The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 522

Prince Bo is a royal family. Although he is highly skilled in martial arts, he is no better than Rong Yao. In the end, Prince Bo was seriously injured in Rong Yao's hands.

"I'm reckless. I'm going to catch him alive, but he's really hard to deal with. If he accidentally killed him by mistake, I'll ask his sixth highness to punish him."

This is what Rong Yao said when he went down the castle and came to Yuantang to plead guilty.

Yuan Tang is still at Gu Changqing's side, riding a high horse, looking down at his uncle Rong Yao.

He had a cold smile in his heart.

His uncle doesn't believe this kind of nonsense, does he?

Also, if you don't kill Prince Bo, what will you do when Prince Bo comes back to the palace and tells Rong Yao that it's not good for him?

This uncle is really far sighted and cruel.

But did he really think he would be safe without Prince Bob?

Yuan Tang looked at Rong Yao with a smile: "my uncle has worked hard. My uncle has made great contribution to killing the traitor. When I get back to the capital, my father will certainly appreciate my uncle's contribution."

Rong Yao knelt down on one knee, arched his hand, and said with a look of fear: "I dare not appreciate the merits, but only seek to make up for the faults. I was also bewitched by Prince Bo. I really thought that everything was the will of the king. Unexpectedly, it was this man who pretended to pass the imperial edict and made us go on the expedition with him... Your highness, please have a good look."

Gu Changqing's thin lips gently opened: "Oh."

Rong Yao's face became very ugly.

Rong Fu, Rong Yao's youngest son, died in the battle of yuegucheng. It is said that he was kicked down the wall by a soldier's egg. Chen's deserters saw that Gu Changqing was very close to that soldier's egg.

Rong Yao had a grudge against Gu Changqing in his heart, but he had to bow his head under the eaves.

Yuan Tang looked at Gu Changqing, then looked at Rong Yao and said with a smile, "uncle, I'm serious. When I get back to the capital, my father will check. As long as my uncle has a clear conscience, I believe the truth will come out one day."

Rong Yao's forehead exuded a layer of cold sweat.

He did not dare to look up at Yuan Tang's eyes, he has felt the threat from Yuan Tang.

"Your Highness, may I take a step?" Rong Yao said to Yuan Tang.

Yuan Tang rode with him back to the camp of Chen's army.

Zhang Shen looked at their backs and said to Gu Changqing, "general, I'm afraid the one surnamed Rong is going to fight."

Chen's 80000 reinforcements and Yecheng's 60000 troops have crushed Gu's army in number. It must be a bloody battle.

Gu Changqing's face did not see the slightest anxiety, he said: "Yuan Tang will not agree."

If Yuan Tang really wants to fight, he won't come here alone, and he won't introduce himself as Gu Jiao's friend.

There, I don't know what Yuan Tang and Rong Yao said. Rong Yao nearly ran away. However, Yuan Tang ignored him and directly let 60000 Chen troops withdraw from Yecheng.

Of course, this matter is not over. It is a war initiated by Chen Guoxian in violation of the peace treaty, and all the war losses will be borne by Chen Guoyi. This is just like adding insult to injury to Chen's court, which has already experienced a war loss.

However, this time, it also let Yuan Tang really see the cruelty of the war and the terrible cost it brought.

If Yuan Tang was still preoccupied with the idea of fighting against Zhao one day when Zhao was the prime minister, now he has no such idea.

War is the power struggle of the superior, for which the innocent soldiers and the common people can pay their lives.

Yuan Tang once again rode to the camp of Gu's army and said to Gu Changqing, "if you can trust me, I'd like to take Rong Yao back to the capital of the kingdom of Chen. Later, I'll go to zhaodu personally and ask your majesty for a peace talk."

Yuan Tang's identity is still that Chen is a proton. He is supposed to return to Beijing with Gu Changqing. Letting him go is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

Without waiting for Gu Changqing's reply, Yuan Tang said again, "but before that, I hope I can go to Yuegu city with you to meet the Grand Marshal and the old Marquis."

"Good." Gu Changqing said.

Yuan Tang went to Yuegu alone with Gu Changqing. His magnanimity and courage are impressive.

However, in the ancient city of the moon, Gu Changqing found himself cheated!

Where did this boy come to visit Tang Yueshan and his grandfather? He came to see his sister!

Yuan Tang went to the wounded camp as soon as he entered the city: "doctor Gu, I'm here!"

Looking at Yuan Tang who doesn't take himself as an outsider, Gu Changqing squints dangerously.

Gu Jiao had already recovered from the disease and passed the isolation period. At this time, she was guiding several soldiers in the wounded camp to recover.

He was wearing the armor of General Chen.

All of a sudden, the soldiers of the wounded camp were so surprised that they immediately pulled out their swords by the bed.

Yuan Tang Tut, took off his sword and threw it to the nearest wounded soldier: "take it."

Wounded soldier

Gu Jiao's expression is very calm, only looked at the Yuan Tang one eye, then to the nearby recovery wounded soldier way: "you continue."

The recovered soldiers continued to walk with crutches.

Yuan Tang stood beside Gu Jiao uninvited and said with exaggeration, "I'm not excited to see your highness. I knew I would not come to see you."

"What's the matter?" Gu Jiao said.

Yuan Tang opened his mouth and seemed to be OK.

He tut a, way: "you don't ask me is a frontier fortress is what?"

Gu Jiao said, "kill Prince Bo or Rong Yao?"

Yuan Tang

"Here you are." Yuan Tang handed her a small carry on package.

"What?" Gu Jiao asked.

Yuan Tang put the burden into her arms and said, "the box of Begonia flowers is for you, and the box of bamboo leaves is for my cousin. I'll go back to Wangdu first to deal with my uncle. Maybe I can't go to zhaodu for a while. You can bring it to my cousin for me."

"Well." Gu Jiao should go down.

Yuan Tang picked an eyebrow: "don't think about it. I just want to thank you for bringing things for my cousin. Besides, I was in zhaodu at that time. Thanks to your husband, I was able to escape."

Yuan Tang thought he was hiding well, but he didn't ask Xiao LIULANG to know. Later, he thought that Xiao LIULANG was going to the Yamen office, but he suddenly changed the way out of the north gate of the capital and stopped at the post station for a while.

I'm afraid Xiao LIULANG found him early and sent him away on purpose.

Gu Jiao didn't know that she still had this stubble.

Thanks to Xiao Heng's letting Yuan Tang go, otherwise the battle would not be finished so soon, and both sides would have to increase a lot of casualties.

Yuan Tang said: "well, I've said all that I should say, and I should go too. You remember to make my cousin miss me."

Hearing this, Gu Changqing finally put his sword back.

Yuantang drives his horse away from Yuegu city.

Looking at his far away figure, general Zhang Shen asked, "general, are you really going to let him go? Chen has 140000 troops. If he goes to war with us at this time... "

"He will not." Gu Changqing said.

If Jiaojiao believes in him, then he also believes in him.

Gu Jiao came out of the wounded camp and saw Gu Changqing waiting at the door.

"Are you here to change the dressing?" Gu Jiao asked.

Gu Changqing said solemnly: "mmm."

Gu Jiao took him to the camp next door and cut open the gauze of his hands with scissors. This is not the injury he got when he first came to yuegucheng to protect Gu Jiao who was out of control. It was the injury he got when he went to the nest of the remaining evils of the previous dynasty to find Gu Jiao.

About that day, Gu Changqing lightly exposed, but in fact, the process is far more difficult and complex than imagined.

He learned from his staff that the map of the former army's nest and secret road was true, but the map was incomplete, and the wooden bridge leading to the nest was destroyed by Huangfu Zheng.

Gu Changqing stood on the cliff for a long time. He was sure that unless he had wings, he would never pass by with his lightness skill.

So he planned to go down the mountain first, go around the foot of the mountain, and then climb to the top of the opposite mountain.

The hardships are self-evident.

Fortunately, although the map is incomplete, the general location is right. He climbed up the cliff and nearly fell down the abyss several times.

There was only one thought in his mind at that time. He wanted to live and find his sister back alive.

The wound on his hand was left when he climbed the cliff, but he still hasn't recovered. He led the soldiers to fight again and again, tearing it repeatedly.

In Gu Changqing's opinion, this kind of injury is nothing, not Gu Jiao here, he is lazy to change the dressing.

"You can't get hurt any more, or you'll lose your hands." Gu Jiao said solemnly as she changed her dressing.

Gu Changqing gently smile: "well, no, the war is over."

"The line here can be removed." Gu Jiao looked at the wound on his left back and said.

Gu Changqing stretched out her hand obediently.

Gu Jiao took out the sterilized scissors: "there will be a little pain."

Gu Changqing said, "it won't hurt. Your stitches don't hurt."

I didn't take any anesthetics again. It's strange that it doesn't hurt.

Mentioning this, Gu Jiao's hand pauses.

After escaping from the mountains, she sewed up the wound for Gu Changqing. At that time, a wounded soldier was in urgent need of stitching.

However, there was only one anesthetic in the small medicine box.

Gu Changqing gave up the anesthetic to the wounded because he didn't need it. He is a martial arts practitioner. It is inevitable that he will be injured. Occasionally, if he is seriously injured, he needs to drink some machei soup. However, any machei soup will not work for him.

Gu Jiao can't help but think of the moment when she first came to the capital, when she first sewed up the wound for Gu Changqing, there was no anesthetic in the small medicine box.

She didn't take it to heart at that time. Now, maybe the small medicine box has determined that the patient is intolerant of anesthesia.

So his injuries, big and small, were all sewed without anesthesia?

Gu Changqing gazed at Gu Jiao and gave her a gentle smile: "no pain, really."

"Well." Gu Jiao answered very seriously, but her hand was much lighter.

After the war, the plague patients also recovered. Next, it's time for Gu Jiao and her party to return to the capital.

Tang Yueshan left part of the garrison, and Gu Changqing also left 20000 Gu's troops to coordinate the post disaster reconstruction of the three cities.

Beiyang city and Yecheng were killed, and the imperial court issued an imperial edict overnight, appointing two new Taishou.

After the new Taishou arrived at their respective official residence, the Gu family army and the imperial guards were ready to go.

Princess Ning'an is going to return to Beijing with them.

It is the duty of the Marquis to save Princess Ning'an back to Beijing. Now the Marquis is still in bed, so Gu Changqing asks Princess Ning'an to show her.

In the wing room of the prefect's mansion, Gu Changqing meets Princess Ning'an in the study.

Since she came down from the mountain, Princess Ning'an has been staying in her room. She doesn't go out or talk to people.

Gu Changqing knew that the evils of the previous dynasty had dealt a great blow to her. He never mentioned the war and the son-in-law in front of her.

Gu Changqing bowed his hand and said, "we will leave for Beijing tomorrow morning. What else can the princess tell us?"

Princess Ning'an looked at the snow outside the window. After a while, she murmured, "on the way back to Beijing, can I go to Jicheng... To meet someone?"

Said, seems to be afraid of trouble Gu Changqing, she said, "not too many people, a few people can, he is not difficult to pick up."

Gu Changqing about understand who is going to pick up, he said: "when passing by Jicheng, Weichen will personally go."

"I'm going too!"

In another wing room of the prefect's mansion, the splint on his arm has been removed and Gu Chengfeng, who is full of vitality, says abruptly.

He managed to recover his injury and planned to go to the battlefield to have a good fight. However, he was told that Chen Guojiang had fallen!

As soon as he became Gu's army, he became famous in vain!

The main purpose is to let elder brother witness his strength.

"Good." Gu Changqing should go.

Gu Chengfeng was so excited all night that he finally got to work with his elder brother. Unexpectedly, when he walked out of the barracks in full arms, he saw Gu Jiao beside his elder brother.

Gu Chengfeng's face suddenly turned black: "is she going too?"

Isn't it just me?

Why do you need a girl to fight with big brother!

"Mount." Gu Changqing patted his mount and said.

Well, that's about the same.

Gu Chengfeng turns his lips and walks towards his elder brother's horse. He has been greedy for his elder brother's horse for a long time. In addition to his grandfather's horse, his family's horse is the best.

Better than the horse snatched from the son-in-law.

"Not you." Gu Changqing mercilessly blocked him, picked Gu Jiao up, gently put her on the horse's back, and said gently, "sit down."

Gu Jiao nodded.

Gu Changqing turned over and sat on Gu Jiao's horse.

However, the two went away!

Gu Chengfeng left a face full of confusion and force


Did you forget something!