The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 282

Tang Yueshan seemed to realize his gaffe and stepped back: "sister-in-law, walk slowly. If I wake up tomorrow, I'll ask someone to inform my sister-in-law."

"Thank you." Doctor Tang nodded slightly and got out of the room with the help of his servant girl.

After that, the medical officer continued to treat Tang Ming, and Tang Yueshan went back to the barracks to interrogate Gu Changqing. Xuanpinghou was also in the barracks. He could not lose the bet in the morning and break his promise in the afternoon.

He didn't punish Gu Changqing, but he also used the worst interrogation environment.

Gu Changqing was taken to a dark room where he made a special trip to inquire about felony soldiers. There were cold instruments of torture hanging on the walls around him. Maybe he was baptized with too much blood. Rao Shi was polished clean, and it was hard to hide the disgusting blood.

"Do you plead guilty?"

"I don't know if I can break Tang Ming's arm."

"The assassination in the middle of the night?"

"No, it's not."

No matter how Tang Yueshan was interrogated, Gu Changqing always said these words. He was seriously injured by the Marquis, but his mind was still clear, which made Tang Yueshan very angry.

Gu Changqing admits that breaking Tang Ming's arm is enough to convict Gu Changqing, but this is not what Tang Yueshan wants. Tang Ming is half a loser. No matter whether Gu Changqing is the assassin that night or not, everything is due to Gu Changqing.

If Gu Changqing didn't hurt Tang Ming, how could Tang Ming not even beat an assassin? How did you get poisoned?

Gu Changqing has to pay for this, a huge price!

Bishui Hutong.

After three days in a coma, Gu Yan finally woke up.

Yao watched him, sat on the chair beside the bed, and fell asleep with his head against the bed post.

She was in pregnancy and easily sleepy. These days, she has been keeping watch of Gu Yan in all her clothes. If she is not careful, she will go to sleep.

Gu Jiaogang replaced Gu Yan with a hanging bottle. She turned to see him open his eyes and said in a soft voice, "are you awake? How did you feel? Is there anything wrong? "

Gu Yan shook his head. He didn't feel sick, but he was a little weak.

He turned to look at the room and asked, "where is this?"

"Granddad's side." Gu Jiao said.

When he brought Gu Yan back, Gu Yan's situation was a little miserable. In order not to stimulate Yao, he let him live here. Later, Yao knew, but he didn't move him.

As for Yao, Gu Jiao can't tell the whole truth. She only says that Gu Yan went shopping by herself, but got lost and fainted.

Gu Yan had heart disease, which had happened before. Yao didn't doubt anything, but he was still very distressed and nervous about Gu Yan.

Gu Yan turned to see the sleeping Yao, opened his mouth, want to ask what, listen to Gu Jiao said: "I didn't say."

Just three words, endless, but Gu Yan understood.

Maybe this is the tacit understanding of the twins.

Gu Yan put down his heart and asked, "how long have I slept?"

Gu Jiao touched his forehead and said, "three days."

"That..." Gu Yan's eyes flashed a trace of something, but he wanted to say nothing.

Gu Jiao slowed down the titer: "I'll make you something to eat. How about millet porridge and egg soup?"

"All right." Gu Yan said with drooping eyes.

Gu Jiao nodded and turned to go out. When she got to the door, she stopped, measured her face slightly, looked to the ground and said, "that bastard has been cleaned up. Don't be afraid. He won't hurt you any more."

You can walk boldly into the sun.

Gu Yan gave a dull hum.

Gu Jiao did not worry, immediately let his brother become lively, some of the trauma through time to heal.

What Gu Jiao doesn't know is that the first thing Gu Yan cares about when he wakes up is not Tang Ming's disgusting behavior. He will care about those things and it will take a long time to erase them from his heart, but not now.

Now his head is full of names he heard from Tang Ming before he was in a coma.

Gu Changqing.

As a young master of the Marquis's residence, he was certainly familiar with the name.

He turned out to be Gu Changqing

He thought of the miserable memories of his childhood.

Because of his weakness, he learned to walk at the age of two and run all over the place at the age of three.

One day, taking advantage of a nap, he climbed out of bed quietly and came to the small garden of Houfu. At that time, there was a boy in Xuanyi practicing sword in the garden.

The boy is less than ten years old, but he is taller than ten years old. He waves a sword which is very different from his figure. He is upright and valiant.

That's my brother.

He knows.

When the boy received the sword, he ran to him dada: "brother, I'm Gu Yan. You can call me Yan'er or ah Yan! Well... My mother calls me baby. You can call me baby if you like. "

When he saw that he was sweating, he pulled off the pocket around his neck and handed it to him: "here you are."

The other party did not answer, looking at his eyes full of Indifference: "I am not your brother, you are not my brother."

That look in his eyes, he didn't understand at that time, he only felt that he was injured, but when he grew up, he remembered that it was not an injury, it was the pain of the knife point across his young heart.

"You are my brother! You are my father's son, and so am I! "

"But you are not my mother's son. We can never be brothers!"

At the age of three, he was abandoned in the cold wind.

Maybe it really hurt, even he still remembers it.

But did he give up?

He did not have.

He did not understand why his father was his brother's father, but his mother was not his brother's mother. He went to ask his father.

The father said, of course, he is your brother, and you are also his brother.

Well, he knew it!

He was very happy.

But when he turned his head, he saw his father rush to his brother's yard and beat his brother who was practicing calligraphy.

"Who allowed you to bully your brother? If you dare to talk like that again, I'll break your leg! "

No, don't break my brother's leg!

He ran to him in a hurry, hugged his father's thigh and told him not to fight: "don't fight my brother, don't fight... Don't fight!"

His father carried him away, and he looked at his brother kneeling on the ground, full of anger and humiliation.

He came to him.

He growled and said to him, "don't come to me again. I hate you when I see you! I hate you! I hope there is no you in this family! "

In fact, he wanted to tell him that my brother, second brother and third brother beat me. They bruised my arm. It hurt so much.

But at that moment, he felt his heart hurt more than his arm.

He thought that he was different from his two brothers. He saw that he had touched the rabbit on the ground and saved the bird in the tree. He was such a kind man that he even liked the bird. He was so lovely that he would like it.

But he didn't like it. He hated it. He wished he had never been.

He held his own heart and gave it to him devoutly and adoringly, in exchange for his abandonment.

However, even so, when he was put into the dark room by his third brother, what he was looking forward to was him. How he expected that even once... Just once, he could come to protect him

He is his favorite brother

Then he left, and he got into the carriage for the villa.

He looked back from time to time.

At that time, he thought that if his brother could come out to see him, he would have no grievances. If he did not leave, he was not afraid of being bullied by his third and second brothers.

But he didn't come.

He finally fell in his mother's arms and cried.

After ten years in Zhuangzi, he didn't wait for him to visit him once. He finally forced himself to accept the reality a little bit.

He is not his brother, he is not his brother, they have the same father, but never have any relationship.

In his mind, Gu Yan closed his eyes.

In the dead of night, the whole barracks was in silence.

Gu Changqing was sitting on the straw mat without many pajamas.

All of a sudden, there was a movement outside the door, followed by the sound of two bodies falling to the ground.

Gu Changqing eyes a Lin, a vigilant eyes flash from the fundus.

The next second, the door of the torture chamber was opened, and more than ten cold concealed weapons shot at him head and face!

This is the rhythm of shooting him into a sieve!

Gu Changqing suddenly rolled over from the ground, grabbed the straw mat beside the wall, waved his arm and rolled it towards the concealed weapons. He took down all the concealed weapons with the strength of softness. Then the straw mat dispersed and shot the concealed weapons at each other!

It seemed that the other party had been ready for a long time, but he didn't rush into the prison. As soon as the concealed weapon came back, he quickly hid behind the outer wall.

The concealed weapon was nailed to the ground outside the prison!

The other side just waved a sword into the room and assassinated Gu Changqing.

Gu Changqing had chains and shackles on his hands and feet. He raised his hands and handed over his opponent's sword with the chains between the shackles. He held the sword in his hands and stabbed him in the heart!

He is injured, yes, but in terms of skill, he is still too much higher than the other side.

The man in black, who was wearing a mask, was almost stabbed by Gu Changqing. He quickly withdrew from the prison. The shackles on Gu Changqing's feet were tied to the iron ring on the wall, and he couldn't get out.

The man in black stood outside the dangerous area, his hands were full of treasure, and he said with an unbridled smile: "I didn't expect that he could fight so well after being injured. He deserves to be a cold faced Yan Luo Gu Du Wei."

"Who are you?" Gu Changqing asked coldly.

The man in black smiles: "I'm here to kill you. Some people pay for your life, but it seems that I underestimate your strength. I can't kill you tonight. I have to go back and kill your brother."

Gu Changqing frowned.

The man in Black said slowly: "the gold Lord has said that you two brothers should take one of your lives, otherwise it will be hard for him to vent his hatred!"

Hate in your heart?

Gu Chengfeng and Gu Chenglin didn't have a bad relationship with each other, did they——

Gu Changqing's heart sank and he wanted to ask something more, but the other side had already used his lightness skill and disappeared into the boundless night.

Gu Changqing recalled each other's mask. The mask seemed familiar to him. He seemed to have seen it somewhere. Then there was the hidden weapon on the ground, which was also inexplicably familiar.

The other party may really go to kill Gu Yan, or it may be fake.

Gu Changqing's eyes sank.

He did not hesitate for a long time, raised the sword in his hand and cut off the chain on his hands and feet.

He walked out of the prison.

Just at this moment, a soldier who came to change his post came outside the prison. He saw Gu Changqing with a sword and shackles, but the iron chain was broken. He also looked at the two bodies lying on the ground.

The blood of the corpse was all over the ground, and Gu Changqing's sword was dripping with blood

His face changed: "Gu Duwei!"

Gu Changqing frowned, but he didn't explain. He threw his sword, thought about it, and then struck each other with his palm.

In fact, it's unnecessary. The other party was so shocked that he forgot to stop him.

But if you don't stun the other party, the other party will be guilty of dereliction of duty.

Gu Changqing went to the stable to lead his horse and rushed to Chang'an Street.

Along the way, he paid attention to whether he was being followed and made sure he didn't, so he turned into the blue water Hutong.

He went directly to the old sacrificial wine.

He rushed into Gu Yan's house.

Gu Yan is soaking his feet with Gu Jiao's medicine, while Yao is accompanying him.

Two people see Gu Changqing dusty into the house, fear is Leng for a while.

Gu Changqing probably didn't know how embarrassed and frightening he was after several days in prison. His clothes were still stained with blood, and the corners of his mouth were accidentally whipped. He was still blue.

I haven't shaved for several days, and there is a light cyan around my lips.

His eyes were bright in the dark.

Gu Jiao tells Yao and his family that Gu Yan is lost and in a coma, so Yao doesn't know that his son has met Tang Ming, and he already knows from Tang Ming that he is Gu Changqing.

Yao thought they were getting along as before. Yao got up and said, "are you coming to see Yan'er?"

In fact, I want to ask Gu Changqing what's wrong, but it's not easy to ask.

"I'll see if the medicine is ready." Yao said and went out.

Gu Changqing saw Gu Yan's appearance at this moment. What else did he not understand?

But he didn't regret it. On the contrary, he was relieved.

He is very glad that the other party is calculating him, not really to hurt Gu Yan.

"Are you... Better?"

Gu Yan dropped his eyes and did not speak

After such a thing, no one will feel down. His reaction is not strange in Gu Changqing's eyes.

Gu Changqing thought that Tang Ming called his name that day. At that time, Gu Yan seemed to have fainted. Maybe he didn't hear it?

Gu Changqing summoned up the courage to come to the bedside and put out his hand to touch his forehead as usual.

Fearing that the shackles would show, he covered them with his sleeves.

But when he was about to meet Gu Yan, Gu Yan did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and turned his head.