The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 315

Xiao LIULANG has known Gu Jiao for so long. Since Gu Jiao is no longer stupid, he has never been so embarrassed.

He just moved her acne medicine, she suddenly burst hair, not only grabbed the small bag of smooth acne medicine he tore, but also rushed to the bed full of acne medicine like Xiao Ba Hu Shi.

Her little face was red, her eyes were moist, her eyes were slightly red, and she didn't know whether she was angry or shy.

Of course, it's angry.

How fat is this small medicine box! How to lose the chain at the critical moment!

Gu Jiao was so angry that all the little voices in her mind were out of her mouth!

"Don't touch the medicine here!" She said fiercely.

However, her small, huffy appearance is not so powerful. Xiao LIULANG thinks of Gu Yan. The twins are two natures, but they are really brothers and sisters.

Xiao LIULANG looks at her in his spare time.

"These drugs are very expensive! I don't need such good medicine! On my aunt's desk is a bottle of doctor's ulcer medicine. Take that! " Gu Jiao let the small medicine box gas confused, forget Xiao LIULANG is impossible to recognize these things.

On the contrary, it was her appearance of no silver 300 Liang that made Xiao LIULANG have a strange interest in this kind of slippery little thing.

Forget it. It's her medicine. She'll take whatever she wants.

You can't steal one just because you're curious.

When Xiao LIULANG went to his aunt's house to take the medicine, Gu Jiao had already cleaned up the scene. The small medicine box seemed to bear the heavy blow it shouldn't bear. It was abandoned on the table, as quiet as a chicken.

Xiao LIULANG gives Gu Jiao medicine.

It didn't look like an ordinary scratch. He asked, "how did you get it?"

In the past, he didn't know how to ask, but now he just asked. Naturally, he was stunned.

Gu Jiao's eyes dribbled around, her face unchanged, and said, "just... Loosen your muscles and bones, I won't fight!"

Xiao Liu Lang light way: "loose muscles and bones loose to the temple?"

Gu Jiao looked at him in shock.

Xiao LIULANG, while wiping medicine on her, said: "you have good sandalwood on your body and purple moss on the sole of your feet. It's only on the way from the temple to the nunnery."

Gu Jiao

It's broken again!

"Princess Rui came and asked me to visit the nunnery. On the way back, she met some little bastards and taught them a lesson." Gu Jiao avoided the heavy and said lightly.

Hearing that she was invited to the nunnery by Princess Rui, Xiao LIULANG frowned: "is it the nunnery near Puji temple?"

"Well." Gu Jiao nodded.

Xiao LIULANG said again: "go to see imperial concubine Jing?"

"Well." Gu Jiao nods again and doesn't ask him how he knows that Princess Jing lives in an temple.

Xiao LIULANG suddenly became silent.

Gu Jiao looks at him. In fact, her injury is really OK

Xiao LIULANG wiped the last wound and said to her, "don't go to the nunnery in the future."

"Why?" Gu Jiao is puzzled.

Xiao LIULANG pondered for a moment, said: "the Royal people, less contact is better."

Gu Jiao: "Oh."

On the other hand, King Ning visited Princess Jing and returned to the palace to reply to the emperor.

"Isn't she all right?" Asked the emperor anxiously.

King Ning said: "the princess heard that her father was assassinated. She was sad for a few days. Today, her third brother and sister went to visit her old man's home and said that you have recovered and returned to the palace. The princess put her heart down. It's OK."

The emperor said with a sigh of relief, "I knew she would be worried. Lao San and his daughter-in-law have a heart."

King Ning said, "father, there is one more thing."

The emperor looked at him and said, "what's the matter?"

Ningwang arched his hand and said, "the third younger brother and sister were assassinated on the way back to the mansion."

The emperor frowned: "is she hurt?"

Ningwang shook his head: "no, just a little scared, the third sister-in-law and the fetus are safe."

"The third daughter-in-law is a blessed one." The emperor thought of Princess Ning, who had just slipped the tire, and could not help sighing.

The eldest, the second and the third are all married, but they haven't even given birth to a grandson. It's false to say that they don't regret it, but the children are all predestined, so they can't be forced.

"Did you catch the assassin?" Asked the emperor in a deep voice.

King Ning was ashamed and said, "it's not easy to catch a living person, but he took poison and killed himself before he was interrogated."

The emperor thought, "go and investigate the state of Chen."

King Ning said thoughtfully, "my father suspected it was him? The wind of his assassinating his father has not passed, and he will not commit the crime again so soon, will he

The emperor said, "he has a criminal record. He is very suspicious. What's more, we didn't get any conclusive evidence about the last incident. We only killed one of his staff. If it was really him this time, we can't let him go unpunished any more! "

King Ning hesitated for a moment, arched his hand: "yes, I'll check it now."

After King Ning left the imperial study, the emperor called Duke Wei.

Duke Wei still had bandages on his left arm and neck, but he couldn't stay idle and came to work early in the morning.

He bowed and said, "Your Majesty."

"I remember there was a thousand year old ginseng in the storeroom. You sent someone to Princess Jing to mend her body."

Duke Wei hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager is also ill. Do you think..."

The emperor interrupted him coldly: "is that right? Give her ginseng? Ah, half of Zhao kingdom is hers. Her Renshou palace can lack a ginseng! "

Duke Wei sighed and answered: "yes, I'll take it. I'll send it to the empress of the imperial concubine."

The emperor also said: "also, you call Duke he. Recently, there have been many accidents at my head. I'm afraid that if the other party doesn't give up, he will calculate on his mother's head. I'll send some secret guards to her."


As long as you are half interested in the empress dowager, the relationship between you and the Empress Dowager is not like this.

In his early years, Duke Wei also had a deep prejudice against empress dowager Zhuang. However, in the past few days, he saw empress dowager Zhuang getting along with the little miracle doctor's family, Empress Dowager Zhuang getting along with her neighbors, and even empress dowager Zhuang taking care of her majesty that night.

He felt that empress dowager Zhuang might not be what they thought.

Of course, this does not mean that empress dowager Zhuang is a good person, but at least she is not so vicious.

There is a real and irreconcilable contradiction between your majesty and Empress Dowager Zhuang. As long as empress dowager Zhuang does not give up interfering in the government, your majesty and she will not be able to reconcile.

Duke Wei didn't think that his majesty had to reconcile with her to be successful, but... Could your majesty deal with her in another way?

Empress Dowager Zhuang is obviously soft rather than hard!

Your majesty, what's the matter with you? Lower her vigilance, paralyze her mood, coax her dizzy, once again raise the net! How wonderful!

As a loyal servant, Duke Wei felt it necessary to share his worries for his master.

He went to the storeroom to find the Millennium ginseng and sent it to Princess Jing. He also found a box of snow lotus which is not Millennium ginseng but also very valuable to empress dowager Zhuang. He said it was from your Majesty's filial piety to empress dowager Zhuang.

Gu Jiao was tired during the day and slept soundly at night.

Xiao LIULANG is not so lucky. In fact, he has been busy all day, but somehow, his heart is very hot.

Now the family life is not so sad, the original cloth curtain replaced with gauze curtain, in fact, it is very breathable.

The children who were so afraid of heat fell asleep.

Xiao LIULANG tossed and turned, and didn't fall asleep until after midnight.

However, he didn't sleep long before he had an unspeakable dream.

Everything in the dream was so real that it almost killed him.

But I didn't really experience it. I didn't know what it was like. I woke up in a daze.

After waking up, Xiao LIULANG cursed himself secretly. How could he do that to her in his dream

Xiao LIULANG got up and copied the Sutra again. When he was completely calm, he lay back on the bed.

But this night is destined to be dreamy.

He had a dream again. It was not Gu Jiao, but his childhood.

In my dream, I was about the same age as Xiao Jingkong. Little Douding walked along the path paved with stones and entered a courtyard full of beautiful flowers.

He was too young to know the people in the palace.

A kind voice thought over his head, "do you want to eat? It's a delicious chestnut cake. "

He took a piece of chestnut cake, and in the middle of it, he fell down with black eyes.

Xiao LIULANG woke up directly!

This is what happened when he was poisoned by Empress Dowager Zhuang when he was four years old. This memory has been blurred for a long time, but subconsciously he would refuse something made of chestnuts.

Maybe the first dream stimulated his mind, which made him remember all the memories of his childhood.

He didn't dream of the man's face, but he saw the other person's hand.

It was a left hand with a mole on its wrist.

There is no mole on my aunt's wrist.

It was not empress dowager Zhuang who poisoned him in those years!