The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 529

Xiao Heng's coat and trousers were all wet by the sobering soup. He had to change them all. When he turned around after changing, he subconsciously looked at Gu Jiao, who was so drunk on the bed.

Gu Jiao's sleeping face is a little... Well, it's hard to say.

His face was flushed, his quilt was kicked and his pillow was crooked.

She spread out her arms and legs and lay on the mattress in big letters with her head tilted to one side.

"Uncle, this side is ready." Outside, mother Fang said.

"Well, I see." Xiao Heng should go down.

Xiao Heng came to the bedside and looked at Gu Jiao, who was sleeping so strangely for the first time. He felt strange.

Then he looked at Gu Jiao's lips.


Did the girl drink or have a dream?

How do you feel like she's drooling?

Xiao Heng takes out his handkerchief and gently cleans it for her. Why does she always feel that the girl is smiling in her dreams?

Gu Jiao is dizzy and can't keep the new year's day. The rest of the people are playing until midnight. Then Xiao Jingkong and Gu Xiaoshun place a firecracker. Not only their home, but also the whole alley.

In this way, Gu Jiao did not wake up from her dream.

Xianggong is so beautiful and in good shape. He's the best I've never seen in my whole life.

It's so beautiful!

In her sleep, Gu Jiao holds a small quilt and rolls over and over the bed.

The next day, Gu Xiaobao woke up the earliest.

He's hungry. He needs milk.

Yao fed him milk, he did not want to sleep, more than three months of the baby can not sit, climb can not climb, can only confess to lie down, clothes are particularly thick.

But Gu Xiaobao was used to it. Instead of crying, he just licked his fingers and let Yao sleep a little longer.

Last night, the firecrackers were crackling, he has been obedient, behind fell asleep and was awakened by the firecrackers did not make, eating his fingers to coax himself to sleep.

When Yao woke up, Gu Xiaobao was still licking his fingers. Such a good child really melted Yao's heart.

Yao dressed up and went to the main room. Yuya'er and mammy Fang also got up. Soon xiaojingkong and Gu Xiaoshun also got up.

They sat in the main room in a daze. They didn't know what Gu Xiaoshun and Xiao Jingkong had said. They looked at Westinghouse's door together.

In a moment, Xiao Heng came out of Westinghouse.

Two people stare at his right foot, Gu Xiaoshun took an elbow to touch the arm of small clearance, whispered: "I didn't cheat you, you see, it's OK!"

I found it yesterday. Let Gu Yan interrupt and forget it. This morning, he took xiaojingkong to verify it.

Xiaojingkong stares at the bad brother-in-law's right foot, observes it carefully for a while, nods and certifies it seriously: "well, it's really good."

"You see, as soon as Jiao Jiao comes back, her brother-in-law will be fine." Gu Xiaoshun and Gu Jiao are called sister when they are together, and they will be called Jiaojiao when they are together with Xiao Jingkong.

The title of xiaojingkong was never influenced by Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun. It can be said that it was strong alone.

"Brother in law!" Xiao Jingkong stops Xiao Heng, walks over and raises his hand. When he has enough on him, he finds that he can't reach it. He brings a chair to climb up and stands on it, but still can't reach it.

"You, you come down a little." He said.

"What for?" Xiao Heng asked.

"Come down a little. I have something to talk to you." Small Clearway.

The new year's Eve, Xiao Heng decided to give the little monk a face, he slightly bent down, and the little monk head to head: "what's the matter?"

Xiaojingkong stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder solemnly: "brother in law, you have finally overcome the obstacles and become a normal person. I'm really happy for you."

If there is nothing to be courteous, it's either cheating or stealing.

Xiao Heng squinted at the little guy and asked, "what on earth do you want to say?"

Xiaojingkong thought about it and said honestly, "I want to increase my rent."

Xiao Heng

When Gu Jiao wakes up, the whole family knows that Xiao Heng's legs and feet are back to normal. They all think Xiao Heng is good this morning. Yao's family and Yu ya'er don't talk much about it.

After all, it's a happy event.

Yao thought all night and calmed down. At first, she learned that her daughter married a lame scholar in the countryside. She didn't know how painful it was.

Her daughter is the daughter of Hou family. If she had been raised by her since childhood, she would never have married a poor boy with disability.

She used to think that way.

The reason why she accepted it was that, on the one hand, she didn't raise her daughter for a day, and she was not qualified to tell her daughter how to choose. On the other hand, Xiao Heng's personality and character were deeply in her heart.

She comforted herself that if her daughter married a better man, she might not be able to live better than now. As long as her daughter is happy, she has nothing to regret.

However, this son-in-law gave her a great surprise.

He was not only admitted to Youzhou Jieyuan, entered the Imperial College, but also took the lead in the imperial examination, becoming the youngest new champion in Zhao state.

The only regret is his leg disease, but now even this regret has disappeared.

How can Yao go down to Xiao Heng?

As for her daughter's concealment of her escape from death in the frontier fortress, she was more distressed than critical.

The couple didn't know that their horse dropping crisis had passed quietly.

Gu Jiao came out of the east room and found that xiaojingkong was sitting alone on the threshold of the front yard. His body was small and his mushroom head was neat. At first glance, it looked like a lonely little mushroom growing in the snow.

Gu Jiao walked over and looked at him. She said, "clearance, what are you doing here?"

Xiaojingkong looked back at Gu Jiao and said, "I'm waiting for master."

As soon as he said that, Gu Jiao remembered that xiaojingkong's master would accompany him for his birthday every year. Last year, she also came here, but she didn't meet anyone else. She left xiaojingkong a birthday present -- a house deed of the state of Liang, and then left.

Gu Jiao sat down beside Xiao Jingkong and asked, "didn't your master come last night?"

"Well." Xiaojingkong nodded, feeling a little low.

Gu Jiao touched his little head and said, "it's snowing heavily in Zhaoguo this year. Your master is old, so it may be inconvenient to go out, or he may be delayed on the way."

Because xiaojingkong is always a "master" and "old man", Gu Jiao's impression of each other is that she is a little old man with a white beard and a hunchback.

In this weather, it's hard for a strong man to get on the road, not to mention an old man.

Xiaojingkong thought about it seriously and thought that it was not impossible. Compared with him, his master was really quite old.

So maybe his master was really delayed by the snow.

"Do you miss your master very much?" Gu Jiao asked.

"Well... A little bit." Little clearance is an honest boy.

Gu Jiao paused and asked, "would you like to write another letter to your master?"

Xiaojingkong turned his mouth in disgust: "no, he didn't reply to my last letter to him."

The more small-minded he is, the more he cares about the master. He is a very affectionate child. His master picked him up and raised him to three years old. In his heart, does the master exist like a father?

Gu Jiao said to xiaojingkong, "well, when I write back to Ningxiang, I ask her to go to the temple to help you find out if your master is safe and go out?"

"... will do." Little clearance didn't refuse.

Gu Jiao bent her lips: "what's your master's name?"

Small clear space way: "dust."

Gu Jiao nodded thoughtfully: "listening to the Dharma is an eminent monk."

Xiaojingkong recalled for a moment, and said, "I don't know, but Shifu is really tall."

Gu Jiao adjusted the image of the other side in her mind, from a little old man with white beard to a big old man with white beard.

Gu Jiao wrote the letter in the afternoon. Zhaoguo's post station is open all year round, but it's not too late for Gu Jiao to send it to the post station every few days.

On the seventh day of the lunar new year, we are finally looking forward to the news that Gu Jiajun will return to Beijing.

It snowed heavily for three days in front of the palace. On the seventh day of the lunar new year, it cleared up. The golden light shone on the earth, and the imperial city was a piece of auspicious omen.

When the people heard about the return of the army, they waited in the main streets and city gates early. For a time, there was a surge of people and feelings.

The guards had to use their bodies to block the excited people. The people couldn't rush out, so they had to stretch their necks.

The uniform sound of horse's hooves and armor came from far and near. It was deafening under the sky and the earth. It seemed that people could see the golden age and iron horse on the battlefield in an instant.

"It's Gu Jiajun! Gu Jiajun is back! "

A tall, strong man called out.

The crowd was in a commotion. They were dissatisfied with the people who were stopped by the roadside. They crowded forward with each other. The guards had a great effort to keep the people from rushing out.

Although the war did not spread to the capital, the common people still got a lot of news about the frontier fortress through the official newspaper of the imperial court. When they heard that the Marquis and the princess of the imperial court had fallen into the hands of the enemy, they almost thought that the tragedy of Zhao's defeat to Chen ten years ago, which sent Prince an as a pledge, would be staged again.

But Gu Jiajun won!

Not only won the army of the former dynasty and Chen, but also guarded the princess of Zhao.

They recaptured the lost city with the fastest speed and annihilated the invading enemy with the least cost.

They are soldiers and heroes of Zhao state!

Tang Yueshan's leg injury has basically recovered. He leads the way. Before leaving Beijing, he still has a little oil and water in his stomach. After the war, he lost his weight. But he has a good spirit.

He was in dark armour, and he was very powerful.

Behind him is Gu Changqing, who is also riding on a steed. Gu Changqing wears a silver armor flashing in cold light. The white cloak behind the silver armor is hunting. He is wearing a helmet, and the iron mask on the helmet is put down.

People can only see his cold eyes like a knife, and his valiant body.

No one in the capital knows that Marquis Shizi of Ding'an is handsome and handsome, but he was too unkind when he was a captain in the army, so he got a reputation of being cold faced with Yama.

However, it was such a cold faced Yama that kept the mountains and rivers of Zhao state.

There was a loud cry in the crowd.

"It's said that Gu Shizi hasn't married yet."

"Why, do you want to marry your daughter?"

"It's not impossible."

"Your daughter is only three years old!"


"Why? Who is that man? "

A young man pointed to another young man in silver armor behind Gu Changqing and asked.

"When did Gu's army have such a young general again?"

Those who can walk behind Gu Changqing will not have a low position in Gu's army, but when Gu's army came out of the city, they also came to see him. The two commanders and several generals are much older than Gu Changqing.

This young man is obviously smaller than Gu Changqing, and his eyebrows are still a little green.

The people did not guess who he was after a long time.

Finally, a guard in front of the people couldn't help but say, "it's the second son of the Marquis of Ding'an."

"The second son of marquis Ding'an?"

Everyone was surprised.

Isn't there only one martial arts son in the Marquis's mansion of Ding'an? It is said that the rest of the young masters have not been trained in martial arts. Even the youngest fourth young master is a little sick.

"Oh! That man looks like Gu Chengfeng! "

At this time, a student of Qinghe academy recognized his classmate.

Unfortunately, Gu Chenglin was standing beside him.

When he learned that his grandfather and brothers were coming back, he came to the city gate ahead of time to meet them. He knew that the second brother had also gone to the frontier fortress, but he didn't think that the second brother would go to war.

He thought that the second brother was worried about his grandfather, so he couldn't help at all.

"My God... Chenglin, that, that man... Isn't really your second brother?" The student of Qinghe academy pulled Gu Chenglin's sleeve. He couldn't believe his eyes.

The murderous and heroic spirit on the other side is too shocking, which is quite different from Gu Chengfeng in the impression.

No, it can't be Gu Chengfeng. He must be dazzled. Gu Chengfeng is not so powerful.

Students do not recognize, Gu Chenglin will not admit wrong.

The young soldier who is qualified to walk with his elder brother and receive praise from the people is clearly his second brother!

Gu Chenglin's heart was hit by 10000 points.

It turns out that the eldest brother and the second brother are so powerful. He is the only one who is useless——