The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 516

After the defeat of King Yi, everyone thought that he and his son-in-law would lead 5000 troops to Beiyang city or Ye City to join Chen's army. However, there was no trace of the former dynasty's army until the two scouts lurking outside Beiyang city and ye city reported back.

And Gu Changqing on the other side is also desperately searching for the trace of Gu Jiao.

However, no one expected that Yi Wang and his party braved the wind and snow, went through the ice and came to a "paradise".

It's said that paradise is because there are mountains, ice and snow, but there is a natural hot spring on the top of the mountain.

This is the treasure land discovered by the silver fox man in a winter hunting accident. It is located in the territory of Zhao state, but it belongs to the ownerless land. The ice sealing for several months every year makes the frontier officials regard it as an ordinary mountain range.

The silver fox man secretly built a mountain stronghold here. Even King Yi came here for the first time.

The carriage had to cross a wooden bridge when it entered the gate of the stockade.

The carriage is walking on the wooden bridge to kill ang. King Yi asks the silver fox man anxiously: "is it really safe here?"

The silver fox man dusted the snowflakes that had fallen on his silver fox Cape from the window. He said with a calm and confident smile: "uncle, don't worry, the mountains here are steep and the terrain is hidden. It snowed so heavily when we just came here. Our footprints have been covered. It's impossible for the Gu family army to find them."

Under the wooden bridge is the abyss. The ghost of King Yi opens the curtain and looks at it. His soul almost flies!

If this wooden bridge is broken, they will all be broken to pieces!

It wasn't until everyone passed the wooden bridge that Yi Wang's heart finally came down.

But the next second, he heard his nephew say: "Fengshi, cut down the wooden bridge!"

Yi Wang was shocked: "ZHENG'ER, what did you do when you cut down the wooden bridge! Are you going to be stuck here forever! "

The silver fox man gave a soothing smile and said to King Yi, "uncle, Changqing, the little customer of Gu's army, is very cunning. I'm afraid he will find some clues to catch up with him."

Yi Wang frowned and said, "but didn't you say you wouldn't leave any clues?"

"It's just in case." The silver fox man explained with a smile, "as for the way down the mountain, my uncle doesn't have to worry. There is a secret road in the stockade, which leads from the top of the mountain to the outside. Even I haven't passed it. That's our real retreat."

Yi Wang was relieved again when he heard that the wooden bridge was cut down, but he was worried for no reason.

He could not tell whether the worry came from the wooden bridge itself or from anything else.

His eyes unconsciously fell on the soldier of Zhao state.

There was a charcoal basin in the carriage, which was much warmer than outside. The ice on the armor of the Zhao soldier melted, and there was a pool of water under him.

The mask on his helmet was lifted up in the fight, face down, and he was wearing a mask, but it was torn off by the man's men.

He lay on his side, his left face with a birthmark on it.

Yi Wang frowned more and more.

"Uncle, here we are." The silver fox man says to Yi Wang, and then he finds that Yi Wang's gaze at the boy is not right, so he asks, "what's the matter with uncle?"

"I always thought we should kill him." Yi Wang looks at Gu Jiao and says.

Silver fox man said with a smile: "if he is useless, it's not too late to kill him."

"Your Highness, it's time to get out of the carriage." Outside the carriage, a soldier reported.

Yi Wang gathers Gu Jiao's eyes and gets up to get out of the carriage.

After silver fox man gets off the car, to confidant hand way: "abundant stone."

Feng Shi arched his hand: "my Lord."

Silver fox man light command way: "take the person down, find a room placement, and then find a doctor to show him, don't let him die."

"Yes," said Feng Shi

Silver fox man dun dun, remind a way: "in addition, he has some skill, be careful to be cheated."

Fengshi arched his hand and respectfully answered: "my subordinates know how to do it."

There are two hot springs at the top of the mountain. Yiwang's yard is located at the big hot spring, and Yinhu man's yard is located at the small hot spring.

Silver fox man first sent Yi Wang back to the yard, and settled Yi Wang properly before returning to his yard.

Inside and outside the yard are heavily guarded.

Silver fox man looked at the door of the two soldiers, asked: "the princess can be inside?"

One of them said, "if you go back, the princess will always be there."

Silver fox man again way: "did not go out?"

The soldier shook his head: "No."

This is a stockade that can hold ten thousand troops. The place is still very big, and no one restricts the freedom of Princess Ning'an, but she just doesn't go out for a walk.

Silver fox man nodded thoughtfully: "I know, you keep the yard, any news at any time report to me."


The crowd responded in unison.

The silver fox man entered the yard.

On the other side, Fengshi settles Gu Jiao in a small wooden house.

Gu Jiao's little basket was also carried by a soldier.

"Deputy Feng, what should we do with this basket?" Asked the soldier.

This basket was dug out of the snow by Fengshi himself and sent to the adults with the red tassel gun. The adults only took the red tassel gun, and they didn't want the things in this basket.

Fengshi looked at it, except for a little hard dry food, which was a small ragged box.

There is a faint smell of medicinal materials on the box. It should be a medicine box.

"Take them all." Fengshi said, after a pause, he said, "forget it, give me that box."

In case there are any valuable medicinal materials in it.

"Yes." The soldier took the small medicine box to Fengshi and went down with the small basket.

Fengshi sent another man to invite the accompanying medical officer.

Waiting for the arrival of the medical officer, Feng Shi tried to open the small medicine box, but he couldn't break it.

He touched the lid and said strangely, "it's not locked, either."

He pulled out the dagger and inserted it into the gap under the lid, trying to pry it open.

His dagger was broken, but the lid was intact.

"What a box!" Feng Shi stood up, took his foot and kicked the small medicine box impatiently, then looked at the broken dagger, and said bitterly, "the dagger that you sent me... Didn't work twice..."

Muttering, the medical officer was brought by the soldiers.

Fengshi pulled out the blade that had been broken in the gap of the box and went out with a curse, intending to see if the dagger could be repaired.

He took two steps, turned back, and threw the small broken box that broke his dagger into the brazier!

As for Gu Jiao on the bed, Fengshi has never seen anyone who can be saved by freezing like this. However, since the adults have orders, Fengshi still finds a rope to bind Gu Jiao's hands and feet.

The medical officer came into the room and gave a salute to Fengshi.

Feng Shi said in a cold voice: "the doctor has an order. You should hang his life anyway. If you have any good medicine, just use it on him."

"Yes, I see." The medical officer should give advice.

Fengshi went out to repair the dagger. The doctor came to the bedside and put his medicine box on the small table at the head of the bed.

Because he was a soldier, he didn't have to avoid the defense of men and women, so the medical officer sat down directly beside the bed.

Gu Jiao's hands were tied together and put on her stomach.

The doctor didn't dare to untie Gu Jiao's rope, so he gave her a pulse.

I don't know. I'm scared.

"Yes... Yes..."

It's a girl!

The medical officer was so excited that he got up subconsciously, but his hand was suddenly caught by a cold hand.

The doctor opened his mouth: "come on."

In the middle of the story, he had a blade on his wrist that he didn't know when to put it on.

The medical officer was confused by this series of operations!

What happened?

Isn't it freezing to death?

Why did you wake up suddenly?

Wake up, I don't know where to get a knife to cut his wrist!

Gu Jiao woke up when Feng Shi tied him with a rope. Gu Jiao didn't know who the other party was, but since the other party tied him with a rope, she didn't plan to treat her well.

After Fengshi left, she quietly took out the blade hidden in her arm armor.

In a word, this armor is also well made. It can hide concealed weapons everywhere. It seems that it is tailor-made for her.

Gu Jiao's eyes were as cold as her hands, and the doctor's legs began to tremble.

Gu Jiao winked at the soldiers who rushed outside.

The medical officer understood, pinched a cold sweat, swallowed saliva, and said as usual: "that little brother, can you help me get a bucket of hot water?"

Soldiers want to say why don't you go by yourself?

Is it the medical officer or the soldier who can't afford to offend or can't bear to go.

As soon as the soldier left, Gu Jiao cut the rope: "don't make any noise! Or I'll cut your throat! "

Medical officials are threatened with success.

Gu Jiao tied him up with a rope and tied a ball of cotton from the pillow to block his mouth.

Then Gu Jiao one eye saw was thrown in the brazier burning small medicine box, her eyes a cool, the small medicine box to slip out.

Fortunately, it didn't burn out.

Gu Jiao went to close the door, the soldiers want to play a whole bucket of water, will not come back so fast, but it will not be too slow, leaving her little time.

Her condition is not very good.

It should be because she had been frozen in the snow for a long time. There were some complications. She couldn't breathe.

She opened the small medicine box, took out the sphygmomanometer and took her blood pressure.

The blood pressure is too high.


Her throat suddenly itches, coughing up a pink bubble.

The medical officer sitting on the bed was shocked to see this scene again. She took out those strange things from the box and returned them. She coughed up such things.

This, this is lung disease!

The kind of stone without medicine!

Gu Jiao measured her blood pressure again. This time, her blood pressure began to drop sharply.

It's acute pulmonary edema.

It won't be long before she has cardiogenic shock.

In this kind of place, once you go into shock, you will never wake up again.

Gu Jiao took out his handkerchief and covered his mouth and coughed up a pink bubble.

She has begun to develop symptoms similar to heart failure and is about to enter cardiogenic shock.

Her hands trembled uncontrollably.

She held the handkerchief in one hand and took out an epinephrine in the other.

It's too late to give the venous access. It's too late to give it.

Gu Jiao directly grasped the syringe, broke off the armor with her hand holding the handkerchief, and stabbed her thigh down!


"Here's your hot water, doctor." The soldier came to the door? Why is the door closed? "

The soldier pushed the door in and said to the doctor sitting on the stool, "doctor, your hot water."

"Bring it in." Said the medical officer.

The soldier turned his lips and asked him to draw water. He was told to take it in. Did he have no hands or feet?

This soldier is a little related to the steward around Yi Wang. He is always more arrogant than the ordinary soldiers.

If he had to, the medical officer would not ask him.

The soldier put the water on the ground next to the medical officer. He did not forget to look at the sleeping Zhao soldier on the bed and asked, "why haven't you woken up yet?"

The medical official said: "how can you wake up after freezing for so long? It has to be treated. "

"Then you can cure it."

The soldiers have the posture of staring at the medical officer to treat Gu Jiao.

The medical officer winked at him desperately.

The soldier asked, "what are you doing? Do you have a cramp in your eye? Didn't the Lord ask you to treat him? You can cure it quickly

The medical officer clenched his teeth: "mm-hmm!"

You go!

If a soldier doesn't leave, he will see how he can save a living dead man.

The man was dug out of the snow and was frozen with the body of Sirius. He didn't believe he could live.

"Why don't you? Isn't that right? Then I'll tell Deputy Feng to change some doctors to come here! "

As soon as the soldier's voice fell, a silver needle was shot close to the medical officer's ear and hit the soldier's eyebrow. The soldier's eyes glared and fell back.

Just as he was about to hit the floor and make a huge movement, Gu Jiao stretched her foot to block him and put him on the ground gently.

The doctor sighed silently in his heart.

I told you earlier, but I didn't listen.

Gu Jiao lifted the quilt and got up from the bed.

Gu Jiao didn't use the blade to threaten the medical officer this time, because she didn't need it anymore. As early as he saw Gu Jiao pricking herself with a needle, not only he didn't prick herself to death, but also he pricked herself alive. The medical officer would be no different from seeing Gu Jiao again.

"What about my other things?" Gu Jiao asked the doctor.

The doctor shook his head like a rattle: "small, small, not clear, but! Maybe... Maybe it was taken away by deputy Feng. He sent her here. "

Gu Jiao pulled out the silver needle and put it away.

"No one will come for a while, will they?" Gu Jiao asked.

The medical officer waved his hand and said, "no, it won't be. It's very remote here. It's where servants live. There are many serious diseases outside. Even if you get better, you can't escape. "

Medical officer: why should I remind you?

Gu Jiao opens the small medicine box again.

Acute pulmonary edema in addition to the use of cardiac acupuncture to prevent cardiogenic shock, but also as soon as possible to discharge the pulmonary edema.

Gu Jiao found out a bottle of mannitol, while giving himself infusion, while asking some information from the doctor's mouth.

It turns out that in the first battle of lingguancheng, King Yi really lost. King Yi abandoned the city and left lingguancheng overnight with his son-in-law and 5000 troops. When I met her on the way, my husband-in-law picked her up——

So it is.

The road that Princess Ning'an took was originally arranged for her by her husband's son-in-law. Of course, the husband-in-law could find it.

As for the purpose of the son-in-law is not difficult to guess, not because the son-in-law has compassion, but she probably has some value to the son-in-law.

Gu jiaoruo thought, "so this is the nest of King Yi?"

Doctor: don't ask me, OK? I have said enough. Besides, I have a bad conscience!

"Yes." The doctor said, "it's the old nest!"