The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 293

Yueluo mountain is not too far away from the capital. It's ten miles southeast from the south gate.

The library is a courtyard with two entrances. There are only two study rooms in the real library, East and West.

The owner of this house was not very fond of studying. The books were placed in a disorderly way. There were bamboo books and paper books. The order was all disordered, and many of them were eaten by termites.

However, these ancient books are of great significance to the study of history. What they have to do is to sort them out according to different dynasties and ages. If they can make up the missing pages or damage, they should make up as much as possible. If they can't make up the missing pages, they should make a good mark, and then go back to consult the five classics doctor and the Bachelor of Hanlin Academy.

There were four editors and two editors in the library. Yang thought there were enough. After all, there were only two study rooms.

But when he came into the room, he was completely stupid.

Is this really a study?

It's not a utility room?

Bookshelves and cabinets are all over the place, and books are scattered all over the place. The servants used to pack some books in baskets, but they can't read. It's better not to pack them in a mess.

Yang Xiuzhuan is in a mess. He only hates that he doesn't have many people coming here!

An Jun Wang also had a headache. The academician of Hanlin academy reminded him that the task might be heavy, but he didn't expect it to be so heavy.

He helped his forehead and sighed, "Mr. Yang, let's move all the books out first and clean up the inside."

"Yes, Yuheng is right!" Yang Xiuzhuan never forgets to make up with each other, smiling and busy.

He turned his head to Xiao LIULANG, and his smile suddenly cooled off. "What are you doing? Don't move the books quickly

Xiao LIULANG and a editor surnamed Cen went to Westinghouse. The orientation of Westinghouse was not good enough. In the afternoon, the sun was shining in the west, and the weather was sultry. It was just like a steamer.

Comparing the two parts of the East chamber, it was naturally given to Yang Xiuzhuan himself and the prince of an. Yang Xiuzhuan would not let the prince of an tired. He mainly directed another Xiuzhuan and a editor to do it.

The king of onjun is going to carry the basket.

Yang Xiuzhuan stopped him and said with a smile, "just let them do this kind of thing. Yuheng, you can go outside to dry your books."

It's easy to dry books. Just put the books on the stools under the corridor, on the stone tables in the yard or on the ground.

Prince an didn't deliberately play a sensible younger generation. People are different from each other. He was born superior, and he paid a huge price for it.

People who are not born in the golden age don't have to leave their hometown at the age of eight to go to enemy countries as hostages.

So there's nothing to push.

The prince of an accepted Yang Xiuzhuan's arrangement.

Yang Xiuji mainly directed at the scene, occasionally helped the prince an to bask books.

Xiao LIULANG's legs and feet are inconvenient, so he moves slowly.

Editor Cen, who was assigned to the same room with him, was a Shu Ji Shi three years ago. When he left the hall this year, he was admitted to the Imperial Academy as editor. He was also a newcomer, only a few months earlier than Xiao LIULANG, Prince an and Ning Zhiyuan.

Of course, he knows that Xiao LIULANG is the number one in the new section, but this number one seems to offend the top one. Even Tanhua ningzhiyuan is more comfortable than him.

CEN editor did not have the good spirit ground to curl a mouth son: "really bad luck, how and you cent to a house!"

Without speaking, Xiao picked up the books on the ground and put them into the basket.

Several people spent the whole afternoon, and even the king of Anxin, who was only responsible for drying books, felt a pain in his back. But now, they have only finished half of the work - they have moved the books out, but they haven't put them in.

"You two, clean the house first!" Yang Xiuzhuan directed Xiao LIULANG and Cen to edit, "you clean the east room, you clean Westinghouse."

CEN editor dare not from, two rooms, he chose two opposite east room.

Xiao LIULANG didn't compete with him.

Instead of being grateful, cen made a mockery of Xiao LIULANG: "if I hadn't been in the same room with you, I wouldn't have been so unlucky!"

That's a little over the top.

Xiao LIULANG is a writer of liupin, and his official position is above him. Today, whether Xiao LIULANG comes or not, the dirtiest and most tiring work can't do without him.

After all, the same as from seven grade editing, can't let Jin Zunyu noble an Jun Wang to do it.

Is it rare for the king of Anjun to be a small official of seven grades? It's not that the makers have ancestors and grandchildren - all the sons of the makers must pass the imperial examinations and become officials, so that the king of an County will not condescend here.

CEN editor has no guts to complain about Prince an, so he vent his anger on Xiao LIULANG, who is always wearing small shoes.

Xiao LIULANG didn't care about him, so he took a broom to clean the west study.

The west study is bigger than the east study, and it is also more messy. He first straightens the bookcase and bookshelf.

Now his body is much stronger than a year ago. If he was still the little diseased rice seedling who fainted in hunger, I'm afraid he couldn't help these bookshelves.

The young man's body exudes vigorous masculinity. The cuffs are gently rolled up. The texture on the forearm is firm and the lines are clear. Sweat flows down the delicate jaw.

The king of onjun rested outside and glanced at Westinghouse's window.

Rao is that he is a man. He was almost dazzled at that moment.

After cleaning Westinghouse, Xiao LIULANG unexpectedly found that the room actually had an attic, and the ladder was behind the last row of bookshelves.

He wiped the ladder and looked at it. There were books in the attic, too. But most of the time, because it was too secret, no one had moved here. Except for the dust, it was not too messy.

Xiao LIULANG decided to move the books in first and then clean up the attic later.

"Bring the books in. It's going to rain." Xiao LIULANG went out and said to several people.

Princess an looked at the gloomy sky and frowned. Why didn't he notice that? It's troublesome to put all the books away because they are so open.

"Then clean up quickly." He said.

But Xiao LIULANG's Westinghouse is finished, but Cen's east room is only half finished.

"How did you do it? Such a small house is not finished now! " Yang Xiuzhuan scolds Cen. After that, he says to Xiao LIULANG, "go and help him get it!"

They used to have two Coachmans, but the roof was leaking. The coachman went to repair the roof, and now he couldn't make room for it.

Xiao LIULANG went to the east room.

Editor Cen glared at him angrily: "you mean it, don't you? I was deliberately made ugly in front of Lord Yang! "

What's the matter with Xiao LIULANG?

Xiao LIULANG works fast because he doesn't only study as most scholars do. Except for the heavy work Gu Jiao doesn't allow him to do at home, he does everything else.

Is it his fault, too?

Xiao LIULANG said lightly, "if you use your temper tantrum in sweeping, the east room has already been cleaned up."

"You..." editor Cen choked.

After the east room was cleaned up, several people moved the books in. Just after the last basket was moved, the sky began to rain.

At this time, the roof was repaired.

A few people breathed a sigh of relief, and then they began to sort out and summarize the books.

At this point, Yang Xiuzhuan didn't bully anyone any more. He, Prince an and another Xiuzhuan sorted out Dongwu's books, Xiao LIULANG, cen and another Xiuzhuan sorted out Westinghouse's books.

The rain is getting bigger, the heat is dispersed, and the temperature drops, so Westinghouse is not so hot.

A few people work hard, all of them are very serious.

Xiao LIULANG is a newcomer, and his task is not heavy. After finishing the two rows of bookshelves in front of him, he thinks of the attic above.

He took a rag and oil lamp and stepped on the ladder to the attic.

The books in the attic are not disordered, but if you look at them carefully, they are all wrong.

He hung up the oil lamp, cleaned up the dust first, and then classified them one by one.

There are no paper and pen tools in the attic. If there are any damaged ones, he will put them aside first and repair them later.

He was so devoted that he didn't notice it was getting late.

When he was alerted by lumbago, he decided to go down for a walk, only to find that the room was already dark.

It's drizzling outside.

He walked in the silent room with an oil lamp.


He asked.

His response was the sound of rain.

Xiao LIULANG walked around the yard with the oil lamp, and finally determined that everyone had left, and the front door was locked.

Xiao LIULANG went to the back door again. No accident, the back door was locked.

Although there is no gold or silver here, I am worried that some thieves will come in and destroy the ancient books in the study, so I will lock it from outside when I leave.

On the way here, Xiao LIULANG observed the terrain. The house is at the foot of yueluo mountain. The nearest family is a teahouse about a mile away.

And the teahouse only does business in the day, and they go back to the village at night.

"I don't think I can go back tonight."

Xiao LIULANG looked at the pattering rain, what flashed in his mind, frowned, sighed, turned and stepped on the corridor.

The house has not been occupied for a long time, so there is no food to eat. Fortunately, Ning Zhiyuan gave him a bowl of spring noodles at noon, and he is not hungry now.

His oil lamp is running out.

He went to the east room and brought the oil lamp over there.

Idle is also idle, Xiao LIULANG simply began to organize books.

Due to the heavy workload, they have only sorted out less than one third of the damaged ancient books, and have not yet started to repair them.

Xiao LIULANG came to the Hanlin academy less than a month ago, and his study of history was good. In fact, it was thanks to Feng Lao, who left a lot of history books in his collection.

"Huizong rode to yanbeiguan and wanted to cross the Yanshui River..."

Xiao LIULANG was lucky to read this passage in fenglao's book. It is about the personal expedition of Wenhui Zong Yujia, the second emperor of the former dynasty.

It was a bad day to cross the river.

Wenhuizong didn't listen to the advice and went there. Fortunately, a fisherman risked her life to stop him. In the middle of the night, it rained heavily, the water rose suddenly, and the whirlpool continued. Wenhuizong lamented that he and the soldiers of the three armed forces had escaped.

After returning, Wen Huizong, regardless of the opposition of the court officials, resolutely canonized the fishing girl as his concubine.

This is a beautiful story, but the end of the fisherman is not lucky.

There are three thousand beauties in the harem. They see new people laughing, but they don't hear old people crying.

The fisherman's daughter had never seen the emperor since her third year in the palace. When she was old in the palace, she left a poem "Ode to Yan Shui" before she died, complaining of her loneliness for half of her life.

What is missing here happens to be the Yan Shui Fu.

Xiao LIULANG made up the Yan Shui Fu.

The next day.

A servant guarding the house came to the house.

He was looking at the house for the original owner. He only came back on the 3rd and 5th. It rained last night. He was worried that the roof might leak again. So he came to have a look.

He went to the east study first. As soon as he went in, he saw a man lying on the desk. He was so scared that he fell to the ground: "ghost --"

Don't blame him for treating each other as a ghost. The door is locked. Who can come in but a ghost!

Xiao LIULANG was awakened by his cry, and his head on his arm was raised slowly.

It was a face that was perfect despite the indentation.

The servant was stunned.

Where are ghosts? It's a fairy!

And... It's clean in the room. What is it if it's not magic?

Although the people of the imperial court may come to clean it up, he came here yesterday morning. How could those delicate officials clean it up?

Xiao LIULANG finished sorting out Westinghouse's books last night. He saw that it was still dark, so he sorted out the books in the east room. He didn't go to sleep until it was almost dawn.

"What time is it?" Xiao LIULANG sat up straight, straightened his clothes and asked calmly.

Servant Lengleng ground says: "Chen, Chen time three minutes."

Xiao LIULANG frowned: "it's so late."

Hanlin academy is the highest value of Chenshi.

Xiao LIULANG looked at him: "is there a carriage near here?"

The next humanitarian: "yes, there is a teahouse, fairy... Er... Do you want a carriage?"

Xiao LIULANG opened his purse, took a grain of silver and handed it to him: "please help me hire a carriage."

"Good!" The servant came forward, took silver naked son in both hands, and went out to hire a carriage for Xiao LIULANG.

Xiao LIULANG stood up and planned to go to the backyard to get some water to wash.

When people turned around, they happened to see Xiao LIULANG coming out of the east room with a crutch.

He was stunned: "ah..."

Xiao LIULANG returned to the capital by carriage.

He was not the only one in the carriage, and there were also two vendors going to the capital. They hired the carriage first, so they had to send them first.

The place they went to was not far from the Academy. Xiao LIULANG went directly to the Academy.

As soon as he entered the Imperial Academy, Ning Zhiyuan came over in a hurry: "LIULANG, what's the matter with you? Come to Hanlin so late! Don't you know that being late is a demerit? Just now, Yang Xiu made a big fire! He's out now! "

Xiao LIULANG said, "I didn't mean to. They didn't call me when they came back last night... Wait a minute. Do you think Yang Xiuzhuan was angry?"

Ning Zhiyuan said: "yes, he said, what's the matter with you? Is it amazing just because you are the number one scholar in the new section? Oh, what did you say just now that I didn't call you back? "

Xiao LIULANG was about to answer when Cen came out of the office with a few books in his arms and saw Xiao LIULANG's steps.

Then, with a twinkle in his eyes, he dropped his eyes with a guilty heart and walked past Xiao LIULANG as if he didn't see him.

Ning Zhiyuan is not familiar with Cen's editor, and he doesn't know that he has had a quarrel with Xiao LIULANG. He doesn't realize his difference, but he is aware of Xiao LIULANG's eyes on Cen's editor.

"LIULANG, what's the matter with you?" Ning Zhiyuan asked.

"Nothing." Xiao LIULANG took back his eyes and said to Ning Zhiyuan, "go and do something."

There are so many people here, and Xiao LIULANG is so crowded that he would rather stay far away than get too close to him.

It's not easy for him to get to this day.

Everyone has his own law of survival. Xiao LIULANG would rather bend than bend, but he would rather go far than bend. He just keeps his bottom line in his heart.

After Ning Zhi left, Xiao LIULANG went back to his office.

CEN editor quietly opened the door of his room, stretched out his head and looked at Xiao LIULANG's office.

There were so many people yesterday, it is reasonable to say that Xiao LIULANG would not suspect himself without reason.

But once a man has done something bad, he is easy to feel guilty, which leads him to feel that Xiao LIULANG will rush to question him the next second.

In fact, Yang Xiuzhuan asked Xiao LIULANG last night. At that time, everyone was tired all afternoon and all night, and they could not move their fingers.

Yang Xiuzhuan, Prince an and Lu Xiuzhuan got on the carriage in front of him. He, Xiao LIULANG and Wang Xiuzhuan got on the carriage.

Yang Xiuzhuan's carriage left first. Before leaving, Yang Xiuzhuan asked him to call Xiao LIULANG.

He should have.

He knew Xiao LIULANG was in the attic.

He didn't call.

Wang Xiuzhuan thought that Xiao LIULANG had gone to Yang Xiuzhuan, but he didn't ask much.

He didn't think too much at that time. He just wanted to teach Xiao LIULANG a lesson. Who let him bring himself bad luck.

But this morning, Yang Xiuzhuan was very angry. He was afraid that when Yang Xiuzhuan confronted Xiao LIULANG, he would show his true feelings.

Forget it, the big deal is that Xiao LIULANG is hiding in the attic. He didn't see it. He thought Xiao LIULANG had left ahead of time!

In order to make this statement more convincing, he rushed to Wang Xiuzhuan's Bank and asked him, "Wang Xiuzhuan, do you remember that Xiao LIULANG was away early yesterday afternoon?"

Wang Xiu was stunned: "is he gone? I didn't notice

CEN Bian said: "I noticed. He worked for a while and left."

Wang Xiuzhuan thought about it carefully. It seems that he didn't see Xiao LIULANG again after dark.

Xiao LIULANG didn't see Yang Xiuzhuan until his departure.

Xiao LIULANG left the Imperial Academy.

Kong mu, who is in charge of Dianmao, suddenly stopped Xiao LIULANG and said to him, "your family came last night and said it was your mother. She asked where you were. I said you went to work outside the city with Yang Xiuzhuan."

Xiao LIULANG nodded: "thank you very much."

Yang Xiuzhuan didn't finish sorting out those books last night. He finished his business in the early morning, and then rushed there. He and Xiao LIULANG didn't go the same way, so they missed it perfectly.

But when Yang Xiuzhuan arrived at the library, he found that the mess of last night had been cleaned up.

"This..." Yang Xiuzhuan was confused, "what's the situation? Who's done it? Or did I squint in the car for a while yesterday, and some of them finished their work? "

Yang Xiu selected several baskets of important books and carried them back to the Imperial Academy.

After reading it, Han appreciated it: "it's good. It's a good job."

Several doctors of the five classics also browsed those books. These books are very important literature materials, which are of great value to the study of history. Especially for the section about wenhuizong of the former dynasty, the complete version can't be found in the library of the Hanlin Academy.

Han selected several books and sent them to the cabinet. Let them have a look at them and see if they need to leave out mistakes.

Yuan Shoufu happened to be there.

He focused on the poem Yan Shui Fu.

This essay has been lost for hundreds of years, and many great scholars want to restore it all their lives. Even he has tried it, but he only restored the previous paragraph after referring to all the literature.

He thought the Fu could be 500 words at most, but he didn't expect it to be more than 1000 words.

"It's going to take a lot of hard work..." Yuan Shoufu looked at a piece of rare treasure and even lightened his hand.

Han Dabei can't tell whether they restored it or the former owner of the library. After all, there are many traces of restoration, some of which are even very new.

Yuan Shoufu could see that it was written within three days.

Han thought about it and said, "it must be the prince of an. Yang Xiuzhuan said that this time, thanks to him. If it wasn't for him, it would not be so smooth this time."

Among the entourage, Yang Xiuzhuan only focused on the prince of an, but did not mention Xiao LIULANG at all.

Yuan Shoufu hesitated: "you mean... But is it the direct grandson of Zhuang Taifu's family? The 18-year-old princess? "

Han nodded: "yes, that's him. Although he is a prince, he never thinks of himself as a prince when he comes to the Imperial Academy. When he went to sort out these books yesterday, he took no pains and didn't complain

Yuan Shoufu pondered for a moment, stroked his beard: "Zhuang Taifu has a good grandson." After a pause, he said, "can these books stay here for me to appreciate for a few days?"

Han said with a smile: "Shoufu adults want to see as long as possible, do not worry."

Han sent the book here to the cabinet ministers for appreciation. They didn't like to see it. He came here in vain.

What's more, it's a great honor to be favored by Yuan Shoufu.

Although yuan Shoufu is not as fond of political tricks as Zhuang Taifu, his influence in the court can not be suppressed by Zhuang Taifu.

Zhuang Taifu would rather offend Xuanping Marquis than yuan Shoufu.

In the same way, Xuanping Marquis and Manchu Dynasty accepted both culture and military, but only yuan Shoufu.

This is an elder of the three dynasties who is above the whirlpool of power. He has assisted three emperors, and even empress dowager Zhuang would drop the sedan chair for him when she saw him.