The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 523

Gu Changqing and Gu Jiao went to pick up the son of Princess Ning'an and huangfuzheng this time. On the 13th of this year, Princess Ning'an didn't say much about him, only said "he's not very well.".

But when they got to the address provided by Princess Ning'an, they realized that they underestimated the meaning of "not very well".

It was a young man in a wheelchair, with thin cheeks and sickly pale skin. He was wrapped in a thick cloak, and the fox hair on his collar stirred with the cold wind.

He has a pair of narrow Phoenix eyes, very much like his father.

And his nose and mouth are very much like his mother.

He sat in a courtyard full of green bamboos, with only four guards.

He saw the three brothers and sisters in armor, their expressions didn't fluctuate at all. He just held the wheel of the wheelchair with his hands and said faintly, "are you here to pick me up?"

"Er... Ah, yes!" Gu Chengfeng said stupidly.

"Let's go." He pushed the wheelchair.

Gu Changqing looked at him steadily, didn't say anything, walked forward, walked around behind him and pushed the wheelchair for him: "I'll come."

He loosened his hand on the wheel.

"What, don't you ask who we are?" Gu Chengfeng asked him suspiciously.

He said, "either my father's people or my mother's people, my father was defeated, so I guess you are sent by my mother."

"Pretty smart." Gu Chengfeng muttered.

Well, to be honest, Gu Chengfeng was a little disappointed.

He thought they were here to save people, but he didn't expect that they were literally picking them up.

I want to fight again. Let my elder brother see his kung fu. I'm blind again!

Gu Changqing pushed the boy to the door.

Gu Jiao stood at the door with her arms against the doorframe.

When Gu Changqing pushes the wheelchair past, Gu Jiao looks at his leg.

It's not out of offense, it's not out of curiosity, it's just a doctor's diagnosis of a patient.

Unfortunately, his legs were covered with a thick blanket, which covered his legs tightly. Gu Jiao didn't see anything.

There is a carriage for teenagers in the house. The back door can be opened, and it is a landslide when it is put down.

Gu Changqing pushes the wheelchair up and Gu Chengfeng helps close the door.

"Are they going to go together?" Gu Changqing looked at the four guards in the house.

Young light said: "the capital lack of people to serve me?"

There's nothing wrong with this. It's just that it makes people feel that he's not very close.

However, Gu Changqing did not intend to get close to him. On the way back to Beijing, he and he were monarchs and ministers. Maybe after returning to Beijing, they became strangers they would never meet again.

There is a fixed wheelchair on the floor of the carriage, but Gu Changqing is not familiar with it, and the boy didn't remind him.

When the driver was going to drive, Gu Jiao said, "wait a minute."

The coachman stopped.

Gu Jiao lifted the curtain and got on the carriage. She pulled out several wooden buttons hidden on the floor and stuck them on the wheel of the wheelchair.

She didn't touch the boy's leg on purpose.

After that, she took a look at the boy and then turned to get out of the carriage.

They started first. The army is still behind.

Gu Changqing found a necessary post station on his way back to Beijing and asked for two rooms, one for Gu Jiao and one for the boy.

The army can arrive at night. Gu Changqing and Gu Chengfeng sleep in tents.

The boy fell asleep after living in the post station and didn't come out for dinner.

The three brothers and sisters made a bonfire in the yard and baked some sweet potatoes and bacon.

Gu Changqing picked some grain and grass to feed the horse in the stable.

Gu Chengfeng and Gu Jiao are sitting by the fire. Gu Chengfeng moves to Gu Jiao and says in a low voice, "Hey, do you feel that boy is so strange?"

"How strange?" Gu Jiao turned over the bacon on the fire.

Gu Chengfeng swallowed his saliva, stuck a baked sweet potato with a stick, lowered the volume and said, "his father died. He doesn't seem to be sad. And his temperament always makes me feel gloomy. And his legs. What do you think about his legs? Is he hurt or lame? "

Gu Chengfeng said, suddenly feel a bit wrong, he suddenly turned his head, see the youth do not know when to come out of the room, is sitting in the wheelchair of the cold wind, gloomy like a ghost from the underworld.

Gu Chengfeng has always been courageous. At the moment, he can't hold back his sweat. All the sweet potatoes in his hand fall off!

Gu Jiao calmly looked at him, drew back her eyes and continued to roast.

"What are you baking?" Asked the boy.

"Bacon." Gu Jiao said.

"I want to eat, too." Juvenile road.

Gu Jiao turned over the barbecue and said, "I'll send it to you when it's done."

The boy refused: "no, I want to eat here."

There are steps from the house to here, and he can't get down. Gu Chengfeng calms down, takes him with a wheelchair and carries him down the steps, and then pushes him to the fire.

"It's windy here. You can go in after a while." Gu Chengfeng kindly reminds us.

The boy didn't take his words, but looked at Gu Jiao who was serious about barbecue: "why do you wear a mask? Are you ugly? Can't see people? "

Gu Chengfeng has a strong waist: "ah! How do you talk! Who is ugly

The boy sneered: "why not cover your face if you are not ugly?"

Gu Chengfeng beat him, Gu Chengfeng cold face, hummed: "we are happy! Covering your face means having no face to see people. Do you walk in a wheelchair without legs? "

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Chengfeng felt the young man's expression stiff.

Gu Chengfeng suddenly realized that he might have said something wrong. He opened his mouth and wanted to remedy something, but it was too late.

The boy slowly pulled the corner of his lips and laughed like a mockery.

Then, under Gu Chengfeng's somewhat guilty and astonished gaze, he raised his pale hand and opened the blanket on his leg.

A gust of cold wind blew up his empty trouser legs.


The military newspaper of the great victory of the frontier fortress arrived at the imperial palace as early as December. The emperor and all the civil and military officials breathed a sigh of relief.

The remaining evils of the former dynasty colluded with the bandits and the army of the state of Chen, which led to the war at the two borders of the state of Zhao at the same time. The state of Zhao was besieged by the enemy. It was also heard that the old Marquis and Princess Ning'an were arrested.

People had little confidence in this battle.

I didn't expect Gu Jiajun to win so soon.

The emperor began to look forward to the return of Princess Ning'an, Gu Changqing, Tang Yueshan, the old Marquis and the soldiers.

Of course, there is the little doctor.

He gave the imperial edict to let the little miracle doctor out of Beijing. At that time, he didn't expect that the little miracle doctor would go to the frontier fortress. Otherwise, the news came from yuegucheng that two adults sent by the Empress Dowager of Zhuang had been holding the token of Renshou palace, and he had been kept in the dark.

Knowing that she was going to such a dangerous place, he said nothing would give her the imperial edict to go out of the city.

God knows that he is dying because of his mother. He hasn't seen her for three days!

"Not yet? Haven't you arrived yet? " It's hard for the emperor to sit in the imperial study.

"It's fast. It's said that it will be there in a few days." Wei Gonggong said with a smile.

The emperor looked at him bitterly: "you said that last time!"

Wei Gonggong said with a smile: "isn't that... When it's snowed, suddenly I can't go?"

It's colder when I came back than when I went, and the snow has closed the mountain more often.

Originally, according to the speed of the rapid march of the army, we could reach the capital on the 20th, but we can drag on day by day, and we still can't see the shadow of the army!

The emperor slumped down on the back of his chair and said, "if the little doctor doesn't come back, my mother will never talk to me in her whole life."

The emperor is wrong, Jiao Jiao can't go back, Empress Dowager Zhuang doesn't want to pay attention to this silly son!

She was sent to the frontier fortress!

Why didn't she cover him with a quilt!

The whole family is looking forward to living like a new year.

The night Gu Jiao left, they all fell asleep. It was the next day that Xiao Heng told them that Gu Jiao had gone to the frontier fortress.

Yao almost fainted on the spot.

The frontier fortress is at war. How did her daughter go to that place?

Gu Yan is used to Gu Jiao's existence, and suddenly she leaves. Gu Yan only feels that he has been cut half and taken away.

Gu Xiaoshun is also worried and sad.

He grew up with Gu Jiao from childhood. He spent the longest time with Gu Jiao and the shortest time apart. Therefore, among them, he was the least used to it.

When Xiao Jingkong wakes up, he finds Gu Jiao gone and almost cries. Then he sees the letter Gu Jiao left him, and then he suppresses all his tears.

Jiaojiao is not in Beijing. It's no use crying.

He wants to keep his little tears and cry for Jiaojiao when he comes back.

Xiao Heng now works in the Hanlin academy and the criminal department at the same time. The news of the criminal department is better than that of the Hanlin Academy. Whatever happens in the front line, the criminal department and the military department are the first to know.

Xiao Heng spent more time in the Ministry of punishment than in the Imperial Academy in the past two months, whether it's for official business or selfishness. He opened the letter he didn't know.

"Is it snowing again?"

While writing a memorial, Xing Shang asked Xiao Heng who was sorting out his letters.

Xiao Heng put the letter away and said as usual, "well, I've been delayed in Cangzhou."

Xing Shangshu frowned and said, "Cangzhou is seven or eight days away from here at least. I'm afraid the army couldn't come back years ago."

The next day is new year's Eve, even if the army does not stop, it will not be able to catch up with the capital.

Xiao Heng looked out of the window at the flying snow, showing a thoughtful look.

The border is bitter and cold, and the smoke of gunpowder is everywhere, but the capital has not been affected by the fire of war. The streets and lanes are full of peddlers, shops, crowds and prosperity.

Every household in Bishui Hutong has hung red lanterns, pasted window flowers and couplets, and their families have pasted them.

This year, both Lin Chengye and Feng Lin returned to Youzhou for the Spring Festival.

There are many people in my family, but it still makes me feel lonely. I don't know if it's because of the lack of them or Gu Jiao.

Yao's youngest son is three months old, but he is so obedient that he doesn't cry or make any noise, just like there is no baby at home.

Small clearance standing in the threshold, a pair of small arms straight fly behind, small body out, small head looking at the alley on both sides.


He wants to be cute.

The sound of a carriage came from the door. Xiaojingkong was so excited that he ran out with short legs. After running for a while, he found that the bad brother-in-law was coming back.

The small face of small clear space sinks, disappointedly say: "how is you?"

Xiao Heng stepped out of the carriage and ordered his brain: "why not me?"

"Hum." Little clearance turned his face.

"Gone." Xiao Heng said to him.

Small clearance slowly followed him, three steps back.

Xiao Heng walked in front and knew what he was doing without looking back: "don't look, Jiaojiao won't come back today."

"Why?" asked little clearance

Xiao Heng said: "the mountain is snowed. The army can't go."

Xiaojingkong: "can Jiaojiao come back tomorrow?"

Xiao Heng: "I don't know."

Small clearance: "what about the day after tomorrow? The day after tomorrow is new year's Eve, my birthday. Can Jiaojiao come back to live with me? "

Xiao Heng: "you are not born on New Year's Eve."

Xiao Jingkong forked and stamped: "the abbot said that my birthday is new year's Eve! That's new year's Eve! Jiao Jiao's birthday is also new year's Eve

Xiao Heng laughs. Instead of arguing with him, he stops and rubs his little head with a little hair: "go in."

Early the next morning, xiaojingkong sat on the threshold. He waited from dawn to dark until he became a little snowman, but he didn't wait for Jiaojiao to come back.

Gu Yan goes over and leads the little guy in.

After midnight tonight is new year's Eve, the army is still besieged in Cangzhou's snow mountain, this year is doomed to not come back.

At night, the family sat in the main room and warmed up.

All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door in the front yard.

"Jiao Jiao!" Small clearance is the first to rush out.

However, it was not Gu Jiao who came, but Grandma Zhou, who came to deliver dumplings.

"Thank you, grandma Zhou." Small clearance politely took the basket and said thank you.

He went back to the main room with the basket.

Just sat down, the door was knocked again, this time is Gu Xiaoshun rushed out.

Gu Yan also wants to rush, but he is a little sick, can't run them!

It's a pity that this time it's not Gu Jiao. It's Liu auntie. She's here to deliver spring rolls.

When the door of the courtyard was knocked for the third time, it was dark Wei Jia who rushed out. He received the look from the little master. He either robbed the door or died!

Oh, how cruel!

Thank you, Mr. Zhao

Dark Wei Jia carried a basket of duck eggs back to the main room.

Everyone sighed.

The door of the courtyard was hidden. Gu Jiao didn't need to knock on the door when she went back to her home, so in fact, everyone clearly knew that it wasn't Gu Jiao.

But they still can't help looking forward to it.

"Go to bed." Xiao Heng said to the crowd.

They all went back to their houses with heavy thoughts.

It seems that this new year's Eve, Jiaojiao really can't come back.

Xiao LIULANG tidied up the hall for a while. He was not sleepy for the time being, so he went to the study to read for a while. It was still the National Book of Yan. He had read almost half of it.

It's just that he can't watch it tonight.

New year's Eve was the most important day of his life, the day he came to the world, and the day he "died" in the fire.

Coincidentally, it's all midnight.

Xiao LIULANG looked at the hourglass on the wall.

It's time again.

He closed the book in his hand and came to the quiet yard. Looking at the swing that Gu Jiao had tied with her own hands, he was stunned.


Something hit the gate.

Xiao LIULANG came back, frowned, and walked towards the gate.

Before going to bed, Mammy Fang inserted the door of the courtyard. Xiao LIULANG paused and took down the latch.

He opened the vermilion gate, and a fierce wind and snow poured in. After the snow, a small figure in green sat on the threshold against the wall, with a long leg bent and a hand holding the whip on his knee.

Her green silk was disturbed by the wind and snow, and her lips were dry and cracked. She was a bit embarrassed.

She leaned against the corner and gasped.

Looking up at him with her clear eyes, which had been filled with sand, she bent her lips and said, "happy birthday, Mr. Xiao."