The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 317

In the afternoon, a soldier came to the barracks to send a message to the Lu medical school: "there seems to be something wrong with the camp's acne medicine. The Lu medical school wants to invite you to come over!"

This is a major event. Instead of several or dozens of bottles, hundreds of bottles are transported to the barracks. If something goes wrong, thousands of lives will be killed.

"I'll go too." The second owner said.

Gu Jiao nodded and went to the barracks with her two masters.

Lu hospital anxiously waited for a long time in the military tent, finally saw Gu Jiao hit the curtain to come in, a few steps forward and said: "Miss Gu, come and have a look, I gave him the golden sore medicine of your hospital, he became like this!"

Lu hospital said, will take Gu Jiao to a wounded soldier in front of the wooden bed.

The bed is narrow enough for a patient to lie down.

The wounded soldier was about seventeen or eighteen years old. He hurt his leg, but now his face is red and swollen, he faints, and his breathing is not smooth.

Gu Jiao took out a stethoscope from a small medicine box, listened to his heart rate, untied his clothes, and looked at his body: "did he have facial redness and coma only after he used the golden sore medicine?"

"Yes." Lu Yiguan said, "he just accidentally cut his foot by the sword. I saw that the injury was not serious, so I didn't sew a needle for him. After cleaning up, I just smeared some golden wound medicine. But after I went to the toilet, he fainted on the ground and became what he looks like now. "

"Not on me." Gu Jiao stopped and closed his clothes. "Show me the Jinchuang he used."

Lu medicine hall handed the half used bottle of golden sore medicine to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao first smelled it, then dipped it in the palm of her injured hand.

"Oh dear!" The second owner didn't have time to stop it. The girl's action is too fast!

Gu Jiao did not have any adverse reactions.

So the drug itself is no problem.

"Can eat what thing allergy?" Asked the second owner.

"It's not like that." Gu Jiao said.

"Eat something bad?" The second owner asked again.

"It's not like that either." Gu Jiao's eyes fell on the patient's swollen face and thought of something. She came to the patient's head and bent down to remove the patient's hair band.

She began to examine the patient's hair and scalp carefully, not a hair stubble.

"Found it. Here it is." Gu Jiao used her hand to pluck a hair near the patient's Baihui acupoint.

The second owner and Lu's hospital came together and looked at it, but it was a small red bag.

The second owner said, "this is..."

Gu Jiao took out a blade from the small medicine box: "poisonous insects bite, very powerful insects."

It's hot. The Hushan camp is located at the foot of the mountain. Poisonous insects and snakes are not uncommon. Every year, many soldiers are bitten. It's just the first time that they have been bitten by the serilu medical school.

He was very embarrassed. He was careless and misunderstood the hospital.

Gu Jiao treated the wound for the patient and smeared anti-inflammatory and anti sensitive ointment: "the poisonous insects coming down from the mountain are very powerful. You should be careful in the future."

Referring to this, Lu Yiguan sighed: "in fact, I often remind them, but you don't know. These old men are afraid of the heat. They would rather go to bed naked at night and be bitten by mosquitoes than hang a curtain... Thank you, Miss Gu. If you didn't come here in time, the patient still doesn't know what will happen."

After thanking Lu Yiguan, he did not forget to apologize.

The second owner even said it was OK.

It's time for Gu Jiao and her second boss to leave.

"I'll go to the cottage, and you get into the carriage first." The second owner said to Gu Jiao.

"Good." Gu Jiao went out of the barracks of Lu medical school and went outside the barracks.

As she passed an open tent, she looked at it as if it was attractive.

At a glance, her steps stopped.

It was actually a small armory with all kinds of cold weapons in it. Among these cold weapons, there was a majestic red tassel gun.

It's longer and heavier than the one that the Lord bought from the martial arts school. But the head of the gun is really beautiful with sharp cold light.

The red tassel is also bright in color, like the blood of the enemy.

Some factors in Gu Jiao's bones are ready to move again.

She went in and took down the red tassel gun, heavy and heavy.

She practiced a few moves at will, and each move was full of murderous spirit. She liked it so much.

She couldn't put it down and touched the red tassel gun in her hand: "Wow

"Who is it?"

With a dignified voice, the old Marquis walked in solemnly with his hands behind him.

When he saw that Gu Jiao was the one who broke into the camp, his eyes cooled down: "what do you want a woman to do in such a place? Don't put it down yet! It's something you can move, too! "

Gu Jiao hesitated for a moment, turned her lips, and reluctantly put the gun back..

The old Marquis looked at her with a look of resentment, and his brow was wrinkled.

Oh, she was wronged?

Didn't you warn her not to come to such a place?

"Why are you in the barracks again?" The old Marquis asked coldly.

"There's something wrong with the hospital." Gu Jiao said.

The old Marquis said coldly, "if you want to be a medical girl, you should stay in the hospital and do it. Don't come out all day and show yourself in public!"

The status of the medical woman is low. It's disgraceful enough to be a medical woman. She goes to men all day. What's that like!

The old man today is not cute.

Gu Jiao looked at him in disgust, didn't say a word, and went out without expression.

This girl

The old Marquis let Gu Jiao that pair of dislike of small look angry enough: "this is not you these women can come to the place!"

After angry, the old Marquis's eyes fell on the red tassel gun.

He was used to nine whip and sword, but he didn't have much interest in spear and spear. However, when the girl stirred him up, he couldn't help looking at the red tassel gun.

Don't say it.

It's quite impressive.

In fact, this gun has a history.

It was originally the weapon of xuanyuanli, a famous general of the state of Yan. Xuanyuanli gave it to Chen Guojun, who then gave it to Marquis Wu of the state of Chen. During the war between the two armies, Marquis Xuanping killed Marquis Wu of the state of Chen and took each other's weapon as his own.

Chen Guojun said that when he came down, he had hoped to take the red tassel gun back, but his majesty agreed, but Xuanping didn't give it.

If you say he likes it, it's not true. It's not, is it not?

Most people can't use this red tassel gun. First, it's too heavy to control. Second, it's worried that Hou Nantian of Xuanping suddenly thinks that he will ask them to go back.

He can really do such a thing.

The old Marquis took the red tassel gun in his hand and played it a few times. Suddenly he thought of his little brother.

He felt inexplicably that his brother Gu would like this red tassel gun?

However, little brother Gu is too young, and I don't know if he can control the bloody and murderous army of Yan.

Coming out of the barracks, erdongjia said, "I won't go back to the hospital for a while. I have to go to my brother-in-law's house."

He and small three son said the address, just from xianleju not too far.

Gu Jiaoyuan's plan is to wait for the limelight to pass before going to xianleju. But now that she's at the door, it seems that it's OK to go.

After the second owner got out of the carriage, Gu Jiao took out the men's clothes and put on the mask.

"Well, stop here." Gu Jiao said to Xiao Sanzi, "I'll walk by myself."

"All right." Xiao Sanzi should go down.

Gu Jiao got out of the carriage, crossed a street and came to the gate of xianleju.

But xianleju closed the door.

Gu Jiao, puzzled, stopped a young man selling oranges by the side of the road and asked, "why is xianleju closed?"

The young man said, "it's said that today is Huakui's birthday in xianleju. On a closed day, xianleju rented the largest boat on the lake to celebrate Huakui's birthday. If you want to see them, go to Lihu. Now I don't know if the boat has left

"Thank you very much." Gu Jiao said thanks.

It's not just going out of business.

She won't go to the boat.

Come back another day.

Gu Jiao turned and walked back.

She was used to walking on the right side of the road, and now her left side became her right.

Halfway through, she saw an old beggar lying on the side of the road. The old beggar fell asleep with a shabby straw hat on his face.

In front of him lay a chess board, which was very old and drawn by himself on board. The pieces were made of stone. If you daub some ink randomly, you can be regarded as black spots.

On the edge of the chessboard, a rag was held down with a stone. On the rag was written a line of crooked words: "one game, one or two."

The implication is that a game of chess with him will cost one or two silver.

Passers by all laughed at the beggar's madness. He pasted a silver or two to see if anyone would like to play with him?

There is also a line of crooked words: "lose a penalty of 10."

That is to say, whoever wins will be able to take ten Liang silver from him.

People want to laugh even more.

Does a smelly beggar know how to play chess? Who does he think he is? Is it a chess sage of six countries?

What's more, he's so poor that he doesn't even have ten coppers!

This is a lunatic.

Gu Jiao looked at the chess game, took a sunspot from the chess black, and then left.

The old beggar didn't wake up until sunset.

Today is another unopened day.

The old beggar yawned and was about to pack up his things when he saw that his chess game was moved.

He thought it was some kid who was bored and blind.

It turned out to be a fool.

His chess game... Was broken!