The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 273

Zhuang Yuexi noticed the Empress Dowager's sudden coldness. The girl in her heart is sure to die. The Empress Dowager is really angry. Today, even if her majesty comes, she can't be saved!

However, what Zhuang Yuexi didn't expect was that the Empress Dowager didn't attack. She stared at Gu Jiao's outstretched hand for a long time, but her eyes became colder and colder.

But you are angry!

Empress Dowager Zhuang closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and suppressed some kind of outrage.

Zhuang Yuexi is excited, coming, coming!

"Who let you in?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang gave a sharp drink.

Yeah, who let you in? Zhuang Yuexi is proud in her heart, but she soon realizes that something is wrong. Why are they all looking at her?

There was no reason for her to clatter. She looked at empress dowager Zhuang and realized later that the sentence seemed to be scolding her.

Is the Empress Dowager blaming her for breaking into the dormitory?


Isn't the girl who intruded first? She also climbed the Queen Mother's Phoenix bed!

The girl is still in bed now! The Empress Dowager does not punish her, but scolds her own niece and granddaughter? What kind of truth is this?!

Without waiting for Zhuang Yuexi to figure out why, Empress Dowager Zhuang spoke again. Her voice was always dignified and cold: "who is guarding the dormitory today?"

Qin Gonggong said: "if you go back to the empress dowager, it's Xiao Li Zi and Xiao De Zi."

Empress Dowager Zhuang didn't lift her eyelids. She said mercilessly, "the staff is twenty. Drive them out of Renshou palace. I don't want to see them again!"

Zhuang Yuexi's body trembled!

It was she who asked father-in-law Li and father-in-law De to let her in. She also promised them that if something happened, she would take it all by herself, but as a result, she implicated them both.

Empress Dowager Zhuang may not be unaware that she asked them to do this on her own initiative, but she did so. This is to set an example to others.

"Empress dowager, please spare my life -- too --"

Outside the bedroom hall, before they could call out a complete sentence, they were gagged and dragged down by Duke Qin.

This is the Imperial Palace, and no mistake is allowed. The Empress Dowager came here in the same way. Everyone only saw her shining side, but they didn't know how hard she worked every step of the way.

Is the Empress Dowager born to be so resolute? It's not that the loss of food is too much, and the number of dead people is too much, so they step on the withered bones and ascend the Phoenix seat of the Empress Dowager.

Do all Qin Gonggong sympathize with them?

There is no sympathy.

Today, they just listen to Zhuang Yuexi's words. When they look back, they also listen to their opponent's bewitching. Who killed them?

There was a beating on the board outside. Every time she hit, Zhuang Yuexi's face turned pale. At last, when Qin Gonggong came back to reply, Zhuang Yuexi's face turned pale.

She looked at herself kneeling at the feet of the empress dowager, and at Gu Jiao, who was sitting comfortably on the bed of the Empress Dowager. For a moment, she didn't understand what was wrong?

It is clear that she is the treasure of the dealer, and that girl is just the mud in the dust.

Empress Dowager Zhuang said: "what is pestle doing here? Do you still use AI family to teach you how to do it? How can you break into AI's bedroom and destroy AI's Phoenix seal? Are you waiting for the reward from the mourning family? You should be glad that your family name is Zhuang and you are from the family of AI family. Otherwise, if you have ten heads, it's not enough for AI family to chop down! "

"Empress Dowager!" Zhuang Yue Xi was so scared that she knelt down on the ground.

Empress Dowager Zhuang lightly looked away and said unkindly, "go back to the banker and shut the door for the sad family!"

Zhuang Yuexi was wronged: "Phoenix seal is not..."

Empress Dowager Zhuang interrupted her coldly: "you are dead."

That's a heartbreaking remark.

In front of the palace and Gu Jiao, Zhuang Yuexi seems to have been slapped in the face. The punishment of closing the door is not terrible. What is terrible is that she has no face in front of the people she despises.

Gu Jiao's slap is just on Zhuang Yuexi's face, but the Empress Dowager's slap is on Zhuang Yuexi's self-esteem.

When Zhuang Yuexi was wronged to the extreme, her tears began to revolve in her eyes: "yes, Yuexi left. Please take care of her Phoenix body. Yuexi will visit the Empress Dowager another day."

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "you'd better not come without the call of AI's family."

Zhuang Yuexi: that's polite. Is it necessary for me to do it so well?

Zhuang Yuexi left the palace in a mess.

A few days ago, the Zhuang sisters went to the palace to serve the Empress Dowager. Because the Empress Dowager favored Zhuang Yuexi alone, Zhuang Mengdie felt bored. She packed her bags and went home early, which saved her embarrassment.

Duke Qin took Sasa's maids to clean up the mess on the ground.

There is a lamp in the bedroom.

I don't know if it's because there is a little girl on the Phoenix bed. It's obviously out of place, but it makes people feel that the strict and cold palace has a fresh breath.

Gu Jiao sits on the bed, right to the finger, also don't know oneself should come down, still don't come down.

Empress Dowager Zhuang came to the bed and sat down. Her eyes were fixed on the back of her red hands, but she did not speak.

Duke Qin came over with sharp eyes and said to Gu Jiao with a smile, "girl, your hand is injured. I have some medicine for the sores here. Please smear it on the girl."

Gu Jiao looked at her hand strangely: "where is it hurt? I didn't

Empress Dowager Zhuang's eyes were chilly.

Gu Jiao looked at her and then at Qin Gong.

Duke Qin winked at her.

Gu Jiao: "Oh."

She held out her little paw and said, "OK."

Duke Qin made a move to give Gu Jiao the medicine, but suddenly he thought of something. He patted his head and said, "look, I've just finished sweeping. My hands are not clean. I'd like to trouble the Empress Dowager to take the medicine for the girl."

Look what a human spirit is. That's it.

Qin Gonggong seems not embarrassed at all. He once spoke harshly to Gu Jiao. He doesn't want any money here.

Duke Qin gave the medicine to empress dowager Zhuang, and then he took the palace people back.

The Empress Dowager used to hurt people. How did she not know before? But the Empress Dowager didn't want her unknown side to be known.

Only Gu Jiao and Empress Dowager Zhuang were left in the room.

Gu Jiao thought about it and handed her paws to empress dowager Zhuang: "wipe the medicine quickly."

It's better not to wipe it!

Empress Dowager Zhuang

The back of Gu Jiao's hand is really OK. Empress dowager Zhuang put a little cool ointment on her and said to her, "turn around."

"Well?" Gu Jiao is slightly stunned.

Empress Dowager Zhuang said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry, turn around."

"Oh." Gu Jiao turned around obediently.

Empress Dowager Zhuang gently lifted up her bedroom clothes. Gu Jiao's little body was stiff for a moment, and she was about to turn around. However, she heard empress Zhuang say, "don't move!"

Gu Jiao then did not move.

Gu Jiao's back is full of scars, swelling has disappeared, but there are large areas of cyanosis, scars formed a thick scab, scab edge of the skin slightly red.

If she didn't scratch, she would itch. If she scratched, she would hurt again. Gu Jiao usually endured it.

She didn't say a word about how the scar came from, and she swayed around in front of Empress Dowager Zhuang as if nothing had happened.

Empress Dowager Zhuang remembered that she would cook for a while and hang the roof upside down for a while. She would smile heartlessly in front of her, and her heart would be blocked inexplicably.

She smeared the wound with medicine on her fingertips.

"Oh, dear." Gu Jiao's body trembled, subconsciously to the side of a hide.

"Does it hurt?" Asked empress dowager Zhuang nervously.

"It itches." Gu Jiao said.

When the scab falls, it is itchiest. The Empress Dowager Zhuang can't help her. She can only apply more ointment to make her cool.

Gu Jiao sits cross legged on the Phoenix bed, and her aunt daubs her medicine.

Suddenly, she thought of something and asked, "aunt, do you remember?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang gave a hand and said seriously, "No."

"Oh." Gu Jiao is disappointed.

After applying the medicine, Empress Dowager Zhuang asked people to pass on the meal.

Gu Jiao is really hungry. She seldom takes a nap. Unexpectedly, she sleeps in the evening.

She looked at the delicate and delicious dishes on the table, in which there was a meat shop sprinkled with sesame seeds. She was consistent with her aunt in her love of sesame seeds.

This is obviously the butcher shop Xiao LIULANG wanted from his classmate in Guozijian. It tastes the same.

"Auntie, don't you really remember?" Gu Jiao was eating at the butcher's shop, looking at empress dowager Zhuang suspiciously.

This is what she loves to eat.

Empress Dowager Zhuang said in a light way, "where can I talk so much when I eat your food?"

Gu Jiao continued to eat.

The dishes in the palace are very rich. Gu Jiao even ate sea crabs.

The crab meat and crab paste are picked out and then put back into the crab shell. The organs that should be removed are removed. If you go down with one chopstick, the crab paste is full of crab meat.

"Why don't you eat it, Auntie?" Gu Jiao asked.

"I've eaten it." Said empress dowager Zhuang.

It's true that I've eaten it. What I still eat is Xiao LIULANG's dark food. The Empress Dowager Zhuang is so disgusting that she doesn't want to eat for the next three days!

Gu Jiao thought about it and took out a small paper bag from her purse. After opening it, she found three candied fruits: "does aunt eat this? Take a little after dinner. You won't accumulate food. "

Empress Dowager Zhuang cleared her throat and took it with disgust on her face. She would never let Gu Jiao see her saliva.

It is the taste in memory, sweet and sour, with a hint of plum fragrance.

Different from the candied fruit in the palace, it's not so sweet, but it's unexpectedly delicious.

After three, Empress Dowager Zhuang was still in the mood.

Gu Jiao blinked her eyes and asked, "is it a familiar taste?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang wrote to herself, "how can I eat just three?"

"So it is." Gu Jiao hesitated for a moment and took out a small paper bag from her purse, which contained three candied fruits.

Empress Dowager Zhuang silently looked at the candied fruit and Gu Jiao's purse.

That purse was hand embroidered by Empress Dowager Zhuang. It's Gu Jiao's 15-year-old Ji Ji Li. She embroidered two quails and several quail eggs. In fact, she wanted to embroider mandarin ducks. But the embroidery work was not satisfactory. She became a quail.

How did she deliver such a silly thing?

Empress Dowager Zhuang was very disgusted.

Sure enough, people will do stupid things when their brains are broken. This is the black history of Empress Dowager Zhuang's whole life.

Empress Dowager Zhuang finished the three preserves.

Once upon a time, as an old lady, Gu Jiao only allowed empress dowager Zhuang to eat three pills a day, but only five during the Spring Festival. If she wanted to eat more, she had to find a way to hide her privacy,

But in fact, I can't hide too much, because xiaojingkong especially likes to check her post. When she finds it, she goes to complain!

Empress Dowager Zhuang was not satisfied after eating six of them. She hummed coldly and said, "what is familiar or unfamiliar? It doesn't taste good. Try some more! "

Gu Jiao looked at her suspiciously: "aunt, you are not to rub a few preserves, deliberately?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang choked: "how, how possible!"

In the end, Empress Dowager Zhuang didn't eat the seventh candied fruit. Not only that, when Gu Jiao left, she told Duke Qin not to eat sweet food. She couldn't eat some melons and fruits with high sugar content.

Duke Qin answered with a smile.

Empress Dowager Zhuang's face is all black!

But after Zhuang Yuexi came back to the dealer crying, Zhuang Taifu asked her what was wrong with her. Was something wrong with the Empress Dowager? Why are you crying like this?

When the Empress Dowager was sent to the palace for convalescence, Zhuang Yuexi didn't shed half a tear, although she was also a little sad.

Zhuang Yuexi was aggrieved and said: "the empress dowager, the Empress Dowager drove me out of the palace..."

Zhuang Taifu was puzzled: "why?"

Zhuang Yuexi grabs Gu Jiao's bag and climbs to the Phoenix bed. Gu Jiao slaps her and breaks the seal. She says: "it's her fault. It's her who hit me that I hit her! But the Empress Dowager all blamed me... "

Zhuang Taifu frowned suspiciously: "isn't the Empress Dowager in love with you? How could... "

Zhuang Yuexi where can say empress dowager ache is not she, is that wench?

But it's strange that the Empress Dowager is not so obvious during the day. At night, the Empress Dowager seems to have changed. Something must have happened!

She explained her doubts.

Zhuang Taifu was silent for a long time and said, "I know. Go back to your room first. I'll go into the Palace tomorrow and see the Empress Dowager."

"Yes." Zhuang Yuexi answered wrongly and went back to the house with red eyes.

The next day, after the early court, Zhuang Taifu kept up with empress dowager Zhuang's Feng fan: "Empress Dowager!"

Empress Dowager Zhuang raised her hand.

Kneeling on one side, the palace maid understood and said softly, "stop."

Feng Chua was near Jinluan hall.

Zhuang Taifu bowed his hand and said, "can the Empress Dowager take a step to speak?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang brushed her sleeves and said, "you can tell me, there are no people here who can't listen."

"Yes." Zhuang Taifu looked at the expressionless palace man and Qin Gonggong, stepped forward, approached the high Phoenix, and said, "Xi'er has made trouble in the palace. I've taught her a lesson when I come back. Please let the Empress Dowager calm down."

"Talk to people." Empress Dowager Zhuang said in a light way.

Empress Dowager Zhuang doesn't like to beat around the bush with others unless it is necessary, but it is obvious that there is no such need with her brother.

Zhuang Taifu sighed and said, "I asked Xi'er about yesterday. She was really wrong. She shouldn't intrude into the Empress Dowager's bedroom. However, she is the Empress Dowager's own niece. If the Empress Dowager punished her in front of so many servants and a daughter of the people, would she not step down?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "she is not the daughter of the people. She is the daughter of the Marquis of Ding'an. She is the wife of the new champion."

Zhuang Taifu: is that the point?

Empress Dowager Zhuang then said, "besides, she has the courage to pretend that she is in mourning. What steps can she expect from the mourning family?"

Zhuangtaifu didn't know the story of faking Yizhi. If it was true, it would be very important.

This is an unforgivable sin, just like passing on the emperor's edict.

Empress Dowager Zhuang: Oh, dare to say to Jiaojiao, please don't be Jiaojiao. Why doesn't she go to heaven?

Zhuang Taifu came to ask for a crime, but he was put in the army. He was so embarrassed that he couldn't do it. He naturally complained that Zhuang Yuexi was hiding and didn't speak clearly, but he was also very curious about the girl's ending.

Zhuang Taifu looked at the Empress Dowager and said, "how did the Empress Dowager deal with that girl?"

He doesn't care about the number one lady. He doesn't care about hou Fu's money. The point is that she climbed the Phoenix bed and smashed the seal. She'll die!

"Is there anything I need to tell you?" Empress Dowager Zhuang's cold eyes came.

Zhuang Tai Fu didn't dare to say a word for a moment. He pinched his finger and said: "then... I'll leave first."

"Wait a minute." Empress Dowager Zhuang stopped him and said, "you've come just in time. I think of one thing. I've given your granddaughter a lot of things recently. I'll return them all!"

Zhuang Taifu staggered and almost fell down!

Did he hear right?

What did the Empress Dowager want them to return?

You, you are the Empress Dowager of a country. Can you do that?

The original empress dowager could not do such a disgraceful thing, but she is now living a hard life!

In order to support her family, she also went to the market to buy mountain goods. Her identity is a fart! Can you eat it!

Why should she give money to the wrong people?

She's coming back. What's the matter!

Zhuang Taifu almost didn't have a mouthful of old blood, so what did he come to her for? I can't remember without looking for her.

When Zhuang Taifu returns to his residence, Zhuang Yuexi is happily waiting for his grandfather to get justice for him, but he is waiting for his grandfather's hesitation.

"Grandfather, what's the matter? What does the Empress Dowager say? " She asked.

Zhuang Taifu coughed softly and said, "the Empress Dowager asked you to return the things she gave you."

Zhuang Yuexi looks pale: "what?"

Zhuang Taifu also felt that his family had done it wrongly. He said: "anyway, don't you say you don't like it?"

When did she say she didn't like it? It's just that it's different from what she used to like. What's more, it's one thing that she doesn't like. It's another thing that the Empress Dowager wants to go back!

When she thought of something, Zhuang Yue Xi said, "what about the princess mansion in the south of the city? Will the Empress Dowager take it back? "

Qin Gonggong, who was ordered by the Empress Dowager to take things, went to the door and heard this sentence. He turned to the accompanying eunuch and said, "go back and ask the Empress Dowager if the new house should be taken back?"

Zhuang Yuexi

Why does she have to say so much!!!