The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 495

Why did Chen's army invade Zhaoguo for many days? Instead of slaughtering the city in the front three cities, they slaughtered the city in a small ancient city named Yuegu?

Is yuegucheng the most rebellious city?


The most fierce resistance is Beiyang City, followed by Yecheng and Lingguan city. The people of Yuegu city have run for at least half of their lives. What can they do to resist?

However, Rong Yao's youngest son was shot to death on the battlefield. First, Rong Yao wanted to retaliate, and second, he wanted to frighten the soldiers and the people at the border and razed the whole ancient city to the ground.

"How do you know my elder brother will arrive in five days?" Gu Chengfeng didn't doubt that Gu Jiao was talking freely, because everything she said along the way came true at last, "do you have contact with my elder brother and the imperial court behind my back?"

"How can I get in touch?" Gu Jiao asked.

Gu Chengfeng was asked.

So it is.

He and the girl eat and live together. He knows exactly what she does. She can't do things behind her back, let alone it's unnecessary.

She carries Tang Yueshan on her back!

Thinking of Tang Yueshan, Gu Chengfeng forgot to ask Gu Jiao why she knew so many things. He frowned and said, "it's been three days. I don't know what's going on in Tang Yueshan. To be honest, I really hate Tang Yueshan, but I don't want him to have an accident at this time. "

In my dream, Tang Yueshan was not in the ancient city of Yueyue when Chen's army came to slaughter the city, so either Tang Yueshan had an accident in Yecheng, or Tang Yueshan had an accident on the way to the ancient city of Yueyue.

Whether or not Tang Yueshan needed to find Gu Jiao to get the antidote, he had to go back to the ancient city of the moon and use it as a base to deal with the enemy.

About Tang Yueshan's doubts, Gu Jiao had the answer in the evening of the next day.

Early the next morning, Cheng rushes into Gu Jiao's yard: "no! No! Two adults! General Rong Yao of the state of Chen came with his army to the ancient city of the moon! Two adults or leave the ancient city of the moon, to other cities to avoid it! I'll send someone immediately to escort the two adults and the Marquis out of the city! "

"And you?" Gu Chengfeng asked.

Cheng Tai Shou was stunned at first, and then said, "I... I'll escort the three out of the city."

Gu Chengfeng is angry. He grabs Cheng's skirt and says indignantly, "you are the governor of yuegucheng, the official of the imperial court! The army of the state of Chen is coming. Instead of guarding the city, you will escape! Do you still deserve to be the parents of the common people! Are you still a man? "

"I... i... I wanted to escort the old Marquis and the two adults to leave," Cheng said

Gu Chengfeng pushed people coldly on the ground: "you don't need to escort! We're not going

Cheng Tai Shou's hat is crooked. He straightens the official hat, stands up and says: "since the two adults don't go, the small and the small will not go. The small and the small will surely guard the city and swear to live and die with the people in the city."

Gu Chengfeng coldly threatened: "it's better, or I'll be the first to kill you!"

Cheng Tai Shou shuddered.

If Chen's army wants to occupy yuegucheng, a small city without garrison, it doesn't need to play any tricks at all. It's enough to directly attack the city. They are so powerful that Cheng Taishou can detect the movement.

But what's the use of detection?

Can you fight?

With half of these 5000 temporary defenders?

"How many of them have come?" Gu Jiao asked.

"Five or five thousand cavalry... Take the lead." Cheng Taishou shuddered and said, "there are fifteen thousand infantry in the back."

"So it's 20000 troops?" Gu Jiao said.

"Mmm... MMM?" Cheng Taishou should finish just reaction, in front of this looks disabled youth actually spoke, and sounds like a woman's voice.

Twenty thousand Chen troops, with the present strength of the ancient city of moon, can kneel directly.

"Newspaper newspaper"

Several people talk, outside the door came the voice of a guard.

"Let him in!" Gu Chengfeng said sternly.

Cheng Taishou asks his servants to bring the bodyguard in. The bodyguard is a scout of Yuegu city. He inquires about the news that Chen's army is close to Yuegu city. Cheng Taishou tells him to keep watching the movement of Chen's army.

Obviously, he's got new information.

"Tell Lord Cheng that the army of the state of Chen is fighting with the army of the imperial court!"

Cheng Tai Shou surprised: "the dynasty, the dynasty, the imperial army? Here comes the imperial reinforcements

The bodyguard said: "no, it seems to be the imperial army before."

Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng knew that Tang Yueshan had come back with his army!

Gu Chengfeng opened his mouth in amazement. He didn't expect that Tang really had the ability to save his army from Yecheng. He had heard that one army saved one person, but it was rare to save a whole army by one person.

"The Tang family name is a bit impressive." He murmured.

Gu Jiao asked: "where to fight?"

The bodyguard said, "the moon ancient slope twenty miles away!"

Gu Jiao added: "how many troops are there on both sides?"

"Five thousand Chen cavalry, two thousand court infantry and five hundred archers." The bodyguard paused, scratched his head and explained, "this is a rough figure. The casualties are not included."

The two armies were at war, and there were casualties every minute.

Gu Jiao looked at him and asked, "what's your name?"

The bodyguard said, "the little one is Hu Dongqiang. They call me Xiao Liu when they travel at home."

Gu Jiao said, "you will be called Xiao Hu later."

Hu Dongqiang was stunned.

Gu Jiao turned and picked up the long gun on the shelf. She thought of something and asked, "do you have a younger brother named Hu Xiqiang?"

Hu Dongqiang once again a Leng: "ah, how do you know?"

Gu Jiao

It's easy to name your parents.

Gu Jiao throws the basket to Hu Dongqiang: "carry it on your back, from now on, you follow me."

Gu Chengfeng grabs Gu Jiao's arm: "I'd better go."

They can't both go. They have to keep one here.

Gu Jiao threw the token of Renshou palace to him: "you guard the city! Those who disobey the order will be executed immediately! "


The two armies were at war on the snowy moon slope.

Tang Yueshan's army was outnumbered by the enemy. In addition, the archers were suitable for long-distance combat, and they could not play their own advantages in close combat. Tang Yueshan did not choose to compete with Chen's army.

After a few false moves, he began to withdraw the whole army.

However, he could not run on horseback, and no matter how his army retreated, he was gradually overtaken by Chen's cavalry.

They were blocked in a canyon. There was only one road in the canyon. Ten miles ahead, there were fifteen thousand infantry of Chen state, and behind them were five thousand cavalry.

Unless they can choose to kill from one end, they will be trapped in the canyon.

Tang Yueshan rode on his horse and looked back and forth. In fact, with their current strength, there was no big difference between 5000 cavalry and 15000 infantry, but they could struggle for a shorter time and a longer time, but in the end, the whole army would be destroyed.

Who let his army, the whole three days did not enter!

This is not only a gap in numbers, but also a gap in physical strength and combat effectiveness.

One archer said, "general, we'll open the way for you. You'll kill us!"

They can't escape, but if they do their best to escort Tang Yueshan to fight their way out, it's not difficult.

"General, go out! When the imperial reinforcements come back, remember to avenge the brothers! "

"Yes, general! We'll escort you out! "

No one objected.

Tang Yueshan spared no effort to rescue them from Yecheng, and they were bound to escort him out of the enemy's hands with their own lives.

"I don't think Tang Yueshan is such a loafer! Today is the day of death. "

Before his words were heard, Chen's cavalry shot an arrow to this side, and the archer who was the first to propose Tang Yueshan's departure was severely hit.

Tang Yueshan suddenly turned his head and glared at the approaching cavalry of Chen: "archers, prepare!"

Five hundred archers spread out their formation and pulled out their bows.

The speed of the cavalry was so fast that they didn't have much time to attack.

Tang Yueshan waved his big arm: "shoot the arrow!"

When the first round of the arrow is released, the archer squats down to prepare for the arrow. The archer behind stands up seamlessly and shoots the second round of sharp arrow.

The archers of the Tang family are able to shoot at every step of the way.

It's just that they don't have enough arrows.

Before Chen's cavalry stepped out of the best range, the archers of the Tang family shot all their arrows, 108 of which hit 108 times.

They did their best.

They are worthy of the title of archers of the Tang family. They did not disgrace Marshal Tang.

The archer drew out the knife at his waist as if he were dead!

It's time to take Chen's soldiers to hell.

Kill one, even, kill two, earn!

However, just as everyone was waiting to die with Chen's cavalry, there was a loud noise above his head. When they looked up, a huge stone rolled down from the mountain on one side of the canyon.

The stone rumbled, with the sound of some kind of blasting, crashing into Chen's cavalry.

There was a series of thunderous noises, and the cavalry of Chen kingdom was blown away!

Tang Yueshan also raised his head.

Under the sky and on the top of the mountains, he saw a young man in green with a red tassel gun, with one foot on the rock, looking arrogantly at the Chen cavalry who had been bombed.

On the huge mountains, her figure is very small.

But her aura was so powerful that for a moment, Tang Yueshan seemed to see the killing God for the battlefield!