The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 272

She was stunned.

She was stunned for a long time. She moved her mouth in disbelief, but she didn't make a sound for a long time.

... Jiaojiao?

The name that once slipped out of her mouth inadvertently belongs to this little girl?

Why do you treat her

"Empress Dowager!"

Zhuang Yuexi's voice suddenly appeared. From a distance, she saw a familiar little figure standing beside the Empress Dowager. She was suspicious. She came to see if it was Gu Jiao.

There was a thump in her heart.

Then she saw the small purse in Gu Jiao's hand, and her face changed.

She tried her best to hide her uneasiness and told herself that the Empress Dowager had already forgotten the girl. Now the one she loves is herself. No matter how much she tosses, it's just in vain.

Her mind turned and she calmed down.

She looked at Gu Jiao and asked, "what are you doing here? Is the palace a place where you can go in and out at will? "

Of course not, but since Gu Jiao can come in, at least it means that she has a way. The people Gu Jiao knows in the palace are the Empress Dowager besides the emperor, and the Empress Dowager doesn't give her the right to go in and out freely, so she can only be the emperor.

Zhuang Yuexi's words undoubtedly remind empress dowager Zhuang that Gu Jiao is an emperor.

Empress Dowager Zhuang's look was really cold again.

Zhuang Yuexi then said, "I heard that your Majesty's dragon body disobeyed. You are treating your majesty. I don't know how the treatment is going."

No one knows that empress dowager Zhuang and the emperor are mortal enemies in the Zhao kingdom. The purpose of supporting the emperor to ascend the throne is to cultivate a puppet emperor, but the emperor is unwilling to be a puppet when his wings are hard.

The fight between them never stopped.

The Empress Dowager wants to crush the emperor while the emperor is sick, but Gu Jiao's appearance gives the emperor a chance of life. Will empress dowager Zhuang wait to see Gu Jiao in her heart?

The words still echoed in Empress Dowager Zhuang's mind. However, she was no longer confused, but cold. The girl approached her because of the emperor's instructions. She would let her take the opportunity to enter her heart, mostly because she lost her memory.

She just accidentally hit the girl's way, and won't do it in the future.

"Leave the things, you can go." Empress Dowager Zhuang raised her chin and looked at the flowers in the royal garden.

"Oh." Gu Jiao brow tip a pick, looked at Zhuang Yue Xi one eye, "so is not aunt let a person return to me?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang just recalled that the girl seemed to have said the word "return" from the beginning. She frowned and looked at the wrinkled purse. It was really a very strange purse. All the threads were left outside.

Is this girl... Made it for her?

"It's clear that you stole the Empress Dowager's things and came here to talk to yourself!" Zhuang Yuexi pinched her fingers and turned to empress dowager Zhuang, saying, "empress dowager, she must have fallen on the road by accident just now and was picked up by this girl."

Gu Jiao looked at Zhuang Yuexi and said, "you gave it to me."

Zhuang Yuexi denied: "I didn't!" She turned to empress dowager Zhuang and said, "empress dowager, don't listen to her instigation!"

"Enough!" Empress Dowager Zhuang interrupts Zhuang Yuexi. Zhuang Yuexi is too noisy today, which makes her a little upset.

In fact, Gu Jiao's words today are much more than Zhuang Yuexi's, but what empress dowager Zhuang didn't realize was that she only thought Zhuang Yuexi was noisy.

Gu Jiao Wei looked at empress dowager Zhuang curtly: "do you really want me to go? Then you tell me that you don't want me. "

Empress Dowager Zhuang took a deep breath and opened her mouth.

She can't even say it. Thinking of saying that I don't want you to this girl, her throat is like a huge stone.

"Boring." Empress Dowager Zhuang stood up coldly and left the royal garden.

Gu Jiao touched the purse in her hand.

When empress dowager Zhuang went away, Zhuang Yuexi said coldly, "don't ask for trouble any more! You know what your family did to my aunt! My aunt is kind-hearted and doesn't care about you, but don't push your nose on your face! Do you really think my aunt loves you? She just took you for me! I'm her real niece and granddaughter

"Oh." Gu Jiao answered carelessly, and didn't take Zhuang Yuexi's words to heart at all.

There is no truth in this woman's mouth. She won't listen to it. She's a son of a bitch chanting scriptures!

When Zhuang Yuexi saw that she didn't care, she only felt that she had hit the cotton with a fist, and she was very weak.

In fact, she is a person with brain, but Gu Jiao is easy to be excited to forget the propriety. She put her heart in a horizontal position and blurted out: "you weigh your weight! Stop daydreaming! Aunt, she doesn't remember you for a long time

Gu Jiao had a look.

I don't remember her

This sentence is believed by Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao's step of going out of the palace turned back and walked forward bravely.

"Where are you going?" Zhuang Yuexi scolds.

"Renshou palace." Gu Jiao eyebrow tip a pick, the head also does not return ground to say.

Zhuang Yuexi stamped her foot angrily: "you!"

Gu Jiao catches up with empress dowager Zhuang's step. The palace people used to look at the Empress Dowager's face, so she catches up with her. The Empress Dowager doesn't order to chase her, so the palace people dare not speak.

At Renshou palace, Empress Dowager Zhuang stepped into the palace.

Gu Jiao also entered the room.

Qin Gonggong gritted his teeth. Why is this girl a little haunted?

Empress Dowager Zhuang finally stopped in the small garden of the front hall. She looked at Gu Jiao without expression: "why do you always follow the mourning family?"

Gu Jiao thought, "I want to follow you."

Empress Dowager Zhuang

She should be very angry, but why is she a little... Happy?

Is she poisoned by this girl? In more than a year of house arrest, how much ecstasy did the girl give her?

Empress Dowager Zhuang went back to the bedroom in anger.

Gu Jiao naturally followed in. She looked at the resplendent bedroom hall and wondered, "aunt, is this where you live? Will it be lonely? "

It seems luxurious, but it's big and empty. Every place is cold.

Empress Dowager Zhuang was in a trance when she heard the speech.

No one ever asked her if she was lonely.

The father who sent her to the palace did not ask, the husband who left her in the deep palace did not ask, and the people who wanted her to climb higher and higher never asked.

Dazed, a scallion white hand reached over, holding a newly opened paper bag with three candied fruits inside.

At first glance, this kind of preserved fruit is from the folk, and the dried fruit of the palace is much more exquisite.

"Bold! How can you give the Empress Dowager this kind of folk dirty food! " Zhuang Yuexi came over with a mixed fruit tray. There were fresh cut melons and fruits in it. She sprinkled a few palace dried fruits as embellishment. It was much better than Gu Jiao's preserves.

Empress Dowager Zhuang's eyes fell on the candied fruit in Gu Jiao's palm. She swallowed hard and said solemnly, "I'm sorry, I don't eat it!"

"Oh." Gu Jiao ate it herself.

The Empress Dowager ate the melons and fruits offered by Zhuang Yuexi. She didn't know what to eat.

Gu Jiao went to the small kitchen again and made a bowl of eggs with sugar water for Empress Dowager Zhuang.

Zhuang Yuexi looked at the sweet eggs in the bowl with disgust: "are you going to give this kind of food to the Empress Dowager?"

There are eggs in the Imperial Palace, but they are shrimp egg soup, shark's fin egg soup, abalone slippery egg, osmanthus and medlar pearl egg flower... Who will eat this kind of sugar water egg?

Gu Jiao ignored her, went over and put a bowl of steaming eggs in sugar water on the table beside the Empress Dowager. She whispered, "I put half a spoonful more brown sugar."

Or more sugar!

Empress Dowager Zhuang refused. She was the Empress Dowager of a country. How could she eat such a delicate food?

She turned her face coldly, and tears came from the corner of her mouth uncontrollably

Empress Dowager Zhuang is going to take a nap. Gu Jiao and Zhuang Yuexi are invited to the side hall next door to have a rest.

Gu Jiao's origin is a little unclear, but as long as the Empress Dowager doesn't chase her, the palace people don't have the courage to deal with her.

"You also step down. I don't like to have people around me when I'm sleeping."


The two maids who were close to her also withdrew.

Empress Dowager Zhuang is the only one left in the huge bedroom. She lies on the spacious and luxurious Phoenix bed, half squinting, with her back facing the direction of the table.

The porch window is wide open, and the wind blows slowly.

Gu Jiao put ginger in the egg with sugar water. The aroma of ginger juice hitting brown sugar permeated the whole bedroom.

Empress Dowager Zhuang tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

Finally, she put the heart a horizontal, sat up, came to the table to sit down, holding a bowl of sugar eggs, suck up to eat!

Suddenly, a small blue figure hanging upside down from the beam, small head hanging upside down outside the window, happily called: "aunt ~"

Empress Dowager Zhuang trembled and almost choked to death!

No one is caught eating eggs in sugar water.

Gu Jiao hangs upside down with a golden hook. Her blood rushes down her head. Her face is red and looks lovely.

Empress Dowager Zhuang took another look.

Gu Jiao didn't hang for long. She stood on the windowsill and jumped in from the window.

"I just don't want to waste it," she said

Gu Jiao nodded: "mm-hmm, every grain is hard!"

After eating, Empress Dowager Zhuang wiped her mouth and said solemnly, "it's not very delicious either."

Gu Jiao looked at the plate without any residue

Gu Jiao then said, "Auntie, don't you remember what happened in Bishui Hutong?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang was slightly stunned, and then said: "I've never remembered anything unimportant!"


Gu Jiao came to empress dowager Zhuang, squatted down on one knee, took her hand and looked up at her: "aunt, I'll take you out of the palace."

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "what do you do?"

Gu Jiao: "you are not happy in the palace."

Empress Dowager Zhuang thought that she would say, "I'll take you out of the palace to help you recover your memory of the past.".

This girl does not care whether she will be remembered or not?

Just thinking about whether she's happy or not?

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked away and said in a cold voice: "who said that I was unhappy? The AI family is the most respected woman in the state of Zhao. She is the Empress Dowager who has power over the country. At the end of the day, as long as the AI family wants, it's easy for the AI family to get it. "

Gu Jiao didn't speak and looked at her painfully.

I thought my aunt had forgotten. The most sad person is her, but in fact... It's my aunt.

Empress Dowager Zhuang did not dare to look into Gu Jiao's clear eyes. She looked out of the window and said in a cold voice, "did the emperor send you again? What's good for the mourning family is just pouring soul soup into the mourning family again! AI Jia might as well tell you the truth, your move... "

Before her voice fell, she felt a soft touch in her palm.

She looked down and saw the little girl spread out her hand and buried her cheek in her palm.

The face is soft, with baby fat that hasn't faded yet.

The eyelashes are long and slender. Every time they quiver, they sweep on the palm of her hand and on the tip of her heart.

Half an hour later, Duke Qin called empress dowager Zhuang to get up as usual.

Empress Dowager Zhuang has been in the harem for decades. She is extremely strict with her work and rest, and does not delay a breath.

"Empress dowager, the slave has come in to wait on you."

After reporting to the police outside the door, Duke Qin pushed in with a pile of gorgeous clothes.

But when he came to empress dowager Zhuang's Phoenix bed and saw the people on the bed, he was shocked: "big --"

He felt two sharp eyes before he could speak.

He quickly turned around and saluted empress dowager Zhuang, who was already well dressed: "Empress Dowager."

What empress dowager Zhuang wore was not the Phoenix robe or the ordinary Palace Dress, but the coarse cloth clothes of the people.

Duke Qin has some silly eyes.

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked at Gu Jiao, who was sleeping sweetly on the bed, and said, "I'm going to go out of the palace, and you'll change your clothes."

"... yes."

Duke Qin should go down.

As an old man beside empress dowager Zhuang, he naturally didn't need the Empress Dowager to teach him what kind of clothes to change.

Duke Qin often went out to buy clothes outside the palace. He ordered the Empress Dowager to practice calligraphy in her study so that people in the palace would not disturb him. Then he took the Empress Dowager out of the palace.

On the carriage outside the palace, Duke Qin asked the Empress Dowager: "too... Cough, old lady, where are we going now?"

Looking at the sky outside the palace, the Empress Dowager Zhuang breathed the air that shouldn't belong to her and murmured, "blue water Hutong."

That girl seems to say so.

Bishui hutong is well-known near Guozijian. Duke Qin happens to know it.

At this time, the night has fallen and thousands of lights have been lit up along the street.

This is her time of peace and prosperity, but the excitement does not belong to her.

"It's ahead." Duke Qin slowed down and was about to turn into the alley when empress dowager Zhuang suddenly said, "stop here."

"Yes." Duke Qin got out of the carriage and asked a little eunuch to watch the carriage, while he helped empress dowager Zhuang down.

The road of Bishui Hutong used to be a bit bumpy, but now it has been filled with all kinds of strange materials, such as door-to-door filling.

"Huiyuan road." Said empress dowager Zhuang suddenly.

Qin Gong Leng for a moment: "the Empress Dowager... Is to give this road a name?"

"I don't know." Empress Dowager Zhuang shook her head.

It was just a flash of thought, and she didn't understand why she said that.

She went on, very slowly.

Suddenly, in a house on the right, someone opened the door and came out. When he saw her, his eyes lit up: "aunt Huo! I haven't seen you for days! You are back! How did it take so long? "

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked at her in a daze.

Aunt Liu stepped forward and took her hand: "just in time! Three short of one

"Presumptuous!" Qin Gong whispered his teeth.

Aunt Liu found Duke Qin: "eh? Who is this? Your mother's nephew? "

Duke Qin knelt down at that moment!

He is a slave. Where can he be related to the Empress Dowager? Isn't that killing him?

"Coachman." Said empress dowager Zhuang.

"Strange and handsome!" Aunt Liu's eyes lingered on Duke Qin.

Qin Gonggong clamping legs: miscellaneous family is eunuch!

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked at the hand holding her wrist. In the palace, even the emperor did not dare to touch her.

Aunt Liu didn't notice the difference of Empress Dowager Zhuang. The main reason is that she used to be the No.1 woman in the world. Everyone has been used to it. She is cold in face and annoyed in heart!

"Ah! Aunt Zhao! Aunt Huo is back! "

"Is sister Huo back?" Aunt Zhao came out of the house. If she saw the Empress Dowager Zhuang, she called to the house, "brother Liang, go and get your milk. Granny Huo is back!"


A doll named Liang Ge'er ran out of the Zhao family and went back to his own home, "milk! Grandma Huo is back! "

For a moment, the whole Bishui Hutong was shocked.

It's so lonely without an old lady playing leaf cards with them!

A large group of people gathered around empress dowager Zhuang and asked her how she had been to visit her relatives for so long. Several children in the family were worried. They saw the little one peering at the door several times and asked him if he wanted to see his aunt. He said he didn't want to. But the tears rolled in her eyes. The small appearance of grievance made them sad!


Empress Dowager Zhuang pondered.

The little bald one?

Speaking of Cao Cao, Xiao Jingkong just came out to look out.

He put out his little head and his big watery eyes were very innocent.

He didn't know what was going on in the Hutong. Why did everyone come out?

Then he watched a man come out of the crowd.

It's my aunt.

Xiaojingkong's eyes brightened, and she was about to call her aunt. But she didn't know what she thought of. Her mouth shriveled and she ran into the room with her back on her back!

Aunt Zhao said quickly, "OK, go to cajole. I'll call you to play cards another day."

Empress Dowager Zhuang was almost surrounded by people at the door.

She was born superior. When she entered the palace at the age of 16, she was surrounded by thousands of people and admired by tens of thousands of people everywhere. But what they surrounded and admired was Qianjin, a banker of noble origin, a virtuous empress of the world, and the Empress Dowager of power. It was her many identities, but it was not her.

Empress Dowager Zhuang entered the courtyard.

A familiar breath came to my face.

She decided almost immediately that she had lived here.

The bamboo, vegetable field and small fish pond in the front yard, the Begonia tree, dog house and chicken coop in the back yard are quietly overlapped with the scenes repeatedly lingering in her mind.


Small eight SA Huan ground rushed toward her to come over!

Qin Gong's face changed greatly, and he spread his arms in front of her: "escort!"

Xiao Ba threw him a white eye and jumped at the old lady's feet. She was very happy.

Soon the baby eagle flew down from the roof.

"Ah, ah Duke Qin was scared to death. It was an eagle!

The little Eagle fluttered its wings and landed on the shoulder of Empress Dowager Zhuang.

"Who's coming?" Yao came out of the house and saw the Empress Dowager Zhuang dressed up on the day she left home. Yao's voice suddenly stopped.

She's pregnant.

It's not obvious. She should have known.

"You, you're back?" Yao didn't know how to call her, and why she came here. Yao was a little nervous and nervous.

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked at a room under the corridor.

Yao looked back and said, "Xiao Shun and Yan'er have gone to study arts, but they haven't come back yet."

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked at the opposite room.

Yao said, "I've always cleaned up your house."

Her house?

Empress Dowager Zhuang walked over lightly.

Duke Qin stepped forward quickly and opened the door first.

It's getting dark. There's no lamp in the room, but the north and South are transparent. It's a good room, but it's too small. It's not as big as a phoenix bed in Renshou palace.

Duke Qin is very distressed. Does the Empress Dowager live in such a corner these days?

But empress dowager Zhuang didn't hate it here. Her fingertips caressed the furniture that had been painted off. A deep sense of familiarity came from her fingertips and spread her four limbs.

Xiaojingkong shut himself in the room. He didn't wait for his aunt to coax him for a long time. He was worried about whether her aunt would go away again. He quickly opened the door of Westinghouse and put his head out to Baba.

As a result, she looked into empress dowager Zhuang's eyes.

Small clearance suddenly retracts the cerebellar pouch and closes the door hummingly!

Empress Zhuang went to the little guy's house.

The little guy turned his back to her and put himself in a corner beside a wardrobe.

"Come out." Said empress dowager Zhuang.

"Don't come out!" Xiaojingqi Huhu said, and then looked back at her, "you, you feed me before I come out!"

A coquetry, reduplication all ran out.

A quarter of an hour later, Empress Dowager Zhuang and the little guy sat in the yard.

A bowl of steaming millet porridge was placed on the small wooden table in front of them.

"Eat for yourself." Said empress dowager Zhuang.

Xiao Jingkong, with a shriveled mouth, raised his head, pulled his voice, and said: "wow --"

Empress Dowager Zhuang shakes, grabs a spoonful of millet porridge and puts it into the little guy's mouth!

Lao Jijiu and Xiao LIULANG returned from Guozijian and Hanlin Academy.

"You don't have to pay attention to the makers. I'll find a way to deal with them in the future..."

Before they finished, the old sacrificial wine and Xiao LIULANG walked through the hall. He saw the old lady sitting on a small bench, feeding xiaojingkong.

Why is it the old lady, not the empress dowager, because she is wearing the old lady's clothes.

Lao Jijiu just paid a little salary today. His first reaction was to hold the money bag: "I didn't hide my private money!"

Empress Dowager Zhuang glanced at him.

The old man was on his knees.

Xiaojingkong smacked his mouth: "grandfather, why are you wrestling?"

Granddad? Empress Dowager Zhuang looks cold!

The sweat of the old sacrificial wine rises suddenly, ah! Little monk, do you have such a big brother-in-law?

Oh, no! I'm not your grandfather!

No, she's not your aunt!

I didn't seem to get to the point

First emperor!

Minister and Empress Dowager are pure monarch minister relationship——


The old toaster was dragged into the small dark room by Empress Dowager Zhuang.


Granny Fang and Liu Quan were so scared by Empress Dowager Zhuang that they couldn't hold the knife. Gu Jiao and Gu Xiaoshun were not there, so Xiao LIULANG cooked the dinner.

Empress Dowager Zhuang was instinctively repelled. She couldn't tell why, but she took a bite of it.

This product looks like a dog. How can cooking be so bad?!

Empress Dowager Zhuang was so disgusted that her whole body was shaking and her blood was surging. It seemed that tianlinggai was about to be swept away by the blood. Her head hurt again and her forehead was sweating.

At this time, Xiao LIULANG took a deep look at her and suddenly said, "has my aunt recovered? Not yet. She's hurt so badly that she almost died. "

She was badly hurt

She almost died

"Old man, where are you from?"

"Do you remember what you had?

"So few, only three!"

"Preserves are very expensive. Don't eat them!"

"That's how you talk to your aunt?"

"I'm going to sell mountain products. The food is hot in the pot. If I'm hungry, I'll eat it myself. There's also medicine. I can't have less than one meal. If you pour it out, I'll know."


"Come to my aunt, dear."

"Auntie, I'll take you home."



Renshou palace.

Zhuang Yuexi lingered outside the Empress Dowager's bedroom for a long time, but she never came out from inside.

There were two powerful eunuchs at the gate.

She hesitated for a moment, stepped forward and inquired, "my father-in-law, it's late. It's time to remind the Empress Dowager to have dinner."

One of the eunuchs said, "the Empress Dowager has an order. No one can disturb her. Unless she comes out by herself, we can't disturb her."

Zhuang Yuexi asked, "but it's so late. What should the Empress Dowager do when she's hungry?"

Another eunuch laughed and said, "don't worry, Miss Zhuang. If the Empress Dowager is hungry, she will let people pass on food. Besides, there is no lack of food."

"How can those snacks fill your stomach?" Zhuang Yuexi looks worried.

What Zhuang Yuexi didn't say was that what she was really worried about was the girl surnamed Gu.

The girl was also in Renshou palace, but in the blink of an eye, the kung fu man disappeared. She seriously suspected that the girl had entered the Empress Dowager's bedroom.

What will she do in the Empress Dowager's bedroom? What would you say to the Empress Dowager? Will you rack your brains to remind the Empress Dowager of this year?

She is not stupid. How can she not see that what the Empress Dowager gave her is not what she really likes? The way the Empress Dowager likes to see her is not her original.

I really don't know how much enchanting soup that girl gave the Empress Dowager?

If that girl has no intention, she doesn't believe it!

Zhuang Yuexi said in a soft voice, "you two father-in-law, you'd better pass on a message for me. The Empress Dowager loves me so much. If I knew that I had been worrying about her outside, she would be unhappy."

As soon as the words came out, they hesitated.

Empress Dowager Zhuang is very principled, but recently they all see empress dowager Zhuang's love for her. They not only give her the best treasures, but also build a mansion for her.

This is clearly to take her as a princess to love.

If Miss Zhuang is really tired out, the Empress Dowager will blame them as slaves.

But... They dare not defy the Empress Dowager's orders.

Zhuang Yuexi said, "maybe the two fathers in law will let me in directly. If anything happens, I will bear it. Please don't worry. With me, the Empress Dowager will not embarrass you."

They exchanged a look and nodded.

Zhuang Yuexi enters the bedroom with a plate of freshly baked Rose Crisp.

All the people in the palace were dismissed. The palace was quiet. It was like the moonlight pouring down on the ground.

A slightly uplifted figure can be seen under the bedding on the bed. Zhuang Yuexi is about to salute, but she can see each other's face at a glance.

She took a cold breath and nearly dropped the dishes in her hand!

Why is she?

Why does she sleep in the Queen Mother's Phoenix bed?

She never slept!

She doesn't even dare to touch it, OK!

This girl is so brave that she dares to climb up the Empress Dowager's Phoenix bed secretly!

Now there's a good play.

Zhuang Yuexi is not so kind as to remind Gu Jiao that she hopes Gu Jiao will continue to sleep. She'd better sleep until she calls the Empress Dowager!

But what Zhuang Yuexi didn't expect was that when she just turned around, she stepped on her skirt. Her body lost her balance and suddenly hit Gu Jiao on the Phoenix bed.

The plate in her hand first fell to the ground and smashed.

Gu Jiao was awakened by her clear voice. Before she understood what had happened, she saw a shadow coming towards her. Gu Jiao, out of instinct, slapped her hand in the past!

There was a sudden crackle in the bedroom. Zhuang Yuexi was fanned away. She hit duobaoge on the opposite side heavily. The porcelain and jade articles on duobaoge fell, including the Empress Dowager's Phoenix seal hidden in the dowry box.

Empress Dowager Zhuang's power has fallen into the government and the public. The value of her Phoenix seal is no less than that of the imperial jade seal. It is a capital crime to destroy the Phoenix seal, which is much more serious than climbing the Phoenix bed!

Seeing Feng Yin fall into two pieces in front of her, Zhuang Yuexi is a fool!

Just at this moment, Empress Dowager Zhuang went back to the palace.

She had changed her clothes in the side hall, and the solemn black gilt Phoenix robe slowly meandered on the floor reflecting the moonlight, which made her more domineering.

"Oh! Phoenix seal Looking at the mess, Duke Qin suddenly changed color!

Zhuang Yuexi rushed over, knelt down in front of Empress Dowager Zhuang, pointed to Gu Jiao on the Phoenix bed and said, "Empress Dowager! It's her! She told you that you were not climbing your Phoenix bed! I went to ask her to get up, but she slapped me in the face. She hit me so hard that I hit duobaoge, and then I knocked off the Phoenix seal! "

Empress Dowager Zhuang squinted: "you mean... She beat you?"

Zhuang Yuexi listened to the dangerous tone and was delighted: "yes, empress dowager, my face is swollen by her!"

It's really swollen. It's so swollen. My mouth is broken and bleeding.

Empress Dowager Zhuang's eyes swept over Zhuang Yuexi's pig's head and face, and then fell on Gu Jiao for a moment: "who knows what to do?"

Zhuang Yuexi is secretly glad that you are dead, just wait for the Empress Dowager to waste your hand!

Gu Jiao raised her right hand pitifully.

She fanned with the back of her hand, and now there are red marks on her head.

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked at the back of her red hand, her eyes suddenly cooled down.