The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 284

It took Gu Chengfeng a long time to suppress his anger and jealousy, but he was still angry: "who is stabbing in the back? Not only calculated my elder brother, but also planted me! That's disgusting. If I find out, I'll have to split him up! "

It's really weird. It's not strange to set Gu Changqing up. After all, there are many people who want Gu Changqing to die. It's interesting to disguise as Feishuang to set Gu Changqing up.

Does the other party have no intention of pretending to be Feishuang, or does he know who Feishuang is and pretend to be Feishuang on purpose?

Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng are worried about each other. Suddenly, a powerful and tall figure comes towards them.

Gu Chengfeng raised his eyes and was stunned: "grandfather, grandfather!"

The old Marquis has just finished arguing with Tang Yueshan, but there is no result. Now he is angry and sees Gu Chengfeng with a little girl. He walks over with a cold face.

When he approached, he found that this was the little doctor who had treated the emperor's head injury in the street.

The old Marquis didn't have a good impression of the little medical girl. The little medical girl said that someone had harmed her, but she didn't leave her to the government. Instead, she executed herself and wanted to arrest her. She resisted, so that he whipped her on the emperor's head.

"How do you deal with a medic?" The old Marquis asked Gu Chengfeng deeply.

Gu Chengfeng opened his mouth, and then remembered that they had not met. He hesitated for a moment and introduced: "grandfather, she is Gu Yan's sister, another dragon and Phoenix." Looking at Gu Jiao again, "he is my grandfather and your grandfather."

Gu Jiao didn't call her grandfather.

The old Marquis's eyebrows were twisted.

This girl... Is actually his granddaughter?

The old Marquis didn't think that Gu Jiao recognized him long ago. After all, in his impression, Gu Jiao only met him once. At that time, neither the emperor nor Xuanping Marquis called him directly.

But... Now that Gu Chengfeng has introduced her, can't she even shout her grandfather?

After all, the Marquis doesn't care about the granddaughter. If he doesn't have any expectations, there won't be many disappointments. If he doesn't call, he won't be rare.

"What are you doing in the barracks?" Asked the marquis.

"Deliver the medicine." Gu Jiao said.

Yes, she is a medical woman.

If the granddaughter grew up in Houfu, he would not allow her to become a medical daughter.

The old Marquis was so worried about Gu Changqing that he didn't have much time to spend on a granddaughter who was not close to him at all. He said to Gu Chengfeng, "who allowed you to come to the barracks? Don't come back to the barracks without my orders


"No, but!"

The old Marquis strongly stopped Gu Chengfeng's words, "now it's time, you don't come to make trouble again!"

"How was your talk with Marshal Tang?" Gu Jiao suddenly asked.

The meaning of this word is very obvious, she knows Gu Changqing's situation, and she cares about it.

The old Marquis always thought that this granddaughter had nothing to do with the Marquis's house, but it doesn't seem so now. It's no coincidence that she can appear with Gu Chengfeng and deliver medicine to the military camp on the day of Gu Changqing's accident.

Naturally, the Marquis would not stop her from associating with her half brothers, but the consequence was so serious that he couldn't even get involved, let alone a girl.

"It's not your business." He said in a deep voice, "after delivering the medicine, hurry back!"

He has no time to deal with a girl. He has to find a way to stop Tang Yueshan as soon as possible, otherwise Gu Changqing will be lost.

"I'm in the magic hand hall." Gu Jiao looked at his back and said, "if you need to, come to me."

Oh, what can a maid do?

I don't know the heaven and the earth!

The old Marquis took Gu Chengfeng and left without looking back.

Gu Jiao and other medical officials finished checking the wound medicine, and also got on the carriage.

I don't know if Gu Jiao was sleepy and fell asleep last night.

Then she had a dream.

In the dream, Gu family never found the real murderer, Gu Changqing was forced into a desperate situation, with both human and material evidence. Tang Yueshan ordered Gu Changqing to be dealt with by military law, and died three days later.

Gu Chengfeng, in order not to let his elder brother be executed, decided to go to the barracks to blow up his identity, saying that he was Feishuang, and the soldiers were killed by him. Gu Changqing escaped from prison in order to arrest him.

As a punishment for fighting against Tang Ming and breaking Tang Ming's arm, Gu Changqing was deprived of his official position by the staff of 100, and then released.

But no one expected that Tang Ming was killed on the night Gu Changqing returned to Hou's house.

It's a coincidence that Gu Changqing was killed as soon as he came out.

Believe it or not, Tang Yueshan doesn't believe it. He believes that Gu Changqing killed Tang Ming. The irrational Tang Yueshan leads people to rush into Ding'an Marquis's residence and stabs Gu Changqing in the heart

Gu Jiao suddenly woke up.

Everything in the dream is clearly visible. Even the blood from Gu Changqing's heart seems to be dripping on her fingertips with heat.

The tragedy happened tonight.

After noon, Tang Yueshan will announce the death of Gu Changqing in three days.

In the afternoon, Gu Chengfeng went to the barracks to "throw himself into the net".

At night, Tang Ming was assassinated.

It's also easy to prevent the tragedy. As long as Gu Chengfeng doesn't go to the barracks to answer the blame, Gu Changqing won't be released, and Tang Ming can't depend on him to die.

But there is a disadvantage in doing so, that is, the other party killed Tang Ming out of personal resentment or to plant Gu Changqing.

If it is the former, he may still kill Tang Ming tonight; If it is the latter, Gu Changqing does not come out, the murderer will not act.

How can she catch the murderer without action?

"Xiao Sanzi, wait a minute, go back to the barracks."

"Ah? Oh

Gu Jiao went back to the barracks and saw Gu Changqing again: "did you tell them that the killer might be Feishuang?"

Gu Changqing shook his head: "not yet."

It's no use saying that. If there's no evidence, everyone will think that he's fabricating.

"Did they guess?" Gu Jiao asked again.

Gu Changqing thought about it and shook his head again: "they didn't fight with Feishuang. Just a few concealed weapons should not be enough to judge that someone has been here, and they are still Feishuang."

As Gu Jiao guesses, the evidence left by the other side is not enough, not to blame Feishuang, but to force Feishuang to stand up.

It seems that the other party knows the relationship between Feishuang and Gu Changqing, and determines that Feishuang will take the blame for Gu Changqing.

The other party's goal is not to kill Feishuang, but to let Gu Changqing out of the barracks, and then kill Tang Ming, and frame Gu Changqing.

But Gu Changqing escaped from prison last night. Why didn't the killer kill Tang Ming last night? Wouldn't that have been planted long ago?

Gu Jiao touched chin: "is murderer inconvenient to start last night?"

Anyway, Gu Changqing must leave the military camp today and lead the murderer to kill Tang Ming according to his original plan.

In principle, the day after tomorrow is OK, but in view of the fact that the murderer seemed inconvenient yesterday, Gu Jiao worried that it would be inconvenient for him two days after tomorrow.

It's true that you don't work hard to be a murderer!


After noon, what happened in Gu Jiao's dream happened. Tang Yueshan really convicted Gu Changqing and announced that he would be killed three days later on the execution ground of the military camp.

Some people fight against Gu Changqing's injustice, while others are extremely indifferent. The atmosphere of Gu's army is extremely cold. They all think that Gu Changqing taught Tang Ming a lesson in order to help them.

But now, Gu Changqing will be executed for them.

"Chief, if he really dares to kill Gu Duwei, let's fight back!"

"Yes! It's the opposite

"I'm not happy with uncle and nephew Tang Yueshan! If you let me do it under him again, you'd better cut my eggs! "

Gu's army was filled with righteous indignation.

This is a scene that Gu Jiao didn't see in her dream.

But just as the crowd was rubbing their hands, the fire broke out outside, and then someone ran around and yelled, "go! It's water

The place where the water went was in the prison. The soldiers rushed to put out the fire, but Gu Changqing's people disappeared.

A soldier yelled, "no! Gu Changqing has escaped! "

After searching all over the barracks, no one found Gu Changqing's figure. If he was burned to death by the fire, at least there should be a corpse. Was he burned to ashes?

Deputy General Hu immediately reported the incident to Tang Yueshan.

Tang Yueshan was furious: "what do you do for food? Not a single prisoner can watch! Don't go to search for Ben Shuai! Even if we turn the capital upside down, we must find out Gu Changqing for us! "

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng wear night clothes and lie under the flowers outside Tang Ming's yard.

They have been in ambush for an hour.

"Is it all right? Does the murderer really come to assassinate Tang Ming? " Gu Chengfeng asked.


Gu Jiao said.

Nothing changed. Gu Changqing was sentenced to death. Gu Changqing went out of the military camp. The only difference was the way he came out, but Gu Jiao didn't think it would affect the killer's performance.

Gu Chengfeng said in a low voice: "it's almost midnight now. We don't have the shadow of half a murderer except to see the people coming and going in the Tang mansion."

Yes, in the dream, Tang Ming was killed before midnight. It should be right now. Why hasn't the killer appeared yet?


People from the Tang government come and go.

Gu jiaoshua stood up: "no! The killer's in there! He's from the Tang family! "

Tang Ming should die, but he can't die tonight!