The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 281

Tang Yueshan secretly thought about Xuanping Marquis's strength. To be honest, he didn't fight Xuanping Marquis many times. Even if he did, it was 20 years ago.

Xuanping Marquis's martial arts is slightly better than him, but Xuanping Marquis suffered from a waist injury. It's said that he has not been completely cured so far, and he will feel dull pain every rainy day.

He was confident that xuanpinghou would not be his opponent if he competed in martial arts.

Is it Bevan?

Then Xuanping marquis is no match of his own.

Although he can't pour out two or two inks in his stomach, he is better than Xuanping marquis. Xuanping Marquis a little hooligan who doesn't know how to do anything!

Lord Xuanping said, "Lord Tang, you should know that I have been hurt. Can I have someone to fight for me?"

It seems that he is really ready to compete with him. Tang Yueshan glances at the young man behind Xuanping marquis. He knows this young man. His name is Chang Jing, and he is a secret guard. As for the specific origin, Tang Yueshan doesn't know much.

Tang Yueshan didn't feel the breath fluctuation of his opponent at all. There are two situations. One is that the opponent can't do martial arts, the other is that the opponent's martial arts are above him. There is no doubt that the opponent is not the first.

It's strange. It's not strange.

It's no surprise that Tang Yueshan was a leader in war. He learned how to defend the enemy on the battlefield. His martial arts were very high, but he didn't need to be as high as the dark guard killer.

Strange is that this young man is too mysterious, no one in Beijing has ever found his background.

Tang Yueshan is good at face, but he is not the kind of person who wants to lose face and live to suffer. It may be useful for him to stir up generals, but what really impels him to agree to this gamble is his selfishness - he wants to get rid of Xiao Ji's identity as Xuanping marquis.

Therefore, he won't let Chang Jing play for Xuanping Marquis just for the sake of a little face, even if Xuanping marquis will say that you bully me with waist injury and won't win.

"I don't agree." Tang Yueshan zhengse road.

Sure enough, Xuanping Hou tut said: "bullying me has a waist injury, and I'm not afraid to let people laugh at you."

Tang Yueshan hummed coldly: "if you can afford to gamble, you can gamble. If you can't afford to gamble, you can go."

"Bet, of course. Who can't afford to bet?" Xuanping marquis is famous in the circle for his shamelessness. Tang Yueshan is afraid of defeat. Xuanping marquis is not afraid. There are three words: thick skinned, so he really can afford to gamble and he must lose.

In a way, this is Xuanping Marquis's unique reputation. Tang Yueshan is not afraid that he will cheat later.

"All right, then fight." Xuanping Hou spread out his palm, revealing two marbles made of jadeite, "you choose one."

Tang Yueshan was stunned: "what to do?"

Xuanping Hou said: "play marbles!"

Tang Yueshan simply choked: "you... You said to hit... Is to hit this?"

"Ah, yes!" Xuanping Hou a face naturally, "otherwise you think is hit what?"

Fight... Fight!

Tang Yueshan clenched his fist and was so angry that he almost had a stroke.

Just now, he said that if he can afford to gamble, he is the one who can't afford to leave. Now it's impossible to go back on his word. After all, it's not a shameless thing. It's not a matter of eating your words.

Tang Yueshan took a cool breath. He never thought that he was old enough to compare with others?

Is xuanpinghou's brain really OK? Is he really here? He's not ashamed, is he?

Tang Yueshan didn't play it when he was young, and he played it very well. Besides, he was not afraid of martial arts practitioners because of their quick eyes and high accuracy.

"All right, that's it!"

He responded impatiently and picked a marble.

Chang Jing's marbles seem similar, but in fact each one is different. For example, Tang Yueshan chose blue and white jadeite, while Xuanping Marquis held Jade Jadeite with exquisite grain.

Xuanping Marquis let people dig two small holes in the ground, he and Tang Yueshan one by one, there are many ways to play marbles, he let Tang Yueshan pick, Tang Yueshan picked one that does not need to have first and second hand: remove the beads in their hands, they each took ten marbles, who first hit the ten marbles into the hole, who won.

That sounds simple.

That is to squat down and fight in front of so many subordinates. It always feels like a mental handicap.

Anyway, Xuanping marquis is a handsome mentally retarded man. Everything is pleasing to the eye. When Tang Yueshan squats there, he can't bear to look directly at him.

Tang Yueshan suddenly regretted it. Why did he make a bet with this madman? Did he forget that this lunatic didn't do some normal things?

Marquis Xuanping squatted on the ground and turned to look at Tang Yueshan: "is Lord Tang ready?"

At this moment, many people have heard the news that the two giants are competing outside the prison, and they come to watch one after another——

Just show them this?!

Tang Yueshan was so ashamed that he roared in a bluff: "what are you looking at? Don't you have to practice! "

The crowd left in panic!

There are only two lunatics left at the scene... Er, no, the two giants, their confidants and Gu Changqing.

Gu Changqing was not interested in this. He sat on the straw mat of the prison, with his back against the wall and closed his eyes.

Tang Yueshan scolded Xuanping Marquis for thousands of times in his heart. Then, with the sound of Gong, Chang Jing began today's Pinball fight.

Tang Yueshan was originally full of confidence, because he had not practiced martial arts for a long time since Xuanping Marquis had a waist injury. He practiced day and night, and his control ability was better than Xuanping marquis.

But Xuanping Hou pressed Tang Yueshan's face on the ground.

Tang Yueshan did not even hit a single bead, but Xuanping entered the hole with ten beads. That's right. He hit ten beads with one bead, crisp and decisive!

Tang Yueshan was in a daze.

You usually don't train, do you go to play marbles?

Lord Xuanping, alas, seemed to be struggling. He slowly stood up and looked down at the silly Tang Yueshan: "you lost, Lord Tang."

At the beginning, in order to deceive Chang Jing to be a dark guard for himself, he closed the door and practiced for a long time, OK?

If Tang Yueshan can't react at this moment, he won't be able to say it if he is cheated by Xuanping marquis. But it's useless to react. His ugly words are all left in the front. Can he repent?

Just at this time, a servant of the Marshal's mansion came in a hurry and whispered a few words in his ear.

He stood up and looked coldly at Xuanping Marquis and Gu Changqing in the prison. He said with disdain, "hum, I'll let you go today, but if you hurt tomorrow, I won't give up!"

After that, he threw the bead in his hand, and his eyes left.

Xuanping Hou asked people to pick up the beads, personally wiped them for Chang Jing and gave them back to him.

Chang Jing is a little depressed.

He doesn't like people touching his beads.

Xuanping Hou straightened his shoulder clothes, coaxed: "next time I'll buy you a new, round and beautiful one, ah?"

Chang Jing black face, eyes Resentment: "you have said 37 times."

Xuanping Hou said: "well, do you have one? I'll buy it this time, I'll buy it! "

Chang Jing bowed his head and wiped his marbles carefully.

Xuanping Marquis came to the door of the prison, looked at Gu Changqing, who had closed his eyes slightly and seemed to have ignored life and death, and said, "young, what can I do for you?"

Gu Changqing slowly opened her eyes and looked at the dark and obscure wall with wet water lines: "I can't help thinking about it."

Xuanping Marquis point so far, did not argue with him, and said: "if you have trouble, you can go to your majesty to say."

Gu Changqing said calmly, "I have no trouble."

There is no hardship is the biggest hardship, because it is impossible to say.

Xuanping Marquis see through don't say broken, smile: "OK, things have been done, this Marquis also should go back to the house to make up for sleep, see you later."

Gu Changqing bowed slightly, which was regarded as a salute.

Xuanping Hou yawned and got into the carriage.

Chang Jing sat on the outside seat to drive. Marquis Xuanping closed his eyes and knew which direction the carriage was going. He said lazily, "go to Ruan Xiangge."

Sleepy was woken up, back to the house also can't sleep, nephrite Xiang Huai lie down is good.

Chang Jing doesn't like that kind of place. There are many women and she always makes strange noises.

But miss Xiang'er of Ruan Xiangge will make many delicious dishes.

On the other hand, Tang Yueshan rushed back to the Marshal's mansion.

"What about the young master? Is he really awake? " He got out of the carriage and asked the Butler waiting at the door.

The housekeeper said, "yes, I did wake up just now. I remember your order. I'll let you know as soon as you wake up."

Since playing out what happened last night, Tang Yueshan is not at ease to leave Tang Ming alone in the yard, and orders people to move Tang Ming to his own yard.

Now Tang Ming is lying in his room, sleeping on his bed.

There was a strong smell of medicine in the room, which suppressed Tang Ming's blood.

But Tang Yueshan could still smell it. He frowned and came to the bed.

Both Jiang and Wu were present.

They saluted him: "Lord Tang."

Tang Yueshan waved his hand and asked them to be free. He sat down beside the bed and looked anxiously at Tang Ming, who was frowning, his eyes closed, and his cheeks were bloodless. He asked, "don't you mean you're awake?"

Wu official said: "wake up for a while, drink two mouthfuls of medicine and sleep."

In fact, I only took one sip and spilled half of it.

Tang Ming's face was paler than when Tang Yueshan left in the morning, and his breath was particularly weak. Tang Yueshan was very worried. He took a towel from his servant girl's hand and wiped it. Even in a coma, Tang Ming exuded cold sweat from his forehead because of pain.

Then he asked the two doctors, "can he be saved?"

The two medical officials looked at each other and pushed me and I pushed you with their eyes. Finally, doctor Jiang coughed and said, "we will try our best!"

"I don't want to do my best! You cured him! I'm the only one... "Tang Yueshan said. He clenched his fist and said bitterly," nephew, I have no son. He is my successor. I don't allow him to miss anything! Whether it's his life or his... "

Speaking of this, Tang Yueshan glanced at Tang Ming's place: "can he lift it again?"

He is not a scholar. He can't say elegant and implicit words. Another example is the most elegant words he can squeeze out in front of medical officials.

The two medical officers did not know how to answer for a moment.

After all, they are really not sure. Without a bag, he has not become a father-in-law completely. However, he has been injured so badly that he can't be compared with a normal man.

Tang Yueshan was very angry that the medical officials didn't give him a definite word. Just when the medical officials were scared by him, they almost began to panic. The servant reported that Mrs. Tang had come.

Tang Yueshan changed his anger and gathered his whole body's murderous spirit: "you step back first!"


The medical officials are relieved. It's a good time for Mrs. Tang to come.

Mrs. Tang came into the room with red and swollen eyes. The bad news made her cry in the morning.

Tang Yueshan's eyes fell on her crimson eyes. The eyes moved. He got up and gave up the position beside the bed and arched his hands slightly.

Mrs. Tang met him without strabismus.

The distance between the two was clear.

"Pour a cup of tea for the first lady." Tang Yueshan ordered his servants.

Servant: "yes."

"No more." Mrs. Tang choked and refused. She touched Tang Ming's face and burst into tears again

Tang Yueshan looked at Mrs. Tang's side face and said solemnly, "don't worry, sister-in-law. I will cure tomorrow's son."

Mrs. Tang covered her mouth and nodded tearfully.

Mrs. Tang sat down for a while, but the medical officer still had to give Tang Ming medicine. It was inconvenient for her to delay her son's treatment, so she got up and left.

Xu was crying for a long time. When she stood up, she was dazzled. Her head shook and her body staggered a few steps.

As soon as Tang Yueshan's face changed, he stepped forward to hold her. His eyes were full of tension: "sister-in-law!"

Mrs. Tang was held by her, and her dizziness passed quickly. She looked at the hand holding her arm. Her face changed and she pulled out her arm.