The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 249

Marquis Gu must not shout!

How old is this guy? Even though he was wearing a mask, his eyes, hands and even his figure could reveal his age, which was about the age of Yan'er!

How can I call him dad?!

His father is also true!

How can I catch up with my own son when I'm old enough to pay homage to others? Did he really pick it up? How else do you pit your son's father?

What Marquis Gu didn't know was that he not only had his son's father, but also his daughter!

"It's human!" The old Marquis bluntly reminded.

In fact, he knows that he has gone too far. Where can his son call his brother father? At most, it's a uncle.

Can still be that sentence, he agreed, he is to face people, so can only pit son.

"I don't cry!"

What a shame!

Marquis Gu is also a man of backbone. If his father wants face, will he not?

Don't cry if you don't cry. Don't cry if you kill me!

The Marquis couldn't get off the stage, so he swung his hand to beat him.

It's not natural for me to beat my son.

Marquis Gu closed his eyes. OK, you fight! Let you fight! I'm a loser!

But Gu Jiao stopped the old Marquis and wrote on the small cardboard with a charcoal pen: No, Guan, tie, er, Zi, no, listen, talk, slow, slow, teach.

To be a father is to be patient!

Gu Jiao wrote a few words again and showed them to Marquis Gu: passing, coming, eating and eating.

Marquis Gu took a look at the words, and his mouth seemed to understand how his father and the other party made obeisance to each other.

It's just the ugly word. It's in the same line as their family man!

In the family of Gu, even if he is as good as Gu Changqing, his handwriting is hard to say.

So his father found intimacy in other people's calligraphy, right?

But then again, he can't talk? He's a little dumb?

Marquis Gu looked up and down at each other. The mask covered the upper half of his face, but his eyes and chin should be a delicate young man.

It's a pity.

Marquis Gu sat down beside him.

The identity is different. Gu Jiao's feeling of looking after Marquis Gu is different. She shows great interest in him and looks at him like an old father.

Marquis Gu's heart is very angry.

Is it really good for a teenager to look at people like this?

The meal was quickly presented.

Marquis Gu was surprised, eh? Why are all his favorite dishes?

When Marquis Gu peeled a shrimp.

Gu Jiao showed a small look of satisfaction and praise.

Marquis Gu: No, I just peel a shrimp? I'm not retarded!

Then Marquis Gu began to eat.

Gu Jiao didn't speak in the whole process, but Marquis Gu always felt that her eyes were like this——

Look, look! He ate shrimp! He can eat shrimp!

Look, look! He ate fish! He can spit!

The above is Gu houye's own brain tonic. He thinks that the other party should not have this meaning, but what's the meaning of the other party's excited little eyes?

"You... You want to eat?" Marquis Gu asked Gu Jiao with the peeled shrimp. What he didn't want to ask, as long as he was dazzled by each other's eyes.

Gu Jiao nodded.

Marquis Gu put the shrimp into her bowl.

Gu Jiao cocked her head.

Marquis Gu seemed to read a sentence from her small eyes: Wow, how filial!

Marquis Gu was so shocked by his conjecture that he had to keep his head! Stop thinking!

The old Marquis met an acquaintance and went out to say hello.

They're the only ones left in the wing room.

Gu Jiao didn't give up the idea of letting him call him Dad. She coaxed him and wrote in charcoal: you, Jiao, Dad, here, you, Hong, Bao!

Marquis Gu peeled the shrimp: "ha ha, you call me dad, I'll give you a red envelope!"

Gu Jiao thought about it and wrote: give, more, less?

Marquis Gu

Gu Jiao also wrote: I, did not, read, book. Words, learning, getting, not, good. This, a, word, how, Mo, read?

The word was crooked. Marquis Gu spent all his life learning to recognize an outline. He frowned and said uncertainly, "down?"

Gu Jiao: "ah!"

Marquis Gu

What cunning little thing is this?

Wait, there seems to be something wrong with the sound!

This looks like a doll?!

As soon as the tiger body of marquis Gu was shocked, he suddenly looked at Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao to finger, just now too excited, a carelessly should make a sound.

Marquis Gu looked up and down at her and said, "are you..."

Gu Jiao shook her head decisively: I'm not!

Marquis Gu suddenly stood up and said, "you are --"

Gu Jiao hit her with a small fist!

"Ah -" Lord Gu was beaten into a panda's eye. He covered his left eye.

Gu Jiao rushed out of the door.

It took Marquis Gu a long time to recover.

The familiar strength, the familiar formula

Why are you so like that smelly girl?

Although Marquis Gu has no evidence, he thinks that there is absolutely no other brave person in the world except that smelly girl!

In order to confirm his conjecture, marquis Gu, regardless of whether his father is still in the teahouse, chases him out.

His body, which has been raised for more than half a month, can't compare with Gu Jiao, who has been exercising every day. After a while, he lost it.

He simply went to the hospital, Gu Jiao is not in.

be not in?


He immediately went to the blue water Hutong, he also saw where the girl was hiding this time!

The door of the courtyard was open. He walked in angrily and was about to give me a big drink. The smelly girl rolled out for me. As a result, he saw Yao wearing a loose goose yellow skirt and embroidering on the rattan chair in the front yard.

I haven't seen Yao for a long time. His face is more mellow and his complexion is more ruddy. Although he is not fat, he is much brighter.

Marquis Gu was stunned.

Mammy Fang was the first to find him. She bowed and saluted: "Marquis!"

Yao's face turned slowly. Xu was comfortable here. All the knots between her eyebrows disappeared. Her eyebrows were clear and graceful, and her whole body was full of maternal tenderness.

Such a Yao family is something that Marquis Gu has never seen.

Yao put down the needle and thread in his hand: "what's the matter with Hou ye?"

"I'll... I'll... See you." Marquis Gu stepped forward and said.

Yao pointed to the stool on one side: "sit down, marquis."

"I'll make a pot of tea for you!" Mother Fang said and left.

Marquis Gu looked at Yao, his eyes could not move, he held Yao's hand: "this period of time did not come to see you, I am not good."

"Nothing." Yao asked, "is Jinyu OK?"

Yao has never been back since she moved out. Jinyu came to see her at first, but she hasn't come recently.

"She's fine, just a little miss you." Marquis Gu's eyes fell on her slightly fat figure, and he wanted to ask her if she was fat. When he spoke, he thought it was a fatal problem.

He said, "by the way, is Jiaojiao at home?"

Yao said in a low voice, "she hasn't woken up from her afternoon nap. Are you looking for her?"

Marquis Gu murmured: "what time is it, still taking a nap?"

Yao said, "she goes to bed late. What can I do for her? "

Marquis Gu cleared his throat, shook his head and said, "ah... No, I just... Care about her. Is she at home all afternoon?"

Yao nodded: "well, there is nothing wrong with the hospital today. She has been staying at home."

Isn't that girl? Do you think too much?

Yao won't cheat himself. It seems that he really thinks too much.

The date of the palace examination has come out. The minor examination is scheduled for April 15, while the regular examination is scheduled for April 17.

The so-called Mini examination is a thorough examination before the palace examination, which is held in the imperial palace. Its purpose is to make the examinees familiar with the examination environment in advance and listen to the imperial rules, so as not to lose their manners in front of the emperor.

The quiz is not included in the results, but you can't test blindly, which will offend the examiner.

On April 11 and 12, Gongyuan will issue matching cards and citations to all Gongsheng in Chunwei.

Dui Pai is used to enter the palace, while kaoyin is used to enter the examination room.

The citation and matching cards must be collected from the Gongyuan in person.

Early in the morning of the 11th, Feng Lin and Lin Chengye came to Bishui Hutong to find Xiao LIULANG. They took their tribute documents and went to the Gongyuan together to exchange cards and quotations.

The documents are to be kept in the imperial court. After the examination, they are returned to the court in exchange for the Gongshi documents.

The three met Du Ruohan at the door.

In the examination, Feng Lin was 176th, and Lin Chengye was 123rd, all of which were lower in the ranking. Du Ruohan got 15 in the exam, but he was only a few short of the top 10. He was a good seed player.

Feng Lin patted Du Ruohan on the shoulder: "come on, little belly, take the palace examination well, and strive to win the gold medal with LIULANG!"

Du Ruohan snorted: "why do you want to be with him? Can't I make my own gold list? And what's the matter with you two? Don't you want to win the gold medal

Du Ruohan's aptitude is excellent in the whole capital, otherwise Zhuang Xianzhi would not spend time and energy to teach him personally. Feng Lin and Lin Chengye are hard-working talents. They are not so good teachers as Xiao LIULANG. They may not even pass the exam.

have passed the examination?

They'll let it go.

Du Ruohan saw that their fighting spirit was not high, and said: "OK, OK, let's not talk about this. Go to the queue! Let's see if the four of us can come together! "

Although we can't cheat together, it's more or less a psychological comfort in that strange and dignified environment.

Xiao LIULANG didn't say anything, but silently stood behind the three.

"LIULANG, come to the front!" Feng Lin Dao.

Du Ruohan snorted: "you know you are used to him!"

Lin Chengye also stepped back to make room for Xiao LIULANG.

Du Ruohan is about to have a stroke.

The number and position of the examination are the same.

When they got the kaoyin, they found that there were two sitting together, but Du Ruohan and Xiao LIULANG.