The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 498

The news that the ancient city of Yuegu is going to fight is not one or two days. All the people who can run have run away. If they can't run away, they gather rice and grain at home. The rice shops have been sold out long ago. Gu Chengfeng was just lucky at the beginning. The first rice shop he met happened to have grain in stock, and the rest of the shops were barely enough for them to eat.

Gu Chengfeng walked down the empty street.

When did he worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation?

His delicious meal was more than five Liang silver, which was the daily ration of hundreds of soldiers.

"Master Hu, can't you really find another place to buy rice?" Gu Chengfeng asked in a low mood.

Hu shiye had a good view of Gu Chengfeng's look. He sighed a long time: "all the shops with rice have been there, only these."

If not, we have to go door-to-door to collect. Master Hu didn't say that.

He can see that these two young adults are different from those Imperial Envoys in the past. They will not forcibly take things from the people.

"How long will our food last?" Gu Chengfeng asked.

"This..." master Hu calculated silently in his heart for a while, and said, "if you reduce one meal a day, it will last two days."

Gu Chengfeng murmured: "but my elder brother still has four days to come."

Moreover, it cannot be reduced.

They are soldiers defending their country. How can they fight hungry?

Don't say that Chen's army won't attack the city these days. They are all at the foot of the city. If they don't take advantage of the opportunity to take the ancient city of the moon, won't they wait for his elder brother to come and take them all together?

While they were talking, they returned to the camp near the city tower with the grain and grass pulled by the mule cart.

Gu Chengfeng didn't look forward, and so did master Hu.

All of a sudden, a random soldier cried out: "my Lord! Master! You see

Gu Chengfeng and Mr. Hu looked in the direction of the soldiers' fingers. It was the kitchen near the barracks. They saw that the floor at the door of the kitchen was full of strange and strange burdens. Some of them were tightly tied, and they couldn't see what was inside. Some of them were loose, and they could see rice or steamed bread showing.

There are even corn cobs, vegetables, wowowotou, pancakes, bacon and eggs directly packed with sieve and dustpan

Gu Chengfeng was thinking about what happened when he saw several common people carrying small bags of white flour and corn flour.

They put the flour on the ground and left without saying a word.

Just now and Gu Chengfeng talk little doll also came.

He and his mother together, his mother put down a few new baked sweet potatoes, he seems to want to put something, but through his pocket did not take out anything.

Finally, he thought about it. He took out half of the sesame candy in his mouth and sucked his saliva. He was very reluctant to give up, but he put it on one of the sweet potatoes.

That's what he can eat for the new year.

Just because there was going to be a war, he didn't know whether he would live or not. His parents took it out ahead of time and gave it to him.

That's the best thing he can bring out.

Gu Chengfeng's eye socket suddenly has some fever.

They are the people of Zhao who his grandfather and elder brother swore to protect, but not only the soldiers are protecting the people, the people are also protecting them in their own way.

Guard an army, guard a city.

Outside the city wall, the army of the state of Chen has already begun to prepare the necessary vehicles and ladders for the siege. Due to the moat, they also need to prepare several flying bridges.

The flying bridge is being built rapidly, and the ladder is also being assembled in full swing.

Looking at their manpower and progress, Tang Yueshan estimated that they would be ready tomorrow night.

In the city, not only the blacksmiths were recruited to forge armor and weapons, but also the carpenters were recruited by Tang Yueshan, mainly to lead the soldiers to forge crash, stone and rolling wood.

Crash is used to deal with the weapons of the siege ladder. A collision bar is attached to the frame, which can crash or knock down the ladder when it is close.

In addition, there are rocket oil and arrows.

The archers of the Tang family can do it by themselves, which is one of their basic skills. Archers of other countries don't need to know how to make arrows by themselves. How can we say that the archers of the Tang family are famous in six countries.

Tang Yueshan made a good deployment and began to wait for the dawn.

It was a sleepless night, not only in the army of Chen, but also in the soldiers of Zhao.

When there was a little bit of white in the sky, the preparations were almost complete. They had only 7000 troops, and the regular army was less than 5000.

The 20000 troops in Chen's army are solid regular troops. The gap between the two sides in strength is too great. This is a deadly battle.

But just like Gu Chengfeng said, even if the fight to the last person, we must keep the city.

The cost may be the lives of these 7000 soldiers, including Tang Yueshan's own.

"Marshal Tang."

The eye-catching sky light came through the gap between the curtain and one of them was Tang Yueshan's two newly appointed Deputy generals, both of whom came to recover their lives.

"Is it all done?" Asked Tang Yueshan.

Deputy general Cen arched his hand and said, "if you're going back to your master, you'll have done a good job in car crash and rolling stones, and you'll have moved to the city building."

"Good." Tang Yueshan nodded and looked at Deputy General Li.

Deputy General Li arched his hand and said, "weapons and armor have also been forged."

"Let the soldiers rest." Tang Yueshan said, after a pause, he said, "have a good meal, and get ready to fight in the evening."

They gave each other a complicated look, arched their hands and said in unison, "yes!"

Deputy general Cen left first, and Deputy General Li presented a new armor to Tang Yueshan: "this is the armor you want."

Tang Yueshan's eyes fell on the brand-new and cold armor. He raised his hand and touched it gently: "OK."

Gu Jiao has been busy all night in the camp for treating the wounded soldiers. When the doctors in the city heard that there was a shortage of manpower, they all came here spontaneously. Like Gu Jiao, they stayed up all night.

After the last round of treatment, all the doctors were paralyzed.

The doctors didn't care to go home to have a rest. They all fell asleep on the table.

Gu Jiao sat on the ground with her red tassel gun in her arms and her back against the pillar supporting the camp. She soon fell asleep.

She was awakened by heat. When she opened her eyes, she saw a thick robe on her body. It was Gu Chengfeng's.

She took away her robe, stretched her feet, sat up straight, and rubbed her sore neck and back.

When she kneaded her back, her fingertips inadvertently touched a piece of cold things. She blinked strangely. When she looked around, she saw that there was a pair of armor beside her.

She murmured, "whose armor?"

Hu Dongqiang came into the camp with the boiled Decoction and saw Gu Jiao. His eyes lit up: "my Lord! You wake up! It's just right. I've cooked the soup you told me to cook. Did you wake up the patient and feed him? "

"Well, hello." Gu Jiao said.

"Good!" Hu Dongqiang went to wake up the wounded soldier who needed medicine.

"Whose armor is it?" Gu Jiao asked him.

"Yours?" Hu Dongqiang said.

"Mine?" Gu Jiao blinked.

Hu Dongqiang speculated: "last night, the blacksmiths in the city repaired and forged armor for the soldiers. Maybe you also made one."

Gu Jiao stood up and tried.

It's a strange fit.

She put on her helmet and took a picture in front of the water tank.



Gu Jiao shook her head!

The ancient city of Yue is precipitous and surrounded by mountains on three sides. It is the easiest to attack the city from the front without considering the strength.

Naturally, the 20000 troops of the state of Chen will not be afraid of the thousands of troops of the ancient city of moon. This is a crushing without suspense.

Rong Fu, the youngest son of Rong Yao, was the highest general in the army.

The news Cheng Taishou heard was that Rong Yao personally led the army, but in fact, Rong Yao only sent the army out of Yecheng, and the real leader was his younger son Rong Fu.

In the dream, Rong Yao came to kill the city after Rong Fu was shot dead.

It was not the archer of the Tang family who shot Rong Fu. He was just an ordinary bodyguard. The bodyguard never shot accurately, and he was confused when he shot Rong Fu.

Rong Fu is more ignorant than him.

Rong Fu was as famous as Gu Changqing. They were both young and famous generals, and they were about the same age.

This battle is very important for Rong Fu. He is determined to win.

Gu Jiao is not sure whether Rong Fu will be shot to death.

After all, many things have changed. Tang Yueshan's army has entered the city. She and Gu Chengfeng have also entered the city. The bodyguard who once shot Rong Fu may have been sent to other posts by Tang Yueshan, and Chen's attack and defense are different from those in the dream.

In the evening, Rong Fu ordered to attack the city.