The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 497

The news that Chen's army was going to invade the ancient city of Yuegu has long been spread, and the doors and windows of every house were closed

Gu Chengfeng stood on the tower and looked anxiously.

Finally, he waited for a large number of soldiers from Chaoyue ancient city, but Tang Yueshan and Gu Jiao were not seen among them.

"There are still people in the back." Said one of the soldiers.

Gu Chengfeng told them to hurry into the city.

Wounded soldiers came wave after wave, and Gu Jiao's figure was never seen. Gu Chengfeng's eyebrows gradually solidified a layer of frost.

How can he not guess what Gu Jiao is doing when he gets along with Gu Jiao for so long?

According to the Convention, all the wounded are brought back to the city for treatment, but if they die on the way or are disabled for life, there's no way to do it, but Gu Jiao won't do it.

"You girl..."

Gu Chengfeng clenched his fist. Now he really regrets that he let her pick up Tang Yueshan. If only he let her stay here.

No, if she stays, there will be more casualties

Just as Gu Chengfeng was extremely anxious, the soldier on one side suddenly said, "my Lord! Look

Gu Chengfeng looked up.

It's Gu Jiao!

She rode the most handsome and fastest horse, holding the longest and heaviest gun, and came all the way!

Together with her came Tang Yueshan and his soldiers.

And not far behind them, Chen guotieqi was chasing him.

Chen's army has come back. They have been fooled. The imperial reinforcements have not arrived at all. It's just a few soldiers trying to make a mystery!

In order to find the place, more than 4000 Chen's cavalry, with the momentum of breaking through mountains and rivers, launched a crazy pursuit of Gu Jiao and Tang Yueshan!

On the tower, Cheng Taishou saw this thrilling scene. His legs softened and he almost hit the wall!

He said in dismay, "Oh! Chen's army is here! Close the gate! Close the gate

"Don't close it!" Gu Chengfeng drinks hard!

Cheng Taishou earnestly advised: "my Lord! It's too late not to close it! If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about the people in the city! I know that marshal Tang and another adult are outside, but for their more than ten lives, they will take the lives of all the people in the city... "

He can't go on with the following words.

No matter what he said was really for the sake of the people in the city or his own greed for life and fear of death, Gu Chengfeng has to admit that once Chen cavalry is killed, the city gate will never close again.

Chen's army will drive straight into the city, and the people in the city will suffer from the fire of war!

But Gu Jiao is still down there!

"My Lord!" Cheng Taishou looks at Gu Chengfeng chokingly.

Gu Chengfeng clenched his fist, and his body trembled gently: "again... And so on."

Six hundred steps, five hundred steps, four hundred steps

Cheng Tai Shou was very anxious: "my Lord! Can't wait any longer! The gate is not closed all at once

The city gate is thick and heavy. It's all on a winch. It needs dozens of bodyguards to pull the iron rope at the same time to close it slowly.

A hundred steps.

Gu Chengfeng gritted his teeth: "close the city gate!"

Cheng Taishou said to the bodyguard: "hurry up! Let's close the gate

Dozens of city guards pulled up the iron rope on the winch. The winch slowly turned, and the city gate began to close. Outside the city gate, the cleverness on the moat began to rise slowly.

Gu Jiao is the first to ride. Her horse is good and she can easily step on it. However, she stops at the gate of the city!

She reined in the reins, turned back and said, "the wounded go first!"

Two wounded soldiers galloped onto the bridge which was raised by one foot.

Then, she let Hu Dongqiang and archers on the bridge in turn.

When the last Archer got on the bridge, Chen's cavalry attacked them. The archer's horse was hit by an arrow and fell to the ground one by one.

Gu Jiao rode over, leaned out, grabbed the archer and threw it onto the bridge.

At this time, the bridge was half closed and the horse could not cross it.

"Stop! Stop it all Gu Chengfeng said in a loud voice.

"I can't stop it!" Cheng Tai Shou Dao.

The faster the bridge rises, the faster it closes, and Gu Jiao and Tang Yueshan are still outside.

While avoiding the bow and arrow of Chen cavalry, Tang Yueshan grabs Gu Jiao and throws her on the bridge!

All happened in a flash of lightning. When Gu Jiao fell down from the bridge, the bridge closed behind her!

There is only one last crack left in the gate.

Gu Jiao rolled into the city gate.

Since then, the gate has been closed.

Tang Yueshan was riding on a horse, holding a sword, and looking at the 4000 Chen cavalry who were coming towards him.

The archery of Chen's cavalry is not very good, but if all the arrows are fired at the same time, there will always be several that can shoot Tang Yueshan.

"Shoot the arrow!"

The overwhelming arrows were shooting at Tang Yueshan. Tang Yueshan didn't have any shield to cover him. He only had a long sword in his hand.

Just as Tang Yueshan was about to be shot into a sieve, a vigorous figure came down in the air. A whip came over and rolled Tang Yueshan's waist.


With Gu Chengfeng's command, the soldiers on the tower pull the rope hard and pull them up together!

Almost at the same time, hundreds of arrows penetrated the original position of Tang Yueshan and shot on the wall!


This battle is no longer the life and death of any one person, but the survival of the people in the city, and the blessing and disaster of the Zhaoguo mountains and rivers.

At present, the biggest enmity is private.

Gu Chengfeng and Tang Yueshan go down to the city tower and see Gu Jiao, who is treating the wounded, in the temporary military account.

Gu Jiao did not know that Tang Yueshan had been rescued.

The moment she entered the city, the gate was closed.

It was Tang Yueshan who threw her in at the expense of her chance to survive. She knew that, but she would not sleep in the emotion it brought.

She quickly entered a state of readiness.

Her calm and resolute decision shocked Tang Yueshan once again.

If he had not seen what she had done before, Tang Yueshan would have thought that she was a cold-blooded person.

When Tang Yueshan and Gu Chengfeng see that she is OK, they don't bother her.

Tang Yueshan took over the deployment of yuegucheng. The 2000 infantry and 500 archers he brought back from Yecheng, together with the 5000 troops in the city, made a total of 7500 people and nearly 600 wounded.

All the wounded soldiers request to fight, but they must be evaluated by Gu Jiao. She thinks they can fight before they return to fight.

In addition, nearly half of the 5000 troops in yuegucheng are strong men recruited temporarily from the people, so they don't rush to the front line to die.

Tang Yueshan picked out martial arts practitioners and joined the rear camp. Those who didn't have martial arts skills stayed on the castle and were mainly responsible for assisting weapons attacks, such as throwing stones.

In addition, weapons and armor are not enough.

Tang Yueshan asked his men to call the blacksmiths in the city and let them forge overnight.

"Wait a minute."

"Marshal Tang, what else can I do for you?"

After a pause, Tang Yueshan said to Deputy General Li, "forge more armor."

Chen's army of nearly 20000 troops is close to the city. It is like a giant beast that may engulf the ancient city of the moon at any time.

The doors and windows of the people in the city are closed, and they are in danger.

There was not much food in the prefecture. Because there was no garrison, there was only enough food for more than 2000 bodyguards. Now there are more than 5000 mouths, and the granary of the prefecture is stretched.

Gu Chengfeng's task is to buy food and grass from the people in the city.

Go with master Hu.

"Go to the rice shop in the city first." Gu Chengfeng said.

Master Hu took Gu Chengfeng to a rice shop near the city tower.

The door of the rice shop has been closed for a long time, but the boss still dare not close the door.

"Sell me all the rice you have in your shop." Gu Chengfeng said to his boss.

The boss looked at Gu Chengfeng suspiciously.

"No?" Gu Chengfeng asked.

"Ah... Yes, yes!" The boss handed over the rice in the shop with a stiff head, "officer, there's so much, there's no more."

"How much is everything?" Gu Chengfeng said as he took out his money bag.

The boss was stunned again. This time, he was sure that he had heard right. The official was really here to buy food, not... To collect food.

The boss took out the abacus, crackled for a while, and said cautiously: "a total of five taels of silver."

Gu Chengfeng gave him the silver.

The boss held the silver in his hand and was stunned for a long time.

Gu Chengfeng bought food to go out, I do not know when the street more snooping head.

Every family opened a crack in the door, and the people looked at Gu Chengfeng curiously and fearfully.

A boy about the same age as xiaojingkong ran out. The newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, and he was not afraid of officials.

He came to Gu Chengfeng's face, raised his head and asked, "will we die? Are you going to run

His mother rushed out and quickly put him in her arms and covered his little mouth.

"My Lord, forgive me! My Lord, forgive me The woman knelt down and kowtowed to Gu Chengfeng.


A cold and clear voice sounded not far away.

It's Gu Jiao who brings Hu Dongqiang to the drugstore in the city to catch herbs.

She stood still in front of Xiaowa and the woman, pointed to Tang Yueshan, who ordered soldiers at the gate of the barracks, and said, "do you see that man? He is the Grand Marshal of all the troops in the world, and all the officers and men of the state of Zhao obey his orders. "

Little baby looked at the tall and straight Tang Yueshan: "Wow!"

Gu Jiao pointed to Gu Chengfeng again: "and he, he is the second young leader of Gu's army. Gu's army is the most powerful army in Zhao's country. They will arrive soon on their way."

The little doll looked at Gu Chengfeng who was facing the wind: "Wow

Gu Chengfeng's innocent and adoring eyes made him feel complicated and full of emotion. For the first time, he felt the burden on his shoulders. He took a deep breath, like saying to the baby, or to the people on the street: "that's right! My big brother will be here soon! He brought a hundred thousand Gu family soldiers! Rest assured, the ancient city of moon will be saved! Even if we fight to the last man, we will certainly hold the city! "