The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 515

The battle of lingguancheng was over. The attack began when the snow stopped in Xushi, and ended completely when the time of Haishi came. The battle ended in less than one hour.

Gu's army concentrated all the superior forces and killed the remaining 30000 troops of the former dynasty with absolute superiority in number and combat power.

King Yi was shot, and his son-in-law with 5000 troops escorted him to escape from the other side of Lingguan city.

Of the remaining 25000, 5000 died in battle and 20000 became prisoners.

The vast majority of these 20000 prisoners were strong men from frontier fortresses and other places. They were either followers of living Buddhas or bullied by King Yi and became members of the rebel army.

Of course, there were also some aristocrats and descendants of the aristocratic families in the former dynasty who held important positions under King Yi. It's ridiculous that King Yi didn't take them with him when he abandoned the city and fled.

Gu Changqing wore a silver cloak and rode on a tall horse with the same silver armor. Behind him were the uniform Gu cavalry.

The infantry were left at the gate of the city to clean up the battlefield, and formed a patrol to search for the trapped fish.

Lingguancheng is not the first time to fight. The most terrible one is that it was captured by Chen's army not long ago. On that day, as today, a large number of Chen's cavalry broke through lingguancheng's barrier and captured lingguancheng's garrison.

They also rode along the long street.

When they see women, they abduct them. When they see strong men, they capture them. They burn, kill and plunder them.

The war broke out again. Every door and window of lingguancheng was closed. When hearing the sound of the horse's hoof, they didn't go to see who won. They hid in their homes and were terrified.

However, the sound of the horse's hooves came near and went far. There was no scream of women, no roar of men, no noise of soldiers breaking doors and plundering.

Finally, the brave young man quietly opened a crack in the door and looked out.

He saw the Zhaoguo banners hunting and dancing in the night and the cold wind, and saw the Gu army's flag behind the Zhaoguo banners.

"It's Gu Jiajun!"

He cried out.

As soon as the people heard that it was Gu Jiajun, they came to hope for something. But they didn't dare to come to the long street immediately. They also opened a crack in the door and looked out.

Gu Jiajun walked from the west end of the long street to the east end of the long street, all the way to the direction of the prefecture.

They did not disturb any people in the city, nor did they take any sheep or chickens by the roadside.

They have strict military regulations, and they are awe inspiring!

Gradually, some people came out of their own homes. At first, there was only one. Later, a large group of people gathered. Curiously, they followed Gu's army to the direction of the prefecture.

At this time, the prefect's house was completely surrounded by Gu's army.

Zhang Shen searched inside and outside the prefect's residence, found dozens of Yi Wang's aides, and annihilated thousands of Chen troops who had no time to withdraw from the city.

When Gu Changqing led the cavalry to the gate of the prefect's house, the people followed him one after another.

Zhang Shen will suddenly escort a bald monk in cassock from a nearby house.

Monk about fifty up and down, a kind-hearted, generous look.

Many of the people recognized him, and a woman exclaimed, "it's a living Buddha! They, they have captured the living Buddha

Hearing the exclamation of the common people, the bald monk, who had been terrified, had a twinkle in his eyes, straightened his back, and said fearlessly: "Amitabha, good, good, why do you do so much killing in the city?"

"Go to your mother's benefactor!" Zhang Shen will kick the bald monk's ass, kick him to the ground and fall, "fake monk! To cheat! "

The reputation of living Buddha in lingguancheng is still very high. Zhang Shen's move undoubtedly angered some people.

Zhang Shenjiang doesn't think it's the common people's fault. After all, the common people are innocent. It's the shameless fake monk who colluded with King Yi and fooled the soldiers and the common people.

Zhang Shen would like to vent all his anger on the fake monk, but Gu Changqing raised his hand to stop him.

Gu Changqing said faintly: "stop it."

Zhang Shen withdrew his hand to one side: "yes, general!"

The fake monk fell so hard that he swore three times in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.

He simply sat cross legged on the ground, hung a Buddha's bead with one hand, and made a Buddhist ceremony. He generally said, "Amitabha, benefactor, it's too heavy to kill evil. I'm very kind to Buddha. I hope you don't increase your killing evil any more."

"How can you do this to the living Buddha! Living Buddha is a good man! Buddha sent us to save us! If you do not respect the living Buddha, you will be punished! " An old lady said indignantly.

Zhang Shen will have a toothache!

Old man, open your eyes wide, this bald donkey is a fake!

Which master would collude with the rebels to bring the frontier people to war!

And he also, he also

Zhang Shenjiang almost blurted out what he had just found. Gu Changqing interrupted him in time. Gu Changqing looked down at the living Buddha sitting on the ground and asked, "you say you are a living Buddha. OK, I'll ask you how many pieces are there in Vajra Sutra?"

"Thirty two products!" The living Buddha said without thinking.

"What is the thirty second grade, do you remember?"

The fake monk sneered in his heart. How could he not even know the Vajra Sutra if he wanted to pretend to be a living Buddha?

He made a Buddhist ceremony and said slowly, "xuputi! If someone uses the seven treasures of the world to give alms, and if there are good men and good women who have Bodhi Heart, they will hold this sutra and even four verses, and be read and recited, and give speeches, their blessings will be better than others. What is a speech? It is not based on the appearance. Why? All the Dharma is like a dream, like a bubble, like dew, like electricity. The Buddha says that the Scripture has already been passed. The elder must Bodhi and all the bhikkhs, the bhiksunis, the upasas, the upayas, all the people in the world, the heaven, the people, and the Asuras are happy to hear what the Buddha says and believe in it. "

"Look! He is a living Buddha Another people said.

Zhang Shen's violent temper came up, and he couldn't help but say, "if you know how to order Buddhist scriptures, you'll be a living Buddha. Then I'll recite two sections of four books and five classics. Am I the new champion?"

"Do you know that Sakyamuni once wrote a volume of the Sutra of xiaolengyan, which was written by Sakyamuni when he was still in the royal family before he realized the Tao

The fake monk's expression stagnated for a moment.

Generally, these little sutras are not very popular. He is not a real monk. How can he recite all the sutras?

It's also strange. I'm a war brat. How can I understand the Buddhist scriptures?

Is there a monk in your family?

Or do you recite all the Buddhist scriptures to you everyday?

"I know xiaolengyan Sutra naturally, but I seldom mention this sutra when I preach Buddhism. Even if I say it, few people have heard of it. If this benefactor slanders me as nonsense, who will prove my innocence for me? "

Hehe, it's hard to defeat him with a small skill of carving insects!

Gu Changqing said, "you are a living Buddha. You should have this book in your hand."

The fake monk said without changing his face: "the Scriptures... Have already been burned by your people!"

Zhang Shen said angrily, "you are talking nonsense! When did I burn your things? "

Looking at the fake monk, Gu Changqing looked calm and calm: "so the master admits that there is this sutra in the world."

As soon as the words came out, the fake monk's expression was stagnant again.

Gu Changqing said: "master, there is no such Sutra in the world."

There are Lingyan sutras.

But the Sutra of Xiao Leng Yan is Gu Changqing's cheating.

Gu Changqing looked at him faintly and said, "Sakyamuni was an ordinary man before he realized the Tao. How can he write Buddhist scriptures? The master is regarded as a living Buddha. Can't he understand such a simple truth? "

"..." the fake monk choked speechless.

Who said that those who lead the army to fight have no brains? This boy is so cunning! I've got to set him up!

Not all of the people are believers of the living Buddha, but there are still many rational people. When they see that the living Buddha shows such a big horse's feet, they can't help but say aloud, "I'm not really a fake monk!"

The false monk said: "I am a living Buddha! It's not a fake monk! "

"Then you can't even read Buddhist scriptures!" The young man who had just met him went on.

"I was..."

Without waiting for the fake monk to finish, Gu Changqing raised his hand, and several Gu Jiajun and several women came over.

The first woman is about the same age as the fake monk, surrounded by pearls and jewels, which is in sharp contrast with the poor people after the war.

The women behind her are as rich as she is, but they are younger than her.

When the fake monk saw these people appear, his face was already tense. He wanted them to shut up, but it was too late.

"Master, please help us - they are going to arrest us to see the officials!"

The first woman's master completely pulled away the fake monk's fig leaf.

"Don't listen to her nonsense! I don't know them! I don't know what means these people of the imperial court used, but they found a group of women to plant and slander the poor monk! Amitabha, sin, sin


Several women behind, a childish voice with a crying cavity sounded.

More than one came, at least seven or eight.

If it is said that these women may be played by Gu Changqing, then these children who are all similar to the "living Buddha" will not be able to find enough.

There are many similar people in the world, but these people are obviously with frontier accent. There are only seven or eight children in the frontier. They look like living Buddhas. Who can believe that they are not born to them?

The fake monk didn't expect Gu Jiajun to be so cruel. He not only dug him out of the secret room, but also found his family out of the cellar.

It's really hard to jump into the Yellow River.

With all the human and material evidence, Gu Changqing left Shao to take care of lingguancheng's affairs, and sent Zhang Shen and 10000 Gu troops to guard lingguancheng.

Later, Gu Changqing and the rest of the people rushed back to the ancient city of the moon.

Chen's army really attacked the ancient city of the moon at night, but there was something wrong with their way, and they encountered an avalanche, which made them an hour later than planned.

At this time, Gu Changqing had led his army back, and Chen's army withdrew decisively.

Chen's army has gone through two times of forced Army long journey. If it turns around to attack lingguancheng, it's like hitting a stone with an egg.

Gu Changqing is not worried about the situation of Lingguan City, he took the army into the ancient city of the moon.

The first thing he did was to go to the wounded camp to find Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao once told him that if things went well, she would go to the prefect's residence to join him, but he didn't wait for her. She should have implemented the second plan to bring the patient back to the ancient city of the moon.

When he came to the wounded camp, he saw doctor song wearing oil paper isolation clothes, masks and gloves.

Generally, the doctor of Song Dynasty is not so tightly wrapped. It seems that Gu Jiao and the plague patients have come back.

Just come back.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before he was relieved, he saw doctor song walking towards him suspiciously: "general Gu, didn't doctor Gu come back with you?"

Gu Changqing was slightly stunned: "didn't she come back with those patients?"

Doctor song shook his head: "she didn't come back!"

Both men realized at the same time that something was wrong.

As soon as Gu Changqing's face changed, he called the six dark guards. When he learned that Gu Jiao had gone to deal with those Chen masters alone, his heart sank.

"No way." He said thoughtfully, "it's just to chase a few plague patients. We won't send out the most powerful experts. As long as we're not the most powerful experts, Jiaojiao won't come back. Unless --

Gu Changqing suddenly thought of the dead man who was enough to defeat the three dragon shadow guards by his son-in-law's side!

"General, everything is ready. Are we going to attack the north the day after tomorrow?"

The left commander in charge of guarding Yuegu city came over with some marching bamboo slips. Halfway through the conversation with Gu Changqing, he saw that Gu Changqing, as if he had not heard him, suddenly walked towards the stable, took out his horse, and got on the horse without saying a word.

The left commander chased and was splashed with snow.

He obliterated it casually, looked at Gu Changqing who had gone away, and said in a loud voice: "general! Where are you going so late! general! General -- "


The cold wind howled and the snow swayed.

Gu Jiao is frozen into a small ice sculpture in the ice and snow.

She lay there frozen with the body of Sirius, losing her temperature and breath bit by bit.

People will think of many things before they die, but Gu Jiao can't think of anything. Her head is frozen.

I don't know how long it was, her last remaining consciousness was frozen in the snow.

She closed her eyes.

Gu Changqing's horse is galloping fast in the night. It's his favorite mount. When he comes to his house, it's just a pony. They have been together for several years and have already formed an unspeakable tacit understanding.

The horse felt the owner's anxiety and its hooves almost broke in the snow.

Gu Changqing went to the forest where the camp had been stationed, and found the body of the former dynasty master buried by heavy snow.

He shaved the ice and snow with his bare hands and turned over the bodies one by one.

It's not Jiaojiao.

It's not Jiaojiao.

It's not coquettish.

Everyone has been killed by the red tassel gun. It can be seen that Gu Jiao is able to deal with them.

If that dead man is here, Gu Jiao won't win so easily.

Gu Changqing finished planing the last corpse and knelt in the snow with his fingers stiff and panting.

If Gu Yan is here... If Gu Yan is here... I can feel where Jiao Jiao has gone

Gu Changqing is not Gu Yan after all. He can't sense Gu Jiao's trend. He just has an intuition that Gu Jiao left the forest with a certain task.

She may have predicted that she would not come back so soon, or even not, so the way out of her plan is to let the patients rush to yuegucheng and let Dr. Song manage them.

She... She took the initiative to find the dead man.

Why did she go to him?



The snow was so heavy that even the horses were reluctant to move forward.

The soldier had to get off the horse and lead the horse to keep up with the team. However, after two steps, he felt that he had tripped on the bottom of his foot and fell forward.

He was planted on a hard snowdrift. The snowdrift was a little hard. He didn't care much. He pressed the other side of the snowdrift and stood up.

But just press it.

He was stunned.

What's wrong with the handle?

His back was cold, and he looked carefully towards his hand, only to see a round head.

He fell backward with a sound and made a somersault in the snow. As soon as he sat up, he happened to have a pair of eyes that could not be closed.

He was scared out of his wits, and the horse ran forward with no care

"What's the noise?" A sergeant seized him. "You want to attract pursuers, don't you?"

He didn't dare to look back. He only took his fingers and cautiously pointed to his back: "no... no... brother Zhang... There's a ghost over there!"

The safety along the way is very important. If there is a ghost, it may not be a real ghost, but a person lurking in the dark!

Wu Chang, who was called brother Zhang, carried the snow on his back and walked towards the protruding snow pile.

When he got closer, he found that it was a man who had been frozen to death.

He worried for nothing. He thought he was ambushing some assassin!

Wu Chang planned to turn around to catch up with the team, but he suddenly felt that face was a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

He bent down again and looked at each other's face carefully.

He finally remembered where he had seen him.

"My Lord! My Lord

The silver fox man was sitting in a carriage pulled by eight horses when a soldier's anxious voice came from outside.

He looked at the unconscious uncle around him, took out the slender Jade's right hand from his warm hand, opened the curtain and asked, "what's the matter?"

The soldier reported: "it seems that someone... Has seen Sirius!"

After a while, the silver fox man and several confidants appeared beside the snow pile that had just tripped people.

His confidants dig away the snow and reveal the whole body of Sirius.

He knelt down beside the other body, his head on the ground, his cheek slightly to the right.

This action made him not press all the weight on the other side, but it was heavy enough.

Everyone was stunned.

Sirius is the first master of the adults. Didn't he escort Princess Ning'an to escape?

How did you die here?

Who died with him?

The silver fox man frowned and his incredible eyes fell on the body of Sirius.

My confidants understand why you look like this. Sirius is a dead man that you bought from the aristocrats of Yan with a lot of money. He is not an ordinary dead man.

The Dragon shadow guard of Zhao royal family can't hold on to ten moves in the hands of Sirius. The person who can kill Sirius is in the state of Yan. No one in Zhao and Chen can even hurt him!

Silver fox man's handsome face covered with a layer of frost, he coldly said: "look at another dead who?"


A confidant squatted down and pulled the snow off his face.

It was a young and tender face with a red birthmark on the left.

Silver fox man suddenly recognized the birthmark.

"Is that him?"

He was surprised.

Silver fox man and Gu Jiao hand in hand, on the ice of the lake, Gu Jiao also injured him with a red tassel.

Before that time, Gu Jiao and another man in black broke into Lingguan city's Taishou's mansion at night, and used black gunpowder to save the old Marquis Ding'an of Zhao state.

"My Lord! He is still angry My confidant said in shock.

He had intended to separate Sirius from the little corpse, but as soon as his hand touched Gu Jiao's face, he noticed something was wrong, and he explored each other's nose.

Although the breath is weak, it is real!

"My Lord, Wang Yi wakes up and asks his subordinates to come down and ask what happened here?" Yi Wang's bodyguard came and said.

Silver fox man looked thoughtfully at Gu Jiao: "Sirius is dead, just caught the murderer."

The silver fox man returned to the carriage.

He was accompanied by an unconscious soldier in armor.

Yi Wang covered the wound on his shoulder, frowned in pain and asked, "who is he?"

"The killer of Sirius."

King Yi looked up and down at Gu Jiao's figure and her armor, which had no special emblem at all, and said, "what? He? A soldier

"It's a soldier of Zhao state." Silver fox man said.

When Wang Yi was defeated, he mentioned that Zhao's face was not good and said in a deep voice, "Gu's army?"

Silver fox man will throw Gu Jiao on the carpet of the carriage and kick Gu Jiao's feet lightly: "look at the armor, it doesn't look like it."

Gu Jiajun's armor is silver. The boy's armor is a bit like the armor of the archers of the Tang family, but there is no emblem of the archers of the Tang family.

Yi Wang looks at Gu Jiao strangely: "do you think he killed Sirius? How is that possible? How old does he look? "

The silver fox man chuckled: "uncle, do you still remember the young man I mentioned to you who had something to do with the state of Yan?"

Yi Wang frowned and said, "is that who you are talking about?"

"My Lord! All his luggage has been found. Here it is

Outside the carriage, silver fox man's confidants handed over a heavy basket and a red tassel gun.

The silver fox man took it in the snow.

As soon as the curtain was lifted, the wind and snow poured in. Wang Yi shivered with cold and frowned more tightly.

The silver fox man tied up the curtain and turned it in the small basket first.

See inside is just a little dry food and a dilapidated small medicine box, silver fox man some disappointment.

I thought I could find something.

The silver fox man casually put the basket beside Gu Jiao, fondled the red tassel gun in his hand and said to King Yi, "uncle, this is the weapon of xuanyuanli, the general of the state of Yan."

"So ugly?" Yi Wang's eyes hurt because of the red flowers and pigtails on the red tassel gun.

The silver fox man gave a faint smile, but he didn't care about the ugliness of the weapon: "I inquired about it a few days ago. Xuanyuan Li's red tassel gun was given to Chen Guojun by the king of Yan as a birthday gift. Later, the state of Chen fought with the state of Zhao, and the red tassel gun was taken away by Xuanping Marquis of Zhao. During the peace talks between the two countries, Chen wanted to return it, but Xuanping Marquis refused it. "

Yi Wang pondered for a moment and thought, "well, that man can do such a thing."

It's just a shameless person.

After a pause, Wang Yi asked, "is he from Xuanyuan's family or Xuanping's family?"

The silver fox man shook his head: "it's not clear for the moment that he not only got the long gun, but also had black powder. He must have an inseparable relationship with the state of Yan."

"So it's the Xuanyuan family." Yi Wang gave his judgment in his heart, and then his face changed greatly. "We have captured the Xuanyuan family! If the Xuanyuan family knew it, they wouldn't have to trample on us with a hundred thousand iron horses! "

Silver fox man smile: "Uncle don't worry, if he is really Xuanyuan family important person, Yan country sent reinforcements early."

When Yi Wang thought about it, he thought of something. Then he said, "why don't you kill him? He killed Sirius. Don't you avenge him? "

Silver fox man touched the red tassel gun in his hand and said: "Sirius is dead. Even if I avenge Sirius, Sirius can't live. But he can kill a lot, which means he is more powerful than Sirius. Uncle, if he is willing to submit to us, don't we have a second Sirius? "

Yi Wang hesitated for a moment and asked, "what if he doesn't obey?"

The silver fox man wantonly hooked his lips: "he is a soldier of Zhao state. He saved the life of marquis Ding'an. We take him to threaten Gu Jiajun. What does uncle think Gu Jiajun will do? "

Yi Wang looked at the boy lying on his side for a moment. Somehow, he felt a little nervous: "I think we'd better kill him."

Silver fox man said with a smile: "uncle, don't be afraid. He's frozen like this. He can't be a threat."