The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 283

Gu Changqing's hand fell empty and froze beside his temples for a long time.

Gu Yan didn't say a word and didn't look at him. It's easy to feel Gu Yan's resistance.

However, Gu Changqing is not sure whether the conflict is only against himself or against all men. After all, being disgusted by Tang Ming, it's normal to reject other people's touch.

Gu Changqing thought so, put down his stiff hand, and gazed at Gu Yan's eyes. He was so gentle that he didn't even notice: "when did you wake up?"

"In the morning." Gu Yan said in a low voice, lowering his eyebrows and eyes, and his tone was a little alienated.

Gu Changqing was distressed by his appearance. He only hated that he didn't cut off Tang Ming's arm too much. His sideburns were all blue, hanging down on his thin cheek.

Gu Changqing raised her hand subconsciously, trying to brush away her disobedient hair. But before she met him, she remembered his present situation and silently put her hand down.

"I just came to see you."

He said cautiously that he did not dare to get too close to Gu Yan. On the one hand, he was afraid of arousing Gu Yan's bad memories. On the other hand, he couldn't tell himself.

Just as Gu Yan was different from before, there was a certain change in their relationship.

He didn't want to think deeply, so he could only borrow Tang Ming's reason and think that everything was because of Tang Ming.

Gu Changqing looked at Gu Yan steadily: "it's late. You have a rest early. I have something else to do. I'll go first."

After that, he stood up and wanted to go, but his step stopped for a moment, his eyes fell on the medicine barrel which had no heat, and he bent down.

But Gu Yan said, "no, I want to soak for a while."

"... good." Gu Changqing answered, put the towel in his hand back on the medicine bucket, and said to him, "then I'll go."

Gu Yan is silent.

Gu Yan didn't know who Gu Changqing was except when Gu Changqing came in. He looked up at Gu Changqing, and then Gu Yan didn't look at him until Gu Changqing left.

He heard Gu Changqing come out of the house.

But I don't know if it's an illusion, he also heard the voice of the chain.

Gu Changqing's iron chain was completely cut off, and there was a small part in his hand. After going out, he accidentally fell out of his sleeve and collided with the shackles.

Gu Changqing pressed the chain and looked back at the house. It seemed that he was looking at Gu Yan through the night.

In a moment, he looked back and turned over.

He rode his horse back to the barracks.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the camp, a large group of soldiers gathered around him. Deputy General Hu, who had just been knocked unconscious by Gu Changqing, was awake and standing beside him.

"Ah! Mr. Hu! It's captain gu The soldier found Gu Changqing and pulled out his sword. Although he was afraid, he resolutely stood in front of Deputy General Hu. "He killed Xiao Zheng and Liu Yi! He knocked out his subordinates! "

He looked at Gu Changqing with disgust and vigilance. He suddenly didn't know that if Gu Changqing hadn't knocked him out intentionally, he would have been stupidly there at that time, and now it was a crime of dereliction of duty waiting for him.

Gu Changqing is like this.

Do the best, bear the worst.

Never explain, never clarify.

Deputy General Hu looked at Gu Changqing with a complicated look: "take down Gu Duwei!"

The crowd swarmed up and surrounded Gu Changqing. However, the cold faced threat of Yama was still there. No one really dared to rush forward to capture him.

Gu Changqing turned over and dismounted.

They pointed spears at him, but they all stepped back.

Gu Changqing slowly stretched out his hands and took them.

They bravely took the shackles and looked at him with fear. They took off his old shackles and put on two new ones.

Deputy General Hu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "take it back to the prison and wait for Lord Tang tomorrow!"

It rained all night until dawn.

Because of the rain at night, the ground was wet, and Xiao Jingkong went out and fell again.

Gu Jiao picked him up, wiped his hands, changed his clothes and sent him to school.

The Imperial Academy was on duty very early, and Xiao LIULANG set out before dawn.

Gu Jiao sent xiaojingkong to Guozijian, then turned to the hospital.

The second owner is directing his men to carry boxes of medicine into the carriage.

Gu Jiao looked at it and asked, "where is it going?"

Er Dong Jia said, "Xiao Gu is here. I haven't seen you for a few days. Is everything OK at home?"

Gu Jiao didn't come to the hospital these days. She said that she was busy at home. She didn't explain how she was busy, and the second boss didn't ask.

"Well, everything is OK." Gu Jiao nodded.

The second owner put down his heart and said, "these are a new batch of Jinchuang medicine. I'll send them to Hushan camp. I'll ask doctor song and Xiao Sanzi to send them later."

"I'll go." Gu Jiao said.

The second owner frowned: "where are you going? It's just raining at night. It's hard to walk on the road. I'm afraid the carriage will slip. "

"I'll go." Gu Jiao's attitude is very firm.

The second owner knew her temperament, and once she made a decision, eight horses would not be able to pull it back, let alone just send a medicine. He asked the little three sons to slow down the carriage.

"Don't worry on the way. And there's more As if he had thought of something, he whispered, "the sun has risen in Hushan camp these days, and Lord Tang's nephew has been injured. Be careful when you go to deliver the medicine, and don't bump into anyone."

"I know." Gu Jiao should go down.

After the goods were loaded, Gu Jiao and Xiao Sanzi went to Hushan camp.

It rained at night, but it didn't clear up today. The sky was overcast with vultures hovering overhead.

About to arrive at Hushan camp, Gu Jiao unexpectedly met Gu Chengfeng.

Gu Chengfeng had just arrived. He got down from the coach of the Marquis's house in Ding'an. Now Gu Jiao was still in the car, but he knew little Sanzi and asked, "who is on the coach?"

Gu Jiao lifted the curtain.

"It's you? Why are you here? " Gu Chengfeng didn't invite himself in. He got into Gu Jiao's carriage and said to the third son, "look at it. Someone came to call us."

The little three son didn't rush to answer him. Instead, he looked at Gu Jiao. Seeing that Gu Jiao nodded slightly, he jumped out of the carriage and alertly whistled for them.

This is the official road leading to Hushan camp. Five hundred steps ahead is the camp. It belongs to the camp's sphere of influence. Most people don't come here easily.

There are also soldiers going in and out of the camp, but not many.

Gu Chengfeng saw that the safety was tight, so he said to Gu Jiao, "did you hear about last night? Big brother is so confused. How can he break out of prison in the middle of the night? Although he has not yet been convicted, he has an official body and is in a military camp. If he flees without permission, he will be punished as a deserter! I don't know where he went in the middle of the night

Speaking of this, Gu Chengfeng finds that Gu Jiao has never said a word. His eyes fall on Gu Jiao's small face without any surprise. His eyes stare, "do you know where elder brother went last night?"

Gu Jiao didn't speak.

Of course she knew.

She came to change Gu Yan's dressing. As soon as she got to the door, she saw Gu Changqing beat her and rode away. Gu Changqing had passed, so she didn't see her.

Although there is no news outside, she has treated Tang Ming. She guesses that Gu Changqing has injured him like this. She also guesses that Gu Changqing may be locked up in the military camp for investigation.

A person under investigation should not leave the camp without permission. Today, she just came to see how Gu Changqing is.

"Big brother is not going to Bishui Hutong, is he?" Gu Chengfeng asked tentatively. Seeing Gu Jiao's acquiescence, he stood up and said, "are you going to see Gu Yan

He got up so fast that he forgot that it was in the carriage of the medical school, which was no bigger than that of the Marquis's house. His head hit the roof of the car, and he gasped with pain.

"Ah, ah

He cried.

Also don't know pain or crazy elder brother to visit Gu Changqing move.

"Is that enough?" Gu Jiao looks at him lightly.

Gu Chengfeng snorted. What's in my heart? How can I hear you cry so much? When someone wakes up, he doesn't remember to hold my ear all the way!

Gu Chengfeng sat down again. After his emotional catharsis, there was only a dispirited feeling: "you should know that elder brother has been imprisoned, right? Elder brother escaped from prison last night. His nature is equivalent to deserting. He is to be executed, not to mention killing people. "

Gu Jiao frowned: "he killed people?"

Gu Chengfeng bowed his head and said sadly, "killed two guards. Last night, the news came to Houfu. My grandfather rushed to Houfu overnight and didn't come back this morning. I guess things are not going well. So I want to see my elder brother. I thought you knew

"I don't know." Gu Jiao never expected that Gu Changqing would kill someone to escape from prison. It's not like what he would do.

Why doesn't Gu Chengfeng think so?

He said: "I don't believe that big brother will kill innocent people indiscriminately, nor does my grandfather. But I can't stand it. There are all human and material evidences. It's said that someone saw big brother standing beside two dead soldiers with bloody swords. However, the soldier who witnessed was not killed by the elder brother. If the elder brother was really crazy to the point of killing innocent people indiscriminately, why did he leave a witness? "

Gu Jiao is silent.

Gu Chengfeng's analysis is very reasonable, but someone has to be willing to believe it. Gu Changqing cuts down Tang Ming first and offends Marshal Tang thoroughly. Marshal Tang can't miss this great opportunity to kill Gu Changqing.

Gu Jiao said, "see the person first."

Gu Chengfeng has no objection: "OK, I'll take you in."

Gu Chengfeng thought that he was the son of the Marquis, so it should not be a problem to bring a girl into the military camp. If not, he said that Gu Jiao was the daughter of the Marquis, and there should still be some face.

At the gate of the barracks, they were stopped.

The reason is that no one is allowed to enter!

"What a nuisance! I'm from Marquis Ding'an! " Gu Cheng is out of fashion.

However, the soldiers were not allowed to pass: "this is the order of the Grand Marshal of the world's troops and horses, and we can't help it."

Gu Jiao slowly opened the curtain and handed out a pair of cards: "medicine delivery." Pointing to Gu Chengfeng, "this is our doctor."

Gu Chengfeng: when did I become a doctor's assistant?!

The soldier took the right card and checked it. He looked at Gu Chengfeng suspiciously: "is it the duke or the doctor?"

Gu Chengfeng muttered for a long time: "doctor, medical staff."

The soldier gave the card back to Gu Jiao: "don't stay too long, come out after delivering the medicine."

"Good." Gu Jiao takes back the card.

Gu Chengfeng is so confused. What? Nowadays, is the name of Prince Di of Hou's mansion not as easy to use as a doctor's assistant?

When they entered the military camp, the doctor who tested the medicine was still the last time. After several times of contact with miaozhou Tang, they were all familiar with each other. In addition, the efficacy of miaozhou Tang's golden sore medicine was really better than ordinary golden sore medicine. He was very polite to Gu Jiao.

He knows that Gu Jiao is not a person who can cause trouble. When Gu Jiao goes out, he thinks that Gu Jiao is going out for a good breath.

Gu Chengfeng takes Gu Jiao to the prison where Gu Changqing is imprisoned.

Tang Yueshan ordered that no one should visit Gu Changqing. However, today they are lucky. The soldier guarding Gu Jiao said: "Miss Gu!"

"Yes?" Gu Chengfeng was shocked.

"Once upon a time." Once, Gu Jiao came to the military camp to deliver medicine. When a soldier fell to the ground with abdominal pain, she treated him and confiscated his money.

Gu Jiao said, "I'll go in and have a look at him. I'll come out in a moment."

"Well... Well, Miss Gu, hurry up. My companion will come later and find that I can't let you go."

"Well." Gu Jiao nodded.

The soldier stealthily opened the door for Gu Jiao: "go quickly, Miss Gu."

Gu Chengfeng: is that ok?

They went into the prison.

Gu Changqing sat on the straw mat with his back against the wall and a musty smell. The door of the torture chamber was opened and the glare of the light was shining, but he didn't even lift his eyelids.

"Big brother!"

Until he heard Gu Chengfeng's voice, he turned his head calmly and saw that Gu Jiao was also there. His face became colder: "what are you doing here?"

Only a few days later, Gu Changqing was so haggard that he seemed to be a different person. His cheeks were stained with blood, his lips were dry, his eyes were not looking, and the stubble around his lips grew out. The light blue color made Gu Chengfeng's heart ache.

"You shouldn't have come. Hurry back." Gu Changqing forced himself to suppress the rolling emotions in his heart, turned his face indifferently, and did not look at Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng.

Naturally, they will not go.

When you come, you have to find out the truth.

Gu Jiao squatted down beside him, put the small basket on the ground, and took the water bag from it to him.

"I'm not thirsty." Gu Changqing said.

Gu Jiao put the water bag on the straw mat beside him: "why did you suddenly go to see Gu Yan? Who led you

She asked so straightforward that Gu Changqing was stunned.

Gu Jiao said, "if you don't say it, I'll check it myself."

Gu Changqing heart a tight, way: "you don't go to check, don't involve in."

Gu Jiao looked at him and said, "then tell me."

Gu Changqing hesitated for a long time, closed his eyes and said slowly, "it's the flying frost."

"Cough!" Gu Chengfeng suddenly choked, "Feifei... Feishuang?"

Gu Changqing said: "that's right. I've had a fight with him. I know the mask he wears and the concealed weapon he uses."

Gu Chengfeng refuted: "it can't be him!"

"How do you know it's not him?" Gu Changqing said, suddenly remembered where is not quite right, "do you know flying frost?"

Gu Jiao know not strange, Gu Jiao and frost hand in hand, is Gu Changqing personally told her that person is frost.

But Gu Chengfeng, the second ancestor, was either in the academy or in the Marquis's house. How could he know the characters in the Jianghu?

"I... I listen to her!" Gu Chengfeng shakes the pot decisively, Gu Jiao.

At this point, Gu Changqing realized that they had come together. Gu Jiao had studied calligraphy with Gu Chengfeng in Houfu, although it was blackmail.

But Gu Changqing didn't know.

Does my sister like her second brother better?

Gu Chengfeng: "brother, you believe me, not Feishuang."

Gu Changqing: "how can you be sure?"

"... it's still her!" Gu Chengfeng continued to throw the pot, Gu Jiao, "she said she met frost last night, the way to talk with me!"

Gu Jiao

Is it OK to throw the pot again and again?

Gu Changqing frowned and looked at Gu Jiao: "Feishuang has come to trouble you again?"

Gu Jiao face all change color way: "no, just happen to meet, he was drunk, drunk."

Gu Chengfeng took a puff from the corner of his mouth.

"There was no alcohol in the people I met last night." Gu Changqing thought about it carefully. In fact, his opponent's body method was not very similar. The reason why he judged Feishuang was mainly through the mask and the hidden weapons on the ground.

Gu Chengfeng asked, "so brother, you escaped from prison in order to kill Feishuang?"

Gu Changqing shook his head: "no, he told me that if someone wants to take my life, if he can't take mine, he will take ah Yan's. only in this way can he let go of each other's hatred."

Gu Chengfeng was very sad. Was it because he was worried about Gu Yan that he escaped from prison? Is Gu Yan that important? Who kept saying that he didn't recognize Gu Yan?

But what do you do now?

For Gu Yan, I don't want to die!

He didn't know what would happen if he rushed out like this?

Or, doesn't he see that it's the other side's trick?

No, how could he not see it?

But he just didn't want to gamble on that one in case.

Gu Chengfeng's chest seems to hold a fire, burning his viscera in pain.

He turned his head and ran out with red eyes!

"Miss Gu, someone is coming!" The soldier reminded me.

Gu Jiao left the water bag to Gu Changqing and came out of the prison.

Gu Chengfeng wiped his tears and walked forward angrily: "ignore me!"

Gu Jiao: I didn't want to talk to you either.