The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 318

Palace, on the moon.

The princess sat on the floor with light wood aroma. In front of her was a small long table, on which stood a chessboard.

The crown princess is not too fond of lively temperament. The East Palace is usually quiet. Only Qin Chuyu is noisy when he is there. However, these days, Qin Chuyu moves to the emperor's Huaqing Palace.

The East Palace is as quiet as water again.

Palace people guard the side of the crown princess, eyes view nose, nose view heart, do not make a single sound.

All of a sudden, a piece of chess fell on the chessboard, and the princess laughed with relief: "it's done."

The palace people bravely looked at her, and the female official who was close to her asked with a smile: "princess, what has become?"

The crown princess said with a smile: "I've finally cracked this chess game."

"Which chess game have you cracked?"

The prince came in with great strides.

The female officials and a group of palace people saluted one after another: "Your Highness the prince!"

The crown princess also wanted to get up and salute, but she was stopped by the crown prince.

The prince took her hand, sat down beside her, looked at the chessboard on the table and said, "are you playing chess again?"

"I have nothing to do. I'm free." Said the princess.

The prince said with a smile: "you are playing every day. Do you like playing chess so much? You spend more time on the chessboard than on the solitude. "

"The prince is joking," said the princess in a warm voice

"I'm not joking. I'm really jealous." The prince said so, but he loved the princess's eyes and behavior. He clenched her hand and asked her, "you haven't answered the lonely question, what chess game have you solved?"

The prince is really not very interested in playing chess, but if it is related to the princess, then he will be very interested.

The princess pointed to the chessboard with another finger that he didn't hold and said, "that's it, Kun Ju."

The prince was stunned: "Kun Ju? Which bureau? Mr. Meng's fortune

In the field of chess, it seems that Mr. Meng's game is the only one that can be called Kun game.

If the prince doesn't like playing chess any more, he has heard of Mr. Meng's name. He is worthy of the six countries' chess sage.

In his life, he set up countless chess games, among which the eight most famous games were few, but the Crown Princess cracked the first game when she was 13 years old.

In the next few years, she cracked five games one after another, which was rare in the six countries, especially when she was so young.

You know, Jin's chess master is over 40 years old, and he has cracked six games, but he has not been able to crack the last two games.

The prince shook her hand excitedly and looked into her beautiful eyes: "Linlang, you have done what women in the world have not done! No, you did what the whole world didn't do! Even men are inferior to you

The Crown Princess bowed her head and gave a coy smile: "during the time when I was injured, I devoted myself to studying chess in the east palace. It's a blessing in disguise."

The prince said, "where? Others study for a lifetime also study not to come out! You cracked it in a few months? No, I have to report such a surprise to my father! "

The Prince did what he said. He went to the emperor immediately.

The emperor is industrious, fastidious and sleepy. Now it's late at night, and he is still reading the memorial in the imperial study.

Seeing the prince coming, he didn't look much different. He just pinched his tired brow and asked, "come back so late?"

Behind the screen, there was a small couch for the emperor to rest. At this moment, there was an even little purr. It was Qin Chuyu who was tired of playing in the imperial study and fell asleep on the couch.

The prince looked back and asked, "father, do you want my son to take Xiao Qi back? So as not to disturb you. "

That little snore, too rhythmic, OK!

The emperor said, "no, please. What's the matter?"

"Well, Lin Lang just cracked Mr. Meng's chess game." The prince said with pride, "it's Kun Ju."

When the emperor read the memorial, there was a flash of surprise in his eyes: "really?"

"Seriously! If you don't believe me, you can call Linlang. " The prince patted his head with a smile. "My son is in a hurry. He forgot to bring the chessboard. Somebody! Go to the East Palace and get the princess's chessboard! "


Outside the imperial study, a eunuch should go down.

The eunuch quickly took the chessboard and presented it to the emperor's table with both hands.

The emperor's chess skill is much better than that of the prince. Looking at the chess game on the chessboard, he immediately understood the meaning of it.

He couldn't hide his eyes and exclaimed: "it's like this... Why didn't I think of it?"

The prince and you Rongyan said with a smile: "my father manages everything every day. He doesn't have much time to play chess. Lin Lang has been recovering in the East Palace these days. When he's free, he studies chess carefully."

This is not only to exonerate the emperor, but also to change the way to boast that Wen Linlang is excellent. In the past, we didn't crack it because we didn't have time. Now we have time, and we solved the Kun situation in only one or two months.

Who else is so smart in the world?

Maybe the dead cousin is one.

My cousin cracked Meng Lao's first chess game when he was ten years old, but he died young.

However, even if he or Lin Lang, he may not be able to do better than Lin Lang, but Lin Lang has cracked the Kun game.

Not to mention that Linlang is a woman, there is no better woman in the world than Linlang.

The emperor nodded with satisfaction.

He had some complaints about his daughter-in-law. After all, he had an engagement with Xiao Heng, but it was not for her not to marry the crown prince, and she was really talented. In addition, empress Xiao also loved her so much that the emperor agreed to the marriage.

In the years after marriage, the crown prince made rapid progress, from a reckless and ignorant boy to a reserved and steady man, and the contribution of the crown princess was indispensable.

"Well." The emperor couldn't hide his praise. "The crown princess did a good job."

"Father, this is also the first person in the six countries." The prince asked tentatively.

The emperor nodded with a smile: "naturally, in addition to Mr. Meng, your daughter-in-law is the first person to crack the Kun situation. I want to write a book to all countries to announce this great good news."

The prince arched his hand and said with a smile, "Congratulations, my son

There are no borders in learning and no chess skills. This is not only the glory of the crown princess, but also the glory of the whole Zhao state.

The emperor was overjoyed: "I'll think about it carefully. How can I reward you, but you've got her light again."

The crown prince straightened his back and said, "that's why my son-in-law has the vision to find Wang Fu's daughter-in-law!"

The emperor laughed.

It can be seen that he was really in a good mood. One of the discounts he had just received was related to the eastern palace - urging the prince to recruit more concubines and open up branches and leaves for the royal family.

But the crown princess suddenly gave him such a long face, and the emperor temporarily suppressed the fold.

The next day, Gu Jiao sent xiaojingkong to Guozijian and went directly to the hospital.

When she passed the girl school, she heard about the princess cracking the chess game.

"Have you heard? Did the princess break Meng Lao's chess game

"Haven't the princess cracked it long ago?"

"Oh, it's not the sixth inning ahead, it's the Kun inning in the seventh inning!"

"Ah! She even cracked the game? Doesn't it mean that no one can solve the two innings? "

"So, the crown princess is not a human being at all, but an immortal!"

Of course, there are also those who are worried about the crown princess because of the bridge breaking accident on the first day of the lunar new year.

"What do you like when she unties her? It's like you broke the chess game. Besides, how do you know if she really cracked it or not? "

"Can such a thing be falsified? You just wait and see. You'll post the imperial list soon! "


Gu Jiao looks light from a group of quarreling female students who walked past.

She had no interest in the crown princess, nor in her glory and achievements.

She's got a little bit of nitre recently, and she wants to try to make something. She hasn't done it before. She's a little bit raw.

She poured out the nitrate, sulfur and charcoal and put them on the ground.

What she's going to do is gunpowder.

The force is not enough. She needs something powerful before she can recover to her former strength.

If she had gunpowder when she was assassinated on the cliff last time, she would not have been forced to nearly fall off the cliff.

Gunpowder is one of the four great inventions in ancient times, but it seems that gunpowder did not appear in this overhead Dynasty.

At present, the raw materials she can find can only be used to make black powder, which is not as effective as yellow powder, nor is it a powerful explosive, but it is much more powerful than silver needle darts.

Gu Jiao has a general idea of the raw materials, but she doesn't know the ratio. It's a thousand miles away. A little change in the dosage may greatly reduce the power of black powder.

So she has to be patient.

Charcoal doesn't smell much, and sulfur is tolerable. That's nitre

Er Dong covers his nose with his sleeve and comes to Gu Jiao's courtyard: "Xiao Gu! You... What are you

"Nitrate soil." Gu Jiao said that seeing that the second owner couldn't seem to understand, she put it another way: "well, it's the soil with bird droppings!"

The second owner

The second owner said: "what do you want to do with the soil of bird droppings?"

Gu Jiao said: "boil."

The second owner smoked again and looked at Gu Jiao with a look that was hard to say: "isn't that what I understand? In a pot? "

Gu Jiao nodded: "well, you have to boil to get nitrates. After filtering, you can make nitrates. You come just in time. Help me boil them together."

The whole second owner is not good.

You say that you are a young girl. What's wrong with you? You have to boil bird dung!

"Saltpeter is clean." Gu Jiao said.

I don't care. I don't want to boil bird droppings!

A quarter of an hour later, the two masters took the stick sadly and boiled up the bird dung!

After the white foam out, filter with gauze, wrapped and buried in the ash.

It was hot and the water evaporated quickly. In the afternoon, a few bags of heavy saltpeter were ready.

The saltpeter made by Gu Jiao is crystal clear with a touch of white.

Gu Jiao was very satisfied. He looked at the second owner who was full of disgust and said: "niter is actually a very good medicine."

Second owner: "don't tell me you gave it to me."

"Well!" Gu Jiao nodded seriously, "last time you had indigestion, I gave you a packet of white powder. Did you forget?"

So did he eat bird droppings?

Ah! Let him die in the same place!


The second owner was deeply hit and was carried back to his room by the third son.

Gu Jiao asked the servant girl to clean up the scene and mixed a portion of black powder according to the proportion of 50% nitre, 30% sulfur and 20% charcoal.

Last time, little Dudu was put to use. She poured water, packed it with cloth, and made a simple airbag.

She put the airbags on her body and put on her helmet.

After ignition, it is found that the blasting effect is not ideal.

Gu Jiao also increased the proportion of nitre and decreased the proportion of sulfur.

Then, she was blown up——

Marquis Xuanping seldom passed here today, so he wanted to see his daughter-in-law.

The main reason is that I met my daughter-in-law in Bishui Hutong last time. As a result, I met xiaojingkong, and I was so abused that I didn't remember what I was doing.

Today, he is smart. Instead of going to Bishui Hutong, he comes directly to the hospital.

This way, the little monk won't mess up.

He walked through the hall and came to Gu Jiao's yard, but what did he see?

On the luxuriant branch, Gu Jiao was bound with a pile of cloth, wrapped like a small silkworm chrysalis, hanging on a branch, creaking and shaking.

She had only one cerebellar pouch, and her expression was cold.

Xuanping Hou couldn't help laughing!

Some people are inflexible, obviously to win over people, and even think of their lines well on the way. But when they see Gu Jiao's embarrassed and indifferent appearance, they start to bully people again.

Xuanping Hou looked up and said: "girl, do you want to come down? Call me dad and I'll let you down. "

Gu Jiao ignored him.

Turn around and give him the back of his head!

However, the force is too strong, the circle turns big, and turns back to the original position.

Xuanping Hou looked at the cold little face, and his body trembled with laughter.

It would have been too greasy for others to laugh like this, but Xuanping Hou is naturally handsome and has no dead angle in all directions. It's still pleasant to laugh like this.

Gu Jiao looked at his handsome face and hesitated for a moment. Her face was slightly loose. She asked coldly, "what do you want me to call you?"

Xuanping Hou raised eyebrows: "Dad."

Gu Jiao nodded: "ah!"

Xuanping Marquis "...!"