The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 530

Together with the soldiers of the three armed forces, there were also the carriage of the Marquis and the carriage of Princess Ning'an.

The old Marquis's limbs were broken. Even if Gu Jiao was connected, he didn't recover so quickly. After entering Beijing, he went directly back to the Marquis's house.

Gu Changqing and Tang Yueshan escorted Princess Ning'an into the palace.

The emperor was very excited. He was not only excited about the triumphant return of the three armed forces, but also excited that Princess Ning'an, who had been separated from him for so many years, finally came back to him.

The emperor first went to the imperial study to meet Tang Yueshan, Gu Changqing and other generals. He praised them for their performance in this battle without stint: "when I go to the court, I'll give them all rewards!"

It is a great event to issue an edict to reward meritorious officials, which is related to the people's will and the prestige of the royal family and Zhao state. It must be read out in the Jinluan hall and in front of the civil and military officials.

"I dare not take credit!" Tang Yueshan arched his hand and said solemnly, "I defeated Yecheng and damaged nearly ten thousand Imperial troops. I'm guilty. Please punish me!"

Then he lifted his hem and knelt down.

The emperor bypassed his desk, personally came to him, helped him up, and said, "marshal, don't do that. Winning or losing is a matter of military affairs. What's more, it was the remaining evils of the previous dynasty who deliberately set up an ambush. When he left Beijing, no one expected that Chen's army would invade the northern border of Zhao."

If Xuanping were here, it would be over. Xuanping had a thick skin and was not ashamed of losing the battle. Tang Yueshan couldn't get over this.

He couldn't accept his defeat.

He felt ashamed.

The emperor has a headache. How can he punish him? Tang Yueshan did lose in Yecheng, but it was 10000 troops against the 80000 troops of Chen state. Who can win?

The emperor wants to scold Tang Yueshan. Are you too conceited? Why don't you think you should lose ten thousand to eighty thousand? Do you think you are xuanyuanli?

Xuanping Marquis did not dare to praise Haikou like this.

However, it is not appropriate for the emperor to say these words.

In recent days, he has been pondering over his mother's way of employing people, and has come up with many things, such as Tang Yueshan's conceit. Now, in his view, there is nothing desirable.

Tang Yueshan's conceit is accompanied by action, not verbal conceit. He will work hard for it, and he will be more strict with himself.

Why the archers of the Tang family are famous in the six countries, even as famous as the archers of the Yan country, Tang Yueshan has contributed a lot.

"Well, there's no need to punish. Ai Qing has just made great achievements. If I punish you at this time, won't it cold the hearts of the soldiers and the people in the world?"

Tang Yueshan said bitterly: "I'm ashamed to accept it! Your majesty, please punish me

Gu Changqing said: "don't embarrass your majesty, marshal Tang. You are a meritorious official. Your Majesty's punishment is not what Mingjun did. If you really blame yourself, it's better to get the punishment yourself. I think Jiao Jiao's acupuncture is good. "

Tang Yueshan shut up in an instant——

Out of the palace, they each mounted their own horses.

Gu Changqing was about to drive his horse away when Tang Yueshan suddenly stopped him: "you'd better clean up your mother's business."

Gu Changqing frowned at him.

Tang Yueshan said, "your mother is Ling's family. If she is meticulous, don't you think Ling's family might be meticulous too?"

Gu Changqing was silent for a moment and said, "my grandfather once doubted this possibility. However, he has been checking the Ling family all these years and has not found out anything. I only know that my mother lost her when she was very young and was found back a year later. "

Tang Yueshan said suspiciously, "do you mean that at that time the Ling family had already changed people? A person with a similar appearance, your mother

Gu Changqing nodded: "from the evidence that my grandfather has, this is the most reasonable possibility."

Tang Yueshan pulled the reins: "I advise you to keep an eye on the Ling family, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Now that I know your secret, I'm half of your accomplice. Don't bother me. "

Gu Changqing light said: "really one day, you don't know that is the pretend."

"Who can guarantee that you won't bite me out?" said Tang Yueshan

Gu Changqing ignored him and drove his horse away.

Tang Yueshan shook his head: "young man, I have a bad temper."

Just at this time, a few palace people carrying shopping back to the palace, accidentally rubbed Tang Yueshan's horse, the horse was startled.

Tang Yueshan was furious on the spot: "don't you have eyes! Are you looking for death? "

"Palace man".... "

On the way back, Gu Changqing did seriously consider the situation mentioned by Tang Yueshan. He ignored Tang Yueshan because he and Gu Chengfeng could never bite Tang Yueshan out unless Tang Yueshan betrayed them first.

During these days in the frontier fortress, his grandfather mentioned a lot about his mother.

His grandfather also worried that Lingjia might have hidden some other details, so he has been investigating the Lingling family for years, but what he has never seen is.

However, there are several servant girls with unclean hands and feet in the family. After the disclosure of Princess Jing's affairs, they were checked out by their grandfather and dealt with one by one.

In his opinion, it is not likely that the Ling family will have problems.

It's just that Tang Yueshan is right. It's not bad to be careful.

After Gu Changqing returned to the mansion, he called several secret guards to stare at the Ling family secretly, and then went to greet old lady Gu and Marquis Gu.

On the other hand, the emperor went to Renshou palace immediately after seeing Tang Yueshan and Gu Changqing.

In the warm Pavilion of Renshou palace, he met Princess Ning'an, who had been away for many years. Princess Ning'an was still wearing the clothes of the frontier fortress. After she met empress dowager Zhuang, her eyes were red, and there were still crystal tears in her eyes.

Twenty years later, she is no longer the original girl who is smart and moving. She has become a woman. The years and the sandstorm of the frontier leave traces on her face.

She was haggard and emaciated.

The emperor almost dared not recognize her.

What about Ning'an, who is as gorgeous as peach and plum?

What about the innocent sister?

The little girl holding his arm, always blaming him for not having enough time to accompany her?

be missing.


Her sufferings in the frontier fortress were all written on her face. She did not say that she was a Royal Princess, but was afraid that she might think that she was a folk woman.

The emperor's heart pricked up in pain!

The Empress Dowager Zhuang was so calm that she couldn't hold back her red eyes.

"Your Majesty..." Princess Ning'an sobbed and knelt down to the emperor.

The emperor held her to her knees and said, "get up!"

Princess Ning'an shook her head tearfully and insisted on kneeling down: "this kneeling is right. Ning'an is guilty... Ning'an has no eyes... She married an inhuman man... She led a wolf into the house... It was Ning'an's fault to bring such war and disaster to the people of Zhao state and the frontier fortress... Ning'an should die the most..."

Her tears fell big and big, on her wrinkled dress and on the bright floor.

The emperor held her shoulder tightly, throat pain: "don't say... You don't say..."

Princess Ning'an reproached herself: "Ning'an wants to say! The empress and her majesty obstruct Ning'an again and again... Ning'an insists on her own way... Ning'an doesn't listen to the empress and Her Majesty's words... Ning'an's death is not worth regretting... "

The emperor looked at Ning'an's tears and said, "you are my sister! I don't want you to say that! The past is over. You are also used by others. It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. My mother and I have never been angry with you. Don't despise yourself. Get up

The emperor forced Princess Ning'an up.

Princess Ning'an burst into tears.

The emperor looked at the twelve or three-year-old boy sitting in the wheelchair. His eyes moved slightly and he asked, "this is..."

Princess Ning'an turned her head and sobbed to the boy, "xian'er, I've met your uncle Huang."

Compared with the collapse of Princess Ning'an, Huang Fuxian was much more calm. He didn't shed a tear, nor did he see a trace of sadness and excitement of reunion.

He looked directly at the emperor as if he didn't know it was very impolite.

"Uncle Huang."

He cried coldly.

The greeting was neither warm nor respectful, and the emperor could not be satisfied with it, either as an uncle or as the king of a country.

However, the emperor had always been endlessly tolerant of Princess Ning'an, so he didn't care about the impoliteness of huangfuxian.

The emperor's eyes fell on Huang Fuxian's wheelchair and asked, "what happened to xian'er's leg? Is it hurt? Has it been passed on to the imperial doctor? "

"Chi ~" Huang Fu Xian sneered coldly.

"Xian'er!" Princess Ning'an looked like a Su, "don't be rude to your majesty!"