The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 524

When she said this, her chest heaved slightly. Although she tried to calm her breath, she was still out of breath. It could be seen how hard she had been on the road.

She didn't even have the strength to stand up, so she bumped into the door and made a thump.

She didn't want Xiao Heng to see her embarrassment, so she sat on the hard threshold, leaning against the cold corner, but she didn't know. Her tiredness had already been written on her face.

Rao is so, when she looks at him, her eyes are still shining.

Wind and snow swept between heaven and earth, cold wind howling.

Xiao Heng's heart seems to be filled with a hot wave. His blood rushes rapidly, but his breath is held.

He looked at her in disbelief, and her embarrassed little figure was clearly reflected in his deep eyes.

Jicheng snow mountain, 100000 troops stagnated, but she alone across the mountains, braved the wind and snow in his birthday appeared in front of him.

Xiao Heng was full of poetry, but he couldn't find the right words to describe his feelings.

He suddenly had a bad feeling, even a little pain.

He didn't say anything, but his eyes were clear and he said everything.

It's just a birthday he doesn't care about.

Why come back?

Why not wait for the snow to pass?

Why not join the imperial army?


Why else?

It's just something he doesn't care about. Someone cares about it for him.

Xiao Heng is moved in his heart, and there is no mood change on his face. He quickly takes off his robe and squats down to wrap Gu Jiao's robe with his body temperature.

Gu Jiao's body is surrounded by a huge warmth, and the warmth is followed by his unique masculine flavor and fragrance.

She sniffed, with a little frozen voice, and said, "you smell so sweet."

Xiao Heng looked at the tip of her red nose: "you are frozen like this, can you smell my fragrance?"

"Well, it's incense!" Gu Jiao said firmly.

Xiao Heng originally looked at her embarrassed appearance, thinking about the risks and hardships of her way. She was a little complicated and heavy, but when she interrupted, she couldn't laugh or cry.

Xiao Heng took in the red tassel gun that she had put beside her leg, and then untied her little basket. He put one hand around her back and the other around her back knee, and gently picked her up.

"I can go." Gu Jiao said.

Did not forget his leg is still lame, at home, she even small clearance do not let him hold.

"I can go, too." Xiao Heng said.

Gu Jiao blinked at him.

Xiao Heng stood up with her in his arms. She could feel the strength of his arms, which was stronger than when she left the capital, and more powerful than an adult man.

Gu Jiao looked at his legs and feet again and unexpectedly found that he walked very well.

Gu Jiao Yi a: "your foot is not lame?"


Someone becomes limp in a second.

As a matter of fact, it's already good. He can walk freely the next day after clearing the misunderstanding with Princess Xinyang. He originally planned to surprise her on the day of her birth, but a girl turned and ran away.


There is a price to pay.

It was autumn when Gu Jiao left the capital, and she didn't wear much. Now it's deep winter, and her cotton padded clothes don't weigh much.

Xiao Heng held her arm tightly.

The baby at home for three months, do not eat night milk, nanny also no longer need to live here, Yao with the little guy moved back to the original house, east room to keep Gu Jiao.

Yu ya'er comes to clean every day, and her bedding is new.

Xiao Heng carried people into the room and put them on the cushioned chair: "you sit down for a while, I'll burn a charcoal basin for you."

After that, he turned and went to the kitchen. He lit straw and firewood in the kitchen. After burning, he put the Silver Charcoal in.

These silver chars were sent from the palace. They are all top-grade smokeless chars. They are easy to light and very resistant to burning.

When the Silver Charcoal burned, he poured water into the pot, cooked a bowl of green vegetables and egg noodles, and cut a few pieces of sausage and bacon.

When the silver charcoal is ready, the noodles are ready.

He took the noodles to the east room.

Gu Jiao lay sleepy on the table.

It's not exhaustion, it's exhaustion.

Xiao Heng gently touched her forehead, not hot, he slightly put down his heart, said: "first eat something and then sleep."

"Well..." Gu Jiao answered vaguely.

She hasn't eaten for a day and a night. She's really hungry.

She yawned and put a chopstick of green vegetables into her mouth.

Then, she was so excited that she woke up!

After Xiao Heng brought in the brazier, he remembered that there was a horse outside. He led the horse in and tied it to the stable on the other side of the old sacrificial wine.

His movements were so light that he didn't wake anyone up.

When he returned to the east room, he saw that Gu Jiao was not sleepy at all.

I can't help it. Xianggong's dark food is really refreshing. The effect is comparable to Fengyoujing.

Looking at her husband's handsome face, Gu Jiao, adhering to the principle of beautiful food, ate up a bowl of noodles with an indescribable taste, leaving no soup left.

Xiao Heng poured a cup of warm water for her: "it's hard all the way?"

"No, I'm not going to war. I'm just going to be a doctor!"

A dagger fell out of her sleeve with a clatter.

——The dagger of Chen Guorong's family is one of the spoils of the ancient city of moon.

Gu Jiao blinked.

I'm not embarrassed. It's other people who are embarrassed.

She bent over to pick up the dagger.

With another clatter, a sleeve arrow fell out.

——The hidden weapon of Tang family archers is one of Tang Yueshan's personal treasures.

Her face is not red, heart does not jump, calmly picked up the arrow.

I just put the arrow and dagger on the table, but I bumped into the small basket. When the basket fell to the table, the contents fell out.

Darts, tomahawks, meteor hammers, nine whip

Xiao Heng's eyes became very dangerous.

Gu Jiao's eyes dripped: "I said I picked it up. Do you believe it?"

Xiao Heng: "Oh."

"I have something for you!" Gu Jiao changed the topic for a second, took out a thing tightly held with cloth from the small basket, handed it to him and said, "open it and have a look."

Xiao Heng also wants to find out about her going to the battlefield.

Originally, he thought that she only went to the border to save the old Marquis who had fallen into the enemy's hands. But she seemed to have robbed all Chen's troops, and she went to the battlefield.

Gu Jiaocai didn't give him a chance to investigate. She decisively opened the burden and handed him a book with historical flavor.

Xiao Heng's eyes were suddenly attracted.

The book is strikingly written from the previous dynasty.

The characters of this dynasty are evolved from the characters of the previous dynasty, and there are some differences in font and interpretation.

Gu Jiao opened the book.

Xiao Heng fixed his eyes on it. It was all the names of Huangfu's family. His eyes lit up and he said, "jade plate of the former dynasty?"

"Well!" Gu Jiao nodded.

She set fire to her husband's study. She thought she had burned the jade plate, but she didn't. she stole it!

The great dynasties ruled for 300 years, and then inherited it for 200 years. This genealogy of Huangfu family records every royal family in the previous dynasty, which is of great research and archaeological value.

The attraction of this ancient book to the imperial officials is no less than that of a magic weapon to the peerless masters.

Xiao Heng's Mou light slightly moves: "how come?"

"Gu Chengfeng stole it!" Gu Jiao shakes the pot in one second!

Gu Chengfeng, who is sleeping with his sword in the snow mountain, sneezes hard!

"Do you like it?" Gu Jiao looks at him.

Xiao Heng nodded: "well, I like it."

This may be a pamphlet bought with her life. How could he not like it?

The book was very light, but it was as heavy as a kilo in his hand.

Gu Jiao opened a pair of clear and smart eyes to look at him, looking a little clever.

If those Chen soldiers who had been killed by her were here, they would lose their chin. Is this still the cruel and cold-blooded God of murder?

This is a little white rabbit!

"And this one!" Gu Jiao took out a small iron box the size of a palm from her purse. "It's said that the pine smoke ink of the Chen royal family is the best ink in the world. Try to draw with it."

"Green ink is also good, but only two."

"Prince Bo has a master who is a brush maker. He made a new one for me."


Gu Jiao constantly takes out small gifts from her little basket. I really don't know how many things she has.

Xiao Heng stares at her deeply. Every time she takes out a small gift, his eyes will be deep.

When she did not know how many times to take out a small gift, he finally could not help but gently clasp one of her wrists and put her in his arms.

Gu Jiao is caught off guard, and her small head bumps into his fiery chest. His beating heart, like beating a drum, spreads to her ears through the thick cloth.

Poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop.

It seemed as if all of a sudden it was quiet, leaving each other's breathing and heartbeat.

"Hurt?" He asked in a hoarse voice.