The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 499

The forerunners of Chen's army set up a flying bridge and quickly approached the moat.

Tang Yueshan stood on the high tower of the city: "the archer is ready!"

The archers of the Tang family launched the first counterattack against the Chen army.

Their arrows clattered on the armour and shield of the pioneers.

When one of the pioneers falls to the ground with an arrow, there will be another one accompanying them immediately. They are very fast. After almost all the pioneers under the flying bridge have been changed into one round, the three flying bridges have been erected on the moat!

Chen soldiers, over 100 dead and wounded!

However, this hundred people in exchange for the remaining nearly 20000 people siege opportunities!

"Up the ladder!" At Rong Fu's command, hundreds of Chen soldiers rushed up the bridge carrying more than 20 ladders.

The archers of the Tang family intercepted as much as possible, but there were too many people on the other side. When a soldier fell down, a new soldier would immediately catch the ladder.

At the same time, Chen's catapult also launched a terrible long-range attack on the archers on the city wall.

The stones poured with kerosene smashed on the wall, and the archers couldn't escape and were knocked down to the ground.

"No! The rolling wood is burning Cried a soldier!

Rolling wood is used to deal with Chen's cloud ladder. Now it's on fire. How do they handle it later?

With the help of the catapult, the ladder was put on the wall one by one.

Tang Yueshan ordered: "crash!"

Crash out of the train, the frame of the rolling wood aimed at Chen army's ladder hard hit in the past!


There was a loud noise from the tower.

Deputy general Cen, who was attacking the ladder, was shocked: "no! It's Chen Guo's car! They are attacking the gate

After the city gate, Gu Chengfeng and Deputy General Li led two thousand troops to be ready.

The cavalry was on horseback, the infantry were on both sides and behind, and everyone looked dignified.

"Have all the wounded been transferred?" Gu Chengfeng asked.

"Transferred." Deputy General Li said, "Dr. Gu took them to transfer."

"What about the people nearby?" Gu Chengfeng asked again.

"It's shifted, too." Deputy General Li continued.

The flyover bridge has been reconstructed and reinforced with iron chains and plates, which is several times harder than the ordinary flyover bridge.

However, Chen's car was also very strong. Every time it hit, the whole tower seemed to shake three times.

All people's throats slipped unconsciously, and they held the sword tightly.

At the entrance of the city gate, some soldiers pulled the rope, which was used to trip the cavalry. Spear carts were also set up. Sharp spears were lined up side by side, aiming at the direction of the city gate.

Rao is so. Everyone knows that these things can't completely stop the attack of Chen's army.

A bloody fight is inevitable!





The huge rush made the bridge tremble, and the dust on the wall began to slip.

With a bang, the bridge was smashed by Chen's car!

Chen's car is going to attack the gate of Yuegu City, but at this moment, something unexpected happened!

Several barrels of fire oil were suddenly dropped from the city gate cave. The rope of fire oil was tied to the flying bridge. The flying bridge was not broken, and the rope was not broken.

But the flyover is broken.

The kerosene splashed on Chen's soldiers and cars. When the kerosene was finished, the folds and hats hanging on the oil bucket were torn apart by the thin lines at both ends and fell down with a click.

"No! Run away

A soldier from the state of Chen yelled.

Unfortunately, it's late.

The fire oil is ignited by miso, and the tongue of fire rises three feet high!

The car burned quickly, and the soldiers of the state of Chen ran away with their heads in their arms!

Gu Chengfeng and Deputy General Li in the gate heard the wailing sound from the gate cave and understood that huoyou's plan worked.

Vice Admiral Li looked at Gu Chengfeng excitedly: "Mr. Gu is really a mastermind!"

It's not his clever plan, it's Gu Jiao.

The transformation of Feiqiao and the setup of mechanism are all Gu Jiao's ideas. He just made them.

In fact, he felt that if Gu Xiaoshun was here, he might be able to do better.

The gate was temporarily held, and on the tower, Tang Yueshan led his men to overturn all the cloud ladders to resist the first wave of attack.

After Zishi, the army of the state of Chen came to an end.

Chen's army lost the first battle and lost 2000 troops. Zhao's army also suffered serious losses. A steady stream of wounded soldiers were sent to barracks in the rear.

Gu Jiao and the doctors of yuegucheng are busy without delay. Gu Jiao first makes a preliminary diagnosis for the wounded soldiers, pastes different colors of cloth according to their injuries, and then the soldiers send them to the corresponding barracks.

Although there are many wounded soldiers, no one is in a hurry, and no one is at a loss. Everything is going on orderly under Gu Jiao's arrangement.

It's not easy.

But whenever the doctors turned their heads, they could see Gu Jiao calmly doing what she was doing. The fire of war was behind her. She was still in danger.

At that moment, their hearts seemed to calm down.

Chen's army did not attack during the day of the next day.

I don't know whether I'm afraid of being beaten or seriously planning something. If it's the latter, it will be extremely unfavorable to the situation of yuegucheng.

Chen's first stop was mainly defeated by belittling the enemy. They didn't pay attention to the thousands of garrisons in yuegucheng, thinking that they could break the gate with their eyes closed.

If they really start to deal with it wholeheartedly, the ancient city of moon will be in danger.

"Marshal Tang!" Deputy general Cen went into a barracks downstairs and saw Gu Chengfeng. He paused and said, "doctor Gu."

Tang Yueshan is doing sand table deduction, trying to figure out where the Chen army will attack from next.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

Deputy general Cen faltered and said: "there is not enough grain and grass..."

"Have you finished..." Gu Chengfeng asked in surprise.

Deputy general Cen nodded in embarrassment.

Although Gu Chengfeng bought out the shops in the city yesterday and got some donations from the people, it was not enough for the 7000 troops to eat twice.

Tonight, they will start to run out of food.

"Give it to the wounded first." Gu Chengfeng said.

Tang Yueshan's throat slipped, clenched his fist, and made a very difficult decision: "to the soldiers who can go to the battlefield."

Gu Chengfeng was silent.

His conscience told him that he should help the wounded and the weak, but his reason reminded him that the wounded and the weak can no longer fight. Only when the sound soldiers are fed, can they kill more enemies and guard the city.

The life of wounded soldiers is also life.

But more important than life is the mission of protecting our country.

Deputy general Cen's throat is a little sore. What he doesn't say is that even if it's only for soldiers who can go to the battlefield, it's not enough

Deputy general Cen made a camp.

Gu Chengfeng is immersed in an inexplicable regret.

Tang Yueshan frowned: "what are you thinking?"

Gu Chengfeng said: "I wonder why I used to waste so much food."

He never knew that the soldiers at the border were so miserable, let alone that the war was so miserable.

After a while, deputy general Cen took some steamed buns and two bowls of rice soup and said to Tang Yueshan and Gu Chengfeng, "Marshal Tang, Mr. Gu, you can have some, too."

"I don't need to," said Tang

He knows his situation and he can handle it.

Gu Chengfeng said: "I don't eat either! Take it down and give it to the soldiers! I've eaten a lot of oil and water all the way. It's OK to be hungry for a few days. "

Deputy general CEN is trying to persuade them. Suddenly there is a commotion outside the camp. Deputy general Cen goes out to have a look and is stunned.

It's the people of the ancient city of moon who have come to deliver food again.

Last time, they sent out their own grain reserves. This time, they directly saved their own dinner.

Of course the soldiers won't!

Deputy general Cen also came forward, intending to persuade the people to leave.

However, Tang Yueshan came out with a tight body and a huge emotion. He raised his arms and gave a deep salute to the people in the city.

Then he turned around and looked sharp and moist. He said to all the soldiers, "eat!"

The soldiers picked up the steaming bowls, swollen their throats, choked and wiped away their tears, and began to eat them!

In the next three days, Chen's army launched three small attacks and one big attack on the ancient city of moon.

Although Chen's soldiers suffered heavy casualties, the soldiers of yuegucheng were also seriously damaged. By the time of the last big attack, yuegucheng had less than 2000 soldiers.

The cloud ladder of Chen's army was firmly set up on the wall. Countless Chen soldiers were killed on the wall, and the gate at the bottom of the city was also broken by the car.

This time, they didn't use people to deal with the fire, but strong cattle.

As soon as the gate of the city opened, countless cavalry of the state of Chen poured into the city like the tide.

Gu Chengfeng killed red eyes!

On the wall, Tang Yueshan's right arm was hit by the sword. He didn't hesitate, as if he had forgotten the pain and continued to fight in the sea of blood!

On the tower in the center of the city wall, Rong Shen, deputy general of the state of Chen, slashed two soldiers of the state of Zhao. He flew up to the roof, holding a long knife in both hands, and chopped off the flag of the state of Zhao!

He threw Zhao's flag into the sea of fire. Chen's soldiers' morale soared and issued a proud cry!

Rong Shen picks up the flag of Chen state and suddenly inserts it on the tower of Yuegu city“ The ancient city of moon is us.... "

Before he finished his words, a red tassel gun came at a high speed with a sharp sound of breaking the air. There was a fight all around him, which even covered up his movement. When Rong Shen's back became cold, he could not stop it.

The red tassel gun directly penetrated Rong Shen's shoulder and bumped him into the flagpole of Chen Guo's flag.

How can the flagpole withstand such a violent blow and break on the spot!

Rong Shen also rolled down from the roof of the tower.


A soldier of the state of Chen exclaimed.

He is toward to allow to participate to rush past, but how didn't get close at all, then be grasped by a plain hand collar, fiercely threw out!

Gu Jiao pulls out the red tassel gun on Rong Shen's shoulder and kicks Rong Shen off the wall!

Gu Jiao stepped on the inner wall of the city wall and jumped up to the tower.

She holds the red tassel gun in one hand, and raises the flag of Zhaoguo in the other hand, firmly inserting it on the city tower!

The fighting lasted all night, and the city wall of Yuegu was full of fire.

Under the vast sky, the city is burning!

In a camp a hundred miles away, a scout came down from the mountains at a high speed and reported to the man in the camp: "general gu! The city ahead seems to be on fire! "

"On fire?" Gu Changqing looked at the hourglass at his feet, "this time? Which city? "

"Ancient city of the moon!" Said the scoundrel.

Gu Changqing had been familiar with the map of the frontier fortress all the way. Of course, he understood the strategic importance of the ancient city of Yue. If the army of Chen state and the remaining evils of the former dynasty wanted to continue to invade the territory of Zhao state, the next goal would be the ancient city of Yue.

Gu Changqing stood up: "take me to have a look."

The scouts took Gu Changqing to the commanding height of the mountains. When they looked from a high place, they could only see a burning line. This was because it was too far away. However, if they calculated to reality, it would be that the whole city wall was covered with fire.

"It's war!" Gu Changqing frowned, and the fire flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, a strong air burst out from his whole body, "wake up the soldiers, and get ready to go!"

It's a hundred Li from here to the ancient city of moon.

Generally speaking, a regular March of 30 to 50 Li a day, a rapid march of 60 to 90 Li a day, and a strong march of up to 150 Li.

On the way here, in order to preserve their fighting power, Gu's army has been marching in a hurry.

The force forces are wasting too much combat power, and they can't do so until they have to.

But now is the last resort.

When Gu Chengfeng walked down the mountain, all the tents and supplies had been cleared up. All the soldiers were ready to go, and there was no sign that they had just been awakened.

This is the most well-trained and powerful and swift army of Zhao state. Everyone is ready for war in one second!

Gu Changqing turned over and got on his horse. His cloak was hunting and dancing in the cold wind.

He clenched the reins, looked at the direction of the ancient city of the moon, and said: "all officers and men, listen to the order, March at full speed!"