The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 248

In the next room, Gu Jiaogang treats Xiao Jingkong. He doesn't have any injuries, mainly his heart.

He was so sad that he couldn't show himself in front of outsiders. In Gu Jiao's arms, he couldn't help but sit in a ball with a small body and a small head drooping.

He put his hands on his head and said tearfully, "hair... It's gone again..."

"Does it hurt?" Gu Jiao looked at his little bald head and asked.

I'm scared to death that the little guy actually used the iron head skill that he didn't practice at all.

"Pain, blow." Little clearance patted his little bald head.

Gu Jiao gave him a gentle blow.

Xiaojingkong enjoys lying in Gu Jiao's arms. Her head is buried in her neck. She is so happy.

Gu Jiao thought of the picture when she just brought the little guy back to the hospital.

At that time, the little guy didn't know that ming'er misunderstood their relationship and thought that he was really the son of Princess Yuqin. He was embarrassed to Princess Yuqin and solemnly said, "sorry, although you are my mother, I still can't go back with you. I want to be with Jiaojiao. Jiaojiao takes care of me. I want to take care of Jiaojiao too."

Who saved who?

Gu Jiao kisses the little guy's little bald head.

"Jiao Jiao, did you just kiss me?" The little guy asked with a little hope.

"Well, kiss you." Gu Jiao nodded.

Xiaojingkong is so shy that she grabs Gu Jiao's skirt with both hands, buries her head in her arms and turns herself into a mimosa.

In another wing room of the medical center, Prince Yu and Xiao LIULANG are thanking Liu Yisheng, the person who did good deeds in this accident.

Liu Yisheng happened to be nearby when ming'er was knocked down by a stick. Liu Yisheng didn't know ming'er, but he had seen Xiao Jingkong with Gu Jiao from a distance. I'm afraid Gu Jiao didn't know that.

Liu Yisheng is a weak scholar. It's impossible for him to win a few points, but he is Liu Yisheng.

"I'm Liu Yisheng here." I wish half the people in the capital would come and beat him.

He pointed to the middle-aged man and the paihuazi named Lao Li: "this is my eldest brother and second brother who I have just sworn to. With them, you can't hurt me!"

Then I was beaten when I patted huazi!

Liu Yisheng took his two children back to the hospital.

That's what happened.

As for Liu Yisheng, Xiao LIULANG and Prince Yu have only heard of him, but have not seen him. They know that he is the descendant of Liu Guifei's mother family. Because of the involvement of Liu Guifei and his family, his life in the capital is difficult.

I didn't expect that the two children were saved by him.

Prince Yu personally sent a thank-you gift: "thank you for saving the dog, young master Liu. I hope you will accept it."

Liu Yisheng is so short of silver that he accepts it without any excuse.

Prince Yu is very satisfied. He doesn't like to owe people. The other party's acceptance of the gift shows that the other party has the same intention.

He couldn't help looking at each other more: "I heard about your situation in the capital. Would you like to go to the state of Liang?"

Liu family colluded with the state of Chen, not the state of Liang. There was no such sensitive political relationship between Liu Yisheng and Yuqin palace. Even if there is, with the ability of Prince Yu, you can protect a Liu Yisheng.

But Liu Yisheng said, "thank you for your kindness. I don't want to leave yet."

No matter what he says or does, Liu Yisheng doesn't beat around the Bush, which is much better than those hypocritical and polite young people.

Prince Yu didn't ask Liu Yisheng that his situation was like this. After saying a few words of gratitude, Prince Yu went to the next room to visit Minger.

There were only Xiao LIULANG and Liu Yisheng left in the room.

Xiao LIULANG naturally wants to express his gratitude. He has just earned some money by writing articles for others and plans to give it to Gu Jiao. Now it's not bad to be a reward first.

In addition to the reward, he took two books left by fenglao and put them in the brocade box.

But what he didn't expect was that Liu Yisheng didn't want it.

"Why?" Xiao LIULANG looks at him in a puzzled way.

Liu Yisheng looked at Xiao LIULANG and said, "doctor Gu treats me. He either takes less or no money. I owe doctor Gu a favor. I can't accept your thanks."

Xiao LIULANG looked at Liu Yisheng again. He was pale, but he had a pretty face, red lips and white teeth.

So, a king of Anjun is not enough, but another Liu Yisheng?

Xiao LIULANG's eyes suddenly become chilly!

Liu Yisheng

Ming'er's injury is a little serious. He almost broke his spine when he hit him with that stick, but although his spine is preserved, his spleen is broken.

After xiaojingkong falls asleep in Gu Jiao's arms, Gu Jiao puts xiaojingkong on the bed, pulls over the quilt, and turns to check Minger's condition next door.

Ming'er also fell asleep.

Yuqin's eyes are red and swollen. After ming'er said that she had found her younger brother and asked her not to cry, her tears never stopped.

It's heartache, it's remorse, it's also a kind of satisfaction and happiness that people love deeply.

The pain of bereavement seems to be no longer important. Looking at the child who almost lost her life for her, she suddenly feels that it is the greatest honor of her life to be his mother.

"Miss Gu, thank you very much this time... Thank you for saving Minger again..." Princess Yu got up to thank Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao stopped her leaning and shook her head slightly: "don't thank me. It's you who really saved him."

When Gu Jiao operated on ming'er, she was in a critical situation of massive bleeding and needed emergency blood transfusion.

Unfortunately, ming'er turned out to be a rare panda blood. No one matched his blood type except Princess Yuqin.

It was Princess Yuqin who gave ming'er a second life.

Gu Jiao said: "from now on, your blood is flowing in his body."

Yuqin nodded chokingly, leaned over and touched Minger's forehead with her forehead, two drops of tears fell.

Even without this, he will always be her son.


Minger recuperates in Gu Jiao's courtyard.

Xiaojingkong came to the medical school to accompany him after school. Obviously, the two people who had experienced shooting huazi together became real brothers.

He knew that he was not his brother, but it did not hinder the revolutionary friendship between them.

Minger's Zhaoguo dialect is excellent, but xiaojingkong's Liangguo dialect still lacks some heat. Minger often tutors him.

With the language environment, the small clearance of Liang dialect has made great progress.

On this day, xiaojingkong accompanied Minger to bask in the sun in the yard.

Ming'er suddenly said to Xiao Jingkong, "I want to be a general in the future. What about you?"

Xiaojingkong thought about it and said seriously, "I miss the number one scholar in the book examination!"

Minger lost: "if only you were also a general, if the two countries were at war in the future, I would retreat for you for 30 Li!"

Xiaojingkong was successfully led by him. He imagined a small picture of himself leading the soldiers, patted his chest and said, "then I won't kill your soldiers!"

In April, ming'er's injury gradually recovered, and the negotiation between the two countries came to an end.

Although Prince Yu no longer asked for the child, he didn't take back the glass technology and gave it to Zhao state as an equivalent exchange.

As for bilateral unequal trade, there is not much room for compromise. Kindness is kindness, and politics is politics. Besides, kindness is Gu Jiao's personal behavior, which has nothing to do with the imperial court.

Prince Yu is an excellent politician. He will never get angry when his head is hot. The glass technology has been his biggest concession. Even this is a cut before you play. When you go back, you will be scolded by the monarch.

To be honest, the emperor was quite surprised by the result. There is no doubt that the state of Liang came to cut meat. In that year, one drainage technology was replaced by three mines in Zhaoguo, large and small. In contrast, this year, it is very lenient.

Yan, Liang and Jin are the upper states, while Zhao, Chen and Zhao are the lower states. In fact, there is another Turk, but none of the six states recognize it as one state.

In recent years, the state of Chen has made good relations with the state of Jin, and the relations with other countries are not too bad. The state of Zhao can't break the relations with the state of Liang, otherwise it will become helpless.

At the end of the first ten days of April, the trip of Liang's envoys in the capital was also over.

The emperor personally practiced for the Liang envoys in the Jinluan hall, and then the prince and Xuanping sent the Liang envoys out of the capital.

Before departure, ming'er went to the hospital.

He has already removed the stitches. Although he can't jump, his recovery is fast. It's no problem to go to the ground.

He came to say goodbye to his little brother.

"If you go to the state of Liang in the future, you should remember to come to Yuqin's mansion to find me, and I'll treat you to delicious food!"

After knowing that there is no limit to the amount of small clearance food, ming'er classifies the small clearance into the ranks of food.

Xiaojingkong: in fact, the real food at home is my aunt.

"This is for you!" Ming'er gives her favorite cutlass to xiaojingkong.

It's not an ordinary machete. It's a gift he caught when he was catching Zhou. Liang people attach great importance to the gift. They usually don't give it to others easily.

Xiaojingkong is a bit of a fan. He is a scholar. What should he do with a knife? He won't be able to use it again.

However, since it was Minger's brother's intention, he accepted it happily, and then planned to give a gift back to Minger.

In order to avoid the same situation as brother ming'er, he opened his small box and let brother ming'er pick his own.

"You can choose whatever you like!"

Many of the things in the small clearance are broken and in a mess. Gu Jiao cleaned them up, but in a few days they were messed up by the small clearance again. For ming'er, who is used to using gold, silver and jade, it's a big accident scene.

Ming'er suddenly sympathizes with the younger brother.

My brother's family is too poor to afford a decent toy.

When he returns home, he must send his brother the best toys.

In order not to hurt her brother's self-esteem, ming'er resisted the impulse to close the box and chose the most humble box.

He won't take the big pieces in it. Maybe my younger brother can exchange them for some money in the future.

Ming'er felt that it was not enough to give him only a machete. He asked the waiter, "do you have any silver on you?"

"Yes." Said the waiter.

"Give it to me! Give it all to me Ming'er robbed the waiter's silver, took out a piece of old yellow paper in the box, put the silver note in, and left the box for her brother, in case the box could sell for some money.

After that, ming'er said goodbye to xiaojingkong.

After that, the family set foot on the road back to the state of Liang.

The visit of the envoys of the state of Liang had a great influence on the state of Zhao, but for the common people, it was just a little more talk. Of course, in the near future, they may feel this change personally.

The imperial examination system in the state of Liang is much more complete than that in the state of Zhao. It is not only because the state of Liang has the military examination, but also because the state of Liang does not take the Eight Legged examination, but has joined in arithmetic, law, farming and astronomy.

This has greatly broadened the comprehensive ability of talents. If we change Gu Jiao's previous life's view, it is probably the comprehensive examination of Arts and science, not only liberal arts students have a way out.

Of course, the proportion of four books and five classics is still the largest.

The emperor thought that this kind of imperial examination was very good. He was good at astronomy and arithmetic. Maybe Zhao could follow suit in the future.

The old Marquis resigned from his official post. It was not his turn to worry about the reception of the envoys. He had been resting in the mansion all these days.

Last time he got drunk. When he woke up, the Marquis remembered what he had promised on the wine table. He was very regretful. How could he tell his son to call someone dad when he got hot?

That little brother is really young. How can he have such a strange hobby?

But it's hard for a gentleman to catch up with his word. Gu Chao is a man who keeps his promise. He must never break his word!

Therefore, on the first day of his recovery, marquis Gu stepped into his room with a kind face.

Marquis Gu saw his father for the first time after he was beaten by his father. He was surprised.

He bowed his hand and said, "Dad!"

"Well." The Marquis cleared his throat and asked, "how is your injury? Is he cured? "

Is his father here to care about him?

Marquis Gu was flattered: "I'm much better! Let father worry, it's son's not. "

I don't worry about you.

The old Marquis coughed again and said, "I'm here... To tell you something. I've... Found you a father. "


Marquis Gu was at a loss.

No, you find me a mother, I can understand, what do you mean to find a father? Do you have such a heavy mouth when you are old? What's wrong with disrespect for the elderly!

The old Marquis also realized that his expression was wrong, so he quickly corrected: "I have recognized a father for you."

It's not as good as that sentence. How can you say that the general is stupid? If the old sacrificial wine is here, there are absolutely 100 ways to make it beautiful and clear.

"It's me who bowed to a brother! You are his son, too, according to generations. You have to call him father! "

The Marquis simply took people to see his brother.

Gu Jiao told the Marquis that it was Gu, which was the first name in the martial arts school. It was inconvenient to change it. Moreover, Gu Jiao didn't bother to change it.

There are many people surnamed Gu in Beijing. The Marquis didn't doubt it. On the contrary, he felt that they had a special fate. They both surnamed Gu, and they bowed to each other. This kind of fate is hard to find with lanterns on!

The contact between the old Marquis and Gu Jiao is through Taihe martial arts school. They will leave letters and replies in the martial arts school. The old Marquis left a letter for Gu Jiao, asking him to get together in the tea shop tomorrow evening. He will take his unfilial son with him.

Gu Jiao wrote back to him soon.

There was only one word on the letter: OK.

After Gu Jiao finished her work in the hospital, she changed into a childe costume, put on a peacock feather mask and went to the tea shop happily!

Today, someone is going to call dad.

Gu Jiao is waiting quietly in the wing room of the tea shop. She is a little excited, and her legs shake a few times in front of the chair.

The old Marquis is a punctual man. He didn't let Gu Jiao wait too long.

He took Mr. Gu to the second floor of the tea shop.

"Mr. Gu is here." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

"Gu? Dad? Your brother's surname is Gu, too? " Marquis Gu feels strange!

The old Marquis glared at him: "don't offend others later."

"I know, I know, your sworn brother. How dare I offend you?" The old Marquis said this all the way, as if he was afraid that he was not sensible and would do something to others.

Are you kidding? He's a marquis at least, and he's been in officialdom for many years. Can't he understand how to deal with people?

Isn't that Daddy?

Godfather adoptive father is a father, his father's brother, called not to lose!


The old Marquis opened the door and said, "brother Gu, here comes the big brother!"

Little brother? Shouldn't it be called brother?

What Marquis Gu thought was a little old man who was about the same age as his own father. But when he entered the house, he saw a young man like white jade?

The young man was also wearing a peacock plume mask.

Marquis Gu is so confused!

He's going to call this kid daddy?

Gu Jiao's excitement is about to disappear. She is sitting with her eyes wide open. Her small fist is tugged tightly and looks at Gu Hou Ye.

Come on, come on!