The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 514

It's not good to deal with Sirius. She has only recovered 23% of her strength now. She can't even fight longyingwei, let alone Sirius.

You have to outwit.

But Gu Jiao didn't expect Sirius to be so alert. This is not the most favorable terrain in Gu Jiao's plan. She has seen the map of Lingguan City, and there is a canyon three miles further along this direction.

That Canyon is her battle against Sirius.

Unfortunately, Sirius found out too early.

Today's geographical conditions are not good for Gu Jiao - the space is too wide for Sirius to kill Gu Jiao.

Sirius did not ask who Gu Jiao was, so he made a second killing move to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao is not sure whether he can not speak or lazy to speak, he looked at Gu Jiao's eyes full of disdain.

Also, with his skill, he is an adult wolf, Gu Jiao can only be regarded as a lone wolf cub at most.

What are you afraid of?

The second move of Sirius no longer attacks Gu Jiao's red tassel gun. Since he takes a fancy to this weapon, he won't damage it any more. He stabs Gu Jiao's neck directly. He plans to cut off Gu Jiao's head!

This kind of play is really arrogant!

Gu Jiao long gun a block, the second time shouldered his attack!

Sirius cold eyes slightly narrowed, as if did not expect this little wolf cub really have some skills.

Gu Jiao always remembers what her Godfather said to her. The best defense in the world is attack. She can't wait for Sirius to come and beat her all the time. She also has to beat Sirius.

With her right hand, she grabs the red tassel gun and attacks the face of Sirius. With her left hand, she holds the syringe hidden in her sleeve.

She pushed off the pin cap with her thumb and stabbed Sirius in the neck as soon as she got close to him!

Sirius is fully armed, with only his neck, hands and eyes exposed. It's obvious that the neck is easier to get.

During this period of time, Gu Jiao's strength did not stop recovering. Compared with her progress in the capital, Gu Jiao's hand seemed to be as fast as a shadow.

No one knows that her left and right hands are actually as flexible. She can be right-handed or left-handed. Her habits are what she wants to be seen.

I have to say that her hand was so fast that Sirius didn't expect that she would use a concealed weapon for herself.

But Sirius is not a vegetarian either.

Needle into his neck of the moment, he will make a timely response, he a palm will Gu Jiao hit fly out!

Gu Jiao glided back dozens of steps in the snow until she thrust the red tassel gun into the deep snow!

The syringe was blown off.

It's a pity.

It's a good anesthetic.

You can fight, you can't waste drugs.

Gu Jiao is very angry.

She gasped and straightened up. She went to pick up the syringe and attacked Sirius again!

No fancy moves.

Sirius once again flies Gu Jiao with the syringe.

This time, Gu Jiao was not so lucky as the first time. She fell heavily into the snow and didn't get up for a long time.

Sirius thought she was dead and came to collect his booty, the red tassel gun.

Unexpectedly, Gu Jiao holds the cold ground with her hands, shows the eyes of a small fierce beast, grabs the syringe in the snow, and sticks to Sirius endlessly!

Sirius is really annoyed. He plans to step on the concealed weapon first and then Gu Jiao's head after flying Gu Jiao again. It's better to let Gu Jiao's brain burst all over the ground!

Gu Jiao and red tassel gun fall together in the snow. She covers her chest, suppresses the fishy sweetness running up her throat, and stares coldly at Sirius.

Sirius came to the other side and stepped on the syringe!

But in this instant, something incredible happened.

The moment the syringe broke, Sirius was blown away by a sudden explosion on the sole of his foot!

Gu Jiao coldly hooked the corners of her lips.

Do you really think it's still a syringe?

How about detonators?

It's not easy to make a detonator. Secondly, it's hard to keep. It will explode as soon as it vibrates. In case it vibrates before it's taken off, Gu Jiao may be the first one to die.

Moreover, the detonators she made are different from those of previous generations. First of all, they are much smaller in power. After all, she extracted nitroglycerin from the medicine in the small medicine box. The purity may not be enough and the dosage may not be much.

That's it.

She didn't try it herself.

But judging from the mottled blood on Sirius, it seems that his power is OK.

Stronger than black fire.

Sirius fell in the snow. His armor was cracked and his helmet flew away. The whole person couldn't see where he was hurt. In short, he was full of blood.

He tried to move, but the power of this fake detonator was estimated to be bigger, a little bit higher. His body trembled slightly, and he couldn't get up for a long time.

Good. I'll kill you when you're sick!

Gu Jiao grabs the red tassel gun and comes to Sirius.

It's not that she didn't want to use a detonator directly to Sirius, but she's not sure whether Sirius will choose to avoid. If he used to avoid, then she couldn't hit it anyway.

So he can only lead himself to destroy the detonator.

In order to let him take the bait, Gu Jiao took so many palms with her syringe, and now she really has a little bit of strength.

Gu Jiao walked up to Sirius and looked at him breathlessly: "but... I still have the strength to kill you."

After that, she gritted her teeth, raised the red tassel gun and stabbed it at the heart of Sirius!

Sooner or later, Sirius, who had been dazzled by the explosion, suddenly caught Gu Jiao's gun with a crisis instinct!

He tugged down!

Gu Jiao's body was almost out of control and fell forward.

Sirius raised his other hand and grabbed Gu Jiao's neck.

His red eyes made him look like a ferocious beast.

But he forgot that Gu Jiao is also a ferocious little beast!

Gu Jiao didn't grab the hand that he pinched his neck at all, but backhand move, the real syringe fell into her hands.

She stabbed him in the shoulder in a hurry!

This time, it's not anesthetic.

It's neurotoxin!

It can completely paralyze the nerve center of the human body in a very short period of time, making people paralyzed, numb limbs, and gradually lose the ability of spontaneous breathing, and eventually suffocate and die.

This is the Institute's specific neurotoxin, which is several times faster than the same kind of nerve on the market. Ordinary people can take effect in three seconds. He is an expert. Gu Jiao gives him ten seconds.

Ten seconds passed.

He is still tenacious and firm!

His grip on Gu Jiao's neck did not weaken.

Just because of the injury, he can't use his original strength, but even so, he has been pinching like this all the time, and Gu Jiao can't breathe.

There is only one injection of this medicine, and it will be gone after use.

Moreover, even if there is, Gu Jiao can't get it now.

Gu Jiao decided to pick his eyes directly. Unexpectedly, he chose to give up catching Gu Jiao's red tassel gun and used his bloody hand to point Gu Jiao's acupoints.

Gu Jiao's hand was stiff in the air.

Gu Jiao's head is full of words.


It's up to him to kill or cut.

Sirius throws Gu Jiao in the snow. Instead of catching the red tassel gun on the ground, he pulls out the dagger in his boots.

Neurotoxin began to work, Gu Jiao's eyes dribbled and saw that his hand holding the dagger began to tremble.

He may not have the strength to stab himself.

Sirius can't stab, but he can cut his throat.

This dagger cuts iron like mud, blows hair to break hair, he falls to sit beside Gu Jiao, trembling to aim dagger at Gu Jiao's neck.

Gu Jiao felt the deep coolness on her neck.

The blade was about to cut her delicate neck.

However, in this instant, the neurotoxin in Sirius finally played its role. With a shake of his hand, the dagger fell on Gu Jiao's ear, and he fell on Gu Jiao's body on his knees.

Gu Jiao

Sirius was planted horizontally on Gu Jiao, his head facing down in the snow.

It's quite heavy.

I don't know when snowflakes came up again in the sky. It didn't start big, but the north wind mixed with hunting was very cold, blowing on the face like a knife.

Gu Jiao was a point, lying in the snow unable to move.

Neurotoxins paralyze the breath of Sirius, who eventually becomes a cold corpse.

However, Gu Jiao's body gradually became stiff.

She looked at the snowflakes all over the sky, looked at the obscure boundless sky, and listened to the cold wind whistling past her ears, little by little frozen unconscious.

It has to be said that the way of the son-in-law is excellent. No one can find it except her.

Who can see the two tiny figures lying in the snow?

I do not know how long in the past, light snow into snow.

The blood and breath on the ground were covered by large snowflakes, and she and Sirius also crossed a thin layer of snow.