The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 291

Xiaojingkong looks at xuanpinghou with the eyes of the mentally retarded: "chicken --"

Xuanping Hou also realized that he shouldn't add that after his name. Otherwise, with the understanding of this little thing, he didn't know what to say to him.

What you are afraid of is what you come to.

Xuanping Hou said that he was so flustered in the war that he was shocked: "shut up! Swallow the last word for me

Little clearance shut up.


Adult's world is really too difficult to understand, even if you take such an ugly name, you can't distinguish between chicken and monkey!

Xuanping Hou Chang was relieved.

Small clearance, small hands behind, crooked head: "eight."

Let's just say the last word.

Xuanping Marquis "...!"

Xuanping Marquis shed no tears, and was not afraid of fighting. But the small bald head's lethality was better than thousands of troops. Xuanping Marquis never knew when he would step on the pit!

How terrible!

Xuanping Marquis, who always chokes others half to death, finally chokes others one day.

Come out to mix, if you really want to pay back.

Xiaojingkong sighed: "well, I do have seven chickens in my family, but you can't be the eighth one."

Marquis Xuanping: so is he thinking too much?

Xuanping Hou grew up among ruffians. He talked more about meat than normal, so it was hard to avoid thinking wrong. However, when he thought about it, he said that he was going to make chicken, which was not a good idea!

Not much better than that barren thing!

He's a great marquis. Can he make chicken!

Xuanping Hou felt that he could not drag on with the little boy any more. He took a deep breath and said slowly, "if I say that I am your brother-in-law's father, do you believe it?"

Xiaojingkong frowned and looked at him strangely. After a while, he nodded solemnly: "no wonder."

"No wonder what?" Xuanping asked.

Xiaojingkong touched his chin and suddenly realized, "no wonder my brother-in-law is always the last in the exam."

He wrongly blamed his brother-in-law. It's not that his brother-in-law didn't work hard enough. It's that his father was not smart. His father didn't know whether he was a monkey or a chicken!

Xuanping Marquis

Xuanping Marquis's heart was hit by ten thousand points, he can't remember what he came for, his son didn't recognize, covered his heart and called Chang Jing: "help, help this Marquis back."

Chang Jing: "can't you go by yourself?"

Marquis Xuanping: can you walk? Do I still call you! Come on! You come! You come to be angry with this little boy!

Chang Jing didn't want to go because he saw the bullet hole on the ground. He wanted to stay and play.

But he could not disobey Xuanping's orders.

He left with Xuanping marquis.

Not long after they left, Gu Jiao arrived home.

When xiaojingkong saw Gu Jiao enter the yard, her eyes lit up and ran to her. She hugged Gu Jiao's leg: "Jiao Jiao! You're back! I miss you so much

He released his hand again, came to Gu Jiao's back, grabbed Gu Jiao's little basket and said, "give me the basket, I'll carry it!"

Gu Jiao took down the small basket, took out the small medicine box, and put the small basket on his back.

It's a small basket for Gu Jiao, but a big one for xiaojingkong.

The back basket is almost as high as others. He carries it half and drags it half. Bata Bata goes to the house.

Xiao LIULANG is studying arithmetic in his study. Since he got the book which is suspected to be the book of the state of Yan with little clearance, he would seriously study the contents of the book as long as he was free.

Because the book is a completely different text, although there are some notes, it is still difficult to understand.

However, the strange characters used to represent numbers aroused his strong interest, and the things listed by those characters and symbols called formulas also made him feel magical.

Because of the lost of the conjunctions, Zhao still uses the method of cutting circles to calculate the ancestral rate. However, if a circle has to cut tens of thousands of sides, it may not be able to calculate the number of seven decimal places.

The formulas recorded in this book are much simpler, but he has not yet understood them.

Xiao LIULANG was immersed in the sea of topics. He didn't look out of the window until there was a loud noise. He saw xiaojingkong carrying a basket and having sex.

Behind xiaojingkong, Gu Jiao wears an ice blue skirt. She is elegant and graceful, which makes her eyes bright.

And just at this moment, Gu Jiao seems to have induction, also looked at his window.

The four eyes are opposite.

Gu Jiao slightly bent her lips.

Like a budding Begonia, in the night wind, under the stars, in the softest heart inadvertently blooming.

Xiao LIULANG's heart beat faster. His eyelashes trembled and he looked away. He continued to study hard.

Gu Jiao didn't seem to think that nothing had happened. She came out of the window, put one arm on the windowsill, and looked at him with the other hand: "what are you doing?"

The night wind slowly blows from behind her, shaking the faint fragrance on her body, instantly covering the ink on the table.

Xiao LIULANG's heart suddenly got hot.

He didn't look at Gu Jiao, staring at the book on the table.

"Read a book." He said calmly.

"Oh." Gu Jiao picks eyebrows and suddenly pokes herself into the window.

The sudden approach made Xiao LIULANG stiff, and his body seemed unable to move.

She was so close to him that it was as if their cheeks were going to be together.

Xiao LIULANG's mind suddenly flashed her drunk, holding her to kiss, like a sultry kitten.

His throat was dry and hoarse.

"You..." just when Xiao LIULANG thought she was going to do something to him, she just held out her hand and took a piece of paper beside him.

She took the paper and stood back in order.

The breath of the cheek and the tip of the nose dissipated, but Xiao LIULANG felt a sense of loss inexplicably.

He didn't know what he was losing.

Gu Jiao took out a charcoal pen and wrote a few words on the paper. Then she bent her lips and left a note. She turned around and went back to her East room.

The heat on Xiao LIULANG's cheek faded for a long time. After he recovered, Yu Guang aimed at the note on the windowsill.

When he took it over, he saw a few big words written on the note with a charcoal pen - book, take, pour, go!

Xiao LIULANG thought of the meaningful look in her eyes when she left the note, and his face became very hot again

At dinner, Yao and Gu Yan both had great eyesight and saw Xiao LIULANG's pretending calmness. Gu Xiaoshun, the only one, stared at Xiao LIULANG for a long time and asked, "brother-in-law, how red is your face?"

I don't know which pot to open.

Xiao LIULANG said: "hot."

"Oh." Gu Xiaoshun nodded, "it's very hot."

Yao chuckled.

Gu Xiaoshun wanted to ask again, but Gu Yan put a drumstick in his mouth: "eat yours!"

"Well ~" Gu Xiaoshun's mouth suddenly got busy, forgetting what he was going to ask.

After dinner, under the strong pressure of the bad brother-in-law, Xiao Jingkong has no choice but to confess his great feat of shaving half a class.

"The first one to shave is Chu Yu." Xiao LIULANG mends the sword.

Xiaojingkong doesn't know Chu Yu's surname is Qin and he is the prince, but Gu Jiao doesn't know.

Gu Jiao: Well, even the prince dares to shave?

Xiao LIULANG: what's your expression? Why do you still enjoy it! I'm afraid that someone can't help raising this child so boldly!

Gu Jiao received the death gaze from Xiao LIULANG, blinked, silently swallowed the words of those children in my family who are really powerful, brave and practical, and said to Xiao Jingkong seriously: "don't take a razor to Guozijian any more. We can't shave someone's head for free."


Xiaojingkong's haircut caused a stir in the Imperial Academy, but it was not in the imperial palace?

When Qin Chuyu stares at a round little stewed egg and goes out of the Imperial College, the eunuch who comes to pick him up is scared and silly on the spot.

Qin Chuyu didn't realize what he had done. He took the carriage back to the palace, waiting for him to wake up and become smart.

In fact, according to Qin Chuyu's strength, he can't get into the prodigy class. It's the princess who gives him the back door, which leads to a very embarrassing situation for Qin Chuyu - he's the worst in the class, and he's at the bottom of the back exam.

Master knows his identity, although he dare not add evil words, but he is eight years old, is a mature young man, he also wants to face.

He wanted to be smart more than anyone, so he grabbed the first place to shave.

He went to empress Xiao's Kunning palace with a small bald head.


Empress Xiao is choosing the new tribute material. Hearing the words, she turns her head with a smile and faints.

Then the emperor was startled.

After a while, the whole harem knew about Qin Chuyu's shaving.

Concubine Zhuang sent someone to ask, does the seventh Prince want to become a monk?

The emperor was angry and asked Qin Chuyu, "who shaved it?"

Shaving the head to the prince's head, this is not fatal!

Qin Chuyu thinks this is a good thing, because he is about to become smart, so he did not hide anything: "it's clearance shaving!"

"Who?" The emperor was stunned.

"Clearance." Qin Chuyu said, "father, you've met him. Have you forgotten?"

Little doctor's brother?

The emperor was full of anger and couldn't immediately send out: "he, why did he shave your hair?"

Qin Chuyu said, "I asked him to shave. I want him to be so smart."

Then Qin Chuyu said the whole story of the incident. His tone was very conspicuous. He was going to be smart soon!

The emperor clenched his fist, and the corners of his mouth flew up.

This stupid boy!

Did the book go to the cow's stomach? That's how smart is it?

Finally, Qin Chuyu was very honored to eat his father's fried meat with bamboo shoots.

It's killing him, Wuwu!

The emperor closed the door to punish Qin Chuyu, and the emperor punished him not because he shaved his head, but because the emperor checked his lessons, and he didn't recite them.

The officials and parents of the shaved little stewed eggs were waiting for the emperor's statement, but the Emperor didn't say anything, so they stopped to discuss it.

Strictly speaking, it's really no wonder that the little guy said that he did it on purpose, not very much.

Besides, even if he did it on purpose, do you have the face to go to other people's trouble when you are six, seven or eight years old and fooled by a four-year-old?

Isn't he stupid?

Everyone from the initial shock, anger, humiliation, to the back gradually calm down, and then they found something——

That's how white the head of my child is!

There's no need for an extra stubble!

This is professional!

"My youngest son is nearly full moon. I want to find someone to shave his hair."

"My nephew is two years old. He wants to shave his head. He can't find a suitable master. He didn't shave clean before."

"The master I'm looking for is the same. I've shaved him!"

They sent the baby to the gate of Guozijian. You see me, I see you. They knew each other by heart.

However, just think about this kind of thing. Where is the reason to invite a baby home to shave someone's head?

"I don't think it's appropriate."

"I think so, too."

"So... Let's go?"


You're going, son of a bitch!

If you have the ability, don't squat here, that boy!

Early the next morning, Xiao Jingkong came to Guozijian to study bravely. As a result, he accepted a wave of hot and greedy eyes.

He didn't understand what was going on.

Xiao LIULANG let xiaojingkong go first.

The crowd rushed up and surrounded Xiao LIULANG.

Xiao LIULANG thinks that people are looking for him to say something. He is ready to be criticized by thousands of people. But when they say something, they say, "is it convenient for your brother to come to my house and shave his head?"


Of course, Xiao LIULANG would not agree.

Are you kidding me? This guy owns three big houses in Beijing. The rent of Bishui Hutong alone is 30 Liang a month. Then he is allowed to go out to develop his haircut business. Does he have any financial status in his family as a brother-in-law?

So what xiaojingkong didn't know was that his shaving career was ruthlessly strangled by his bad brother-in-law.