The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 500

In the battle of the ancient city of the moon, the troops of both sides were consumed greatly, and even the troops of the state of Chen were consumed even more, but they were so numerous that they were able to supply in time.

It was too easy for Xu to attack the first three cities, so when Rong Fu led 20000 troops to attack the ancient city of the moon, he thought there were too many troops.

He was very clear about the deployment of troops in the ancient city of Yue. There were only more than 2000 bodyguards and captors in all the major government offices in the city, and there were only 5000 strong men recruited temporarily. In addition, Tang Yueshan rescued 2500 people from Yecheng, a total of more than 7000 troops.

Among the more than 7000 people, Rong Fu made a careful calculation. When he was captured, the army of the imperial court was hungry for three days and three nights, and its physical strength was seriously damaged. He forced to march for dozens of miles, and its combat power plummeted. In addition, more than 2000 strong men recruited temporarily did not have the martial arts and quality of soldiers, so they were basically killed on the battlefield.

It is no exaggeration to say that compared with the strong and strong Chen army, these thousands of people are simply old, weak, sick and disabled!

However, such a group of "wounded and disabled soldiers" blocked several attacks by the 20000 troops of Chen state for three days and four nights in a row!

Where do these guys come from?!

This is not afraid of death, but with a strong and unshakable belief in his heart, as if even if he turned into a corpse, he had to stop the invading army of Chen at the gate of the city and on the wall!

Rong Fu, as the commander of this campaign, has been paying attention to the trend of attacking the city on the battle horse downstairs. The gate of the city has already been broken, and their army has been driving straight in, and Zhao's army won't be able to defend it for long.

On the contrary, it's a little tricky in the upper city.

He always knew that Tang Yueshan had some skills, but he didn't expect that he had such skills.

Among the three famous generals of the state of Zhao, Gu Chao, the old Ding'an Marquis, was the best at the art of war. Xiao Ji, Xuanping Marquis, was the most shameless and unprepared. Tang Yueshan, the most courageous and tiger, was the Grand Marshal of the world's army.

To be honest, Rong Fu and his father Rong Yao were very surprised when they heard that he was the Grand Marshal of the world's military forces. The bravest and the most tiger was not a very good evaluation. Frankly speaking, he was brave but not resourceful, and his military use was taboo.

But a few days ago, Tang Yueshan used a move to divert the tiger from the mountain. He released the news that the imperial grain arrived at the official road of Huaqing. As a result, they sent a large number of troops to hijack the grain. As a result, Tang Yueshan took the opportunity to sneak into the military camp and killed two thousand people.

It seems like a simple strategy. In fact, every step must be calculated exactly. If they don't go or take enough troops, then Tang Yueshan can't go out with his men even if he sneaks into their camp.

Including Tang Yueshan and others, their escape routes were carefully selected by Tang Yueshan. As a result, their cavalry did not catch up with the infantry. Are they angry? Just say whether you are angry or not!

It is also this that makes the Rong family realize that Tang Yueshan is not brave but resourceful. It is because he is too brave that his plan is ignored.

However, how brave is he?

He is a man of flesh and bones. When he runs out of strength, the army of Chen kingdom is numerous and inexhaustible, but the garrison of yuegucheng city is less than one.

I'm afraid Tang Yueshan has reached the limit.

As Rong Fu expected, Tang Yueshan could not hold on, but it was not that he was exhausted, but that his leg was injured.

It was the place where he had been shot by his son-in-law that hurt him. Blood was pouring out and dyed his feet red.

"Marshal Tang!"

Deputy general Cen came towards Tang Yueshan with blood all over his body. He was also injured, but the blood on his body was not all his own.

"Leave me alone!" Tang Yueshan helped a broken car behind him and stood up. His leg hurt deeply. He raised his hand and cut off a soldier of Chen state. After watching him, he fell down again.

Vice general Cen clenched his teeth: "yes!"

He turned around with hot eyes and continued to kill the enemy with his sword.

Tang Yueshan is at the end of his life. He can't even stand up. It's only a matter of time before he is cut to death.

Compared with Tang Yueshan, who didn't have much threat, the boy who guarded Zhao's flag with one shot per person.

The young man is wearing armor and helmet, only showing a pair of sharp eyes like an eagle. In fact, he can't see his face and age clearly, but his actions are full of the heroic spirit of a young man.

Countless Chen soldiers climbed up, but no one could get close to Zhao banners, without exception, they were stabbed by the young Hongying!

The blood stained his armor and the debris under his feet, but the flag he guarded was not splashed with a drop.

He was the God of killing, and he kept the soul of Zhao.

"When did such a troublesome person appear in yuegucheng?" Rong Fu's brow is tight.

If he had gone to lingguancheng, he would have heard about this man from his son-in-law. It's a pity that he hasn't gone yet.

Rong Fu said to his opponent, "take the bow and arrow."


He handed over his bow and arrow.

Rong Fu took a bow to pull the string and shot at the flagpole on Gu Jiao's head!

Gu Jiao's eyes are cool. She holds the red tassel gun on her hand, flies up with her strength and kicks the arrow!

Rong Fu shot the second arrow again!

Third arrow, fourth arrow!

To the fifth arrow, he finally no longer aimed at the flagpole, he directly aimed at Gu Jiao's head!

He's going to shoot this kid in the head!

See how he can block his arrow!

Just as Rong Fu pulled a bow and was about to let go, a strong trumpet sounded not far behind him. It seemed that he had stepped out of the ancient wasteland, with the momentum of mountains and rivers, which made everyone's heart shake!

Accompanied by the sound of the horn came a slow and fast sound of war drums, thundering, frightening the mountains!

"Roar! Roar! Roar

Uniform cry, domineering in the world!

The ground began to shake, and the dust began to fly. Rongfu looked at the soil shaking like chaff under the horse's hooves, and suddenly realized something!

The Scouts of Chen's army came from the rear in panic: "Bao Bao Gu's army is coming!"

The scream of terror tore a blood hole in the dark sky, and something seemed to spray out from behind the clouds.

As soon as the voice of the scouts fell, he was pierced by an arrow and fell in front of Rong Fu's horse.

Rong Fu looked at the scouts who were shot suddenly, and there was no reason for him to feel frightened!


So far, how did you shoot?

No, it should be said that Gu Jiajun was so far away. How could he have said that?

If he was not sure that Gu's army would not arrive so soon, how dare he lead 20000 troops to attack the city?

All his elder brothers have made contributions to the war, but he is the only one who has not.

He's here. He's here for military service!

He captured the ancient city of the moon, killed Gu Chao and Tang Yueshan, and he would be a marquis and a king like his brother!

His luck won't be so bad! This must be another trick of Tang Yueshan!

Zhao's garrison even has not had several hundred people, the victory is in sight, they retreat at this time is the biggest mistake!

Rong Fu pulled out his sword and solemnly exclaimed, "the news is wrong! Not Gu Jiajun! It's a few captives of Zhao state who make a mystery in the woods! Everybody keep on attacking! Who can take the head of Tang Yueshan and Gu Chao! A thousand taels of gold! And the boy

He just said, pointing to the young man who killed many Chen soldiers and guarded the flag, saying, "who cut off his head! Who can be the general of my family! "

Originally some morale low Chen army suddenly full of fighting spirit!

A thousand taels of reward, general Rong, they want everything!

However, this fighting spirit didn't last long. The men next to Rong Fu suddenly pointed to the rear and said in horror: "general, general, general, look..."

"What are you looking at? It's just -- "Rong Fu turned his head impatiently as he spoke, and half of what he said was stuck in his throat.

The darkness of the night sky did not know when to disperse, but there was no daylight, and the sky was dark gray.

In this endless sky, tens of thousands of cavalry galloped in black, everyone was wearing cold silver armor, even the horses under the seat were also wearing silver armor.

With a command from the commander, all the cavalry took out the black cloth and covered the horse's eyes.

"Yes, yes, yes..." I can't come out any more.

This scene is so shocking!

This is the real cavalry!

Gu Changqing rode through the snow. The plain white cloak behind the silver armor stirred in the wind. It was like the purest color of snow in the world. It was extremely cold and murderous.

Rong Fu's breath is stagnant!

Where Gu's cavalry went, Chen's soldiers were defeated.

Gu Changqing didn't go anywhere else. He went straight to Rong Fu. The light of dawn chased after him, and the sky gradually opened.

Rong Fu holds up his sword to fight!

However, he didn't have time at all. Gu Changqing cut off his head with a sword!