The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 271

"Who? How dare you stop the Empress Dowager! Get out of the way

The father-in-law, surnamed Qin, who was waiting for the empress dowager, said harshly to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao's dress doesn't look like a lady in the palace, but it's not like a maid in the palace. Her clothes are not luxurious and her temperament is very cool.

Gu Jiao didn't get out of the way. She looked at the golden thread swaying in front of her. The huge golden phoenix embroidery was shining in the glow.

After the long curtain, several figures can be seen. The figure in the middle is wearing a Black Embroidered Golden Phoenix robe, sitting upright, imposing, familiar and strange.


Xiaojingkong finally pulled himself out of the ground. He resisted the pain and jumped to the Empress Dowager's Phoenix.

He jumped from the rear to the front, and suddenly saw Gu Jiao in the middle of the path. He said, "Jiao Jiao?"


Empress Dowager Zhuang felt a slight shock.

Xiaojingkong was covered with mud and grass scraps. She jumped over and dropped grass scraps at the same time. She said solemnly: "Jiaojiao, I didn't run around!"

Gu Jiao's recovery is that you didn't run, you just jumped and jumped.

Gu Jiao raised her hand to take off the grass scraps on the little guy's head and body, and took out her handkerchief to wipe his face with mud.

Qin Gonggong had intended to pull the two unintelligent people apart, but as soon as he looked back, he caught a glimpse of Empress Dowager Zhuang's look from the gap of the screen curtain, and there was no displeasure.

Not only that, but the Empress Dowager was a little distracted.

Empress Dowager Zhuang doesn't like children, which is known by Liugong. Even the two daughters of King Ning seldom gather in front of empress Zhuang. But now, looking at the little girl and the dirty little bald man, empress Zhuang doesn't feel bored at all.

I can't even move my eyes.

A strange emotion suddenly rose from the bottom of her heart. She didn't know what was wrong with it.

Zhuang Yuexi sat beside the Empress Dowager and looked at her face. She couldn't help scratching her eyes.

Gu Jiao wiped almost, small clear space slanted over the small head, looked at the high Phoenix, thought about it, called: "aunt?"

As soon as his face changed, Duke Qin strode forward and said, "bold! Who is your aunt

Xiaojingkong waved his hand and said seriously, "she is!"

The temple of Qin Gonggong jumps abruptly: "that is the Empress Dowager!"

"It's my aunt." Xiaojingkong looked at Fengfan and asked, "aunt, why do you want to be the Empress Dowager here? Won't you go back with us? "

Empress Dowager Zhuang was suddenly asked.

She didn't know the child, but why did the child's words make it difficult for her to answer?

Besides, the strange emotion became more and more intense.

She is the empress dowager, but looking at the two children, her heart suddenly a little confused.

She lifted the curtain to have a good look at them.

"Your majesty! Your majesty! It's a big deal! " Duke Wei rushed into Huaqing Palace.

The emperor glanced at him: "what's the matter?"

Duke Wei said, "Miss Gu and her brother are stopped by the Empress Dowager!"

"What?" The emperor Shua stood up and walked out with great strides.


As soon as empress dowager Zhuang opened the curtain, the emperor arrived breathlessly. Standing in front of Gu Jiao and Xiao Jingkong, he said breathlessly to empress dowager Zhuang, "these two are the guests of Zhenxuan's palace. If there is any place to collide with her, I hope she will have a good time."

The Empress Dowager Zhuang lost interest in seeing the emperor.

Her eyes cold down, put down the curtain, light way: "since the emperor's people, the emperor will lead away."

She didn't intend to punish them both, but who would believe it? In everyone's eyes, she is the ruthless, unscrupulous and reckless queen of the evil country.

Empress Dowager Zhuang didn't explain.

"To my mother and empress." Said the emperor.

"Ride." Empress Dowager Zhuang said lightly.

Feng ran walked slowly by Gu Jiao and Xiao Jingkong.

Just as she passed by, Empress Dowager Zhuang could not help but open the curtain and saw the thin and tender face in the sun. Her eyebrows and eyes were delicate, her skin was porcelain, and her left face had a red birthmark.

The girl has no expression and looks cold.

However, I don't know if it is the illusion of Empress Dowager Zhuang. I always feel that the girl's heart is wronged.

What is she wronged about? I haven't cured her yet.

Empress Dowager Zhuang put down the curtain.

After a whole afternoon, her mind is hovering over the girl's face, as well as the share of her heart.

The relationship between the emperor and the Empress Dowager was tense. He had long worried that Gu Jiao would be implicated, so he was very cautious. Unexpectedly, Empress Dowager Zhuang met her.

For the sake of caution, he asked Duke Wei to send people out of the palace in person.

After leaving the palace, Gu Jiao and Xiao Jingkong take the carriage back.

Xiaojingkong was a little depressed: "Jiaojiao, does my aunt want us?"

Gu Jiao touched his little bald head.

She didn't know.

But my aunt seems to really ignore them.

Xiaojingkong climbs on Gu Jiao's leg and pours into Gu Jiao's arms to find comfort.

Gu Jiao hugs him and caresses his little back. Xiaojingkong sleeps sadly and wrongly.

The coachman is Xiao Sanzi.

He waved the whip, and the carriage started to drive, but just a few steps away, he was stopped by a familiar voice.


It's Zhuang Yuexi.

She catches up and stops Gu Jiao's carriage, forcing Xiao Sanzi to rein in and stop it.

Xiao Sanzi thought the girl was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen her.

Zhuang Yuexi ignored him. She went to the car window and said to Gu Jiao, "Miss Gu, I have something to tell you."

Aunt, she didn't call like this in front of the empress dowager, but she called out affectionately and affectionately in front of Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao lightly opened the curtain.

Zhuang Yuexi's eyelashes trembled. She looked coldly at Gu Jiao and said, "aunt, I hope that today's event will not happen again. You don't come back to the palace to find her. She is the Empress Dowager. All the things before were expedient measures. Don't save your mind."

Gu Jiao looks straight at Zhuang Yue Xi.

Zhuang Yuexi was numb by her straightforward and sharp eyes, but she didn't show it on her face. She took out a purse from her wide sleeve and threw it to Gu Jiao

This is a purse embroidered by Gu Jiao herself for her aunt. Her needlework is not very good-looking, but it is very durable. Her aunt always carries small money on her body.

The day my aunt left, she didn't take anything from Bishui Hutong, only a simple dress and a small purse.

This is Gu Jiao's only thought of staying with her aunt.

Now, my aunt has returned it.

Gu Jiao stroked the fold on the purse, didn't say anything, silently put down the curtain.

Looking at Gu Jiao's appearance of being abandoned, Zhuang Yuexi's heart rises with an indescribable pleasure. The people who block her in the alley and threaten her that she can't afford to pay are also today.

Her brother is her, so is my aunt!

Zhuang Yuexi went back to Renshou palace.

Empress Dowager Zhuang is tidying up her coarse cloth clothes. She is already the Empress Dowager. This kind of folk clothes can't be put on the table. It's time to throw them away.

But she didn't throw it. She took it back to the palace and packed it in a box.

Today, she turned out her clothes and laid them flat on the spacious and luxurious bed. She turned her pockets over and over as if she were looking for something.

The little maid asked, "what are you looking for, Empress Dowager?"

"The AI family is looking for..." Empress Dowager Zhuang is stunned.

Yeah, what is she looking for?

I just feel that something very important is missing?

But what is it?

Zhuang Yuexi walked into the room with a twinkle in her eyes: "Empress Dowager."

Empress Dowager Zhuang asked, "did you see anything else when you brought your clothes?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang stayed in the dealer for one night, and her clothes were cleaned by the dealer's servants, which Zhuang Yuexi sent in person.

Zhuang Yue Xi dropped her eyes: "no, only this set of clothes."

This night, the Empress Dowager Zhuang did not sleep very well. As soon as she closed her eyes, it was the girl's wronged eyes. She tossed and turned in the middle of the night, and finally fell asleep, but she dreamt of the little monk.

The little monk tearfully asked her, "Auntie, why do you want to be the Empress Dowager here? Won't you go back with us? "

Won't you go back with us?

You are our aunt

The next morning, through the thick curtain of beads, the courtiers all felt empress dowager Zhuang's atmosphere of not offending me or killing your family. They were all silent and didn't dare to give out their atmosphere.

After the separation, Empress Dowager Zhuang called the master aside.

In the corridor outside the side hall, Zhuang Taifu saluted the Empress Dowager: "Empress Dowager."

Empress Dowager Zhuang: "I have something to ask you."

Zhuang Taifu: "please speak, Empress Dowager."

Empress Dowager Zhuang: "who were you with in the more than one year when the AI family disappeared?"

Zhuang Taifu was surprised: "why did the Empress Dowager suddenly ask this?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "it's enough for you only to answer the words of AI Jia."

"Yes." Zhuang Taifu arched his hand and said, "after the Empress Dowager fled from Lepeng mountain, she went to a small village and was found by her Majesty's people. She was temporarily put under house arrest."

Empress Dowager Zhuang said impatiently, "who are they

Zhuang Taifu said, "Xiao LIULANG, the number one scholar of new science."

"Xiao, Liu, Lang?" Empress Dowager Zhuang frowned. The name was very familiar. She just couldn't remember where she had heard it. However, if she had lived in his family, it would be reasonable.

Zhuang Taifu then said, "Xiao LIULANG is one of your Majesty's people. He has been in touch with your majesty since he was in the village. Later, he went to Beijing to take the examination. On the surface, he took the examination, but in fact, he took the Empress Dowager into the capital to hide people's eyes and ears. In fact, heng'er discovered the whereabouts of the Empress Dowager as early as in the county. She also came to meet the Empress Dowager. It's a pity that the Empress Dowager didn't know her at that time and hurt her. Constant son casts a rat's fear, dare not come hard, have to return to Beijing to discuss countermeasure with me. I had to contact my subordinates and force your majesty to re-establish the national prison. Since Xiao LIULANG wants to enter Beijing, he will not leave the Empress Dowager in the countryside. "

In fact, the situation at that time was far from that. It was clear that they were using Xiao LIULANG, but Zhuang Taifu combined all the things afterwards. When he thought about it, he felt that Xiao LIULANG had premeditated.

If Zhuang Taifu lied to empress dowager Zhuang, Empress Dowager Zhuang might have seen the flaw, but he really thought so.

Empress Dowager Zhuang closed her eyes on his face: "there are many people in the family. Is there no doubt?"

Zhuang Taifu said: "Xiao LIULANG is a poor boy from other places. He claims that the Empress Dowager is his aunt. If there are no relatives in his family to come to him, no one will doubt anything. The Empress Dowager suddenly asked them... Is it because they came to the Empress Dowager? "

What happened in the palace yesterday, Zhuang Yuexi had already asked someone to deliver a letter to Zhuang Taifu. Of course, she didn't say that she went back to find Gu Jiao. She only talked about the encounter in the imperial garden.

Zhuang Taifu said: "they drugged the Empress Dowager to make her lose her memory. They took the opportunity to approach the Empress Dowager and capture her heart. The Empress Dowager must not be deceived by them."

The sound of her aunt was fake. They only used her. This cognition made empress dowager Zhuang feel very uncomfortable.

But it's strange, isn't it?

Shouldn't she be angry and angry and order to kill the whole family?

But why is the heart only sad?

It's fine and clear.

Marquis Gu hasn't been to Bishui Hutong for some days. Today, he is going to visit the governor, the residence built for the Empress Dowager. Passing by Bishui Hutong, he decides to visit Yao.

As soon as he got to the gate of the yard, he met Gu Jiao, who came back with a small clear space in his arms.

Xiaojingkong fell asleep, lying in Gu Jiao's arms, with tears hanging on her eyelashes.

Gu Jiao looks colder than ever.

Marquis Gu hasn't seen this unfilial girl for some time. He seems to have grown taller and looks more like Yao.

"Where have you been?" He asked crossly.

Gu Jiao ignored him and stepped into the yard.

Marquis Gu gritted his teeth: "I'm talking to you! Don't you hear me? "

Gu Jiao coldly looked at him: "you'd better not provoke me today."

Marquis Gu's cold eyes made him feel a lump in his heart. His hand trembled and the drawing fell out.

Gu Jiao was not interested in his things, but she didn't want to see them. Then her steps stopped.

Marquis Gu quickly picked up the drawing, patted off the dust with his hand, and glared at Gu Jiao: "what are you looking at? It's not a mansion for you

Words fall, think of oneself rare in this smelly girl in front of show off once, he dusted the drawing, to her way, "know what this is? It's a mansion built by the Empress Dowager's Ministry for Miss Zhuang. "

"What is this?" Gu Jiao holds the sleeping small clearance in one hand, and points to a small dot on the drawing to ask.

"Gu Hou Ye picks eyebrow way:" ancient well

"And this one?"

"Begonia tree, to be tall, tree body tied straw mat, said to be the kind of plate a child."

"Why a child?"

"How do I know? If you have the ability, ask the Empress Dowager! "

He rarely incarnated in Gu Yi, but his tone was arrogant! Can say, he subconsciously raised his hand, a hug head!

As a result, Gu Jiao didn't hit him.

Just... It was a surprise.

Gu Jiao continues to ask curiously: "what is this again?"

Today is about the longest conversation between father and daughter since they met. After so many words, the girl hasn't even started beating him!

Is this girl finally becoming filial? How proud of life!

"This is bamboo, this is dog house, this is chicken house, here is birdcage, here is vegetable field, here is east house, here is Westinghouse..."

Marquis Gu said, but he noticed something wrong.

He looked at the drawings and the yard in front of him.

What the hell?

Isn't this the house?

Gu Jiao also saw it.

She took out her purse and looked at it carefully for a long time.

I don't want you anymore. She'll listen to her aunt herself.

The next day, Gu Jiao went to the Imperial Palace by giving the emperor a return visit. This time, it was her turn to play missing. She went to Gongfang and disappeared.

There are guards in the palace, but it's not too much for her to avoid.

She came to the royal garden.

Maybe it's a nice day. Maybe empress dowager Zhuang doesn't want to stay in Renshou palace. In short, she often sits in the garden alone recently.

When Gu Jiao came over, she was in a daze at a potted plant of Xifu Begonia.

"Who?" Qin Gong saw the shadow on the ground, looked back at Gu Jiao and said warily, "it's you again!"

Empress Dowager Zhuang also turned her head at the news.

At Gu Jiao's first glance, Empress Dowager Zhuang's mood leaped for a moment, but the next second, her heart cooled down when she thought of something.

"What are you doing here?" Asked the Empress Dowager in a deep voice.

Gu Jiao said, "I'm looking for my aunt."

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "there is no your aunt here."

"There is." Gu Jiao said with a little grievance.

Empress Dowager Zhuang's heart suddenly clenched. She squeezed her fingers tightly and said in a cold voice, "don't play such a little trick with AI family. You were not born when AI family killed a blood in the back palace. These are all left over from AI family! Is it true that I will be fooled by you? "

Gu Jiao didn't rush to retort, but stretched out her hand, spread out her fingers and showed her purse in her palm.

Empress Dowager Zhuang didn't know what she had lost, but the moment she saw the purse, she knew that what she had been looking for was it.

Empress Dowager Zhuang's eyes were even colder: "how can the things of AI family be in your hands?"

Gu Jiao dropped her eyes and said: "someone gave it to me, said you gave it back to me, said you didn't want me."

How can AI Jia not want you? You are Jiao Jiao of AI family

The words flashed into empress dowager Zhuang's mind——