The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 294

To Yuan Shoufu this level of senior officials do not need any meaningless social, meaningful do not go.

After his departure, Yuan Shoufu read for a while and went back to Yuan's house directly.

Old lady yuan was born in a scholarly family in the south of the Yangtze River. She supervised the construction of the mansion, which was like a small garden in the south of the Yangtze River.

Yuan Shoufu never had concubines in his life, and none of his sons had concubines. Only his second daughter-in-law died in childbirth, and his second son married another one.

In the garden, a little girl in blue is reading a book carelessly.

It's not a scripture, it's a storybook from a small study.

Beside her, a girl in purple is catching butterflies with a web made of spider silk and bamboo strips.

Seeing that Yuan Shoufu came, the girl in purple's eyes lit up and handed her bamboo net to the accompanying servant girl. Then she ran over with the train in her hand, regardless of the image: "grandfather! You're back! "

Yuan Shoufu looked at the little granddaughter running all the way, a headache: "don't run, be careful to fall."

"I won't fall!" The girl in purple stopped in front of him and gave him a formal salute. Then she took his arm and said, "grandfather, why did you come back so late today?"

Yuan Shoufu said, "I read for a while."

"Oh." The girl in purple seems to have no interest in books, so she doesn't ask further.

Yuan Shoufu's eyes fell on the little Taoist in blue on the stone bench.

Xiaodaogu seems to have noticed his look. She slowly put down her book and solemnly gave a Taoist ceremony: "benefactor yuan."

Yuan Shoufu

Yuan Shoufu sighed slowly: "you haven't been popular yet?"

Little Taoist: "do not return to the vulgar."

Yuan Shoufu looked at the script in her hand: "can you read these romantic books if you don't return to the common customs?"

"..." the little Taoist said in silence for a moment, "in the eyes of master Yuan Shi, it's romantic, in the eyes of poor nuns, it's a world."

Yuan Shoufu once again: "I'm not sure."

"Well, don't say any more strange things!" The girl in purple has a headache. One is her sister and the other is her grandfather. She can understand anyone who speaks when they are separated. But when they talk, she doesn't understand a word!

Yuan Shoufu: "if you have the ability, don't eat meat at night."

"Boundless heaven." Xiaodaogu made a Taoist ceremony, with a devout face, "wine and meat pass through the intestines, and heaven keeps them in his heart."

Yuan Shoufu once again: "I'm not sure."

Yuan Shoufu finally lost the battle and walked away with a black face.

Who could have thought that Yuan Shoufu, who couldn't even bring down Zhuang Taifu, would break his halberd in the hands of a little granddaughter?

Frankly speaking, it's still a pet.

The granddaughter was born poor and almost died. Mrs. yuan asked the Taoist priest to approve her life. She said that she had to be raised in the Taoist temple and protected by the boundless God to grow up safely.

Yuan Shoufu didn't believe in this, but old lady yuan insisted on sending the child to Taoist temple. The child really got better. As soon as she got back, she fell ill again a few days later.

After repeating this for several times, the child completely lived in Taoism.

I didn't get it back until it was sixteen a while ago.

"Father." Yuan Shoufu's eldest son met him outside the yard and saluted him, "you're late today. What's the matter with the cabinet?"

"It's not business." Yuan Shoufu waved his hand and stepped into the yard.

He sat down on the official hat chair in the hall, and a servant girl served tea.

After a sip of tea, he slowly said to his eldest son, "Pauline is not young. Should we talk about marriage?"

Yuan Pei laughed and said, "it's time to discuss the relationship. Is there a suitable person for father?"

Yuan Shoufu pause: "originally not."

Is that what we have now?

Yuan Pei looked expectantly at his father.

Yuan Shoufu said: "the banker's child is good."

"Banker? Zhuang Taifu's banker? His family's right-age childe... "Yuan Pei went over it in his mind, and was surprised," the new king of an County? "

"Well." Yuan Shoufu nodded.

Yuan Pei pondered: "that child is good, is good..."

He has a good reputation and is smart and progressive. He was born in the state of Chen when he was eight years old. He didn't cry or make any noise. It can be seen from his nature that he can come back alive to show his ability.

Such a man is rare in the world, but he really deserves their Baolin.

Yuan Pei was puzzled and said, "isn't my father unwilling to marry these aristocratic families?"

It is yuan Shoufu's principle not to be involved in the court court dispute.

He was only loyal to Zhao.

Yuan Shoufu didn't give a complicated answer, but after careful consideration, he said: "the child is better than I imagined. You can ask Baolin to keep her hair."

The little Taoist didn't know her marriage had been missed by her grandfather. She was dragged out of Yuan's house by her sister.

The girl in purple tugged at her: "sister, hurry up! There is a lantern festival today! A lot of people! If you go late, you won't be able to squeeze in! "

The little Taoist turned her eyes helplessly.

She just wants to read storybooks.

Did the princess find out that the son-in-law was raised outside?

Has the child of the switch ever been recognized by the princess?

What's more, the princess's widow and daughter-in-law have been sleeping for thousands of times. When will the princess recognize the true face of the fox spirit?

Today's story book is more and more excessive. It's so hard to write!

The Lantern Festival is on Chang'an Avenue. There are not many people at the moment, but I can't say for sure after a while.

"All right, all right, here it is!" The girl in purple stopped the carriage and took the Taoist's hand to jump down.

She was so anxious that she didn't notice a carriage coming out of the side alley.

Daogu is aware of it, but it's too close for the girl in purple to hide. She pulls the girl back.

A little urgent, forced too much, actually pulled the girl in purple from this end to that end.

Then the girl in purple ran into a man.

And a instability, and the other side Qi Qi fell to the ground.

"Ah --"

Her elbow happened to fall on the other party's softest waist and abdomen, which is really too painful.

The other side was caught off guard, and the whole face twisted into a ball.

But the girl in purple didn't feel much pain because she was pressed on the other side. She only found that the other side was a man after she recovered. She fell down with a man in broad daylight.

She looked pale, raised her hand and slapped the other side: "dengtuzi!"

The other party was fascinated and looked at her in disbelief: "is there any mistake? You hit me! You're crushing your stomach! I haven't settled with you yet! "

The girl in purple quickly got up from him, put her arms around her shoulders, and looked at him with vigilance and anger: "count... Count what! You have a face! I... I warn you! Don't think you can take advantage of Miss Ben if you touch her! If you dare to say what happened today! Miss Ben will kill you! "

"I want to kill you!"

The young man jumped up with murderous eyes!

The Taoist stood in front of the girl in purple and looked at him coldly.

Just at this moment, a deep voice slowly rang out from behind: "what do you do? Come back

The boy glared at the girl in purple, and reluctantly went back to the man.

The man arched his hand at the little Taoist and the girl in Purple: "sorry, my brother collided."

The boy pointed at the girl in Purple: "it's not me! It's her

The girl in purple pointed back: "it's you!"

The little Taoist looked at the handsome man and asked, "who are you?"

"Gu Changqing." Gu Changqing thought about it and didn't hide it.

His identity is still easy to use in the capital, at least the family members are not the apprentices.

"Oh." I haven't heard of it

She's just down the mountain. She's never heard of it.

She turned to the girl in purple and said, "Yuan Tong, come here."

"Ha, what's your name?" Gu Chengfeng looks up at the sky and laughs, "are you a leaf card? It's called cylinder, ha ha ha! Why don't you call two! "

Gu Changqing said seriously, "Chengfeng, shut up!"

Now, it's Yuan Tong's turn to smile. She forked her little waist, looked at Gu Chengfeng and said sarcastically, "it's a bumblebee! I said, "Why are you so annoying!"

Yuan Tong: "cylinder!"

Gu Chengfeng: "Bumblebee!"



They were red in the face.

"Go back and tell grandfather!"

"Go back and tell grandfather!"

The first sentence was said by Gu Changqing, and the second sentence was said by little Taoist.

They were almost in unison.

The deterrence of this is too great, Yuan Tong and Gu Chengfeng really shut up.

But the mouth is closed and the eyes are still open.

The two of them rolled their eyes at each other!