The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 531

"No harm." The Emperor didn't care and said, "xian'er is still young."

He doesn't care about a child, otherwise, he would have been angry with his little fat man many times.

What's more

The emperor's eyes fell on Huang Fuxian's legs. His body was not good, and it was inevitable to make some trouble.

"Lian'er, take xian'er out to bask in the sun first." Princess Ning'an said to lian'er.

"Yes." Lian'er respectfully comes to Huang Fuxian's back and pushes his wheelchair out.

"Your Majesty." Princess Ning'an explained, "xian'er has spoiled me. Please bear with me."

"Do you still call me your majesty?" Said the emperor, gazing at her.

Princess Ning'an gave a bitter smile and said, "brother."

Duke Qin came over and reported with a smile: "empress dowager, Princess Ning'an and the prince's bedroom are ready."

"Empress..." Princess Ning'an looked at empress dowager Zhuang in amazement.

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "the Bixia hall before you came out of the pavilion has always been reserved for you. You and xian'er should live there for the time being."

"I..." Princess Ning'an's eyes moved. She asked, "can I still live in the palace?"

Princess Ning'an is a special case. Empress dowager Zhuang and the emperor loved her so much that they built a Bixia palace for her.

And she married the frontier fortress so many years, Bixia palace has never been used for other purposes.

The emperor said quickly, "since it's the meaning of the empress, you can stay."

The emperor also hoped that Princess Ning'an could live in the palace, so that it would be convenient for him to take care of other mothers and sons.

The emperor had a lot to say to Ning'an in his heart. He guessed that his mother was the same, but when three people got together, some words would be difficult to speak.

"I will accompany you to Bixia palace." Said the emperor.

Princess Ning'an nodded and gave the Empress Dowager a salute: "my son's minister will come back later to greet my mother."

Empress Dowager Zhuang nodded and watched the emperor and Princess Ning'an leave Renshou palace.

Duke Qin came over with a cup of tea. Seeing empress dowager Zhuang's sad face, he sighed and said, "the princess is a miserable one. If I had listened to you at the beginning, how could it be so? But fortunately, I have come back safely, and no one will be punished by the princess in the future. "

Empress Dowager Zhuang closed her eyes and turned her head. A tear came down her cheek.

The emperor and Princess Ning'an went to the Bixia hall side by side.

Lotus son pushes Huang Fu Xian not far behind.

Princess Ning'an looked back at Huang Fuxian with a cold face and sighed helplessly.

The emperor noticed her eyes and asked softly, "what's the matter with xian'er's legs? Did you get hurt in this battle? "

Princess Ning'an shook her head difficultly and said, "it was when I was a child. When xian'er was five years old, the frontier fortress encountered a ten-year hard snow."

The emperor said thoughtfully, "I have an impression of this. The imperial court also appropriated relief funds to the border. Quiet..."

Princess Jing herself made clothes for Princess Ning'an to protect her from the cold, and sent them to the frontier fortress with the imperial envoy of disaster relief.

The emperor really didn't want to mention the name now. He hated her very much, but she was the natural mother of Ning'an. It was really embarrassing.

Ning'an Princess lightly smile: "yes, mother imperial concubine back to me to send the cold clothes."

"What does this have to do with xian'er's legs?"

"At that time, his father and I went to help the victims, and he slipped out of the princess's house alone. The child was so naughty that he couldn't stop for a moment. The bodyguards couldn't watch him, so he was lost. It was one day and one night when we found him. After that, he fell down from the hillside and lay in the cold snow. His legs were frozen to necrosis. In order to save his life, the doctor had to amputate his legs. "

Princess Ning'an said this, trying to make herself calm, but her breathing and pinched fingers still revealed her emotions.

The emperor's heart is a pull, can't say is more distressed huangfuxian, or more distressed son had such experience of Princess Ning'an.

He took Princess Ning'an's hand as he was young: "I don't know what happened to you and xian'er... Why didn't you say it in the letter?"

Princess Ning'an whispered: "this kind of thing... Is hard to say."

Once a person's heart is cut like a knife, once he is comforted, once again his heart is cut like a knife. A person's real pain is not to seek comfort everywhere, but to isolate himself from the outside world.

The emperor's heart is naturally clear, so also more love Ning'an princess.

He secretly vowed that from now on he would never let Princess Ning'an leave him, and would never let her and xian'er suffer any injustice.

"Xian'er, he..." Princess Ning'an wanted to say nothing.

The emperor is her brother. Even if she hasn't seen him for so many years, he can guess what she worries about most.

He stopped, looked at her solemnly and said, "no matter who xian'er's father is, he is your child and my nephew. I will try my best to protect him."

There are not many people who object to Princess Ning'an's return to Beijing. Huangfuxian is not necessarily. After all, the blood of the royal family of the former dynasty is flowing in his body. Those radical civil and military officials are afraid to take huangfuxian's blood.

Princess Ning'an was ashamed and said, "I'm going to add trouble to my brother."

"No trouble." The emperor said.

If Huang Fu Xian is a healthy person, it may be a bit of trouble, but what can make people afraid of his incomplete body?

Those officials only make fun of a child when they have no place to vent their anger. When they know the truth, the dispute will be much smaller.

The emperor said, "Ning'an, I still want to talk with you about Princess Jing."

Princess Ning'an said with a faint smile: "you don't have to say much about it. Ning'an knows that her mother and concubine are the works of the former dynasty. From the moment she worked for the royal family of the former dynasty, she was doomed to the final result."

"Do you blame her?" Asked the emperor.

Princess Ning'an said, "it's meaningless to say that now."

The emperor said, "she once sent longyingwei to the frontier fortress to find you, but she wanted to hold you hostage?"

Princess Ning'an shook her head: "they want to take me away. They are from a secret guard. The secret guard said that something happened in the capital. I'm afraid the frontier fortress is not safe. Let me leave with them first. But they couldn't beat Huang Fu Zheng's dead men, and they were all injured in the end, and the dark guard died

The emperor also did not expect Du Zheng... No, Du is a fake surname, his real name is Huangfu Zheng.

I didn't expect that he had such a powerful master in his hand.

Fortunately, Princess Ning'an is OK, otherwise the emperor will regret it.

Princess Ning'an didn't know how many times she felt guilty today: "sorry, the Dragon shadow guard who hurt the emperor brother was seriously injured."

"They will recover." The emperor said that the Dragon shadow guard had returned to the capital with the army and was training in a special place.

It's false to say no, but it has nothing to do with Ning'an. It's the idea of Princess Jing.

Princess Ning'an went on: "I think my mother should have guessed that she couldn't hide it for a long time. Wang Yi and Huang Fuzheng's methods were appalling. She was worried that the disclosure would put me in a crisis, so she sent someone to save me. She took advantage of me all her life, and when she came, she realized that she wanted to do something for me. "

Speaking of this, Princess Ning'an laughed at herself, "why?"

The emperor looked complicated and did not speak.

The party soon arrived at Bixia hall.

People in the house of internal affairs are used to worship high and low. Although Princess Ning'an is just a widow who lost her husband, she has all the favor of the emperor and Empress Dowager Zhuang. All the things she bought for her are the most elegant, luxurious and priceless.

Apart from other things, the bed curtain was made of mackerel yarn. Even empress Xiao and Princess Xinyang did not receive such treatment.

Her servants were also carefully selected by the Ministry of internal affairs, including one Eunuch in charge, one mammy in charge, four Grand Palace ladies, Ten Little Palace ladies and ten little eunuchs.

This is no longer the standard a princess can enjoy.

"Brother." Princess Ning'an's eyes flashed a trace of complexity, she sighed, "I can't use such expensive things, and I don't need so many people."

The emperor's face sank when he heard the words: "you are my favorite sister, I say you need it, you need it!"

"I..." Princess Ning'an stopped talking.

The emperor held her on the shoulder and looked at her weather beaten face. He said painfully and remorsefully, "I didn't protect you at the beginning. After so many years of suffering, I will make it up to you. You don't have to worry. Just leave everything to me. No one dares to criticize you. If so, I'll cut off his head! "

Ningan princess also want to say what, but refuse words haven't export, Bixia temple outside then spread to belong to the children's chirp small voice.

A little confusion appeared on Princess Ning'an's face. The emperor laughed and said, "it's the voice of Xiao Qi and his little classmate."

Xiao Jingkong just entered the palace. He was a child. He didn't know who was coming to the palace. He came purely for the purpose of increasing the rent. That day, he asked his brother-in-law to increase the rent. His brother-in-law said that his request was unreasonable.

So he wanted to ask his aunt how to raise the rent reasonably.

It's a pity that my aunt's mood seems to be a little low. He is a considerate child, so he decided to put aside the rent increase for the time being. He incarnated in xiaomengwu and tried to sell cute things for a long time. As a result, he was thrown out by my aunt without expression.

It's too noisy

Then he went to find Qin Chuyu.

Qin Chuyu recently raised a dog, and they ran around chasing the dog.

Dog about smell the emperor's smell, running to Bixia palace.

When Qin Chuyu and Xiao Jingkong catch up with Bixia hall, they happen to see huangfuxian basking in the sun at the door.

They had never seen a wheelchair, so they were curious.

Xiao Jingkong walked over, looked at Huang Fuxian's wheelchair and said, "Wow! What chair is this? And the wheels

Compared with this strange chair, Qin Chuyu's focus is more on this person. He asked suspiciously, "who are you? How come I've never seen you before? "

The imperial palace is Qin Chuyu's home. He may not recognize all the maids and eunuchs, but he should not have known such a person who is obviously a bit of a talent.

Huang Fu Xian sneered at a small bean and a big bean in front of him: "who are you?"

Qin Chuyu solemnly introduced: "I am Qin Chuyu, he is my classmate clearance."

Huangfuxian looked at Qin Chuyu up and down, sneered at xiaojingkong, and said sarcastically, "you are so old, and you still go to school with such a small child. Is your prince so stupid?"

Qin Chuyu said: "who are you stupid! I, I am not stupid! I'm studying in the prodigy class of the Imperial College! "

Huang Fu Xian said, "put it in?"


Qin Chuyu's face was red with choking.

The little headroom was completely attracted by the big wheel of the wheelchair. He didn't pay attention to the conversation between them. He squatted down and tilted his head to observe the big wheel in front of him.

Qin Chuyu forked his waist and stamped his feet, which is a habitual action of xiaojingkong. After getting along with xiaojingkong for a long time, he unconsciously became a bit of xiaojingkong style.

He said angrily, "how dare you talk to me like that! Do you know who I am? I am the seventh Prince of Zhao! If you are so rude again, I'll let you be beaten

Huang Fuxian was not frightened by this, but coldly stretched out his hand and pushed Qin Chuyu to the ground!

Unfortunately, small clearance is squatting on the ground to see the wheel, Qin Chuyu a down, he also knocked down.

"Oh dear!" Small clearance pain.

His little foot was pressed by Qin Chuyu's butt!

When the emperor and Princess Ning'an came, they saw two children fall to the ground.

Duke Wei also followed him out. He quickly stepped forward, first pulled Qin Chuyu up, and then pulled up the small clearance at the bottom.

"Are you all right? Did you fall anywhere? " He asked anxiously.

Little clearance's right foot hurts a little.

Qin Chuyu meat, he did not fall pain, but he was very angry!

He turned around and was about to pounce on Huang Fu Xian.

"Stop it The emperor drank hard.

Duke Wei hugs Qin Chuyu.

Qin Chuyu complained decisively, pointed to Huangfu and said, "father! He pushed me

The emperor looked at Huang Fu Xian in his wheelchair.

Huang Fuxian slowly leaned on the back of his wheelchair and raised his eyebrows: "I didn't push you. You fell down on your own."

Qin Chuyu opened his eyes wide: "you're bullshit! I'm not going to fall on my own! You pushed me! You see the clearance, don't you? "

"Ah?" The little clearance who was called suddenly was confused.

He just went to study the big wheel and saw nothing.

At this time, lian'er came back panting with a bunch of flowers. She didn't know what had happened. She handed over the peony in her hand and said, "here are... Flowers you want..."

This is a flower planted by Princess Xinyang in the imperial garden greenhouse. It is worth 100 gold.

As soon as lian'er collected them, she collected five.

Huang Fu Xian took it and said, "it's only so few. Haven't you picked all of them?"

Lian'er wiped the sweat channel on her forehead: "it, others... Didn't grow well... These five flowers are the best."

"I don't like it." Huang Fuxian said that, and he threw away the five peonies that Princess Xinyang had painstakingly cultivated.

The emperor could already imagine the expression of Princess Xinyang when she found that her flowers were gone.

"Xian'er." Princess Ning'an's face sank.

The emperor's throat was a little dry. He took a weak breath, coughed gently, and said calmly, "it's OK, just a few flowers. Xian'er likes peony. I'll ask the florist to pick up some more pots and send them to Bixia hall."

He said, turning to Qin Chuyu, he said in a deep voice, "don't you come and meet your aunt and cousin?"

Qin Chuyu asked, "who is my aunt? Who is my cousin? "

Princess Ning'an came to him, raised her hand and touched his head: "I'm your aunt Ning'an, and he's your good cousin."

She said, pointing to huangfuxian behind her.

Qin Chuyu took away her hand: "he is not my cousin!"

The emperor's eyes sank: "wanton!"

Qin Chuyu angrily pointed at Huangfu Xian and said, "he pushed me!"

"I didn't push you," he said

Qin Chuyu was furious: "you push, you push, you push!"

Princess Ning'an looked at Huang Fuxian and asked seriously, "have you pushed Your Royal Highness for seven years?"

Huangfuxian face magnanimous and wanton to meet the line of sight of Princess Ning'an: "no, you."

"You have!" Qin Chuyu is about to explode!

"Enough!" The emperor sternly stopped Qin Chuyu and said to Duke Wei, "send your highness back to Kunning palace, and send Jingkong back to Renshou palace."

Duke Wei insisted: "yes. Let's go, your highness

They were gently held forward by Duke Wei.

As soon as he turned around, Qin Chuyu raised his hand and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes: "I didn't lie. He just pushed me. Why didn't my father believe me?"

Xiaojingkong calmly holds Qin Chuyu's fat hand and looks back at the boy in the wheelchair.

And at this time, the youth also just looked to this side.

Xiaojingkong saw the boy give him a malicious and provocative smile.

Get out of here.

The youth sneered and said silently.