The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 496

Not all soldiers know gunpowder. Many soldiers have never heard of gunpowder, and even if they have heard of gunpowder, they have never really seen it.

Chen's soldiers are so stupid!

The original orderly cavalry camp was in a mess. This time, the cavalry was led by a general from Rong's family, also named Rong Shen.

Rong Shen is one of the few people who have seen gunpowder. When he followed Rong Yao to visit the state of Liang, he met Yan people to show their gunpowder. However, he stood far away, only listening to the sound, didn't see that it was a power to use it.

Rong Yao later gave them several Rong family members to describe, but where can they imagine it?

So at this moment, even Rong Shen is confused.

But he tried his best not to make the soldiers see the difference. He tightened the reins and said harshly, "don't panic, it's just a stone! It's nothing


Another huge stone rolled down, and Rong Shen's words were drowned in the terrible movement.

Rong Shen's knowledge of black powder is too limited. Of course, it may be the first time that he saw such a powerful attack. For a moment, he didn't expect to go where he should think.

In order to prove to the soldiers that this thing is not terrible, he decisively pulled out his sword and cleaved towards the rolling stone!

With a loud bang, Rong Shen was blown up!

In order to achieve enough deterrent effect, Gu Jiao used all the black fire beads. In fact, it's impossible for her to come for the third time.

The power of this kind of black powder is enough, but it is still inferior to the explosives of previous generations. To put it bluntly, the lethality is the second, and the main one is deterrence.

To be honest, Tang Yueshan and his army are a little confused. What is this horse riding? Firecrackers? It's not like

Tang Yueshan took the lead in responding. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and sometimes the low or high morale is just a flash.

Tang Yueshan didn't care what it was. He took back his eyes, pulled out his sword, pointed forward and said in a loud voice, "it's the imperial reinforcements! Gu Jiajun is here! Everybody, kill me! "

All the people were silly by the two batches of black powder. They had no brain to think whether Tang Yueshan's words were true or not.

The leaderless Chen cavalry became more and more disordered. When Tang Yueshan's troops saw this, their morale soared. Even after three days and three nights of starvation, they seemed to be full of strength at once. All of them raised their swords and killed Chen cavalry invincibly!

Although the state of Zhao is weak, there is no coward in the state of Zhao!

Tang Yueshan takes the lead and rushes to the front!

This time, it was Gu Jiao who opened the way for him.

Gu Jiao opens the bow and arrow, where he kills, Gu Jiao's arrow then pursues.

He also completely gave his back to Gu Jiao.

Tang Yueshan found that Gu Jiao has amazing talent in archery. However, she has only a short time to practice archery. She is not as accurate as Tang Yueshan. She nearly shot Tang Yueshan in the butt several times.

Tang Yueshan's cold sweat is coming out!

Girl, I suspect you are on purpose!

Tang Yueshan was attacked from three sides. An arrow flew in the air and shot from his crotch!

Only half an inch short of being shot at Tang Yueshan in the middle and small Tang Dynasty

The arrow went through his legs and hit the foot of a Chen soldier behind him. Chen soldier screamed and fell to the ground!

Gu Jiao is bold enough to use arrows, which is not even comparable to many excellent archers.

When they face a Grand Marshal like Tang Yueshan, they will worry that their archery skills are not enough and they will hurt him by mistake, so they are bound up when they shoot.

Gu Jiao is not.

Tang Yueshan was impressed by her decision.

How many children in the world can do this?

Tang Yueshan's chest suddenly rolled a heat wave, he can't say what it felt like, he just killed more bravely, more fearless.

Someone in the world seems to understand him.

And he knows that person.

At this moment he forgot that she was his enemy.

After fighting bravely by Tang Yueshan and others, 5000 cavalry soldiers were finally defeated. With the wounded soldiers, they fled to join the army of the state of Chen more than ten miles away.

Tang Yueshan fell down from his horse and sat on the ground, gasping for breath.

"How many people have we killed?" He asked breathlessly.

"One hundred and sixty-seven."

A voice came from the head of Tang Yueshan.

Tang Yueshan looked up and found that Gu Jiao and a soldier from Yecheng came down from the mountain along the rope. It was the soldier who was talking.

"I've met Marshal Tang." Hu Dongqiang saluted.

He carries Gu Jiao's basket on his back. Tang Yueshan understands that this basket is very important to Gu Jiao. If he can carry it, it means that he was chosen by Gu Jiao.

It's really a little observant.

Tang Yueshan nodded secretly.

Gu Jiao didn't wear a mask. Her face was completely exposed to the sun. Everyone looked at her in surprise.

The soldier who licked blood at the edge of the knife didn't have much interest in the birthmark on her face. On the contrary, her age aroused people's curiosity.

It looks smaller than them.

They looked behind Gu Jiao and over the mountains where she came down. After a long time, they did not see a third person coming down.

They... Did they really think the imperial reinforcements had arrived?

Did the little boy in green make all the noise just now?

His red tassel gun is so ugly!

"Is anyone hurt?" Gu Jiao asked Tang Yueshan.

Tang Yueshan and Gu Jiao counted the wounded in the team together. There were hundreds of slight injuries and 50 serious injuries, including 23 requiring on-site treatment and three critically injured soldiers.

Gu Jiao said to Tang Yueshan, "those who are not injured will go back first with minor injuries, leaving 50 people. Later, they will carry back the seriously injured and critical soldiers."

Tang Yueshan nodded. Among the 50 people, he occupied one place.

"General! We're not going Said one archer.

Tang Yueshan said, "this is a military order!"

The archer gritted his teeth: "yes!"

Tang Yueshan's two deputy generals died. He ordered a deputy general Li from the archer and a deputy general Cen from the infantry. They led the army first.

Of course, they did not forget to clean up the battlefield and take away the dry food, weapons and horses left by Chen soldiers.

"Take off the armor, and you can make a new one." Gu Jiao said.

Tang Yueshan took a deep look at Gu Jiao, and he wanted to say nothing.

Xiao Hu climbed up to the mountains along the rope, always paying attention to the movement of Chen's army.

"I need a stretcher." Gu Jiao said to Tang Yueshan.

"How much?" Asked Tang Yueshan.

"Ten." Gu Jiao said, "in addition, we also need cloth strips to take off the belts of Chen soldiers."

Tang Yueshan takes his men to look for boards and sticks for Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao began to rescue three critically ill patients

A wounded soldier's heart had stopped beating. Gu Jiao took out adrenaline and injected him with two injections. His heart beat recovered.

Tang Yueshan looked at those strange injections and was stunned for a moment.

Not all the soldiers who died on the battlefield were killed on the spot. Many of them were seriously injured and died because of ineffective treatment.

The medical skill of Chen state is better than that of Zhao state, so the death toll of wounded soldiers of Chen state is much lower than that of Zhao state.

If they also have excellent medical skills, the death rate of wounded soldiers will be greatly reduced.

That girl just came back from the dead, right?

Chen Guo's doctors can't do that, can they?

Tang Yueshan's heart began to be excited again.

I've never been so excited about the wedding night.

Hu Dongqiang cried down from the mountains: "my Lord! You need to be quick! Chen's army is coming! One more hill and we'll be here! "

Gu Jiao asked: "how long does it take to walk on the top of the mountain?"

Hu Dongqiang replied: "cavalry is fast, half an hour, infantry is an hour."

Gu Jiao nodded and cut the other side's thighs without a pause: "according to the speed of the infantry." The cavalry had been scared for a while, and they had no morale for the time being.

"The third pincer on the right." Gu Jiaodao, she can't move.

Tang Yueshan was stunned before he realized that she was talking to himself. He skillfully found the third... Pliers, which looked like scissors.

"Clip here." Gu Jiao motioned to Tang Yueshan with her eyes.

"Do you want to cut his veins?" Tang Yueshan frowned.

"Here are the hemostatic forceps." "Hurry up," Gu said

Tang Yueshan doubtfully "cut" in the past, found that the meridians did not break, the blood at the fracture was really stopped.

Tang Yueshan didn't feel blood sick or afraid of these wounds. He watched the whole process and felt that he was not simple to this girl.

Gu Jiao stopped the bleeding of the last critically ill patient, took off her gloves and said, "OK, get on the stretcher, these three go first."

Tang Yueshan ordered ten soldiers to carry three stretchers in turn.

Of the remaining 23 seriously injured patients, only seven needed stretchers and the rest could ride horses.

Gu Jiao competes against the clock to deal with the wounded. There is not enough time, so she can only do simple treatment. Rao is so. Time goes by.

Hu Dongqiang said: "my Lord! They're down the mountain! It's less than six li away from here. We have to hurry up! "

"These two soldiers can get on the stretcher."

"This soldier, get on the stretcher."

"Get on the stretcher!"


The wounded soldiers left one after another, and Chen's army approached step by step.

And the last two wounded.

When Gu Jiao wanted to deal with the injury for one of them, the man suddenly grabbed Gu Jiao's hand. He heard Hu Dongqiang call her lord, so he also called: "Lord, you and marshal Tang go first!"

"Shut up." Gu Jiao takes his hand away.

Tang Yueshan didn't urge Gu Jiao. He just silently grasped the bow and arrow in his hand, and his back was once again filled with the quiver.

"The archer is ready." Tang Yueshan said in a deep voice.

The archer takes his position, draws his long bow, and uses his body as a shield to protect Gu Jiao and the wounded soldiers.

"Xiao Hu, come down!" Gu Jiao has dealt with the injury of the last wounded soldier.

Hu Dongqiang slipped down the rope.

Everyone turned over and got on the horse. When Chen's army was about to catch up, CE Ma ran out of the Canyon!