The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 292

The weather in the capital at the end of May is as sultry as summer.

Xiao LIULANG has been in the Hanlin Academy for 20 days. He has been a member of the Hanlin academy to write, but because he is a new person, he still focuses on learning.

In the morning, there will be a special reading officer or speaking officer to teach for all of them. The class hour is one hour, and the rest of the time is self-study.

If you don't understand, you can consult the official reading and speaking in private, or you can consult the Bachelor of Hanlin academy or the doctor of five classics.

The highest official of Hanlin academy is a Bachelor of Hanlin Academy. He is in charge of the affairs of Hanlin Academy. He is busy with official business and has no time to answer questions for new officials.

Under the academicians of the Hanlin academy, there are two official officials, two official officials and six official officials. They are mainly engaged in lecturing. They are not limited to cultivating officials and scholars of the Hanlin Academy. If they have enough qualifications, they have the opportunity to teach for the emperor and the prince.

Xiao LIULANG is a member of the Hanlin Academy.

Prince an of banyan and lanning Zhiyuan of Tanhua were the editors of Hanlin Academy.

Under the three, there were nine doctors of five classics, eight of them.

It is worth mentioning that among all the officials of the Imperial Academy, only the doctor of Wujing is hereditary.

Therefore, even if their official rank is not high, they have a very strong literary literacy and heritage, and have a prominent position in the Imperial Academy.

In addition, there are also two people from bapin classics, two people from Jiupin Shishu, six people from Jiupin Shizhao, and the first class of Confucius.

The responsibilities of the Imperial Academy of the past dynasties were different. The Imperial Academy of the present Dynasty was in charge of the preparation of letters, the compilation of history, and the writing of the emperor's living notes.

After learning for a period of time, Xiao LIULANG began to contact some basic Wenhan affairs.

Today, a writer surnamed Yang called Xiao LIULANG over.

He is the oldest editor, and he will be promoted after the end of the year. Now all the editors in the academy are in his charge.

He asked Xiao LIULANG to write an inscription, saying that his majesty had plans to rebuild the imperial mausoleum.

Half an hour later, Xiao LIULANG gave Yang Xiu the inscription he had written.

After reading it, Yang Xiuzhuan frowned with great dissatisfaction: "you are at least the number one scholar in the new section. Is that the level? Look what you've written? If you take these inscriptions and show them to your majesty, you must enrage your majesty! "

Xiao LIULANG paused and asked, "excuse me, which words will irritate your majesty?"

Yang Xiu wrote a face of disbelief: "which words can't you see? And teach you with me? How did you become the number one scholar at the beginning? "

Xiao LIULANG sipped his lips, didn't say anything, went back to rewrite a copy.

As a result, Yang Xiuzhuan was still dissatisfied.

Xiao LIULANG wrote seventeen or eight inscriptions in the morning, all of which were beaten back by Yang Xiu.

Yang Xiu wrote angrily: "why can't you write a decent inscription? I don't think you should eat lunch. Stay here and write for me! Until I'm satisfied! "

After that, Yang Xiuzhuan left Xiao LIULANG and went to the Imperial Academy food hall coldly.

Xiao LIULANG took the inscription back to his office and continued to grind, brush and write the inscription.

The weather is muggy, his office room is like a steamer, he exudes thin sweat, soaked his clothes.

All of a sudden, a head with an official hat came in, pinched his nose, looked around, and made sure that no one outside was quietly holding a food box and flashed into the room.

A shadow pressed on his paper, Xiao LIULANG wrote and looked up at him: "Why are you here?"

Ning Zhiyuan put the food box on the table and said, "I'll give you something to eat! Just now I met Feng Lin and Lin Chengye in the restaurant. They asked me why you didn't come to dinner. I said you had

As he spoke, he opened the lid of the food box.

It's not a good dish.

His family is poor and the price in the capital is high. His meager salary is not enough to spend every month.

What he brought to Xiao LIULANG was a bowl of spring noodles, sprinkled with a few scallions, and a dish of marinated bean sprouts.

It's just... Xiao LIULANG's room is too close to Gong's room. It's cold and fashionable, but now it's hot, and it's really a little smelly.

He went to close the door and window.

The taste is better, but the room is more and more like a steamer.

"Eat now, eat now!" Ning Zhiyuan urged Xiao LIULANG.

Xiao LIULANG didn't show any affectation. He took out the chopsticks and bowls and ate the spring noodles and stewed bean sprouts.

The taste of Yangchun noodles is light, and the taste of stewed bean sprouts is salty, but he is not picky and eats very clean.

It's only a short time. Ning Zhiyuan's body can be twisted out of water. I really don't know how Xiao LIULANG comes here every day.

Seeing that Xiao LIULANG had finished eating, Ning Zhiyuan quickly held back the collapse of heatstroke and went to open the door and window.

A breeze is blowing to relieve the heat... But it is also ecstatic.

Xiao LIULANG put away the dishes and chopsticks.

Ning Zhiyuan looked at the pile of inscriptions on his desk, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Yang Xiuzhuan is embarrassing you again?"

It's not the first time.

A few times ago, it was rather obscure. I only asked Xiao LIULANG to rewrite it three or five times, but today he didn't even have lunch.

Ning Zhiyuan picked up a few inscriptions and looked at them. He said in silence: "he wrote much better than me. He praised me in the morning... I don't think you should write any new ones. Just take one and hand it in. I'll bet he didn't read all the ones you wrote before!"

However, it is undeniable that every inscription written by Xiao LIULANG is better than the last one, but his first one was amazing enough.

How does this guy do it?

"Did you come here and nobody saw you?" Asked Xiao LIULANG.

Ning Zhiyuan laughed and said, "they are all eating. No one pays attention to me."

"Don't stay too long, go back early." Xiao LIULANG says, take out a silver naked son from money bag, "this is meal money."

Ning Zhiyuan waved his hand: "I don't want your silver! I can afford a bowl of spring noodles! "

Xiao LIULANG thought about it, but he didn't force it any more: "OK, thank you very much."

Ning Zhiyuan has been sitting here for a while. It's really stuffy and smelly. It's really hard for Xiao LIULANG to stay in such a hard place every day and be constantly put on small shoes.

He would have collapsed and resigned.

"You... Forget it."

He was trying to persuade Xiao LIULANG to be soft on Prince an. In fact, it wasn't Prince an who took care of him. Prince an just came, but he couldn't move these people. Rather, he guessed that it was Zhuang Taifu's advice.

Let Xiao LIULANG suffer.

But if Prince an is willing to deal with it, how much can he protect Xiao LIULANG.

How can we say that the three of them are also the top three of this year? The friendship between the students of the emperor's family is not the same.

But he also understood that Xiao LIULANG was not such a person who did not obey the law.

"You go back." Xiao LIULANG said, "it's too hot here."

"OK, I'll go." Rather than go deep into this topic, Ning Zhi sighed, took his food box and went out carefully.

In the afternoon, Xiao LIULANG gave Yang Xiu a new inscription he had written.

Yang Xiu's writing is naturally a bunch of critical words. If it wasn't for the rules, he might have dropped this stack of inscriptions on Xiao LIULANG's head.

"It's not enough to succeed, it's more than enough to fail!"

He was so angry that he sat back in his chair and glared at Xiao LIULANG: "what are you doing? Don't rewrite it

Xiao LIULANG turned and left.

"Ah - what's your attitude?" Yang Xiuzhuan gritted his teeth and was about to attack when Princess an suddenly came in.

He looked at Xiao LIULANG and Yang Xiuzhuan. He said with a trace of guilt, "am I not at the right time?"

"How?" Yang Xiuzhuan changed his face for a second and stood up with a smile. He came to the king of an County and bowed his hand.

The prince of an avoided his courtesy and said politely, "there is no prince of an here. Only Zhuang Yuheng and Yang Xiu are more polite."

"Ah... Yes! Yes Yang Xiuzhuan laughed, scratched his head and asked, "Yuheng is looking for me... Er... What can I do for you?"

An Jun Wang said: "just on the way here, I met Han Da Shi. Mr. Han said that there are a number of historical books to be edited in yueluo mountain library. Let Yang Xiu write them. You'd better take a few people to go there and finish them today."

The library in yueluo mountain was donated by a private hermit. There are many historical books in it, but some of them need to be edited again.

Yang Xiuzhuan said: "OK, I'll take someone there right away! Zhuang Bian Xiu... "

"I can go." Princess Ann nodded.

Yang Xiu wrote a smile.

Prince an looked at Xiao LIULANG who had already gone out and said, "take Xiao Xiuzhuan with you. I remember his study of history is excellent."

Yang Xiuzhuan flattered: "I can't compare with you!"

However, since the king of an County spoke, Yang Xiuzhuan temporarily gave up his plan to torture Xiao LIULANG to write inscriptions, and instead took Xiao LIULANG and the king of an County to yueluo mountain outside the capital.

Ning Zhiyuan didn't go. In the afternoon, he was called to do chores by the official.