The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 250

Feng Lin is not without envy: "I really envy that you can sit with LIULANG."

The serial numbers of two people are connected, either front and rear or left and rear.

Du Ruohan rolled his eyes: "what can I admire? You have to like it and trade with you! "

He doesn't understand. When he was a child, he was the best friend with Feng Lin. that little belly was an outsider and lived for a short time. How could he be pushed down?

Feng Lin said, "I'd like to change it, but the examiner has to agree."

Lin Chengye also showed great admiration. He also wanted to sit next to Xiao LIULANG.

Du Ruohan was puzzled and said, "no, what's the matter with you two? Sitting next to him, can you copy his test paper or something? "

Feng Lin gave him a look that could only be meaningful but could not be expressed: "you don't understand. As long as I sit next to LIULANG, I'm at ease."

Lin Chengye also nodded.

So is he.

Feng Lin is from Songxian County. Although his family lives in the county, yenai and his family are in the countryside. To put it bluntly, he is a poor boy in the countryside. He has never seen the world in his life.

He is about to see the emperor of Zhao state. Just thinking about him, his legs are weak.

Although Lin Chengye is the son of the richest man in Youzhou, he is not respected in the world because of his low status as a businessman since ancient times.

The supervisor of Guozijian mentions him. Is there a few stinky money at home? Some even said that his ranking was bought with money.

In a word, Lin Chengye is more afraid of meeting the Emperor than Feng Lin.

Xiao LIULANG looked at the two humanitarians and said, "don't think too much about it first. Just take a normal exam. The emperor is not a snake or beast. He won't blame the examinee for a trifle."

Du Ruohan hummed: "you haven't seen it before. How do you know?"

Xiao LIULANG didn't answer.

In fact, the real pressure is on him. He has a premonition that as long as he enters the palace, he will surely attract the attention of the emperor.

Although he had enough confidence to deal with it, he could not guarantee the attitude of the emperor.

Feng Lin also convinced Du Ruohan, always aiming at LIULANG, he said: "OK, don't talk about this, go back quickly. Little belly, are you going back to the dealer or with us? We're going to go to LIULANG's house to bet on the test

Du Ruohan wanted to say that he couldn't go. He thought of something and asked, "is Jiao Niang there?"

Xiao LIULANG looked at him coldly: "she is not here!"

Du Ruohan

Du Ruohan finally went. Zhuang Xianzhi is a very old-fashioned person. He started to bet on the test questions. He thinks that whether a person can get into the exam has nothing to do with luck, it all depends on hard power.

So in fact, Du Ruohan has made more efforts than ordinary people in addition to his own excellence.

Zhuang Xianzhi never talks about examination skills. Du Ruohan's spelling is all the ink in his stomach.

Gu Jiao is not at home today.

She has just received a letter from Xue Ningxiang. Xue Ningxiang said in the letter that her mother-in-law is out of shape. She asked her to bring a letter to tuizhuang to see if she could come back to see her mother for the last time.

The body of Xue Ningxiang's mother-in-law, Gu Jiao, is aware that normal aging, the major organ failure, drug irreversible.

Gu Jiao doesn't know much about the situation in the military camp. She's not sure whether Zhuang can go home on Tuesday. It's said that Ding you can, but Xue's mother-in-law is not dead.

Gu Jiao thought about it and decided to go to the barracks.

Deputy General Hu was transferred back to Hushan camp, and Gu Changqing was also in the camp. Gu Jiao didn't bother him. She just asked the guard to send a message to Zhou Erzhuang, saying that he was waiting for him outside the camp.

On Tuesday, Zhuang became the close relative guard of Deputy General Hu. His position was much higher than that at the beginning, and no one was willing to perfunctory him any more.

The guard went to report.

But on Tuesday Zhuang is practicing, he is the object of training, can not leave halfway, guard let Gu Jiao and so on.

Gu Jiao did not wait for a while, Gu Changqing came out from inside.

Gu Changqing was also practicing, but he is the one who practices others. It doesn't matter if he walks for a while.

"What a coincidence." Gu Jiao said hello to him.

Gu Changqing nodded.

In fact, where is such a coincidence? It's just that someone did it deliberately.

Gu Changqing has already said hello to the guard. If a girl surnamed Gu comes to Hushan camp, be sure to inform him.

Just now, the guard went to inform Gu Changqing first and then Zhou Erzhuang.

These Gu Changqing did not say.

Seeing a letter in her hand, Gu Changqing asked, "do you want to send a letter to tuizhuang?"

Gu Jiao nodded: "well. There's a letter from his family. His mother is very ill. I hope to see him for the last time. Can you ask for leave in the barracks? "

"Yes, please." Gu Changqing said quietly.

The guard on one side is stunned. Is it really good for you to open your eyes and tell lies like this?

Hushan camp's Hushi general is notoriously inhumane. It's more difficult for him to ask for leave than to go to heaven. Unless he doesn't want to be in the camp, he will have to be demoted when he comes back.

Gu Changqing held out his hand: "give it to me, you go back first, I will tell him."

Gu Jiao thought, "OK. Go to the hospital before you send me back. I have something to take back

Gu Changqing should, took the letter, watched Gu Jiao on the carriage, then turned into the camp.

Deputy General Hu is not under his command, nor his immediate superior. He is under general ran, while Deputy General Hu is under general Qin.

He didn't have much personal relations with general Qin and Vice General Hu.

After hesitating for a moment, he went to the camp of Deputy General Hu and told him about tuizhuang: "my sister and his sister-in-law are old days."

By the way, he also explained why he helped each other several times.

Deputy General Hu suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Zhuang Neng asked the son of marquis Ding'an to deliver things in person on Tuesday. It turned out that there was such a relationship.

Tuizhuang is a mud legged boy from the countryside. His brother and sister-in-law are also from the countryside. They should have been from the countryside in the past.

Deputy General Hu had heard that the Marquis's daughter was born in a wrong way and grew up among the people. It must be her.

Gu Changqing's point about the family house was up to now, and Vice General Hu didn't go to the bottom of it. He laughed and said, "this boy has been with me for several years. He has suffered a lot. He is bold and careful, and has made great contributions. One year, he sent a letter to me and passed by Youzhou. In order not to delay the military situation, he was unable to enter... It's time to give him a holiday."

This remark is somewhat exaggerated.

It's true that Zhuang is hardworking and brave to kill the enemy on Tuesday, but he can enter through the door.

He was on the road outside Youzhou by water, hundreds of miles away from Qingquan village.

Gu Changqing to these scenes words see through don't say through: "is sister please of matter, so, trouble Hu adult."

Shizi, these three words are inseparable from his sister. He always talks about his sister. Is his feeling so good?

Growing up in the country, haven't you seen it several times?

Gu Changqing is known as a cold faced Yan Luo in the military camp. From his mouth, he has never heard of any family members, including his two brothers and the well-known Qian Jin.

I thought he didn't like his younger brother and sister. Looking at the way he mentioned her today, his eyes were soft.

Deputy General Hu touched his nose.

What a ghost today.

However, the Duwei, who never made friends with others, would come to him on his own initiative, which made deputy general Hu very flattered. What happened today is that Gu Changqing owes him a favor.

As for the cavalry general, he had a good reason.

The next day, on Tuesday, Zhuang took his luggage and went to the hospital.

"Excuse me, is Gu jiaoniang there?"

He asked shopkeeper Wang.

Shopkeeper Wang looked at Gu Jiao who was checking the medicine cabinet and said, "Miss Gu, someone is looking for you!"

"Some of these herbs are affected with damp. Take them out to dry." Gu Jiao told the drug boy to turn his head and walk towards the counter, "who's looking for me?"

Shopkeeper Wang pointed to me.

On Tuesday Zhuang looked at Gu Jiao dumbfounded.

This, this, this... This is... Jiaoniang?

It's different from what I remember!

Even if Xue Ningxiang repeatedly stressed in her letter that Gu Jiao's silly illness had healed and she was a normal girl, she still didn't combine the girl in front of her with the little fool in her memory.

It's really... It's so different.

If not to say that there are any features have not changed, it is probably the birthmark on the face.

"Tuesdays?" Gu Jiao guessed the identity of the other party.

"Ah, yes! I'm Er Zhuang On Tuesday Zhuang awkwardly came back to himself. He had learned some rules from Vice General Hu. It was very impolite for him to stare at others like this.

Simply Gu Jiao didn't mind, she looked at the burden on his back: "are you going to start?"

On Tuesday, Zhuang said: "well, Deputy General Hu just has a task to send me a letter to governor Lu of Youzhou, which should be handed over to governor Lu in person. Deputy Hu will allow me to go home after delivering the letter. "

That sounds good.

It's a task to carry out, and it's better to go home by the way than simply asking for leave.

Gu Jiao didn't know that this was the result of Gu Changqing's struggle. She said to Zhang Zhuang: "you wait, I have something for you to take back."


Gu Jiao went back to the courtyard and took out a big burden. She told him in detail what was for Xue Ningxiang, what was for president Li, and what was for Luo Lizheng.

In the end, a package was given.

On Tuesday Zhuang hurriedly refused: "you usually give me this to take, already enough! I can't ask for your money any more! Besides, I'm on a mission this time, and Vice General Hu has given me money! "

A lot of them.

It's also the blessing of Gu Changqing, but Deputy General Hu didn't let him know.

He insisted, Gu Jiao did not reluctantly: "well, be careful on the road."

"Ah! Then I'll go! "

On Tuesday Zhuang was very glad that he didn't bully her when he was a child, and he was quite magnanimous when he met her, but... It was quite unexpected.

On Tuesday, Zhuang people went far away and couldn't help looking back.

The Imperial College has no holiday these days, but the examinees who want to take part in the palace examination basically don't go to class. They are all at home or in their dormitories to cultivate their body and mind.

The content of the palace examination is not much. It only takes one or two subjects, which is no more difficult than the previous examination. It mainly depends on the party struggle and the emperor's preference.

At this point, we basically know what our strength is. It doesn't make much sense to cram temporarily. It's better to relax and keep in a good condition.

Xiao LIULANG didn't go to the Imperial College either. Only when Xiao Jingkong finished school, he would pick up someone.

This afternoon, elementary school is a Cuju class. There was a small Cuju match, which lasted for a while. When the little clearance came out, it was a little dark.

Xiao LIULANG looked at the little guy's sweating face, and gave him a handkerchief: "wipe it yourself."

Xiao Jingkong said, "Jiaojiao helps me clean it every time!"


Xiao LIULANG: "wipe it yourself."

Small clearance: "I am tired, very tired."

OK, you are tired.

Xiao LIULANG picked his eyebrows and brought the little guy over to wipe his sweat.

Then one big and one small go back.

Unfortunately, the carriage from the palace to pick up Qin Chuyu also arrived.

The curtain of the car was lifted, and a beautiful figure came down from the car. Who is not the princess?

The Crown Princess usually doesn't get out of the carriage. Today, she is so bored that she plans to go down to get some air. Unexpectedly, she meets Xiao LIULANG face to face.

What Xiao LIULANG was wearing was not the prison clothes of the Imperial College, but a simple and elegant white robe.

The crown princess was stunned.

The Crown Princess once saw Xiao LIULANG from a distance on the carriage, which was totally different from the feeling when she looked at him near.

At that time, it was just a side face that was not very true, but now it is a complete front face.

For a moment, she seemed to see the young Marquis who was the most famous in zhaodu, but she seemed to be more beautiful, with a green and introverted temperament between the youth and the man.

Let a person see, can't move line of sight again.

The two female officials were also stunned, as if they were surprised by Xiao LIULANG's appearance.

But soon, the three noticed the little clearance around Xiao LIULANG.

The crown princess has seen xiaojingkong. Together with Qin Chuyu and Xu Zhouzhou, the grandson of Shangshu family of the Ministry of war, he beat up Prince Liang Guoyu's son.

I heard it was a civilian.

Does it have anything to do with this man?

Is this man really just a person who looks similar to the Marquis?

Xiaojingkong is on the other side of xiaoliulang. Xiaoliulang blocks his sight and doesn't see the princess.

And Xiao LIULANG didn't seem to see it. He took xiaojingkong and walked by the princess without squinting.

The crown princess's eyes chased him, turned around, looked at his back leaning on crutches, and suddenly asked the female officials around him: "you said last time, who picked up the civilian's child?"

The female official owes to lean over body, way: "return to the words of the crown princess, is Xuan Ping Hou."