The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 494

In the next few days, it snowed all over the sky, and they were all trapped in the cave. Gu Jiao had nothing to do but practice archery in the cave.

Since Tang Yueshan pointed out Gu Jiao one or two last night, he woke up and regretted that this girl was the enemy of the Tang family. He taught no one to teach her.

It's also a coincidence that Gu Chengfeng can shoot arrows. When he sees Gu Jiao pulling a bow in the cave, he comes to point her out.

He has no reservation for Gu Jiao, but he is not stingy when he can. He also makes a simple target with shield and dry wood to hang on the rock wall for Gu Jiao to shoot.

Gu Chengfeng's archery is not bad. After all, he is the son of the marquis. Even the weakest Gu Chengfeng has been able to ride and shoot since he was a child. However, his level only belongs to the high level of ordinary people. It's not enough to go to the archers of the Tang family.

It's not Tang Yueshan who can compare Gu Chengfeng's archery with any other archer.

The worst archers of the Tang family are all required to be able to walk through a hundred steps.

As for Gu Chengfeng's advice to Gu Jiao, Tang Yueshan really couldn't see it.

"You must be right to listen to me!" Gu Chengfeng said to Gu Jiao.

Tang Yueshan turned his eyes in disgust. It must be true. He knew that everything was wrong! Can a bow pull like that? Can an arrow aim like that?

This is more unbearable than Gu Jiao's wrong bow.

Then Tang Yueshan was a donkey again.

Tang Yueshan is a donkey every day.

Until the snow stops.

The infection disappeared after the operation. He was a little older, but because of years of martial arts practice, his physique was not inferior to that of a young man. The wound healed well, not to mention Tang Yueshan's.

Gu Jiao removed the thread for two wounds on Tang Yueshan's thigh.

Several people went through the woods together and came to a small village on the edge of Lingguan city. Gu Jiao bought an ox cart from the villagers and exchanged the ox for his two horses. The other horse was given to Tang Yueshan.

Tang Yueshan turned over to mount his horse and said to the second humanist, "go straight along this road, and you will arrive at the ancient city of the moon."

Gu Chengfeng led the horse, hesitated for a moment, looked at Tang Yueshan and said, "do you really want to go to Yecheng alone? Not as good as

He wanted to say, why don't you come back to Yuegu city with us first, wait until my grandfather is settled, and I'll go to Yecheng with you.

Gu Chengfeng doesn't have much interest in helping Tang Yueshan, but it's the Imperial Army that's trapped in Ye City after all. He's not the green boy who came to the frontier fortress at the beginning. As a son of Zhao, he can't stay away from the border war and the destruction of the country.

Gu Chengfeng didn't say these words, but Tang Yueshan understood what he wanted to say. Tang Yueshan said: "if there are few people who can solve the problem, I can solve it myself. If there are few people who can't solve the problem, and you two can't help, you'd better not go to death."

The combat effectiveness of one man and three men is different in the arena, but there is almost no difference in front of tens of thousands of troops on the battlefield.

Gu Chengfeng thinks his words are reasonable, but he can't refute them.

Several of them parted ways.

Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng take the old Marquis back to the ancient city of the moon, and Tang Yueshan quickly goes to Yecheng.

"You say, what on earth would he do?" Gu Chengfeng asked anxiously.

Gu Jiao also wanted to know what Tang Yueshan thought. Tang Yueshan didn't seem to be the kind of person who was impulsive to death. He must have a plan in his heart.

Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng went back to the ancient city of moon.

The situation of yuegucheng city is more tense than before they left. The shops on the street are almost closed, and the pedestrians on the road are gone. It is full of the momentum of the coming rain.

"It's going to be a war, isn't it?" Gu Chengfeng said in a complicated mood.

Gu Jiao gave a low hum.

The battle of three cities started first, and the people of Yuegu city were almost ready. However, Rao did not change the fact that it was reduced to purgatory. It was one of the most miserable cities in the frontier fortress.

Chen's army slaughtered the city here.

Men, women, young and old, women and children are weak, and even livestock are not spared.

The carriage arrived at the prefecture.

It was still master Hu who came out to meet them.

After a few days' absence, master Hu was more haggard than before. He ran out in a hurry with his official hat in his hand. He was excited and surprised and said, "Oh, you two are back! That night, the two adults left without saying goodbye, scared the little one! I thought something happened to the two adults... "

Gu Chengfeng frowned impatiently: "OK, don't talk about it. Hurry into the mansion."

It's windy outside. They've been blowing all the way. They're freezing to death!

"Yes, yes Master Hu answered quickly. He led the way and found a man lying on the temporary cart.

When the old Marquis came to the frontier fortress, he had fallen with Tang Yueshan in the prefect's mansion. Mr. Hu received them. Mr. Hu quickly recognized the old Marquis. He was surprised: "Mr. Gu! You... You went to Yecheng to save people? "

Everyone thought that the old Marquis was locked up in Yecheng.

Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng disappear after one night's stay. Master Hu and the governor once doubted their identities. They guess that they may not be sent by the imperial court, but they are just two pretenders who came to the governor's house to inquire about the news.

Now to see them bring the Marquis back is to overturn the previous doubt.

Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng did not say that they rescued people in lingguancheng.

However, it can be seen from master Hu's reaction that at least the Taishou mansion has not colluded with the army of Chen state and the remaining evils of the former dynasty for the time being.

At present, the prefecture is still safe.

"Enter the mansion." Gu Chengfeng said to master Hu in a deep voice.

"Ah, yes! I'm going to the mansion! You still have the yard for us last time! " Master Hu pinched the cold sweat and led the man into the prefect's residence.

It's impossible to keep the yard for them. Master Hu rushed down and winked at them all the time, but they were also clever. He rushed ahead of them and drove them out of the yard.

"I haven't lived for a few days, and the house is dusty. I'll clean it up first, and you'll go to the study first." Master Hu said with a smile.

Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng see through and don't say through, take out the stretcher first, let the servant carry the old Marquis into the study.

The room was quickly packed up. The innermost room was still Gu Jiao's, and Gu Chengfeng and the old Marquis lived next door, which was Gu Chengfeng's original room.

This time, the governor of the ancient city of the moon was in his house. He came to see them in person and tested their identities. Unfortunately, they didn't say a word.

The governor could not find out the details of them, but when they rescued the Marquis from the dangerous Yecheng City, they knew that they were not ordinary people and did not dare to offend them.

His surname is Cheng. He is 39 years old. I don't know if the frontier fortress is suffering. His face looks mature compared with his actual age.

Cheng arched his hands to the two men sitting on the chair and said, "with all due respect, the ancient city of moon is about to go to war. Do you know when the imperial reinforcements will arrive?"

Gu Chengfeng said, "the army of the imperial court is already on the road. It's time to arrive. How many guards are there in the ancient city of the moon?"

"Five thousand." Said the prefect.

"Five thousand?" Gu Chengfeng was surprised and said, "why so few!"

The prefect said helplessly: "the ancient city of moon is just a small city. There was no army stationed there. Half of the 5000 people were recruited temporarily."

Those who are collected temporarily are basically sent to the battlefield.

Gu Chengfeng was silent. He didn't expect that the situation of yuegucheng would be so difficult. With such a small number of people, the remaining evils of the former dynasty and the army of the state of Chen would be defeated if they attacked yuegucheng.

"You go down. We'll call you if you have something to do." Gu Chengfeng said to Cheng Taishou.

Cheng Tai Shou arched his hand: "if you two adults have anything to do, call Wei Chen at any time."

After Cheng Taishou left, Gu Chengfeng said to the man guarding at the door, "you don't need to be here. You should also step back."

"Yes." People left the yard one after another.

Gu Chengfeng naturally poured a cup of hot tea for Gu Jiao and said, "drink water first."

Gu Jiao picked up her tea cup and took a sip gently.

Gu Chengfeng poured a cup for himself. Half way through, he put down the cup and sighed, "I don't know when my elder brother's army will arrive. If they attack the ancient city of the moon now, I'm afraid these 5000 people will not be able to defend it."

In my dream, the ancient city of Yue was lost. Gu Jiajun arrived after the ancient city of Yue was slaughtered.

It's no wonder that Gu Changqing's army went to the capital with the fastest speed after receiving the order from the imperial court. He integrated Gu's army with the fastest speed and took 100000 troops to the north.

It's a pity that not all the 100000 troops are cavalry. Under the current road and armament conditions of Zhao state, the speed of rapid march of infantry can't exceed 100 li a day, otherwise it may affect the combat power of infantry. Because of the influence of the climate of the frontier fortress, the closer to the north, the slower the marching speed, and even the snow capped mountains.

Let alone the fact that the speed of the army's March does not depend on the fastest cavalry or the second fastest infantry, but on the slowest material.

The supplies include grain and grass, barracks, weapons and weapons for siege.

An army without supplies is like an unarmed soldier. It can't do without fighting.

So it's a miracle that Gu Changqing can arrive with the army in a few days.

"Five days." Gu Jiao said.

"What five days?" Gu Chengfeng road.

"Your big brother." Gu Jiao said.

If she remembers correctly, Gu Changqing will lead Gu's army to arrive five days later.

But two days later, Chen's army will come to slaughter the city.