gu, doctor Gu."

Unfortunately, Gu Jiao didn't respond to him. Maybe she was tired, or... She lost too much blood and was a little weak.

Tong Yiguan couldn't bear to quarrel with her any more, so he found a quilt to cover her.

The next step is to move Mo Qianxue to the bed. Although he is a man, he has little strength... So he has to call someone.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a figure standing in the corridor.

He was very tall, wearing a light blue cape. The light of the snow reflected on his face, reflecting his delicate appearance.

Tong Yiguan had never seen a handsome man and was stunned on the spot.

Or the other side opened a mouth first: "is the operation finished?"

His voice with a slight magnetic, cool low run, is worthy of the voice of this pair of looks.

"Ah... Done, done." Tong Yiguan stammered.

"May I go in?" The man asked.

"Ah... Yes, yes."

Actually can't!

The operating room is not open to outsiders!

Tong Yi Guan didn't know what he said.

After living for most of his life, he was allowed to circle for the first time when he saw a fairy like figure.

Xiao Heng stepped into the room.

As soon as he passed by, Tong Yiguan noticed that his shoulders were covered with snowflakes. It seems that how long they had operated here and how long the young man had been waiting in the snowy night.

Xiao Heng came to Gu Jiao, bent down his tall body and called softly: "Jiao Jiao."

Gu Jiao's breathing is even and long.

Xiao Heng took off the leather gloves, one hand around Gu Jiao's back, the other hand around Gu Jiao's back knee, and picked her up.

Gu Jiao was so wrapped that she didn't even have a small head outside the snow.

Tong Yiguan looked at the young man holding Dr. Gu out of the operating room. Dr. Gu was wrapped up. The reason why he could recognize Dr. Gu was because of the shoes on his feet.



Seeing Gu Shashen kill everything, Tong Yiguan can't believe his eyes.

Does Gu Shashen have such a good time?

Although I fell asleep, the atmosphere was not the same as usual.

Xiao Heng took Gu Jiao to the next room. He burned the brazier early. It was warm in the room.

It's a pity that Gu Jiao has a lot of blood transfusion. Her hands and feet are cold and her temperature is very low.

Xiao Heng gently put her on the bed, took off his cloak with snow, and took off her shoes and coat.

He pulled the quilt over her and she was shivering with cold.

Xiao Heng has built her two quilts, but it's not enough.

Xiao Heng's eyes darkened.

Why do you work so hard for anyone?

Have you ever thought about your life?

She is such a disposition, treat her a good, she hold very good.

Xiao Heng will not.

When he was a child, too many people were kind to him. He was used to it and would not let it down, but he would not be too grateful.

Didn't she be treated well when she was a child?

Even a good score, she will redound?

Xiao Heng's heart suddenly hurt a little.

He took off his cold clothes, pulled open the quilt and lay down, and put her shivering little body into his arms.

He held her tightly, his lips kissing her cold forehead.

His body hot, Gu Jiao's body soon not cold, stopped shaking, quietly lying in his arms.

Xiao Heng untied her hair band and spread her long, soft hair on the pillow. She couldn't bear to break one.

The room was so quiet that we could only breathe evenly.

Xiao Heng's back is sweating. The temperature is a little hot for him, but it's just right for Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao arched into his arms and found a comfortable posture.

Xiao Heng was so hot that he didn't want to let her go.

He didn't sleep all night, and now he was sleepy. He closed his eyes and planned to fall asleep.

Suddenly, a restless little hand came over.

He had been holding her tightly, and her hand could not be placed anywhere. At first, it was just on his waist, and then it moved to his chest.

His skirt was slightly open.

That hand with two fingers quietly Mimi to walk, walking on the slide into.

Xiao Heng didn't move.

That hand is more and more bold, feel and knead, knead the chest muscle, knead the abdominal muscle.

Xiao Heng watched the hand slide all the way down. His eyes narrowed: "are you awake?"

Gu Jiao closed her eyes: "I don't have one."

Xiao Heng