The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 316

Xiao LIULANG didn't sleep very well at night, so he got up a quarter of an hour later the next day.

Just a quarter of an hour, she was told that Gu Jiao had gone out.

Gu Jiao is going to visit her aunt.

Just as the Emperor sees empress dowager Zhuang's illness and remembers whether Princess Jing is ill, Gu Jiao also remembers that her aunt once completely guarded the emperor when she sees Princess Jing's illness. Her aunt is old and sleepless all night, which is very harmful to her health.

Gu Jiao has not only a token from empress dowager Zhuang, but also a token from the emperor. She takes out a token and startles the guards outside the palace.


Didn't you get the token of Renshou palace a few times ago?

Why is it changed to Huaqing Palace today?

"Isn't that right?" Gu Jiao turned and took out a brand.

The guard took it and almost passed out!

This is the token of the late emperor!

... Er, that piece seems to have been given to her by my grandfather.

Gu Jiao turned in her pocket again, as if there was something else.

The guard's face is white. Don't turn it over! I don't know what you'll find out in a moment! Come on in! Hurry in!

The guard returned the token to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao went to Renshou palace.

Seeing her coming, Duke Qin was surprised and relieved: "Oh, Miss Gu, you've come here. If you don't come here, I don't know what to do."

"What's the matter? Is my aunt ill? " Gu Jiao looked at Qin Gonggong's worried look and asked.

Duke Qin sighed and nodded: "I've been sick for several days, and I've been unwilling to make it known to the public, and I'm not willing to let the slave invite Miss Gu over. The Empress Dowager said it's a minor disease, so it's OK to raise it. "

At this age, it's hard and dangerous to have a minor illness.

Gu Jiao went to her aunt's bedroom.

Empress Dowager Zhuang is just overworked and infected with cold. However, as Gu Jiao said, the disease at this age is not a disease, it can kill people at any time.

Empress Dowager Zhuang was lying haggardly on the Phoenix bed, as if she had been taken away most of her life overnight.

"Auntie!" Gu Jiao went forward and put her food box on the table. Then she sat by the bed and began to feel her aunt's pulse.

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked weakly at Gu Jiao, and then at Qin Gonggong who followed her. She turned her eyes and said, "who asked you to call people?"

Qin Gonggong accosted him.

Gu Jiao pulled the quilt for her aunt and said, "it's not called by Duke Qin. I came by myself."

Empress Dowager Zhuang: "hum!"

"Have you had your medicine in the morning?" Gu Jiao asked.

Duke Qin said: "not yet. The imperial doctor told her to drink it after dinner, but the Empress Dowager asked her to..."

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked coolly at Duke Qin: "I think it's a long life, isn't it?"

Dare to sue her!

Duke Qin shrunk his neck bitterly.

Gu Jiao said, "I brought food."

"Yes, yes!" Duke Qin came to the table and opened the food box brought by Gu Jiao. A familiar aroma of scallion came out.

It's egg flower millet porridge, brown sugar Ciba, pea yolk and some homemade dried fruits.

The pea yellow is made by Yao, and the other three are made by old sacrificial wine, all of which contain only half of the sugar.

Empress Dowager Zhuang had no appetite, but she couldn't stop after a taste.

Gu Jiao didn't let her eat too much, but just a few chopsticks were removed by Duke Qin.

Empress Dowager Zhuang said plaintively, "I'm sick. I won't let my family have enough to eat!"

Gu Jiao said: "you need to keep your stomach to drink medicine."

She doesn't want to drink medicine, she wants to eat!

After about two quarters of an hour, Gu Jiaocai asked people to bring up the decoction. Gu Jiao tasted it first. It was a symptomatic medicine, and the medicine was very mild.

Empress Dowager Zhuang refused.

Gu Jiao took out three candied fruits.

"Originally I could eat three..." Empress Dowager Zhuang turned her lips.

Gu Jiao said: "these three are extra, if..."

Before she finished, Empress Dowager Zhuang took up the medicine bowl and finished it. Then, under the gaze of the public, she took away the three candied fruits!

Last night, it rained for a while. Today, it's sunny. It's very suitable to go outside.

"Aunt, let me accompany you to the royal garden." Gu Jiao said to empress dowager Zhuang.

Empress Dowager Zhuang is too lazy to move.

Gu Jiao: "I will come to see you tomorrow."

Empress Dowager Zhuang: deal.

They went to the royal garden.

Gu Jiao likes to be the Empress Dowager of Zhuang, but the Empress Dowager is bored and unwilling to sit, so there is a very strange scene in the imperial palace. The Empress Dowager of Zhuang is holding the arm of Duke Qin and walking slowly in front of her. Gu Jiao is sitting on the Empress Dowager's Phoenix, with a happy face and a small head shaking.

All the people in the palace

The party came to the royal garden.

The royal garden has a pavilion and a large shade.

Empress Dowager Zhuang and Gu Jiao look at the shade of the tree. Duke Qin agrees and asks people to move tables, chairs and benches. After empress dowager Zhuang and Gu Jiao sit down, Duke Qin puts tea and fresh fruits on the table.

The snack is for Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao is just the age of growing up. She is hungry fast.

Gu Jiao picked up a piece of sweet scented osmanthus cake and ate it seriously.

Eating and sweating, Empress Dowager Zhuang winked at the palace people, who came to Gu Jiao with a fan and gently fanned her.

A gentle breeze filled the garden with fragrance.

The same scenery, but because of different people, Empress Dowager Zhuang also has a different mood.

Duke Qin looked at Gu Jiao, who was eating snacks, and at empress dowager Zhuang, who was quietly tasting tea.

What does the Empress Dowager need?

Actually, it's company.

Miss Gu doesn't have to do anything. If she stays with the empress dowager, she will be very happy.

It was at this moment that empress dowager Zhuang did not hate this deep palace.

However, the time of calm is always short. Empress dowager Zhuang did not enjoy her leisure long before she was interrupted by an unexpected guest.

"I look like a mother from a distance. Come and have a look. It's true!"

Yes, the uninvited guest is the emperor.

Empress Dowager Zhuang's face turned black in an instant.

The emperor came over with great strides, and the Empress Dowager of chongzhuang bowed her hand and gave a salute: "son, please greet my mother."

Ann, you big bastard!

Empress Dowager Zhuang's eyes are rolling!

I don't want to be interrupted by this annoying guy!

The emperor was not alone. He was still with King Ning.

Ningwang also gave a salute to the Empress Dowager: "I've met the emperor's grandmother."

Empress Dowager Zhuang finally had a good look at King Ning.

"Well." She answered.

Qin Gonggong and others saluted them one after another.

"Yes, your majesty."

"I have seen your highness King Ning."

King Ning looked at Gu Jiao beside empress dowager Zhuang.

When Gu Jiao was halfway through the snack, her mouth was still covered with foam. She gently raised her head and nodded to the emperor and the king of Ning: "Your Majesty, your Highness the king of Ning."

Her face is cool, but the foam at the corner of her mouth is too attractive. She looks cute.

Ningwang wants to laugh.

For Gu Jiao did not give the emperor and King Ning kneeling ceremony, the emperor does not mind, King Ning naturally will not mind.

"Eat yours." Empress Dowager Zhuang said to Gu Jiao.

"Oh." Gu Jiao continued to eat.

The Empress Dowager Zhuang and the emperor did not expect that Gu Jiao could accurately shout out the four words of his royal highness King Ning. They only thought that she was the one who listened to the courtesies of the palace, so they knew the identity of King Ning.

The emperor automatically ignored the dislike on empress dowager Zhuang's face and went to sit down on the other side of Gu Jiao. It happened that he was facing empress dowager Zhuang.

Empress Dowager Zhuang even gave him a look.

The emperor looked at the dim sum on the plate and said, "what's good about the sweet scented osmanthus cake? Are the cooks in Renshou palace so indifferent? If my mother is short of cooks, I can send some to her. "

After that, without waiting for Empress Dowager Zhuang to retort, she immediately said to Gu Jiao, "I have a new cook from the south of the Yangtze River. The lotus crisp is delicious. It's better than this one."

A pair of people's teeth to turn the child home.

Empress Dowager Zhuang said: "Jiaojiao doesn't like lotus crisp!"

Ning Wang hears this address and looks at Gu Jiao in dismay.

The emperor continued to coax Gu Jiao and said, "there are other pastries. That cook's pastry is delicious. You can see what they like to eat in the clear space and bring them some back."

This remark pokes Gu Jiao's heart.

Gu Jiao himself to eat not much obsession, several brothers at home but a game of a food.

Empress Dowager Zhuang's sense of crisis burst, and she used her unique skill: "Ai Jia is ill, Jiao Jiao wants to treat AI Jia!"

The emperor said, "it's a coincidence that I'm injured. The little doctor came just in time. By the way, and Duke Wei, I don't know what happened to his arm. "

Duke Wei: my arms are so good

The emperor swung his knife.

Duke Wei, eager to survive, said, "ouch, it hurts! It's killing me

Gu Jiao

King Ning

Empress Dowager Zhuang

The killing spirit of the emperor and Empress Dowager Zhuang overflowed the whole imperial garden, as if they were going to fight each other in the next second!

Gu Jiao looked at her aunt and then at the Emperor: "er... How about guessing?"


Everyone laughed.

Girl, you are still too naive. Do you know who these two are? One is the Ninth Five Year Plan supreme of Zhao state, and the other is the uncrowned overlord with power. Will they give you a guess?


The next second, everyone was slapped in the face.

The two top leaders of Zhao state actually rolled up their sleeves and started to guess boxing in the imperial garden.

The result is needless to say.

Empress Dowager Zhuang is sure to win.

The emperor gritted his teeth: "three, three, two wins!"

The emperor once again gritted his teeth: "three wins in five or five games!"

Empress Dowager Zhuang cared for him with caring eyes for the mentally handicapped: "the AI family has won you three games in a row."

The emperor with ten thousand arrows in his heart

The first God of gambling in Bishui hutong is not called casually. The Empress Dowager of Liangzhuang has never lost in guessing boxing.

"Hum!" Empress Dowager Zhuang bravely took Gu Jiao back to Renshou palace.

The corner of the emperor's mouth gave a severe puff.

"Cough!" King Ning cleared his throat and asked, "father, that girl Gu is..."

"You are my noble man." The emperor sighed and said that he was not defeated by Empress Dowager Zhuang. "She has cured me, and this assassination is thanks to her help. And there's more

The emperor pause, said: "glutinous rice mortar and bellows are also from her hands."

Ning Wang's handsome face flashed over surprised: "ah... It's her? So she's the daughter of marquis Ding'an? "

There are some things that people don't know, but they spread in the imperial palace. Although King Ning has already set up a new residence outside the palace, he often goes in and out of the imperial palace. It's not strange for Gu Jinyu to claim the credit of Miss Zhen Gu.

Ningwang suddenly realized: "Er Chen met her at the scene of the accident. She rescued a patient. In order to save a patient, she was almost affected by the explosion. Gu Duwei stepped forward. No wonder she and Gu Duwei are very familiar. They are brothers and sisters. I heard that she grew up among the people, but I didn't expect that she had such ability. "

The emperor said, "I have asked her where her teacher came from. I wanted to ask her master to come out of the mountain, but her teacher has passed away."

King Ning sighed with regret.

"By the way, how's the matter you've been asked to look into?" Asked the emperor.

The emperor of ningwang asked about the assassination of Princess Rui tomorrow. Today, he went to the palace just to report the result to his father. He said, "my son has checked, not Chen."

"Not him?" The emperor was incredulous.

Ningwang nodded: "Chen proton just damaged a general, dare not make trouble again in such a short period of time, he and his subordinates are very safe in the palace these days."

The emperor's eyes were cold: "if it's not Chen, there's only one possibility."

King Ning looked at him: "my father is suspicious..."

The emperor said coldly, "do you still use doubt? It's her! I understand that she is your grandmother and your aunt. You are more or less in love with her, but no one else can do it except her! "

In fact, King Ning is in a dilemma between the emperor and Empress Dowager Zhuang. There are so many princes in the palace, only his identity is so embarrassing: "King Rui is friendly with his children's ministers, and he is loved by the emperor's grandfather."

King Rui is a member of King Ning. Empress dowager Zhuang has no reason to deal with them.

The emperor snorted coldly: "have you forgotten how close the third couple are to Princess Jing? She is jealous of Princess Jing! I can't see anyone being nice to Princess Jing! "

Ningwang shook his head: "the emperor's grandmother will not do this."

Emperor light way: "you forget that she poisoned a Heng thing?"? It's not that the palace people found out early, ah Heng is dead. "

The Emperor didn't say that empress dowager Zhuang was not in front of the prince, but he had no burden in front of King Ning.

King Ning did not understand that it was a kind of respect and a kind of temptation.

The emperor was testing his feelings as well as his filial piety and sincerity.

Ningwang insisted: "it's not the emperor's grandmother, but the children's ministers can be sure."

The emperor is not happy: "how to see?"

King Ning arched his hand: "because when the third younger brother and sister were assassinated, the daughter of marquis Ding'an was also there, and she almost died under the assassin's arrow. The emperor's grandmother loves her so much that no one will hurt her. "

The emperor frowned at King Ning: "why didn't you say that yesterday?"

The king of Ning was ashamed and said, "I don't know her relationship with the emperor's grandmother and father. I think she is just an ordinary medical girl, not a Taoist."

No matter how prejudiced the emperor was to empress dowager Zhuang, he had to admit that empress dowager Zhuang really loved the little miracle doctor.

She would not choose to assassinate in the presence of the little doctor.

But who else could it be if it wasn't Chen or empress dowager Zhuang?

Who's going to target Princess Rui?

Thinking of what, King Ning said: "father, since the identity of the little miracle doctor is so special, will yesterday's assassin not be aimed at the third younger brother and sister, but at her?"

For the little doctor?

The emperor's look suddenly cooled down, and it was a little terrible, even more terrible than when King Ning told him that Princess Rui was assassinated.

Ningwang dark surprised, that Dingan Marquis house gold in the father emperor's heart unexpectedly so important? More important than your daughter-in-law and unborn grandchildren?

Gu Jiao had lunch in Renshou palace before she left.

Before leaving, Gu Jiao asked empress dowager Zhuang, "aunt, have you ever heard of xianleju?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang frowned and thought, "I can't remember."

Empress Dowager Zhuang's memory is restored, that is, only half of it is restored, and some memories are missing.

Therefore, Empress Dowager Zhuang could not guarantee whether she had never heard of it or had forgotten it.

"Jiaojiao, do you want to know this?" Asked empress dowager Zhuang.

Gu Jiao said, "if you don't have one, just ask. You don't have to ask." You don't have to worry about it.

Xian Le Ju can know the assassination of the emperor by Chen people. It shows that Yuan Tang has something to do with the celestial residence. Yuan Tang knows the whereabouts of the emperor well. He must have an eye liner in the palace.

Can make nothing of it is the Yuan Tang's own arrangement or the arrangement through fairy's residence.

When the spotlight is over, she will go to xianleju again.

Gu Jiao returns to the hospital.

Liu Yisheng is also here.

"He's been waiting a long time." Xiaosanzi whispered, "I'll wait for you."

"I see." Gu Jiao nodded and called Liu Yisheng into the consulting room.

Liu Yisheng said, "I'm not here to ask for medicine. I'm here to tell you that yesterday's assassination had nothing to do with Yuantang."

"Good." Gu Jiao nodded.

Liu Yisheng Leng Leng: "you... Don't ask how to prove that it has nothing to do with him?"

Gu Jiao Oh a way: "you said nothing to do with him, I believe you."

That's all. No evidence, no explanation.

Liu Yisheng suddenly choked.

I trust you.

Since the fall of the Liu family, he has never heard this sentence again.


Why believe him, why never doubt him?

Gu Jiao didn't speak.

He got up and left. All the people went out. He stopped and said, "be careful yourself."

Gu Jiao looked at his back and thought of the dream of returning to Hou Fu.

Why believe you

Because I just gave you a bowl of water, but you collected the corpse and buried the bone for me.